1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  * Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  24  */
  26 #include <smbsrv/smb_kproto.h>
  27 #include <smbsrv/smb_share.h>
  29 static void
  30 smb_tcon_puterror(smb_request_t *sr, uint32_t status)
  31 {
  33         switch (status) {
  35         case NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME:
  36                 /* Intentional status=0 */
  37                 smbsr_error(sr, 0, ERRSRV, ERRinvnetname);
  38                 break;
  40         case NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED:
  41                 smbsr_error(sr, status, ERRSRV, ERRaccess);
  42                 break;
  44         case NT_STATUS_BAD_DEVICE_TYPE:
  45                 smbsr_error(sr, status, ERRDOS, ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE);
  46                 break;
  48         default:
  49         case NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR:
  50                 /* Intentional status=0 */
  51                 smbsr_error(sr, 0, ERRSRV, ERRsrverror);
  52                 break;
  53         }
  54 }
  56 /*
  57  * SmbTreeConnect: Map a share to a tree and obtain a tree-id (TID).
  58  *
  59  * Client Request                     Description
  60  * ================================== =================================
  61  *
  62  * UCHAR WordCount;                   Count of parameter words = 0
  63  * USHORT ByteCount;                  Count of data bytes;    min = 4
  64  * UCHAR BufferFormat1;               0x04
  65  * STRING Path[];                     Server name and share name
  66  * UCHAR BufferFormat2;               0x04
  67  * STRING Password[];                 Password
  68  * UCHAR BufferFormat3;               0x04
  69  * STRING Service[];                  Service name
  70  *
  71  * The CIFS server responds with:
  72  *
  73  * Server Response                  Description
  74  * ================================ =================================
  75  *
  76  * UCHAR WordCount;                 Count of parameter words = 2
  77  * USHORT MaxBufferSize;            Max size message the server handles
  78  * USHORT Tid;                      Tree ID
  79  * USHORT ByteCount;                Count of data bytes = 0
  80  *
  81  * If the negotiated dialect is MICROSOFT NETWORKS 1.03 or earlier,
  82  * MaxBufferSize in the response message indicates the maximum size
  83  * message that the server can handle.  The client should not generate
  84  * messages, nor expect to receive responses, larger than this.  This
  85  * must be constant for a given server. For newer dialects, this field
  86  * is ignored.
  87  */
  88 smb_sdrc_t
  89 smb_pre_tree_connect(smb_request_t *sr)
  90 {
  91         smb_arg_tcon_t  *tcon = &sr->sr_tcon;
  92         int             rc;
  94         /*
  95          * Perhaps this should be "%A.sA" now that unicode is enabled.
  96          */
  97         rc = smbsr_decode_data(sr, "%AAA", sr, &tcon->path,
  98             &tcon->password, &tcon->service);
 100         tcon->flags = 0;
 101         tcon->optional_support = 0;
 103         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeConnect__start, smb_request_t *, sr);
 105         return ((rc == 0) ? SDRC_SUCCESS : SDRC_ERROR);
 106 }
 108 void
 109 smb_post_tree_connect(smb_request_t *sr)
 110 {
 111         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeConnect__done, smb_request_t *, sr);
 112 }
 114 smb_sdrc_t
 115 smb_com_tree_connect(smb_request_t *sr)
 116 {
 117         uint32_t status;
 118         int rc;
 120         status = smb_tree_connect(sr);
 121         if (status) {
 122                 smb_tcon_puterror(sr, status);
 123                 return (SDRC_ERROR);
 124         }
 126         rc = smbsr_encode_result(sr, 2, 0, "bwww",
 127             2,                          /* wct */
 128             (WORD)smb_maxbufsize,       /* MaxBufferSize */
 129             sr->smb_tid,             /* TID */
 130             0);                         /* bcc */
 132         return ((rc == 0) ? SDRC_SUCCESS : SDRC_ERROR);
 133 }
 135 /*
 136  * SmbTreeConnectX: Map a share to a tree and obtain a tree-id (TID).
 137  *
 138  * Client Request                     Description
 139  * =================================  =================================
 140  *
 141  * UCHAR WordCount;                   Count of parameter words = 4
 142  * UCHAR AndXCommand;                 Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
 143  * UCHAR AndXReserved;                Reserved (must be 0)
 144  * USHORT AndXOffset;                 Offset to next command WordCount
 145  * USHORT Flags;                      Additional information
 146  *                                    bit 0 set = disconnect Tid
 147  * USHORT PasswordLength;             Length of Password[]
 148  * USHORT ByteCount;                  Count of data bytes;    min = 3
 149  * UCHAR Password[];                  Password
 150  * STRING Path[];                     Server name and share name
 151  * STRING Service[];                  Service name
 152  *
 153  * If the negotiated dialect is LANMAN1.0 or later, then it is a protocol
 154  * violation for the client to send this message prior to a successful
 155  * SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX, and the server ignores Password.
 156  *
 157  * If the negotiated dialect is prior to LANMAN1.0 and the client has not
 158  * sent a successful SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX request when the tree
 159  * connect arrives, a user level security mode server must nevertheless
 160  * validate the client's credentials.
 161  *
 162  * Flags (prefix with TREE_CONNECT_ANDX_):
 163  * ==========================  ========================================
 164  * 0x0001 DISCONECT_TID        The tree specified by TID in the SMB header
 165  *                             should be disconnected - disconnect errors
 166  *                             should be ignored.
 167  *
 168  * 0x0004 EXTENDED_SIGNATURES  Client request for signing key protection.
 169  *
 170  * 0x0008 EXTENDED_RESPONSE    Client request for extended information.
 171  *
 172  * Path follows UNC style syntax (\\server\share) and indicates the name
 173  * of the resource to which the client wishes to connect.
 174  *
 175  * Because Password may be an authentication response, it is a variable
 176  * length field with the length specified by PasswordLength.   If
 177  * authentication is not being used, Password should be a null terminated
 178  * ASCII string with PasswordLength set to the string size including the
 179  * terminating null.
 180  *
 181  * The server can enforce whatever policy it desires to govern share
 182  * access.  Administrative privilege is required for administrative
 183  * shares (C$, etc.).
 184  *
 185  * The Service component indicates the type of resource the client
 186  * intends to access.  Valid values are:
 187  *
 188  * Service   Description               Earliest Dialect Allowed
 189  * ========  ========================  ================================
 190  *
 191  * A:        disk share                PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0
 192  * LPT1:     printer                   PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0
 193  * IPC       named pipe                MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3.0
 194  * COMM      communications device     MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3.0
 195  * ?????     any type of device        MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3.0
 196  *
 197  * If the negotiated dialect is earlier than DOS LANMAN2.1, the response to
 198  * this SMB is:
 199  *
 200  * Server Response                  Description
 201  * ================================ ===================================
 202  *
 203  * UCHAR WordCount;                 Count of parameter words = 2
 204  * UCHAR AndXCommand;               Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
 205  * UCHAR AndXReserved;              Reserved (must be 0)
 206  * USHORT AndXOffset;               Offset to next command WordCount
 207  * USHORT ByteCount;                Count of data bytes;    min = 3
 208  *
 209  * If the negotiated is DOS LANMAN2.1 or later, the response to this SMB
 210  * is:
 211  *
 212  * Server Response                  Description
 213  * ================================ ===================================
 214  *
 215  * UCHAR WordCount;                 Count of parameter words = 3
 216  * UCHAR AndXCommand;               Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
 217  * UCHAR AndXReserved;              Reserved (must be 0)
 218  * USHORT AndXOffset;               Offset to next command WordCount
 219  * USHORT OptionalSupport;          Optional support bits
 220  * USHORT ByteCount;                Count of data bytes;    min = 3
 221  * UCHAR Service[];                 Service type connected to.  Always
 222  *                                   ANSII.
 223  * STRING NativeFileSystem[];       Native file system for this tree
 224  *
 225  * NativeFileSystem is the name of the filesystem; values to be expected
 226  * include FAT, NTFS, etc.
 227  *
 228  * OptionalSupport:
 229  * ==============================  ==========================
 230  * 0x0001 SMB_SUPPORT_SEARCH_BITS  The server supports the use of Search
 231  *                                 Attributes in client requests.
 232  * 0x0002 SMB_SHARE_IS_IN_DFS      The share is managed by DFS.
 233  * 0x000C SMB_CSC_MASK             Offline-caching mask - see CSC flags.
 234  * 0x0010 SMB_UNIQUE_FILE_NAME     The server uses long names and does not
 235  *                                 support short names.  Indicator for
 236  *                                 clients directory/name-space caching.
 237  * 0x0020 SMB_EXTENDED_SIGNATURES  The server will use signing key protection.
 238  *
 239  * Client-side caching (offline files):
 240  * ==============================  ==========================
 241  * 0x0000 SMB_CSC_CACHE_MANUAL_REINT Clients may cache files for offline use
 242  *                                 but automatic file-by-file reintegration
 243  *                                 is not allowed.
 244  * 0x0004 SMB_CSC_CACHE_AUTO_REINT Automatic file-by-file reintegration is
 245  *                                 allowed.
 246  * 0x0008 SMB_CSC_CACHE_VDO        File opens do not need to be flowed.
 247  * 0x000C SMB_CSC_CACHE_NONE       CSC is disabled for this share.
 248  *
 249  * Some servers negotiate "DOS LANMAN2.1" dialect or later and still send
 250  * the "downlevel" (i.e. wordcount==2) response.  Valid AndX following
 251  * commands are
 252  *
 253  * SMB_COM_OPEN              SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX          SMB_COM_CREATE
 261  *
 262  * Errors:
 263  * ERRDOS/ERRnomem
 264  * ERRDOS/ERRbadpath
 265  * ERRDOS/ERRinvdevice
 266  * ERRSRV/ERRaccess
 267  * ERRSRV/ERRbadpw
 268  * ERRSRV/ERRinvnetname
 269  */
 270 smb_sdrc_t
 271 smb_pre_tree_connect_andx(smb_request_t *sr)
 272 {
 273         smb_arg_tcon_t  *tcon = &sr->sr_tcon;
 274         uint8_t         *pwbuf = NULL;
 275         uint16_t        pwlen = 0;
 276         int             rc;
 278         rc = smbsr_decode_vwv(sr, "b.www", &sr->andx_com, &sr->andx_off,
 279             &tcon->flags, &pwlen);
 280         if (rc == 0) {
 281                 if (pwlen != 0)
 282                         pwbuf = smb_srm_zalloc(sr, pwlen);
 284                 rc = smbsr_decode_data(sr, "%#cus", sr, pwlen, pwbuf,
 285                     &tcon->path, &tcon->service);
 287                 tcon->pwdlen = pwlen;
 288                 tcon->password = (char *)pwbuf;
 289         }
 291         tcon->optional_support = 0;
 293         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeConnectX__start, smb_request_t *, sr);
 295         return ((rc == 0) ? SDRC_SUCCESS : SDRC_ERROR);
 296 }
 298 void
 299 smb_post_tree_connect_andx(smb_request_t *sr)
 300 {
 301         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeConnectX__done, smb_request_t *, sr);
 302 }
 304 smb_sdrc_t
 305 smb_com_tree_connect_andx(smb_request_t *sr)
 306 {
 307         smb_arg_tcon_t  *tcon = &sr->sr_tcon;
 308         smb_tree_t      *tree;
 309         char            *service;
 310         uint32_t        status;
 311         int             rc;
 313         if (tcon->flags & SMB_TCONX_DISCONECT_TID) {
 314                 tree = smb_session_lookup_tree(sr->session, sr->smb_tid);
 315                 if (tree != NULL) {
 316                         smb_tree_disconnect(tree, B_TRUE);
 317                         smb_session_cancel_requests(sr->session, tree, sr);
 318                 }
 319         }
 321         status = smb_tree_connect(sr);
 322         if (status) {
 323                 smb_tcon_puterror(sr, status);
 324                 return (SDRC_ERROR);
 325         }
 326         tree = sr->tid_tree;
 328         switch (tree->t_res_type & STYPE_MASK) {
 329         case STYPE_IPC:
 330                 service = "IPC";
 331                 break;
 332         case STYPE_PRINTQ:
 333                 service = "LPT1:";
 334                 break;
 335         case STYPE_DISKTREE:
 336         default:
 337                 service = "A:";
 338         }
 340         if (sr->session->dialect < NT_LM_0_12) {
 341                 rc = smbsr_encode_result(sr, 2, VAR_BCC, "bb.wwss",
 342                     (char)2,            /* wct */
 343                     sr->andx_com,
 344                     VAR_BCC,
 345                     VAR_BCC,
 346                     service,
 347                     tree->t_typename);
 348         } else if ((tcon->flags & SMB_TCONX_EXTENDED_RESPONSE) == 0) {
 349                 rc = smbsr_encode_result(sr, 3, VAR_BCC, "bb.wwws%u",
 350                     (char)3,            /* wct */
 351                     sr->andx_com,
 352                     (short)64,
 353                     tcon->optional_support,
 354                     VAR_BCC,
 355                     service,
 356                     sr,
 357                     tree->t_typename);
 359         } else {
 360                 rc = smbsr_encode_result(sr, 7, VAR_BCC, "bb.wwllws%u",
 361                     (char)7,            /* wct (b) */
 362                     sr->andx_com,    /* AndXcmd (b) */
 363                     (short)72,          /* AndXoff (w) */
 364                     tcon->optional_support,  /* (w) */
 365                     tree->t_access,          /* (l) */
 366                     0,          /*    guest_access (l) */
 367                     VAR_BCC,            /* (w) */
 368                     service,            /* (s) */
 369                     sr,                 /* (%) */
 370                     tree->t_typename);       /* (u) */
 371         }
 373         return ((rc == 0) ? SDRC_SUCCESS : SDRC_ERROR);
 374 }
 376 /*
 377  * SmbTreeDisconnect: Disconnect a tree.
 378  *
 379  * Note: SDDF_SUPPRESS_UID is set for this operation, which means the sr
 380  * uid_user field will not be valid on entry to these functions.  Do not
 381  * use it until it is set up in smb_com_tree_disconnect() or the system
 382  * will panic.
 383  *
 384  * Note: there are scenarios in which the client does not send a tree
 385  * disconnect request, for example, when ERRbaduid is returned from
 386  * SmbReadX after a user has logged off.  Any open files will remain
 387  * around until the session is destroyed.
 388  *
 389  * Client Request                     Description
 390  * ================================== =================================
 391  *
 392  * UCHAR WordCount;                   Count of parameter words = 0
 393  * USHORT ByteCount;                  Count of data bytes = 0
 394  *
 395  * The resource sharing connection identified by Tid in the SMB header is
 396  * logically disconnected from the server. Tid is invalidated; it will not
 397  * be recognized if used by the client for subsequent requests. All locks,
 398  * open files, etc. created on behalf of Tid are released.
 399  *
 400  * Server Response                    Description
 401  * ================================== =================================
 402  *
 403  * UCHAR WordCount;                   Count of parameter words = 0
 404  * USHORT ByteCount;                  Count of data bytes = 0
 405  *
 406  * Errors:
 407  * ERRSRV/ERRinvnid
 408  * ERRSRV/ERRbaduid
 409  */
 410 smb_sdrc_t
 411 smb_pre_tree_disconnect(smb_request_t *sr)
 412 {
 413         sr->uid_user = smb_session_lookup_uid(sr->session, sr->smb_uid);
 414         sr->tid_tree = smb_session_lookup_tree(sr->session, sr->smb_tid);
 416         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeDisconnect__start, smb_request_t *, sr);
 417         return (SDRC_SUCCESS);
 418 }
 420 void
 421 smb_post_tree_disconnect(smb_request_t *sr)
 422 {
 423         DTRACE_SMB_1(op__TreeDisconnect__done, smb_request_t *, sr);
 424 }
 426 /*
 427  * SmbTreeDisconnect requires a valid UID as well as a valid TID.  Some
 428  * clients logoff a user and then try to disconnect the trees connected
 429  * by the user who has just been logged off, which would normally fail
 430  * in the dispatch code with ERRbaduid but, unfortunately, ERRbaduid
 431  * causes a problem for some of those clients.  Windows returns ERRinvnid.
 432  *
 433  * To prevent ERRbaduid being returned, the UID and TID are looked up here
 434  * rather than prior to dispatching SmbTreeDisconnect requests.  If either
 435  * the UID or the TID is invalid, ERRinvnid is returned.
 436  */
 437 smb_sdrc_t
 438 smb_com_tree_disconnect(smb_request_t *sr)
 439 {
 440         if (sr->uid_user == NULL || sr->tid_tree == NULL) {
 441                 smbsr_error(sr, NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, ERRDOS, ERRinvnid);
 442                 return (SDRC_ERROR);
 443         }
 445         sr->user_cr = smb_user_getcred(sr->uid_user);
 447         smb_tree_disconnect(sr->tid_tree, B_TRUE);
 448         smb_session_cancel_requests(sr->session, sr->tid_tree, sr);
 450         if (smbsr_encode_empty_result(sr))
 451                 return (SDRC_ERROR);
 453         return (SDRC_SUCCESS);
 454 }