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UNIX98 requires unistd.h for getopt, and requires -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500.

  45  * is a non-failover address, and so isn't output.
  46  *
  47  * The "failover" and "-failover" commands can occur several times for
  48  * a given logical interface.  Only the last one counts.  For example:
  49  *
  50  *      ifparse -f inet -failover failover -failover failover up
  51  *
  52  * Produces:
  53  *
  54  *      set -failover failover -failover failover up
  55  *
  56  * No attempt is made to clean up such "pathological" command lines, by
  57  * removing redundant "failover" and "-failover" commands.
  58  */
  60 #include        <sys/types.h>
  61 #include        <stdlib.h>
  62 #include        <stdio.h>
  63 #include        <string.h>
  64 #include        <assert.h>

  66 /*
  67  * Parser flags:
  68  *
  69  *      PARSEFIXED
  70  *              Command should only appear if non-failover commands
  71  *              are requested.
  72  *      PARSEMOVABLE
  73  *              Command should only appear if failover commands are
  74  *              requested.
  75  *      PARSENOW
  76  *              Don't buffer the command, dump it to output immediately.
  77  *      PARSEADD
  78  *              Indicates processing has moved on to additional
  79  *              logical interfaces.
  80  *              Dump the buffer to output and clear buffer contents.
  81  *      PARSESET
  82  *              The "set" and "destination" keywords are optional.
  83  *              This flag indicates that the next address not prefixed
  84  *              with a keyword will be a destination address.

  45  * is a non-failover address, and so isn't output.
  46  *
  47  * The "failover" and "-failover" commands can occur several times for
  48  * a given logical interface.  Only the last one counts.  For example:
  49  *
  50  *      ifparse -f inet -failover failover -failover failover up
  51  *
  52  * Produces:
  53  *
  54  *      set -failover failover -failover failover up
  55  *
  56  * No attempt is made to clean up such "pathological" command lines, by
  57  * removing redundant "failover" and "-failover" commands.
  58  */
  60 #include        <sys/types.h>
  61 #include        <stdlib.h>
  62 #include        <stdio.h>
  63 #include        <string.h>
  64 #include        <assert.h>
  65 #include        <unistd.h>
  67 /*
  68  * Parser flags:
  69  *
  70  *      PARSEFIXED
  71  *              Command should only appear if non-failover commands
  72  *              are requested.
  73  *      PARSEMOVABLE
  74  *              Command should only appear if failover commands are
  75  *              requested.
  76  *      PARSENOW
  77  *              Don't buffer the command, dump it to output immediately.
  78  *      PARSEADD
  79  *              Indicates processing has moved on to additional
  80  *              logical interfaces.
  81  *              Dump the buffer to output and clear buffer contents.
  82  *      PARSESET
  83  *              The "set" and "destination" keywords are optional.
  84  *              This flag indicates that the next address not prefixed
  85  *              with a keyword will be a destination address.