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          --- old/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/demangle/llvm-stdcxxabi.c
          +++ new/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/demangle/llvm-stdcxxabi.c
↓ open down ↓ 29593 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
29594 29594      {"_Z1fPKU11objcproto1A7NSArray", "f(NSArray<A> const*)"},
29595 29595      {"_ZNK1AIJ1Z1Y1XEEcv1BIJDpPT_EEIJS2_S1_S0_EEEv", "A<Z, Y, X>::operator B<X*, Y*, Z*><X, Y, Z>() const"},
29596 29596      {"_ZNK3Ncr6Silver7Utility6detail12CallOnThreadIZ53-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]E3$_5EclIJEEEDTclclL_ZNS2_4getTIS4_EERT_vEEspclsr3stdE7forwardIT_Efp_EEEDpOSA_", "decltype(-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]::$_5& Ncr::Silver::Utility::detail::getT<-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]::$_5>()()(std::forward<-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]::$_5>(fp))) Ncr::Silver::Utility::detail::CallOnThread<-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]::$_5>::operator()<>(-[DeploymentSetupController handleManualServerEntry:]::$_5&&) const"},
29597 29597      {"_Zli2_xy", "operator\"\" _x(unsigned long long)"},
29598 29598      {"_Z1fIiEDcT_", "decltype(auto) f<int>(int)"},
29599 29599      {"_ZZ4testvEN1g3fooE5Point", "test()::g::foo(Point)"},
29600 29600      {"_ZThn12_NSt9strstreamD0Ev",   "non-virtual thunk to std::strstream::~strstream()"},
29601 29601      {"_ZTv0_n12_NSt9strstreamD0Ev",     "virtual thunk to std::strstream::~strstream()"},
29602 29602  
29603 29603      // NOTE: disable this test since it is a negative test case, you cannot demangle a non-mangled symbol
29604      -    // {"\x6D", nullptr},       // This use to crash with ASAN
     29604 +    // {"\x6D", nullptr},       // This use to crash with ASAN
29605 29605      {"_ZTIU4_farrVKPi", "typeinfo for int* const volatile restrict _far"},
29606 29606  
29607 29607      // mangled names can include type manglings too, which don't start with _Z:
29608 29608      {"i", "int"},
29609 29609  
29610 29610      {"PKFvRiE", "void (*)(int&) const"},
29611 29611      // FIXME(compnerd) pretty print this as void (*)(unsigned long &) volatile &&
29612 29612      {"PVFvRmOE", "void (*)(unsigned long&)  volatile&&"},
29613 29613      {"PFvRmOE", "void (*)(unsigned long&) &&"},
29614 29614      {"_ZTW1x", "thread-local wrapper routine for x"},
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