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12236 getmembers_DN doesn't properly handle errors from __ns_ldap_dn2uid
12240 nss_ldap does not properly look up group members by distinguished name

@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * Copyright 2017 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2020 Joyent, Inc.
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>

@@ -3593,107 +3594,176 @@
         return (rc);
+typedef struct lookup_data {
+        const char *lkd_dn;
+        const char *lkd_service;
+        const char *lkd_filter;
+        const ns_cred_t *lkd_cred;
+        ns_conn_user_t *lkd_user;
+} lookup_data_t;
- * find_domainname performs one or more LDAP searches to
- * find the value of the nisdomain attribute associated with
- * the input DN (with no retry).
+ * This creates a service search descriptor that can be used to
+ * retrieve a specific DN by using the DN as the basedn with a search
+ * scope of 'base'. We don't use any service SSDs in this instance since
+ * they are intended to search specific locations/subtrees and filter the
+ * results, while here we are wanting to retrieve a specific entry.
 static int
-find_domainname(const char *dn, char **domainname, const ns_cred_t *cred,
-    ns_ldap_error_t **errorp, ns_conn_user_t *conn_user)
+lookup_create_ssd(lookup_data_t *dn_data, ns_ldap_search_desc_t **descpp)
+        ns_ldap_search_desc_t *dptr;
+        *descpp = NULL;
+        dptr = calloc(1, sizeof (ns_ldap_search_desc_t));
+        if (dptr == NULL)
+                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
+        dptr->basedn = strdup(dn_data->lkd_dn);
+        dptr->scope = NS_LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
+        dptr->filter = strdup(UIDFILTER);
+        if (dptr->basedn == NULL || dptr->filter == NULL) {
+                __ns_ldap_freeASearchDesc(dptr);
+                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
+        }
+        *descpp = dptr;
+        return (NS_LDAP_SUCCESS);
+static int
+lookup_dn(lookup_data_t *dn_data, const char **attrs,
+    ns_ldap_result_t **resultp, ns_ldap_error_t **errorp)
         ns_ldap_cookie_t        *cookie;
-        ns_ldap_search_desc_t   **sdlist;
-        ns_ldap_search_desc_t   *dptr;
-        int                     rc;
-        char                    **value;
+        int                     rc = 0;
         int                     flags = 0;
-        *domainname = NULL;
         *errorp = NULL;
+        *resultp = NULL;
-        /* Initialize State machine cookie */
+        if (dn_data == NULL || dn_data->lkd_dn == NULL ||
+            dn_data->lkd_dn[0] == '\0' || dn_data->lkd_filter == NULL)
+                return (NS_LDAP_INVALID_PARAM);
         cookie = init_search_state_machine();
-        if (cookie == NULL) {
+        if (cookie == NULL)
                 return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
-        }
-        cookie->conn_user = conn_user;
-        /* see if need to follow referrals */
-        rc = __s_api_toFollowReferrals(flags,
-            &cookie->followRef, errorp);
-        if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) {
-                delete_search_cookie(cookie);
-                return (rc);
+        rc = __s_api_toFollowReferrals(flags, &cookie->followRef, errorp);
+        if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS)
+                goto out;
+        /* 1 for SSD, 1 for terminating NULL */
+        cookie->sdlist = calloc(2, sizeof (ns_ldap_search_desc_t *));
+        if (cookie->sdlist == NULL) {
+                rc = NS_LDAP_MEMORY;
+                goto out;
-        /* Create default service Desc */
-        sdlist = (ns_ldap_search_desc_t **)calloc(2,
-            sizeof (ns_ldap_search_desc_t *));
-        if (sdlist == NULL) {
-                delete_search_cookie(cookie);
-                cookie = NULL;
-                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
+        rc = lookup_create_ssd(dn_data, &cookie->sdlist[0]);
+        if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS)
+                goto out;
+        if (dn_data->lkd_service != NULL) {
+                /*
+                 * If a service was specified, set that on the cookie so
+                 * that search_state_machine() will properly map
+                 * attributes and objectclasses.
+                 */
+                cookie->service = strdup(dn_data->lkd_service);
+                if (cookie->service == NULL) {
+                        rc = NS_LDAP_MEMORY;
+                        goto out;
-        dptr = (ns_ldap_search_desc_t *)
-            calloc(1, sizeof (ns_ldap_search_desc_t));
-        if (dptr == NULL) {
-                free(sdlist);
-                delete_search_cookie(cookie);
-                cookie = NULL;
-                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
-        sdlist[0] = dptr;
-        /* search base is dn */
-        dptr->basedn = strdup(dn);
-        /* search scope is base */
-        dptr->scope = NS_LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
-        /* search filter is "nisdomain=*" */
-        dptr->filter = strdup(_NIS_FILTER);
-        cookie->sdlist = sdlist;
-        cookie->i_filter = strdup(dptr->filter);
-        cookie->i_attr = nis_domain_attrs;
-        cookie->i_auth = cred;
+        cookie->i_attr = attrs;
+        cookie->i_auth = dn_data->lkd_cred;
         cookie->i_flags = 0;
+        cookie->i_filter = strdup(dn_data->lkd_filter);
+        if (cookie->i_filter == NULL) {
+                rc = NS_LDAP_MEMORY;
+                goto out;
+        }
-        /* Process search */
-        rc = search_state_machine(cookie, INIT, 0);
-        /* Copy domain name if found */
+        /*
+         * Actually perform the search. The return value is only used when
+         * iterating through multiple results. Since we are searching with
+         * a scope of base, we will always get at most one result entry,
+         * we ignore the return value and look at err_rc to determine if
+         * there were any errors.
+         */
+        (void) search_state_machine(cookie, INIT, 0);
         rc = cookie->err_rc;
         if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) {
-                if (conn_user != NULL && conn_user->ns_error != NULL) {
-                        *errorp = conn_user->ns_error;
-                        conn_user->ns_error = NULL;
+                ns_conn_user_t *user = dn_data->lkd_user;
+                if (user != NULL && user->ns_error != NULL) {
+                        *errorp = user->ns_error;
+                        user->ns_error = NULL;
                 } else {
                         *errorp = cookie->errorp;
+                        cookie->errorp = NULL;
-        }
-        if (cookie->result == NULL)
+        } else if (cookie->result != NULL) {
+                *resultp = cookie->result;
+                cookie->result = NULL;
+        } else {
                 rc = NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND;
-        if (rc == NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) {
-                value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(cookie->result->entry,
-                    _NIS_DOMAIN);
-                if (value[0])
+        }
+        delete_search_cookie(cookie);
+        return (rc);
+ * find_domainname performs one or more LDAP searches to
+ * find the value of the nisdomain attribute associated with
+ * the input DN (with no retry).
+ */
+static int
+find_domainname(const char *dn, char **domainname, const ns_cred_t *cred,
+    ns_ldap_error_t **errorp, ns_conn_user_t *conn_user)
+        lookup_data_t           ldata;
+        ns_ldap_result_t        *result;
+        char                    **value;
+        int                     rc;
+        *domainname = NULL;
+        *errorp = NULL;
+        ldata.lkd_dn = dn;
+        ldata.lkd_service = NULL;
+        ldata.lkd_filter = _NIS_FILTER;
+        ldata.lkd_cred = cred;
+        ldata.lkd_user = conn_user;
+        rc = lookup_dn(&ldata, nis_domain_attrs, &result, errorp);
+        if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS)
+                return (rc);
+        value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(result->entry, _NIS_DOMAIN);
+        if (value != NULL && value[0] != NULL) {
                         *domainname = strdup(value[0]);
-                else
+                if (*domainname == NULL)
+                        rc = NS_LDAP_MEMORY;
+        } else {
                         rc = NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND;
-        if (cookie->result != NULL)
-                (void) __ns_ldap_freeResult(&cookie->result);
-        cookie->errorp = NULL;
-        delete_search_cookie(cookie);
-        cookie = NULL;
+        (void) __ns_ldap_freeResult(&result);
         return (rc);
  * __s_api_find_domainname performs one or more LDAP searches to

@@ -4237,77 +4307,55 @@
         (char *)NULL
-__ns_ldap_dn2uid(const char *dn, char **userID, const ns_cred_t *cred,
+__ns_ldap_dn2uid(const char *dn, char **userIDp, const ns_cred_t *cred,
     ns_ldap_error_t **errorp)
-        ns_ldap_result_t        *result = NULL;
-        char            *filter, *userdata;
-        char            errstr[MAXERROR];
+        lookup_data_t           ldata;
+        ns_ldap_result_t        *result;
         char            **value;
-        int             rc = 0;
-        size_t          len;
+        int                     rc;
         *errorp = NULL;
-        *userID = NULL;
+        *userIDp = NULL;
         if ((dn == NULL) || (dn[0] == '\0'))
                 return (NS_LDAP_INVALID_PARAM);
-        len = strlen(UIDDNFILTER) + strlen(dn) + 1;
-        filter = malloc(len);
-        if (filter == NULL) {
-                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
-        }
-        (void) snprintf(filter, len, UIDDNFILTER, dn);
+        /*
+         * Many LDAP servers do not support using the dn in a search
+         * filter. As a result, we unfortunately cannot  use __ns_ldap_list()
+         * to lookup the DN. Instead we perform a search with the baseDN
+         * being the DN we are looking for with a scope of 'base' to
+         * return the entry, as this should be supported by all LDAP servers.
+         */
+        ldata.lkd_dn = dn;
-        len = strlen(UIDDNFILTER_SSD) + strlen(dn) + 1;
-        userdata = malloc(len);
-        if (userdata == NULL) {
-                free(filter);
-                return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
-        }
-        (void) snprintf(userdata, len, UIDDNFILTER_SSD, dn);
-         * Unlike uid2dn, we DO want attribute mapping, so that
-         * "uid" is mapped to/from samAccountName, for example.
+         * Since we are looking up a user account by its DN, use the attribute
+         * and objectclass mappings (if present) for the passwd service.
-        rc = __ns_ldap_list("passwd", filter,
-            __s_api_merge_SSD_filter,
-            dn2uid_attrs, cred, 0,
-            &result, errorp, NULL,
-            userdata);
-        free(filter);
-        filter = NULL;
-        free(userdata);
-        userdata = NULL;
+        ldata.lkd_service = "passwd";
+        ldata.lkd_filter = UIDDNFILTER;
+        ldata.lkd_cred = cred;
+        ldata.lkd_user = NULL;
+        rc = lookup_dn(&ldata, dn2uid_attrs, &result, errorp);
         if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS)
-                goto out;
+                return (rc);
-        if (result->entries_count > 1) {
-                (void) sprintf(errstr,
-                    gettext("Too many entries are returned for %s"), dn);
-                MKERROR(LOG_WARNING, *errorp, NS_LDAP_INTERNAL, strdup(errstr),
-                    NS_LDAP_MEMORY);
-                rc = NS_LDAP_INTERNAL;
-                goto out;
-        }
         value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(result->entry, _P_UID);
-        if (value == NULL || value[0] == NULL) {
+        if (value != NULL && value[0] != NULL) {
+                *userIDp = strdup(value[0]);
+                if (*userIDp == NULL)
+                        rc = NS_LDAP_MEMORY;
+        } else {
                 rc = NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND;
-                goto out;
-        *userID = strdup(value[0]);
-        rc = NS_LDAP_SUCCESS;
         (void) __ns_ldap_freeResult(&result);
-        result = NULL;
         return (rc);
 __ns_ldap_host2dn(const char *host, const char *domain, char **hostDN,