Print this page
1575 untangle libmlrpc ... (libmlrpc)

 146         libipadm        \
 147         libipd          \
 148         libipmi         \
 149         libipmp         \
 150         libipp          \
 151         libipsecutil    \
 152         libiscsit       \
 153         libkmf          \
 154         libkrb5         \
 155         libkstat        \
 156         libkvm          \
 157         libldap5        \
 158         liblgrp         \
 159         liblm           \
 160         libm1           \
 161         libmail         \
 162         libmalloc       \
 163         libmapid        \
 164         libmapmalloc    \
 165         libmd5          \

 166         libmtmalloc     \
 167         libmvec         \
 168         libndmp         \
 169         libnisdb        \
 170         libnls          \
 171         libnsctl        \
 172         libnwam         \
 173         libofmt         \
 174         libpam          \
 175         libpcidb        \
 176         libpctx         \
 177         libpicl         \
 178         libpicltree     \
 179         libpkg          \
 180         libpool         \
 181         libpp           \
 182         libproc         \
 183         libproject      \
 184         libpthread      \
 185         libraidcfg      \

 404         libgrubmgmt     \
 405         libidmap        \
 406         libilb          \
 407         libima          \
 408         libinetsvc      \
 409         libinetutil     \
 410         libinstzones    \
 411         libipadm        \
 412         libipd          \
 413         libipmi         \
 414         libipmp         \
 415         libipp          \
 416         libipsecutil    \
 417         libiscsit       \
 418         libkrb5         \
 419         libkstat        \
 420         libkvm          \
 421         libmail         \
 422         libmapid        \
 423         libmd           \

 424         libmtmalloc     \
 425         libndmp         \
 426         libnsctl        \
 427         libnsl          \
 428         libnvpair       \
 429         libnwam         \
 430         libofmt         \
 431         libpam          \
 432         libpcidb        \
 433         libpctx         \
 434         libpicl         \
 435         libpicltree     \
 436         libpool         \
 437         libpp           \
 438         libproc         \
 439         libraidcfg      \
 440         librcm          \
 441         librdc          \
 442         libreparse      \
 443         librestart      \

 608 libeti:         libcurses
 609 libexacct/demo: libexacct libproject
 610 libfakekernel:  libumem libcryptoutil
 611 libfcoe:        libdladm
 612 libficl:        libuuid libumem
 613 libfru:         libfruutils
 614 libfsmgt:       libkstat
 615 libgrubmgmt:    libdevinfo libzfs libfstyp libefi
 616 $(INTEL_BLD)libgrubmgmt: libfdisk
 617 libidmap:       libavl libuutil
 618 libinetsvc:     libscf
 619 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 620 libipadm:       libinetutil libdlpi libdhcpagent libdladm libsecdb libdhcputil
 621 libipmp:        libinetutil
 622 libipsecutil:   libtecla libtsol
 623 libiscsit:      libstmf libuuid
 624 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 625 libkvm:         ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 626 libldap5:       libsasl
 627 libmapid:       libresolv2 libscf

 628 libndmp:        libscf
 629 libnisdb:       libldap5
 630 libnwam:        libscf libbsm libdladm libipadm
 631 libpcp:         libumem libdevinfo
 632 libpctx:        libproc
 633 libpkg:         libscf libadm
 634 libpool:        libscf libexacct
 635 libpp:          libast
 636 libproc:        ../cmd/sgs/librtld_db ../cmd/sgs/libelf libctf
 637 $(INTEL_BLD)libproc: libsaveargs
 638 libproject:     libpool libproc libsecdb
 639 libprtdiag:     libkstat
 640 libprtdiag_psr: libprtdiag
 641 libraidcfg:     libdevinfo
 642 librdc:         libnsctl libunistat libdscfg
 643 librestart:     libuutil libscf libpool libproject libsecdb libsysevent
 644 libsasl:        libgss pkcs11
 645 libsaveargs:    libdisasm
 646 libscf:         libuutil libgen libsmbios
 647 libsec:         libavl libidmap

 677 libzonestat:    libcmdutils libumem
 678 libzpool:       libavl libumem libcmdutils libsysevent libfakekernel
 679 madv:           libgen
 680 mpapi:          libpthread libdevinfo libsysevent
 681 mpss:           libgen
 682 nsswitch:       libadutils libidmap libdns_sd libscf libldap5 libsldap
 683 pam_modules:    libproject passwdutil smbsrv libtsnet libpam libbsm libsecdb
 684 passwdutil:     libsldap
 685 pkcs11:         libcryptoutil libgen libuuid
 686 policykit:      dbusdeps
 687 print:          libldap5 libmd5 libsendfile
 688 pylibbe:        libbe libzfs
 689 pysolaris:      libsec libidmap
 690 pyzfs:          libzfs
 691 raidcfg_plugins: libraidcfg librcm libcfgadm libpicl libpicltree
 692 rpcsec_gss:     libgss
 693 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsasl
 694 scsi:           libfru libumem libdevid libdevinfo
 695 smbsrv:         libxnet libpthread librt libshare libidmap pkcs11 libsqlite \
 696                 libcryptoutil libreparse libcmdutils libresolv2 libsmbfs \
 697                 libuuid libfakekernel libads libgss libldap5 krb5
 698 storage:        libdevice libdevinfo libdevid
 699 sun_fc:         libdevinfo libsysevent
 700 sun_sas:        libdevinfo libsysevent libkstat libdevid
 701 udapl:          libdevinfo libdladm
 703 #
 704 # The reason this rule checks for the existence of the
 705 # Makefile is that some of the directories do not exist
 706 # in certain situations (e.g., exportable source builds,
 707 # OpenSolaris).
 708 #
 709 $(SUBDIRS): FRC
 710         @if [ -f $@/Makefile  ]; then \
 711                 cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET); \
 712         else \
 713                 true; \
 714         fi
 716 $(SUBDIRS:%=%-nodepend):
 717         @if [ -f $(@:%-nodepend=%)/Makefile  ]; then \

 146         libipadm        \
 147         libipd          \
 148         libipmi         \
 149         libipmp         \
 150         libipp          \
 151         libipsecutil    \
 152         libiscsit       \
 153         libkmf          \
 154         libkrb5         \
 155         libkstat        \
 156         libkvm          \
 157         libldap5        \
 158         liblgrp         \
 159         liblm           \
 160         libm1           \
 161         libmail         \
 162         libmalloc       \
 163         libmapid        \
 164         libmapmalloc    \
 165         libmd5          \
 166         libmlrpc        \
 167         libmtmalloc     \
 168         libmvec         \
 169         libndmp         \
 170         libnisdb        \
 171         libnls          \
 172         libnsctl        \
 173         libnwam         \
 174         libofmt         \
 175         libpam          \
 176         libpcidb        \
 177         libpctx         \
 178         libpicl         \
 179         libpicltree     \
 180         libpkg          \
 181         libpool         \
 182         libpp           \
 183         libproc         \
 184         libproject      \
 185         libpthread      \
 186         libraidcfg      \

 405         libgrubmgmt     \
 406         libidmap        \
 407         libilb          \
 408         libima          \
 409         libinetsvc      \
 410         libinetutil     \
 411         libinstzones    \
 412         libipadm        \
 413         libipd          \
 414         libipmi         \
 415         libipmp         \
 416         libipp          \
 417         libipsecutil    \
 418         libiscsit       \
 419         libkrb5         \
 420         libkstat        \
 421         libkvm          \
 422         libmail         \
 423         libmapid        \
 424         libmd           \
 425         libmlrpc        \
 426         libmtmalloc     \
 427         libndmp         \
 428         libnsctl        \
 429         libnsl          \
 430         libnvpair       \
 431         libnwam         \
 432         libofmt         \
 433         libpam          \
 434         libpcidb        \
 435         libpctx         \
 436         libpicl         \
 437         libpicltree     \
 438         libpool         \
 439         libpp           \
 440         libproc         \
 441         libraidcfg      \
 442         librcm          \
 443         librdc          \
 444         libreparse      \
 445         librestart      \

 610 libeti:         libcurses
 611 libexacct/demo: libexacct libproject
 612 libfakekernel:  libumem libcryptoutil
 613 libfcoe:        libdladm
 614 libficl:        libuuid libumem
 615 libfru:         libfruutils
 616 libfsmgt:       libkstat
 617 libgrubmgmt:    libdevinfo libzfs libfstyp libefi
 618 $(INTEL_BLD)libgrubmgmt: libfdisk
 619 libidmap:       libavl libuutil
 620 libinetsvc:     libscf
 621 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 622 libipadm:       libinetutil libdlpi libdhcpagent libdladm libsecdb libdhcputil
 623 libipmp:        libinetutil
 624 libipsecutil:   libtecla libtsol
 625 libiscsit:      libstmf libuuid
 626 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 627 libkvm:         ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 628 libldap5:       libsasl
 629 libmapid:       libresolv2 libscf
 630 libmlrpc:       libsmbfs libuuid
 631 libndmp:        libscf
 632 libnisdb:       libldap5
 633 libnwam:        libscf libbsm libdladm libipadm
 634 libpcp:         libumem libdevinfo
 635 libpctx:        libproc
 636 libpkg:         libscf libadm
 637 libpool:        libscf libexacct
 638 libpp:          libast
 639 libproc:        ../cmd/sgs/librtld_db ../cmd/sgs/libelf libctf
 640 $(INTEL_BLD)libproc: libsaveargs
 641 libproject:     libpool libproc libsecdb
 642 libprtdiag:     libkstat
 643 libprtdiag_psr: libprtdiag
 644 libraidcfg:     libdevinfo
 645 librdc:         libnsctl libunistat libdscfg
 646 librestart:     libuutil libscf libpool libproject libsecdb libsysevent
 647 libsasl:        libgss pkcs11
 648 libsaveargs:    libdisasm
 649 libscf:         libuutil libgen libsmbios
 650 libsec:         libavl libidmap

 680 libzonestat:    libcmdutils libumem
 681 libzpool:       libavl libumem libcmdutils libsysevent libfakekernel
 682 madv:           libgen
 683 mpapi:          libpthread libdevinfo libsysevent
 684 mpss:           libgen
 685 nsswitch:       libadutils libidmap libdns_sd libscf libldap5 libsldap
 686 pam_modules:    libproject passwdutil smbsrv libtsnet libpam libbsm libsecdb
 687 passwdutil:     libsldap
 688 pkcs11:         libcryptoutil libgen libuuid
 689 policykit:      dbusdeps
 690 print:          libldap5 libmd5 libsendfile
 691 pylibbe:        libbe libzfs
 692 pysolaris:      libsec libidmap
 693 pyzfs:          libzfs
 694 raidcfg_plugins: libraidcfg librcm libcfgadm libpicl libpicltree
 695 rpcsec_gss:     libgss
 696 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsasl
 697 scsi:           libfru libumem libdevid libdevinfo
 698 smbsrv:         libxnet libpthread librt libshare libidmap pkcs11 libsqlite \
 699                 libcryptoutil libreparse libcmdutils libresolv2 libsmbfs \
 700                 libuuid libfakekernel libads libgss libldap5 krb5 libmlrpc
 701 storage:        libdevice libdevinfo libdevid
 702 sun_fc:         libdevinfo libsysevent
 703 sun_sas:        libdevinfo libsysevent libkstat libdevid
 704 udapl:          libdevinfo libdladm
 706 #
 707 # The reason this rule checks for the existence of the
 708 # Makefile is that some of the directories do not exist
 709 # in certain situations (e.g., exportable source builds,
 710 # OpenSolaris).
 711 #
 712 $(SUBDIRS): FRC
 713         @if [ -f $@/Makefile  ]; then \
 714                 cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET); \
 715         else \
 716                 true; \
 717         fi
 719 $(SUBDIRS:%=%-nodepend):
 720         @if [ -f $(@:%-nodepend=%)/Makefile  ]; then \