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pthread_attr_setstackaddr removed in XPG7

   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */

  27 #ifndef _PTHREAD_H
  28 #define _PTHREAD_H
  30 #include <sys/feature_tests.h>
  32 #ifndef _ASM
  33 #include <sys/types.h>
  34 #include <time.h>
  35 #include <sched.h>
  36 #endif  /* _ASM */
  38 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  39 extern "C" {
  40 #endif
  42 /*
  43  * Thread related attribute values defined as in thread.h.
  44  * These are defined as bit pattern in thread.h.
  45  * Any change here should be reflected in thread.h.
  46  */

 167 #if __cplusplus
 168 extern "C" {
 169 #endif
 171 typedef void (*_Voidfp)(void*); /* pointer to extern "C" function */
 173 #if __cplusplus
 174 } /* extern "C" */
 175 #endif
 177 #define pthread_cleanup_push(routine, args) { \
 178         _cleanup_t _cleanup_info; \
 179         __pthread_cleanup_push((_Voidfp)(routine), (void *)(args), \
 180                                 (caddr_t)_getfp(), &_cleanup_info);
 182 #define pthread_cleanup_pop(ex) \
 183         __pthread_cleanup_pop(ex, &_cleanup_info); \
 184 }
 186 #ifdef  __STDC__
 188 /*
 189  * function prototypes - thread related calls
 190  */
 192 /*
 193  * pthread_atfork() is also declared in <unistd.h> as per SUSv2. The
 194  * declarations are identical. A change to either one may also require
 195  * appropriate namespace updates in order to avoid redeclaration
 196  * warnings in the case where both prototypes are exposed via inclusion
 197  * of both <pthread.h> and <unistd.h>.
 198  */
 199 extern int pthread_atfork(void (*) (void), void (*) (void), void (*) (void));
 200 extern int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *);
 201 extern int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *);
 202 extern int pthread_attr_setstack(pthread_attr_t *, void *, size_t);
 203 extern int pthread_attr_getstack(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 204                 void **_RESTRICT_KYWD, size_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 205 extern int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *, size_t);
 206 extern int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 207                 size_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD);

 208 extern int pthread_attr_setstackaddr(pthread_attr_t *, void *);
 209 extern int pthread_attr_getstackaddr(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 210                 void **_RESTRICT_KYWD);

 211 extern int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 212 extern int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *, int *);
 213 extern int pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 214 extern int pthread_attr_getscope(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 215         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 216 extern int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 217 extern int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 218         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 219 extern int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 220 extern int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 221         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 222 extern int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 223                 const struct sched_param *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 224 extern int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 225                 struct sched_param *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 226 extern int pthread_create(pthread_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 227                 const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, void * (*)(void *),
 228                 void *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 229 extern int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *, void (*)(void));
 230 extern int pthread_join(pthread_t, void **);

 330 extern int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 331 extern int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 332 extern int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 333 extern int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 334 extern int pthread_barrierattr_init(pthread_barrierattr_t *);
 335 extern int pthread_barrierattr_destroy(pthread_barrierattr_t *);
 336 extern int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(pthread_barrierattr_t *, int);
 337 extern int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(
 338         const pthread_barrierattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 339 extern int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 340         const pthread_barrierattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, uint_t);
 341 extern int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *);
 342 extern int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *);
 344 /* Historical names -- present only for binary compatibility */
 345 extern int pthread_mutex_consistent_np(pthread_mutex_t *);
 346 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np(pthread_mutexattr_t *, int);
 347 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getrobust_np(
 348         const pthread_mutexattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 350 #else   /* __STDC__ */
 352 /*
 353  * function prototypes - thread related calls
 354  */
 355 extern int pthread_atfork();
 356 extern int pthread_attr_init();
 357 extern int pthread_attr_destroy();
 358 extern int pthread_attr_setstack();
 359 extern int pthread_attr_getstack();
 360 extern int pthread_attr_setstacksize();
 361 extern int pthread_attr_getstacksize();
 362 extern int pthread_attr_setstackaddr();
 363 extern int pthread_attr_getstackaddr();
 364 extern int pthread_attr_setdetachstate();
 365 extern int pthread_attr_getdetachstate();
 366 extern int pthread_attr_setscope();
 367 extern int pthread_attr_getscope();
 368 extern int pthread_attr_setinheritsched();
 369 extern int pthread_attr_getinheritsched();
 370 extern int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy();
 371 extern int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy();
 372 extern int pthread_attr_setschedparam();
 373 extern int pthread_attr_getschedparam();
 374 extern int pthread_create();
 375 extern int pthread_once();
 376 extern int pthread_join();
 377 extern int pthread_detach();
 378 extern void pthread_exit();
 379 extern int pthread_cancel();
 380 extern int pthread_setschedparam();
 381 extern int pthread_getschedparam();
 382 extern int pthread_setschedprio();
 383 extern int pthread_setcancelstate();
 384 extern int pthread_setcanceltype();
 385 extern void pthread_testcancel();
 386 extern int pthread_equal();
 387 extern int pthread_key_create();
 388 extern int pthread_key_create_once_np();
 389 extern int pthread_key_delete();
 390 extern int pthread_setspecific();
 391 extern void *pthread_getspecific();
 392 extern pthread_t pthread_self();
 393 /*
 394  * function prototypes - synchronization related calls
 395  */
 396 extern int pthread_mutexattr_init();
 397 extern int pthread_mutexattr_destroy();
 398 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setpshared();
 399 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getpshared();
 400 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol();
 401 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol();
 402 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling();
 403 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling();
 404 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setrobust();
 405 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getrobust();
 406 extern int pthread_mutex_init();
 407 extern int pthread_mutex_consistent();
 408 extern int pthread_mutex_destroy();
 409 extern int pthread_mutex_lock();
 410 extern int pthread_mutex_timedlock();
 411 extern int pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np();
 412 extern int pthread_mutex_unlock();
 413 extern int pthread_mutex_trylock();
 414 extern int pthread_mutex_setprioceiling();
 415 extern int pthread_mutex_getprioceiling();
 416 extern int pthread_condattr_init();
 417 extern int pthread_condattr_destroy();
 418 extern int pthread_condattr_setclock();
 419 extern int pthread_condattr_getclock();
 420 extern int pthread_condattr_setpshared();
 421 extern int pthread_condattr_getpshared();
 422 extern int pthread_cond_init();
 423 extern int pthread_cond_destroy();
 424 extern int pthread_cond_broadcast();
 425 extern int pthread_cond_signal();
 426 extern int pthread_cond_wait();
 427 extern int pthread_cond_timedwait();
 428 extern int pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np();
 429 extern int pthread_attr_getguardsize();
 430 extern int pthread_attr_setguardsize();
 431 extern int pthread_getconcurrency();
 432 extern int pthread_setconcurrency();
 433 extern int pthread_mutexattr_settype();
 434 extern int pthread_mutexattr_gettype();
 435 extern int pthread_rwlock_init();
 436 extern int pthread_rwlock_destroy();
 437 extern int pthread_rwlock_rdlock();
 438 extern int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock();
 439 extern int pthread_rwlock_wrlock();
 440 extern int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock();
 441 extern int pthread_rwlock_unlock();
 442 extern int pthread_rwlockattr_init();
 443 extern int pthread_rwlockattr_destroy();
 444 extern int pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared();
 445 extern int pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared();
 446 extern int pthread_spin_init();
 447 extern int pthread_spin_destroy();
 448 extern int pthread_spin_lock();
 449 extern int pthread_spin_trylock();
 450 extern int pthread_spin_unlock();
 451 extern int pthread_barrierattr_init();
 452 extern int pthread_barrierattr_destroy();
 453 extern int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared();
 454 extern int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared();
 455 extern int pthread_barrier_init();
 456 extern int pthread_barrier_destroy();
 457 extern int pthread_barrier_wait();
 459 /* Historical names -- present only for binary compatibility */
 460 extern int pthread_mutex_consistent_np();
 461 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np();
 462 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getrobust_np();
 464 #endif  /* __STDC__ */
 466 #endif  /* _ASM */
 468 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 469 }
 470 #endif
 472 #endif  /* _PTHREAD_H */

   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */
  27 /*
  28  * Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <>
  29  */
  31 #ifndef _PTHREAD_H
  32 #define _PTHREAD_H
  34 #include <sys/feature_tests.h>
  36 #ifndef _ASM
  37 #include <sys/types.h>
  38 #include <time.h>
  39 #include <sched.h>
  40 #endif  /* _ASM */
  42 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  43 extern "C" {
  44 #endif
  46 /*
  47  * Thread related attribute values defined as in thread.h.
  48  * These are defined as bit pattern in thread.h.
  49  * Any change here should be reflected in thread.h.
  50  */

 171 #if __cplusplus
 172 extern "C" {
 173 #endif
 175 typedef void (*_Voidfp)(void*); /* pointer to extern "C" function */
 177 #if __cplusplus
 178 } /* extern "C" */
 179 #endif
 181 #define pthread_cleanup_push(routine, args) { \
 182         _cleanup_t _cleanup_info; \
 183         __pthread_cleanup_push((_Voidfp)(routine), (void *)(args), \
 184                                 (caddr_t)_getfp(), &_cleanup_info);
 186 #define pthread_cleanup_pop(ex) \
 187         __pthread_cleanup_pop(ex, &_cleanup_info); \
 188 }

 190 /*
 191  * function prototypes - thread related calls
 192  */
 194 /*
 195  * pthread_atfork() is also declared in <unistd.h> as per SUSv2. The
 196  * declarations are identical. A change to either one may also require
 197  * appropriate namespace updates in order to avoid redeclaration
 198  * warnings in the case where both prototypes are exposed via inclusion
 199  * of both <pthread.h> and <unistd.h>.
 200  */
 201 extern int pthread_atfork(void (*) (void), void (*) (void), void (*) (void));
 202 extern int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *);
 203 extern int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *);
 204 extern int pthread_attr_setstack(pthread_attr_t *, void *, size_t);
 205 extern int pthread_attr_getstack(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 206                 void **_RESTRICT_KYWD, size_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 207 extern int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *, size_t);
 208 extern int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 209                 size_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 211 #if !defined(_STRICT_XPG7)
 212 extern int pthread_attr_setstackaddr(pthread_attr_t *, void *);
 213 extern int pthread_attr_getstackaddr(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 214                 void **_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 215 #endif
 217 extern int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 218 extern int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *, int *);
 219 extern int pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 220 extern int pthread_attr_getscope(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 221         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 222 extern int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 223 extern int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 224         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 225 extern int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *, int);
 226 extern int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 227         int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 228 extern int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 229                 const struct sched_param *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 230 extern int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 231                 struct sched_param *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 232 extern int pthread_create(pthread_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 233                 const pthread_attr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, void * (*)(void *),
 234                 void *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 235 extern int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *, void (*)(void));
 236 extern int pthread_join(pthread_t, void **);

 336 extern int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 337 extern int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 338 extern int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 339 extern int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *);
 340 extern int pthread_barrierattr_init(pthread_barrierattr_t *);
 341 extern int pthread_barrierattr_destroy(pthread_barrierattr_t *);
 342 extern int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(pthread_barrierattr_t *, int);
 343 extern int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(
 344         const pthread_barrierattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 345 extern int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD,
 346         const pthread_barrierattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, uint_t);
 347 extern int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *);
 348 extern int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *);
 350 /* Historical names -- present only for binary compatibility */
 351 extern int pthread_mutex_consistent_np(pthread_mutex_t *);
 352 extern int pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np(pthread_mutexattr_t *, int);
 353 extern int pthread_mutexattr_getrobust_np(
 354         const pthread_mutexattr_t *_RESTRICT_KYWD, int *_RESTRICT_KYWD);

 356 #endif  /* _ASM */
 358 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 359 }
 360 #endif
 362 #endif  /* _PTHREAD_H */