1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright (c) 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   3 .\" Copyright (c) 2013, Joyent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   4 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   5 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
   6 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
   7 .TH PORT_ASSOCIATE 3C "Jan 18, 2013"
   8 .SH NAME
   9 port_associate, port_dissociate \- associate or dissociate the object with the
  10 port
  12 .LP
  13 .nf
  14 #include <port.h>
  16 \fBint\fR \fBport_associate\fR(\fBint\fR \fIport\fR, \fBint\fR \fIsource\fR, \fBuintptr_t\fR \fIobject\fR,
  17      \fBint\fR \fIevents\fR, \fBvoid *\fR\fIuser\fR);
  18 .fi
  20 .LP
  21 .nf
  22 \fBint\fR \fBport_dissociate\fR(\fBint\fR \fIport\fR, \fBint\fR \fIsource\fR, \fBuintptr_t\fR \fIobject\fR);
  23 .fi
  26 .sp
  27 .LP
  28 The \fBport_associate()\fR function associates specific \fIevents\fR of a given
  29 \fIobject\fR with a \fIport\fR.  Only objects associated with a particular port
  30 are able to generate events that can be retrieved using \fBport_get\fR(3C) or
  31 \fBport_getn\fR(3C). The delivery event has its \fBportev_user\fR member set to
  32 the value specified in the \fIuser\fR parameter. If the specified object is
  33 already associated with the specified port, the \fBport_associate()\fR function
  34 serves to update the \fIevents\fR and \fIuser\fR arguments of the association.
  35 The \fBport_dissociate()\fR function removes the association of an object with
  36 a port.
  37 .sp
  38 .LP
  39 The objects that can be associated with a port by way of the
  40 \fBport_associate()\fR function are objects of type \fBPORT_SOURCE_FD\fR and
  41 \fBPORT_SOURCE_FILE\fR. Objects of other types have type-specific association
  42 mechanisms. A \fBport_notify_t\fR structure, defined in \fB<port.h>\fR, is used
  43 to specify the event port and an application-defined cookie to associate with
  44 these event sources. See \fBport_create\fR(3C) and \fBsignal.h\fR(3HEAD).
  45 .sp
  46 .LP
  47 The \fBport_notify_t\fR structure contains the following members:
  48 .sp
  49 .in +2
  50 .nf
  51 int       portntfy_port;  /* bind request(s) to port */
  52 void      *portntfy_user; /* user defined cookie */
  53 .fi
  54 .in -2
  56 .sp
  57 .LP
  58 Objects of type \fBPORT_SOURCE_FD\fR are file descriptors. The event types for
  59 \fBPORT_SOURCE_FD\fR objects are described in \fBpoll\fR(2). At most one event
  60 notification will be generated per associated file descriptor.  For example, if
  61 a file descriptor is associated with a port for the \fBPOLLRDNORM\fR event and
  62 data is available on the file descriptor at the time the \fBport_associate()\fR
  63 function is called, an event is immediately sent to the port. If data is not
  64 yet available, one event is sent to the port when data first becomes available.
  65 .sp
  66 .LP
  67 When an event for a \fBPORT_SOURCE_FD\fR object is retrieved, the object no
  68 longer has an association with the port.  The event can be processed without
  69 the possibility that another thread can retrieve a subsequent event for the
  70 same object.  After processing of the file descriptor is completed, the
  71 \fBport_associate()\fR function can be called to reassociate the object with
  72 the port.
  73 .sp
  74 .LP
  75 Objects of type \fBPORT_SOURCE_FILE\fR are pointer to the structure
  76 \fBfile_obj\fR defined in \fB<sys/port.h>\fR. This event source provides event
  77 notification when the specified file/directory is accessed, modified,
  78 truncated or when its status changes. The path name of the file/directory to
  79 be watched is passed in the \fBstruct file_obj\fR along with the \fBaccess\fR,
  80 \fBmodification\fR, and \fBchange\fR time stamps acquired from a \fBstat\fR(2)
  81 call. If the file name is a symbolic link, it is followed by default. The
  82 \fBFILE_NOFOLLOW\fR needs to be passed in along with the specified events if
  83 the symbolic link itself needs to be watched and \fBlstat()\fR needs to be
  84 used to get the file status of the symbolic link file.
  85 .sp
  86 .LP
  87 The \fBstruct file_obj\fR contains the following elements:
  88 .sp
  89 .in +2
  90 .nf
  91 timestruc_t     fo_atime;  /* Access time from stat() */
  92 timestruc_t     fo_mtime;  /* Modification time from stat() */
  93 timestruc_t     fo_ctime;  /* Change time from stat() */
  94 char            *fo_name;  /* Pointer to a null terminated path name */
  95 .fi
  96 .in -2
  98 .sp
  99 .LP
 100 At the time the \fBport_associate()\fR function is called, the time stamps
 101 passed in the structure \fBfile_obj\fR are compared with the file or
 102 directory's current time stamps and, if there has been a change, an event is
 103 immediately sent to the port. If not, an event will be sent when such a change
 104 occurs.
 105 .sp
 106 .LP
 107 The event types that can be specified at \fBport_associate()\fR time for
 109 \fBFILE_ATTRIB\fR, and \fbFILE_TRUNC\fR. The first three of these correspond
 110 to the three time stamps: an \fBfo_atime\fR change results in the
 111 \fBFILE_ACCESS\fR event, an \fBfo_mtime\fR change results in the
 112 \fBFILE_MODIFIED\fR event, and an \fBfo_ctime\fR change results in the
 113 \fBFILE_ATTRIB\fR event. If the operation that induced the time stamp update
 114 also truncated the file, \fBFILE_TRUNC\fR will be set in the resulting event.
 115 .sp
 116 .LP
 117 The following exception events are delivered when they occur. These event types
 118 cannot be filtered.
 119 .sp
 120 .in +2
 121 .nf
 122 FILE_DELETE       /* Monitored file/directory was deleted */
 123 FILE_RENAME_TO    /* Monitored file/directory was renamed */
 124 FILE_RENAME_FROM  /* Monitored file/directory was renamed */
 125 UNMOUNTED         /* Monitored file system got unmounted */
 126 MOUNTEDOVER       /* Monitored file/directory was mounted over */
 127 .fi
 128 .in -2
 130 .sp
 131 .LP
 132 At most one event notification will be generated per associated \fBfile_obj\fR.
 133 When the event for the associated \fBfile_obj\fR is retrieved, the object is no
 134 longer associated with the port. The event can be processed without the
 135 possibility that another thread can retrieve a subsequent event for the same
 136 object. The \fBport_associate()\fR can be called to reassociate the
 137 \fBfile_obj\fR object with the port.
 138 .sp
 139 .LP
 140 The association is also removed if the port gets closed or when
 141 \fBport_dissociate()\fR is called.
 142 .sp
 143 .LP
 144 The parent and child processes are allowed to retrieve events from file
 145 descriptors shared after a call to \fBfork\fR(2). The process performing the
 146 first association with a port (parent or child process) is designated as the
 147 owner of the association. Only the owner of an association is allowed to
 148 dissociate the file descriptor from a port. The association is removed if the
 149 owner of the association closes the port .
 150 .sp
 151 .LP
 152 On NFS file systems, events from only the client side (local)
 153 access/modifications to files or directories will be delivered.
 155 .sp
 156 .LP
 157 Upon succesful completion, 0 is returned. Otherwise, \(mi1 is returned and
 158 \fBerrno\fR is set to indicate the error.
 160 .sp
 161 .LP
 162 The \fBport_associate()\fR and \fBport_dissociate()\fR functions will fail if:
 163 .sp
 164 .ne 2
 165 .na
 166 \fB\fBEBADF\fR\fR
 167 .ad
 168 .RS 10n
 169 The \fIport\fR identifier is not valid.
 170 .RE
 172 .sp
 173 .ne 2
 174 .na
 175 \fB\fBEBADFD\fR\fR
 176 .ad
 177 .RS 10n
 178 The \fIsource\fR argument is of type \fBPORT_SOURCE_FD\fR and the object
 179 argument is not a valid file descriptor.
 180 .RE
 182 .sp
 183 .ne 2
 184 .na
 185 \fB\fBEINVAL\fR\fR
 186 .ad
 187 .RS 10n
 188 The \fIsource\fR argument is not valid.
 189 .RE
 191 .sp
 192 .LP
 193 The \fBport_associate()\fR function will fail if:
 194 .sp
 195 .ne 2
 196 .na
 197 \fB\fBEACCES\fR\fR
 198 .ad
 199 .RS 11n
 200 The source argument is \fBPORT_SOURCE_FILE\fR and, Search permission is denied
 201 on a component of path prefix or the file exists and the permissions,
 202 corresponding to the events argument, are denied.
 203 .RE
 205 .sp
 206 .ne 2
 207 .na
 208 \fB\fBEAGAIN\fR\fR
 209 .ad
 210 .RS 11n
 211 The maximum number of objects associated with the port was exceeded. The
 212 maximum allowable number of events or association of objects per port is the
 213 minimum value of the \fBprocess.max-port-events\fR resource control at the time
 214 \fBport_create\fR(3C) was used to create the port. See \fBsetrctl\fR(2) and
 215 \fBrctladm\fR(1M) for information on using resource controls.
 216 .sp
 217 The number of objects associated with a port is composed of all supported
 218 resource types. Some of the source types do not explicitly use the
 219 \fBport_associate()\fR function.
 220 .RE
 222 .sp
 223 .ne 2
 224 .na
 225 \fB\fBENOENT\fR\fR
 226 .ad
 227 .RS 11n
 228 The source argument is \fBPORT_SOURCE_FILE\fR and the file does not exist or
 229 the path prefix does not exist or the path points to an empty string.
 230 .RE
 232 .sp
 233 .ne 2
 234 .na
 235 \fB\fBENOMEM\fR\fR
 236 .ad
 237 .RS 11n
 238 The physical memory limits of the system have been exceeded.
 239 .RE
 241 .sp
 242 .ne 2
 243 .na
 244 \fB\fBENOTSUP\fR\fR
 245 .ad
 246 .RS 11n
 247 The source argument is \fBPORT_SOURCE_FILE\fR and the file system on which the
 248 specified file resides, does not support watching for file events
 249 notifications.
 250 .RE
 252 .sp
 253 .LP
 254 The \fBport_dissociate()\fR function will fail if:
 255 .sp
 256 .ne 2
 257 .na
 258 \fB\fBEACCES\fR\fR
 259 .ad
 260 .RS 10n
 261 The process is not the owner of the association.
 262 .RE
 264 .sp
 265 .ne 2
 266 .na
 267 \fB\fBENOENT\fR\fR
 268 .ad
 269 .RS 10n
 270 The specified object is not associated with the port.
 271 .RE
 274 .LP
 275 \fBExample 1 \fRRetrieve data from a pipe file descriptor.
 276 .sp
 277 .LP
 278 The following example retrieves data from a pipe file descriptor.
 280 .sp
 281 .in +2
 282 .nf
 283 #include <port.h>
 285 int               port;
 286 int               fd;
 287 int               error;
 288 int               index;
 289 void              *mypointer;
 290 port_event_t      pev;
 291 struct timespec_t timeout;
 292 char              rbuf[STRSIZE];
 293 int               fds[MAXINDEX];
 295 /* create a port */
 296 port = port_create();
 298 for (index = 0; index < MAXINDEX; index++) {
 299     error = mkfifo(name[index], S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
 300     if (error)
 301             /* handle error code */
 302     fds[index] = open(name[index], O_RDWR);
 304     /* associate pipe file descriptor with the port */
 305     error = port_associate(port, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fds[index],
 306         POLLIN, mypointer);
 307 }
 308 \&...
 309 timeout.tv_sec = 1;     /* user defined */
 310 timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
 312 /* loop to retrieve data from the list of pipe file descriptors */
 313 for (...) {
 314     /* retrieve a single event */
 315     error = port_get(port, &pev, &timeout);
 316     if (error) {
 317             /* handle error code */
 318     }
 319     fd = pev.portev_object;
 320     if (read(fd, rbuf, STRSIZE)) {
 321             /* handle error code */
 322     }
 323     if (fd-still-accepting-data) {
 324             /*
 325              * re-associate the file descriptor with the port.
 326              * The re-association is required for the
 327              * re-activation of the data detection.
 328              * Internals events and user arguments are set to the
 329              * new (or the same) values delivered here.
 330              */
 331             error = port_associate(port, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, POLLIN,
 332                 pev.portev_user);
 333     } else {
 334             /*
 335              * If file descriptor is no longer required,
 336              * - it can remain disabled but still associated with
 337              *   the port, or
 338              * - it can be dissociated from the port.
 339              */
 340         }
 341 .fi
 342 .in -2
 344 .LP
 345 \fBExample 2 \fRBind AIO transaction to a specific port.
 346 .sp
 347 .LP
 348 The following example binds the AIO transaction to a specific port.
 350 .sp
 351 .in +2
 352 .nf
 353 #include <port.h>
 355 int             port;
 356 port_notify_t   pn;
 357 aiocb_t         aiocb;
 358 aiocb_t         *aiocbp;
 359 void            *mypointer;
 360 int             error;
 361 int             my_errno;
 362 int             my_status;
 363 struct timespec_t timeout;
 364 port_event_t    pev;
 366 port = port_create();
 367 \&...
 368 /* fill AIO specific part */
 369 aiocb.aio_fildes = fd;
 370 aiocb.aio_nbytes = BUFSIZE;
 371 aiocb.aio_buf = bufp;
 372 aiocb.aio_offset = 0;
 374 /* port specific part */
 375 pn.portnfy_port = port;
 376 pn.portnfy_user = mypointer;
 377 aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_PORT;
 378 aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &pn
 380 /*
 381  * The aio_read() function binds internally the asynchronous I/O
 382  * transaction with the port delivered in port_notify_t.
 383  */
 384 error = aio_read(&aiocb);
 386 timeout.tv_sec = 1;     /* user defined */
 387 timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
 389 /* retrieve a single event */
 390 error = port_get(port, &pev, &timeout);
 391 if (error) {
 392         /* handle error code */
 393 }
 395 /*
 396  * pev.portev_object contains a pointer to the aiocb structure
 397  * delivered in port_notify_t (see aio_read()).
 398  */
 399 aiocbp = pev.portev_object;
 401 /* check error code and return value in
 402 my_errno = aio_error(aiocbp);
 403 \&...
 404 my_status = aio_return(aiocbp);
 405 \&...
 406 .fi
 407 .in -2
 410 .sp
 411 .LP
 412 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 413 .sp
 415 .sp
 416 .TS
 417 box;
 418 c | c
 419 l | l .
 421 _
 422 Architecture    all
 423 _
 424 Interface Stability     Committed
 425 _
 426 MT-Level        Safe
 427 .TE
 430 .sp
 431 .LP
 432 \fBrctladm\fR(1M), \fBpoll\fR(2), \fBsetrctl\fR(2), \fBport_alert\fR(3C),
 433 \fBport_create\fR(3C), \fBport_get\fR(3C), \fBport_send\fR(3C),
 434 \fBsignal.h\fR(3HEAD), \fBattributes\fR(5)