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OS-1571 Placate gcc -Wparentheses
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/zoneadmd/vplat.c
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/zoneadmd/vplat.c
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1163 1163                  goto cleanup;
1164 1164          }
1165 1165  
1166 1166          if (brand_platform_iter_link(bh,
1167 1167              mount_one_dev_symlink_cb, prof) != 0) {
1168 1168                  zerror(zlogp, B_TRUE, "failed to add standard symlink");
1169 1169                  goto cleanup;
1170 1170          }
1171 1171  
1172 1172          /* Add user-specified devices and directories */
1173      -        if (err = zonecfg_setdevent(snap_hndl)) {
     1173 +        if ((err = zonecfg_setdevent(snap_hndl)) != 0) {
1174 1174                  zerror(zlogp, B_FALSE, "%s: %s", zone_name,
1175 1175                      zonecfg_strerror(err));
1176 1176                  goto cleanup;
1177 1177          }
1178 1178          while (zonecfg_getdevent(snap_hndl, &ztab) == Z_OK) {
1179 1179                  if (di_prof_add_dev(prof, ztab.zone_dev_match)) {
1180 1180                          zerror(zlogp, B_TRUE, "failed to add "
1181 1181                              "user-specified device");
1182 1182                          goto cleanup;
1183 1183                  }
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