Print this page
rpcgen should only produce ANSI code

   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*

  23  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */
  26 /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */
  27 /* All Rights Reserved */
  28 /*
  29  * University Copyright- Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988
  30  * The Regents of the University of California
  31  * All Rights Reserved
  32  *
  33  * University Acknowledgment- Portions of this document are derived from
  34  * software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and its
  35  * contributors.
  36  */
  38 /*
  39  * rpc_main.c, Top level of the RPC protocol compiler.
  40  */
  42 #include <stdio.h>

 119 int inetdflag;  /* Support for inetd  is now the default */
 120 int pmflag;             /* Support for port monitors */
 121 int logflag;            /* Use syslog instead of fprintf for errors */
 122 int tblflag;            /* Support for dispatch table file */
 123 int mtflag = 0;         /* Support for MT */
 124 int mtauto = 0;         /* Enable automatic mode */
 125 int rflag = 1;          /* Eliminate tail recursion from structures */
 126 #define INLINE 5
 127 /* length at which to start doing an inline */
 129 int inlinelen = INLINE;
 130 /*
 131  * Length at which to start doing an inline. INLINE = default
 132  * if 0, no xdr_inline code
 133  */
 135 int indefinitewait;     /* If started by port monitors, hang till it wants */
 136 int exitnow;            /* If started by port monitors, exit after the call */
 137 int timerflag;          /* TRUE if !indefinite && !exitnow */
 138 int newstyle;           /* newstyle of passing arguments (by value) */
 139 int Cflag = 0;          /* ANSI C syntax */
 140 int CCflag = 0;         /* C++ files */
 141 static int allfiles;   /* generate all files */
 142 int tirpcflag = 1;    /* generating code for tirpc, by default */
 143 xdrfunc *xdrfunc_head = NULL; /* xdr function list */
 144 xdrfunc *xdrfunc_tail = NULL; /* xdr function list */
 145 pid_t childpid;
 148 int
 149 main(int argc, char *argv[])
 150 {
 151         struct commandline cmd;
 153         (void) memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof (struct commandline));
 154         clear_args();
 155         if (!parseargs(argc, argv, &cmd))
 156                 usage();
 157         /*
 158          * Only the client and server side stubs are likely to be customized,
 159          *  so in that case only, check if the outfile exists, and if so,

 498         if (!isalpha(guard[0]))
 499                 guard[0] = '_';
 501         return (guard);
 502 }
 504 /*
 505  * Compile into an XDR header file
 506  */
 509 static void
 510 h_output(char *infile, char *define, int extend, char *outfile)
 511 {
 512         definition *def;
 513         char *outfilename;
 514         long tell;
 515         char *guard;
 516         list *l;
 517         xdrfunc *xdrfuncp;
 518         int i;
 520         open_input(infile, define);
 521         outfilename =  extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 522         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 523         add_warning();
 524         if (outfilename || infile)
 525                 guard = generate_guard(outfilename ? outfilename: infile);
 526         else
 527                 guard = "STDIN_";
 529         f_print(fout, "#ifndef _%s\n#define     _%s\n\n", guard, guard);
 531         f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 533         if (mtflag) {
 534                 f_print(fout, "#ifndef _KERNEL\n");
 535                 f_print(fout, "#include <synch.h>\n");
 536                 f_print(fout, "#include <thread.h>\n");
 537                 f_print(fout, "#endif /* !_KERNEL */\n");
 538         };
 540         /* put the C++ support */
 541         if (Cflag && !CCflag) {
 542                 f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 543                 f_print(fout, "extern \"C\" {\n");
 544                 f_print(fout, "#endif\n\n");
 545         }
 547         /* put in a typedef for quadprecision. Only with Cflag */
 549         /*
 550          * declaration of struct rpcgen_table must go before
 551          *  the definition of arrays like *_1_table[]
 552          */
 553         if (tblflag) {
 554                 f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_dcl1);
 555                 if (tirpcflag)
 556                         f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_proc);
 557                 else
 558                         f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_proc_b);
 559                 f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_dcl2);
 560         }
 562         tell = ftell(fout);
 564         /* print data definitions */
 565         while (def = get_definition())
 566                 print_datadef(def);
 568         /*
 569          * print function declarations.
 570          *  Do this after data definitions because they might be used as
 571          *  arguments for functions
 572          */
 573         for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next)
 574                 print_funcdef(l->val);
 575         /* Now  print all xdr func declarations */
 576         if (xdrfunc_head != NULL) {
 577                 f_print(fout, "\n/* the xdr functions */\n");
 579                 if (CCflag) {
 580                         f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 581                         f_print(fout, "extern \"C\" {\n");
 582                         f_print(fout, "#endif\n");
 583                 }
 585                 if (!Cflag) {
 586                         xdrfuncp = xdrfunc_head;
 587                         while (xdrfuncp != NULL) {
 588                                 print_xdr_func_def(xdrfuncp->name,
 589                                     xdrfuncp->pointerp, 2);
 590                                 xdrfuncp = xdrfuncp->next;
 591                         }
 592                 } else {
 593                         for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
 594                                 if (i == 1)
 595                                         f_print(fout,
 596 "\n#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)\n");
 597                                 else
 598                                         f_print(fout, "\n#else /* K&R C */\n");
 600                                 xdrfuncp = xdrfunc_head;
 601                                 while (xdrfuncp != NULL) {
 602                                         print_xdr_func_def(xdrfuncp->name,
 603                                             xdrfuncp->pointerp, i);
 604                                         xdrfuncp = xdrfuncp->next;
 605                                 }

 606                         }
 607                         f_print(fout, "\n#endif /* K&R C */\n");
 608                 }
 609         }
 611         if (extend && tell == ftell(fout)) {
 612                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 613         }
 615         if (Cflag) {
 616                 f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 617                 f_print(fout, "}\n");
 618                 f_print(fout, "#endif\n");
 619         }
 621         f_print(fout, "\n#endif /* !_%s */\n", guard);
 622 }
 624 /*
 625  * Compile into an RPC service
 626  */
 627 static void
 628 s_output(int argc, char *argv[], char *infile, char *define, int extend,
 629                                         char *outfile, int nomain, int netflag)
 630 {
 631         char *include;
 632         definition *def;
 633         int foundprogram = 0;
 634         char *outfilename;
 636         open_input(infile, define);
 637         outfilename = extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 638         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 639         add_warning();
 640         if (infile && (include = extendfile(infile, ".h"))) {
 641                 f_print(fout, "#include \"%s\"\n", include);
 642                 free(include);
 643         } else
 644                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 646         f_print(fout, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
 647         f_print(fout, "#include <stdlib.h> /* getenv, exit */\n");
 648         f_print(fout, "#include <signal.h>\n");
 650         if (Cflag) {
 651                 f_print(fout,
 652                 "#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> /* for pmap_unset */\n");
 653                 f_print(fout, "#include <string.h> /* strcmp */\n");
 654         }
 655         if (strcmp(svcclosetime, "-1") == 0)
 656                 indefinitewait = 1;
 657         else if (strcmp(svcclosetime, "0") == 0)
 658                 exitnow = 1;
 659         else if (inetdflag || pmflag)
 660                 timerflag = 1;
 662         if (!tirpcflag && inetdflag)
 663                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/termios.h> /* TIOCNOTTY */\n");
 664         if (Cflag && (inetdflag || pmflag))
 665                 if (tirpcflag)
 666                         f_print(fout, "#include <unistd.h> /* setsid */\n");
 667         if (tirpcflag)
 668                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/types.h>\n");
 670         f_print(fout, "#include <memory.h>\n");
 671         f_print(fout, "#include <stropts.h>\n");
 672         if (inetdflag || !tirpcflag) {
 673                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/socket.h>\n");
 674                 f_print(fout, "#include <netinet/in.h>\n");
 675                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/svc_soc.h>\n");
 676         }
 678         if ((netflag || pmflag) && tirpcflag && !nomain)
 679                 f_print(fout, "#include <netconfig.h>\n");
 680         if (tirpcflag)
 681                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/resource.h> /* rlimit */\n");
 682         if (logflag || inetdflag || pmflag)
 683                 f_print(fout, "#include <syslog.h>\n");
 685         /* for ANSI-C */
 686         if (Cflag)
 687                 f_print(fout,
 688                     "\n#ifndef SIG_PF\n#define  SIG_PF void(*)\
 689 (int)\n#endif\n");
 691         f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef DEBUG\n#define  RPC_SVC_FG\n#endif\n");
 692         if (timerflag)
 693                 f_print(fout, "\n#define        _RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN %s\n",
 694                     svcclosetime);
 695         while (def = get_definition())
 696                 foundprogram |= (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM);
 697         if (extend && !foundprogram) {
 698                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 699                 return;
 700         }
 701         write_most(infile, netflag, nomain);
 702         if (!nomain) {
 703                 if (!do_registers(argc, argv)) {
 704                         if (outfilename)
 705                                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 706                         usage();
 707                 }
 708                 write_rest();
 709         }
 710 }
 712 /*
 713  * generate client side stubs
 714  */
 715 static void
 716 l_output(char *infile, char *define, int extend, char *outfile)
 717 {
 718         char *include;
 719         definition *def;
 720         int foundprogram = 0;
 721         char *outfilename;
 723         open_input(infile, define);
 724         outfilename = extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 725         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 726         add_warning();
 727         if (Cflag)
 728                 f_print(fout, "#include <memory.h> /* for memset */\n");
 729         if (infile && (include = extendfile(infile, ".h"))) {
 730                 f_print(fout, "#include \"%s\"\n", include);
 731                 free(include);
 732         } else
 733                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 735         f_print(fout, "#ifndef _KERNEL\n");
 736         f_print(fout, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
 737         f_print(fout, "#include <stdlib.h> /* getenv, exit */\n");
 738         f_print(fout, "#endif /* !_KERNEL */\n");
 740         while (def = get_definition())
 741                 foundprogram |= (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM);
 742         if (extend && !foundprogram) {
 743                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 744                 return;
 745         }
 746         write_stubs();
 747 }

1085                                         /*
1086                                          * sample flag: Ss or Sc.
1087                                          *  Ss means set flag['S'];
1088                                          *  Sc means set flag['C'];
1089                                          *  Sm means set flag['M'];
1090                                          */
1091                                         ch = argv[i][++j]; /* get next char */
1092                                         if (ch == 's')
1093                                                 ch = 'S';
1094                                         else if (ch == 'c')
1095                                                 ch = 'C';
1096                                         else if (ch == 'm')
1097                                                 ch = 'M';
1098                                         else
1099                                                 return (0);
1101                                         if (flag[ch])
1102                                                 return (0);
1103                                         flag[ch] = 1;
1104                                         break;
1105                                 case 'C': /* ANSI C syntax */
1106                                         Cflag = 1;
1107                                         ch = argv[i][j+1]; /* get next char */
1109                                         if (ch != 'C')
1110                                                 break;

1111                                         CCflag = 1;
1112                                         break;
1113                                 case 'b':
1114                                         /*
1115                                          *  Turn TIRPC flag off for
1116                                          *  generating backward compatible
1117                                          *  code
1118                                          */
1119                                         tirpcflag = 0;
1120                                         break;
1122                                 case 'I':
1123                                         inetdflag = 1;
1124                                         break;
1125                                 case 'N':
1126                                         newstyle = 1;
1127                                         break;
1128                                 case 'L':
1129                                         logflag = 1;
1130                                         break;

   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <>
  24  *
  25  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  26  * Use is subject to license terms.
  27  */
  28 /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */
  29 /* All Rights Reserved */
  30 /*
  31  * University Copyright- Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988
  32  * The Regents of the University of California
  33  * All Rights Reserved
  34  *
  35  * University Acknowledgment- Portions of this document are derived from
  36  * software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and its
  37  * contributors.
  38  */
  40 /*
  41  * rpc_main.c, Top level of the RPC protocol compiler.
  42  */
  44 #include <stdio.h>

 121 int inetdflag;  /* Support for inetd  is now the default */
 122 int pmflag;             /* Support for port monitors */
 123 int logflag;            /* Use syslog instead of fprintf for errors */
 124 int tblflag;            /* Support for dispatch table file */
 125 int mtflag = 0;         /* Support for MT */
 126 int mtauto = 0;         /* Enable automatic mode */
 127 int rflag = 1;          /* Eliminate tail recursion from structures */
 128 #define INLINE 5
 129 /* length at which to start doing an inline */
 131 int inlinelen = INLINE;
 132 /*
 133  * Length at which to start doing an inline. INLINE = default
 134  * if 0, no xdr_inline code
 135  */
 137 int indefinitewait;     /* If started by port monitors, hang till it wants */
 138 int exitnow;            /* If started by port monitors, exit after the call */
 139 int timerflag;          /* TRUE if !indefinite && !exitnow */
 140 int newstyle;           /* newstyle of passing arguments (by value) */

 141 int CCflag = 0;         /* C++ files */
 142 static int allfiles;   /* generate all files */
 143 int tirpcflag = 1;    /* generating code for tirpc, by default */
 144 xdrfunc *xdrfunc_head = NULL; /* xdr function list */
 145 xdrfunc *xdrfunc_tail = NULL; /* xdr function list */
 146 pid_t childpid;
 149 int
 150 main(int argc, char *argv[])
 151 {
 152         struct commandline cmd;
 154         (void) memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof (struct commandline));
 155         clear_args();
 156         if (!parseargs(argc, argv, &cmd))
 157                 usage();
 158         /*
 159          * Only the client and server side stubs are likely to be customized,
 160          *  so in that case only, check if the outfile exists, and if so,

 499         if (!isalpha(guard[0]))
 500                 guard[0] = '_';
 502         return (guard);
 503 }
 505 /*
 506  * Compile into an XDR header file
 507  */
 510 static void
 511 h_output(char *infile, char *define, int extend, char *outfile)
 512 {
 513         definition *def;
 514         char *outfilename;
 515         long tell;
 516         char *guard;
 517         list *l;
 518         xdrfunc *xdrfuncp;

 520         open_input(infile, define);
 521         outfilename =  extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 522         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 523         add_warning();
 524         if (outfilename || infile)
 525                 guard = generate_guard(outfilename ? outfilename: infile);
 526         else
 527                 guard = "STDIN_";
 529         f_print(fout, "#ifndef _%s\n#define     _%s\n\n", guard, guard);
 531         f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 533         if (mtflag) {
 534                 f_print(fout, "#ifndef _KERNEL\n");
 535                 f_print(fout, "#include <synch.h>\n");
 536                 f_print(fout, "#include <thread.h>\n");
 537                 f_print(fout, "#endif /* !_KERNEL */\n");
 538         };
 540         /* put the C++ support */
 541         if (!CCflag) {
 542                 f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 543                 f_print(fout, "extern \"C\" {\n");
 544                 f_print(fout, "#endif\n\n");
 545         }
 547         /* put in a typedef for quadprecision. */
 549         /*
 550          * declaration of struct rpcgen_table must go before
 551          *  the definition of arrays like *_1_table[]
 552          */
 553         if (tblflag) {
 554                 f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_dcl1);
 555                 if (tirpcflag)
 556                         f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_proc);
 557                 else
 558                         f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_proc_b);
 559                 f_print(fout, rpcgen_table_dcl2);
 560         }
 562         tell = ftell(fout);
 564         /* print data definitions */
 565         while (def = get_definition())
 566                 print_datadef(def);
 568         /*
 569          * print function declarations.
 570          *  Do this after data definitions because they might be used as
 571          *  arguments for functions
 572          */
 573         for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next)
 574                 print_funcdef(l->val);
 575         /* Now  print all xdr func declarations */
 576         if (xdrfunc_head != NULL) {
 577                 f_print(fout, "\n/* the xdr functions */\n");
 579                 if (CCflag) {
 580                         f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 581                         f_print(fout, "extern \"C\" {\n");
 582                         f_print(fout, "#endif\n");
 583                 }
 585                 f_print(fout, "\n");

 587                 xdrfuncp = xdrfunc_head;
 588                 while (xdrfuncp != NULL) {
 589                         print_xdr_func_def(xdrfuncp->name, xdrfuncp->pointerp);

 590                         xdrfuncp = xdrfuncp->next;
 591                 }
 592                 f_print(fout, "\n");
 593         }

 595         if (extend && tell == ftell(fout)) {
 596                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 597         }

 599         f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
 600         f_print(fout, "}\n");
 601         f_print(fout, "#endif\n");

 603         f_print(fout, "\n#endif /* !_%s */\n", guard);
 604 }
 606 /*
 607  * Compile into an RPC service
 608  */
 609 static void
 610 s_output(int argc, char *argv[], char *infile, char *define, int extend,
 611                                         char *outfile, int nomain, int netflag)
 612 {
 613         char *include;
 614         definition *def;
 615         int foundprogram = 0;
 616         char *outfilename;
 618         open_input(infile, define);
 619         outfilename = extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 620         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 621         add_warning();
 622         if (infile && (include = extendfile(infile, ".h"))) {
 623                 f_print(fout, "#include \"%s\"\n", include);
 624                 free(include);
 625         } else
 626                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 628         f_print(fout, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
 629         f_print(fout, "#include <stdlib.h> /* getenv, exit */\n");
 630         f_print(fout, "#include <signal.h>\n");

 632         f_print(fout,
 633         "#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> /* for pmap_unset */\n");
 634         f_print(fout, "#include <string.h> /* strcmp */\n");
 636         if (strcmp(svcclosetime, "-1") == 0)
 637                 indefinitewait = 1;
 638         else if (strcmp(svcclosetime, "0") == 0)
 639                 exitnow = 1;
 640         else if (inetdflag || pmflag)
 641                 timerflag = 1;
 643         if (!tirpcflag && inetdflag)
 644                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/termios.h> /* TIOCNOTTY */\n");
 645         if (inetdflag || pmflag)
 646                 if (tirpcflag)
 647                         f_print(fout, "#include <unistd.h> /* setsid */\n");
 648         if (tirpcflag)
 649                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/types.h>\n");

 651         f_print(fout, "#include <stropts.h>\n");
 652         if (inetdflag || !tirpcflag) {
 653                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/socket.h>\n");
 654                 f_print(fout, "#include <netinet/in.h>\n");
 655                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/svc_soc.h>\n");
 656         }
 658         if ((netflag || pmflag) && tirpcflag && !nomain)
 659                 f_print(fout, "#include <netconfig.h>\n");
 660         if (tirpcflag)
 661                 f_print(fout, "#include <sys/resource.h> /* rlimit */\n");
 662         if (logflag || inetdflag || pmflag)
 663                 f_print(fout, "#include <syslog.h>\n");
 665         /* for ANSI-C */
 666         f_print(fout, "\n#ifndef SIG_PF\n"
 667             "#define    SIG_PF void(*)(int)\n#endif\n");

 669         f_print(fout, "\n#ifdef DEBUG\n#define  RPC_SVC_FG\n#endif\n");
 670         if (timerflag)
 671                 f_print(fout, "\n#define        _RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN %s\n",
 672                     svcclosetime);
 673         while (def = get_definition())
 674                 foundprogram |= (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM);
 675         if (extend && !foundprogram) {
 676                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 677                 return;
 678         }
 679         write_most(infile, netflag, nomain);
 680         if (!nomain) {
 681                 if (!do_registers(argc, argv)) {
 682                         if (outfilename)
 683                                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 684                         usage();
 685                 }
 686                 write_rest();
 687         }
 688 }
 690 /*
 691  * generate client side stubs
 692  */
 693 static void
 694 l_output(char *infile, char *define, int extend, char *outfile)
 695 {
 696         char *include;
 697         definition *def;
 698         int foundprogram = 0;
 699         char *outfilename;
 701         open_input(infile, define);
 702         outfilename = extend ? extendfile(infile, outfile) : outfile;
 703         open_output(infile, outfilename);
 704         add_warning();

 705         f_print(fout, "#include <memory.h> /* for memset */\n");
 706         if (infile && (include = extendfile(infile, ".h"))) {
 707                 f_print(fout, "#include \"%s\"\n", include);
 708                 free(include);
 709         } else
 710                 f_print(fout, "#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n");
 712         f_print(fout, "#ifndef _KERNEL\n");
 713         f_print(fout, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
 714         f_print(fout, "#include <stdlib.h> /* getenv, exit */\n");
 715         f_print(fout, "#endif /* !_KERNEL */\n");
 717         while (def = get_definition())
 718                 foundprogram |= (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM);
 719         if (extend && !foundprogram) {
 720                 (void) unlink(outfilename);
 721                 return;
 722         }
 723         write_stubs();
 724 }

1062                                         /*
1063                                          * sample flag: Ss or Sc.
1064                                          *  Ss means set flag['S'];
1065                                          *  Sc means set flag['C'];
1066                                          *  Sm means set flag['M'];
1067                                          */
1068                                         ch = argv[i][++j]; /* get next char */
1069                                         if (ch == 's')
1070                                                 ch = 'S';
1071                                         else if (ch == 'c')
1072                                                 ch = 'C';
1073                                         else if (ch == 'm')
1074                                                 ch = 'M';
1075                                         else
1076                                                 return (0);
1078                                         if (flag[ch])
1079                                                 return (0);
1080                                         flag[ch] = 1;
1081                                         break;
1082                                 case 'C': /* ANSI C syntax (default) */

1083                                         ch = argv[i][j+1]; /* get next char */
1085                                         if (ch != 'C')
1086                                                 break;
1087                                         /* Undocumented C++ mode */
1088                                         CCflag = 1;
1089                                         break;
1090                                 case 'b':
1091                                         /*
1092                                          *  Turn TIRPC flag off for
1093                                          *  generating backward compatible
1094                                          *  code
1095                                          */
1096                                         tirpcflag = 0;
1097                                         break;
1099                                 case 'I':
1100                                         inetdflag = 1;
1101                                         break;
1102                                 case 'N':
1103                                         newstyle = 1;
1104                                         break;
1105                                 case 'L':
1106                                         logflag = 1;
1107                                         break;