1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  *
  26  * Copyright 2013 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  27  */
  29 #pragma D depends_on library ip.d
  30 #pragma D depends_on library net.d
  31 #pragma D depends_on module genunix
  32 #pragma D depends_on module smbsrv
  34 #pragma D binding "1.5" translator
  35 translator conninfo_t < struct smb_request *P > {
  36         ci_protocol =
  37             P->session->ipaddr.a_family == AF_INET6 ? "tcp6" :
  38             P->session->ipaddr.a_family == AF_INET ? "tcp" :
  39             "<unknown>";
  40         ci_local = "<any>"; /* not interesting */
  41         ci_remote = P->session->ip_addr_str;
  42 };
  44 /*
  45  * The smbopinfo_t structure describes the internal form of a
  46  * single SMB request (SMB v1).
  47  */
  48 typedef struct smbopinfo {
  49         cred_t   *soi_cred;             /* credentials for operation */
  50         string   soi_curpath;           /* file handle path (if any) */
  51         uint64_t soi_sid;               /* session id */
  52         uint32_t soi_pid;               /* process id */
  53         uint32_t soi_status;            /* status */
  54         uint16_t soi_tid;               /* tree id */
  55         uint16_t soi_uid;               /* user id */
  56         uint16_t soi_mid;               /* request id */
  57         uint16_t soi_fid;               /* file id */
  58         uint16_t soi_flags2;            /* flags2 */
  59         uint8_t  soi_flags;             /* flags */
  60 } smbopinfo_t;
  62 #pragma D binding "1.5" translator
  63 translator smbopinfo_t < struct smb_request *P > {
  64         soi_cred        = (cred_t *)P->user_cr;
  65         soi_sid         = P->session->s_kid;
  66         soi_pid         = P->smb_pid;
  67         soi_status      = P->smb_error.status;
  68         soi_tid         = P->smb_tid;
  69         soi_uid         = P->smb_uid;
  70         soi_mid         = P->smb_mid;
  71         soi_fid         = P->smb_fid;
  72         soi_flags2      = P->smb_flg2;
  73         soi_flags       = P->smb_flg;
  75         soi_curpath = (P->fid_ofile == NULL ||
  76             P->fid_ofile->f_node == NULL ||
  77             P->fid_ofile->f_node->vp == NULL ||
  78             P->fid_ofile->f_node->vp->v_path == NULL) ? "<NULL>" :
  79             P->fid_ofile->f_node->vp->v_path;
  80 };
  82 typedef struct smb_rw_args {
  83         off_t   soa_offset;
  84         uint_t  soa_count;
  85 } smb_rw_args_t;
  87 #pragma D binding "1.5" translator
  88 translator smb_rw_args_t < smb_request_t *P > {
  89         soa_offset = P->arg.rw->rw_offset;
  90         soa_count  = P->arg.rw->rw_count;
  91 };
  93 typedef struct smb_name_args {
  94         string  soa_name;
  95 } smb_name_args_t;
  97 #pragma D binding "1.5" translator
  98 translator smb_name_args_t < smb_request_t *P > {
  99         soa_name = (P->arg.dirop.fqi.fq_path.pn_path == NULL) ? "<NULL>" :
 100             P->arg.dirop.fqi.fq_path.pn_path;
 101 };
 103 typedef struct smb_open_args {
 104         string          soa_name;
 105         uint32_t        soa_desired_access;
 106         uint32_t        soa_share_access;
 107         uint32_t        soa_create_options;
 108         uint32_t        soa_create_disposition;
 109 } smb_open_args_t;
 111 #pragma D binding "1.5" translator
 112 translator smb_open_args_t < smb_request_t *P > {
 113         soa_name = (P->arg.open.fqi.fq_path.pn_path == NULL) ? "<NULL>" :
 114             P->arg.open.fqi.fq_path.pn_path;
 115         soa_desired_access = P->arg.open.desired_access;
 116         soa_share_access   = P->arg.open.share_access;
 117         soa_create_options = P->arg.open.create_options;
 118         soa_create_disposition = P->arg.open.create_disposition;
 119 };