1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  *      Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T
  24  *        All Rights Reserved
  25  *
  26  * Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  27  */
  29 #ifndef _SYS_LINK_H
  30 #define _SYS_LINK_H
  32 #ifndef _ASM
  33 #include <sys/types.h>
  34 #include <sys/elftypes.h>
  35 #endif
  37 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  38 extern "C" {
  39 #endif
  41 /*
  42  * Communication structures for the runtime linker.
  43  */
  45 /*
  46  * The following data structure provides a self-identifying union consisting
  47  * of a tag from a known list and a value.
  48  */
  49 #ifndef _ASM
  50 typedef struct {
  51         Elf32_Sword d_tag;              /* how to interpret value */
  52         union {
  53                 Elf32_Word      d_val;
  54                 Elf32_Addr      d_ptr;
  55                 Elf32_Off       d_off;
  56         } d_un;
  57 } Elf32_Dyn;
  59 #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
  60 typedef struct {
  61         Elf64_Xword d_tag;              /* how to interpret value */
  62         union {
  63                 Elf64_Xword     d_val;
  64                 Elf64_Addr      d_ptr;
  65         } d_un;
  66 } Elf64_Dyn;
  67 #endif  /* defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE) */
  68 #endif  /* _ASM */
  70 /*
  71  * Tag values
  72  */
  73 #define DT_NULL         0       /* last entry in list */
  74 #define DT_NEEDED       1       /* a needed object */
  75 #define DT_PLTRELSZ     2       /* size of relocations for the PLT */
  76 #define DT_PLTGOT       3       /* addresses used by procedure linkage table */
  77 #define DT_HASH         4       /* hash table */
  78 #define DT_STRTAB       5       /* string table */
  79 #define DT_SYMTAB       6       /* symbol table */
  80 #define DT_RELA         7       /* addr of relocation entries */
  81 #define DT_RELASZ       8       /* size of relocation table */
  82 #define DT_RELAENT      9       /* base size of relocation entry */
  83 #define DT_STRSZ        10      /* size of string table */
  84 #define DT_SYMENT       11      /* size of symbol table entry */
  85 #define DT_INIT         12      /* _init addr */
  86 #define DT_FINI         13      /* _fini addr */
  87 #define DT_SONAME       14      /* name of this shared object */
  88 #define DT_RPATH        15      /* run-time search path */
  89 #define DT_SYMBOLIC     16      /* shared object linked -Bsymbolic */
  90 #define DT_REL          17      /* addr of relocation entries */
  91 #define DT_RELSZ        18      /* size of relocation table */
  92 #define DT_RELENT       19      /* base size of relocation entry */
  93 #define DT_PLTREL       20      /* relocation type for PLT entry */
  94 #define DT_DEBUG        21      /* pointer to r_debug structure */
  95 #define DT_TEXTREL      22      /* text relocations remain for this object */
  96 #define DT_JMPREL       23      /* pointer to the PLT relocation entries */
  97 #define DT_BIND_NOW     24      /* perform all relocations at load of object */
  98 #define DT_INIT_ARRAY   25      /* pointer to .init_array */
  99 #define DT_FINI_ARRAY   26      /* pointer to .fini_array */
 100 #define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ 27      /* size of .init_array */
 101 #define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ 28      /* size of .fini_array */
 102 #define DT_RUNPATH      29      /* run-time search path */
 103 #define DT_FLAGS        30      /* state flags - see DF_* */
 105 /*
 106  * DT_* encoding rules: The value of each dynamic tag determines the
 107  * interpretation of the d_un union. This convention provides for simpler
 108  * interpretation of dynamic tags by external tools. A tag whose value
 109  * is an even number indicates a dynamic section entry that uses d_ptr.
 110  * A tag whose value is an odd number indicates a dynamic section entry
 111  * that uses d_val, or that uses neither d_ptr nor d_val.
 112  *
 113  * There are exceptions to the above rule:
 114  *      - Tags with values that are less than DT_ENCODING.
 115  *      - Tags with values that fall between DT_LOOS and DT_SUNW_ENCODING
 116  *      - Tags with values that fall between DT_HIOS and DT_LOPROC
 117  *
 118  * Third party tools must handle these exception ranges explicitly
 119  * on an item by item basis.
 120  */
 121 #define DT_ENCODING             32      /* positive tag DT_* encoding rules */
 122                                         /*      start after this */
 123 #define DT_PREINIT_ARRAY        32      /* pointer to .preinit_array */
 124 #define DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ      33      /* size of .preinit_array */
 126 #define DT_MAXPOSTAGS           34      /* number of positive tags */
 128 /*
 129  * DT_* encoding rules do not apply between DT_LOOS and DT_SUNW_ENCODING
 130  */
 131 #define DT_LOOS                 0x6000000d      /* OS specific range */
 132 #define DT_SUNW_AUXILIARY       0x6000000d      /* symbol auxiliary name */
 133 #define DT_SUNW_RTLDINF         0x6000000e      /* ld.so.1 info (private) */
 134 #define DT_SUNW_FILTER          0x6000000f      /* symbol filter name */
 135 #define DT_SUNW_CAP             0x60000010      /* hardware/software */
 136                                                 /*      capabilities */
 137 #define DT_SUNW_SYMTAB          0x60000011      /* symtab with local fcn */
 138                                                 /*      symbols immediately */
 139                                                 /*      preceding DT_SYMTAB */
 140 #define DT_SUNW_SYMSZ           0x60000012      /* Size of SUNW_SYMTAB table */
 142 /*
 143  * DT_* encoding rules apply between DT_SUNW_ENCODING and DT_HIOS
 144  */
 145 #define DT_SUNW_ENCODING        0x60000013      /* DT_* encoding rules resume */
 146                                                 /*      after this */
 147 #define DT_SUNW_SORTENT         0x60000013      /* sizeof [SYM|TLS]SORT entry */
 148 #define DT_SUNW_SYMSORT         0x60000014      /* sym indices sorted by addr */
 149 #define DT_SUNW_SYMSORTSZ       0x60000015      /* size of SUNW_SYMSORT */
 150 #define DT_SUNW_TLSSORT         0x60000016      /* tls sym ndx sort by offset */
 151 #define DT_SUNW_TLSSORTSZ       0x60000017      /* size of SUNW_TLSSORT */
 152 #define DT_SUNW_CAPINFO         0x60000018      /* capabilities symbols */
 153 #define DT_SUNW_STRPAD          0x60000019      /* # of unused bytes at the */
 154                                                 /*      end of dynstr */
 155 #define DT_SUNW_CAPCHAIN        0x6000001a      /* capabilities chain info */
 156 #define DT_SUNW_LDMACH          0x6000001b      /* EM_ machine code of linker */
 157                                                 /*      that produced object */
 158 #define DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINENT     0x6000001d      /* capabilities chain entry */
 159 #define DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINSZ      0x6000001f      /* capabilities chain size */
 161 /*
 162  * DT_* encoding rules do not apply between DT_HIOS and DT_LOPROC
 163  */
 164 #define DT_HIOS                 0x6ffff000
 166 /*
 167  * The following values have been deprecated and remain here to allow
 168  * compatibility with older binaries.
 169  */
 170 #define DT_DEPRECATED_SPARC_REGISTER    0x7000001
 172 /*
 173  * DT_* entries which fall between DT_VALRNGHI & DT_VALRNGLO use the
 174  * Dyn.d_un.d_val field of the Elf*_Dyn structure.
 175  */
 176 #define DT_VALRNGLO     0x6ffffd00
 178 #define DT_GNU_PRELINKED 0x6ffffdf5     /* prelinking timestamp (unused) */
 179 #define DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ 0x6ffffdf6    /* size of conflict section (unused) */
 180 #define DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ 0x6ffffdf7     /* size of library list (unused) */
 181 #define DT_CHECKSUM     0x6ffffdf8      /* elf checksum */
 182 #define DT_PLTPADSZ     0x6ffffdf9      /* pltpadding size */
 183 #define DT_MOVEENT      0x6ffffdfa      /* move table entry size */
 184 #define DT_MOVESZ       0x6ffffdfb      /* move table size */
 185 #define DT_FEATURE_1    0x6ffffdfc      /* feature holder (unused) */
 186 #define DT_POSFLAG_1    0x6ffffdfd      /* flags for DT_* entries, effecting */
 187                                         /*      the following DT_* entry. */
 188                                         /*      See DF_P1_* definitions */
 189 #define DT_SYMINSZ      0x6ffffdfe      /* syminfo table size (in bytes) */
 190 #define DT_SYMINENT     0x6ffffdff      /* syminfo entry size (in bytes) */
 191 #define DT_VALRNGHI     0x6ffffdff
 193 /*
 194  * DT_* entries which fall between DT_ADDRRNGHI & DT_ADDRRNGLO use the
 195  * Dyn.d_un.d_ptr field of the Elf*_Dyn structure.
 196  *
 197  * If any adjustment is made to the ELF object after it has been
 198  * built, these entries will need to be adjusted.
 199  */
 200 #define DT_ADDRRNGLO    0x6ffffe00
 202 #define DT_GNU_HASH     0x6ffffef5      /* GNU-style hash table (unused) */
 203 #define DT_TLSDESC_PLT  0x6ffffef6      /* GNU (unused) */
 204 #define DT_TLSDESC_GOT  0x6ffffef7      /* GNU (unused) */
 205 #define DT_GNU_CONFLICT 0x6ffffef8      /* start of conflict section (unused) */
 206 #define DT_GNU_LIBLIST  0x6ffffef9      /* Library list (unused) */
 208 #define DT_CONFIG       0x6ffffefa      /* configuration information */
 209 #define DT_DEPAUDIT     0x6ffffefb      /* dependency auditing */
 210 #define DT_AUDIT        0x6ffffefc      /* object auditing */
 211 #define DT_PLTPAD       0x6ffffefd      /* pltpadding (sparcv9) */
 212 #define DT_MOVETAB      0x6ffffefe      /* move table */
 213 #define DT_SYMINFO      0x6ffffeff      /* syminfo table */
 214 #define DT_ADDRRNGHI    0x6ffffeff
 216 /*
 217  * The following DT_* entries should have been assigned within one of the
 218  * DT_* ranges, but existed before such ranges had been established.
 219  */
 220 #define DT_VERSYM       0x6ffffff0      /* version symbol table - unused by */
 221                                         /*      Solaris (see libld/update.c) */
 223 #define DT_RELACOUNT    0x6ffffff9      /* number of RELATIVE relocations */
 224 #define DT_RELCOUNT     0x6ffffffa      /* number of RELATIVE relocations */
 225 #define DT_FLAGS_1      0x6ffffffb      /* state flags - see DF_1_* defs */
 226 #define DT_VERDEF       0x6ffffffc      /* version definition table and */
 227 #define DT_VERDEFNUM    0x6ffffffd      /*      associated no. of entries */
 228 #define DT_VERNEED      0x6ffffffe      /* version needed table and */
 229 #define DT_VERNEEDNUM   0x6fffffff      /*      associated no. of entries */
 231 /*
 232  * DT_* entries between DT_HIPROC and DT_LOPROC are reserved for processor
 233  * specific semantics.
 234  *
 235  * DT_* encoding rules apply to all tag values larger than DT_LOPROC.
 236  */
 237 #define DT_LOPROC       0x70000000      /* processor specific range */
 238 #define DT_AUXILIARY    0x7ffffffd      /* shared library auxiliary name */
 239 #define DT_USED         0x7ffffffe      /* ignored - same as needed */
 240 #define DT_FILTER       0x7fffffff      /* shared library filter name */
 241 #define DT_HIPROC       0x7fffffff
 244 /*
 245  * Values for DT_FLAGS
 246  */
 247 #define DF_ORIGIN       0x00000001      /* ORIGIN processing required */
 248 #define DF_SYMBOLIC     0x00000002      /* symbolic bindings in effect */
 249 #define DF_TEXTREL      0x00000004      /* text relocations remain */
 250 #define DF_BIND_NOW     0x00000008      /* process all relocations */
 251 #define DF_STATIC_TLS   0x00000010      /* obj. contains static TLS refs */
 253 /*
 254  * Values for the DT_POSFLAG_1 .dynamic entry.
 255  * These values only affect the following DT_* entry.
 256  */
 257 #define DF_P1_LAZYLOAD  0x00000001      /* following object is to be */
 258                                         /*      lazy loaded */
 259 #define DF_P1_GROUPPERM 0x00000002      /* following object's symbols are */
 260                                         /*      not available for general */
 261                                         /*      symbol bindings. */
 262 #define DF_P1_DEFERRED  0x00000004      /* following object is deferred */
 264 /*
 265  * Values for the DT_FLAGS_1 .dynamic entry.
 266  */
 267 #define DF_1_NOW        0x00000001      /* set RTLD_NOW for this object */
 268 #define DF_1_GLOBAL     0x00000002      /* set RTLD_GLOBAL for this object */
 269 #define DF_1_GROUP      0x00000004      /* set RTLD_GROUP for this object */
 270 #define DF_1_NODELETE   0x00000008      /* set RTLD_NODELETE for this object */
 271 #define DF_1_LOADFLTR   0x00000010      /* trigger filtee loading at runtime */
 272 #define DF_1_INITFIRST  0x00000020      /* set RTLD_INITFIRST for this object */
 273 #define DF_1_NOOPEN     0x00000040      /* set RTLD_NOOPEN for this object */
 274 #define DF_1_ORIGIN     0x00000080      /* ORIGIN processing required */
 275 #define DF_1_DIRECT     0x00000100      /* direct binding enabled */
 276 #define DF_1_TRANS      0x00000200      /* unused obsolete name */
 277 #define DF_1_INTERPOSE  0x00000400      /* object is an interposer */
 278 #define DF_1_NODEFLIB   0x00000800      /* ignore default library search path */
 279 #define DF_1_NODUMP     0x00001000      /* object can't be dldump(3x)'ed */
 280 #define DF_1_CONFALT    0x00002000      /* configuration alternative created */
 281 #define DF_1_ENDFILTEE  0x00004000      /* filtee terminates filters search */
 282 #define DF_1_DISPRELDNE 0x00008000      /* disp reloc applied at build time */
 283 #define DF_1_DISPRELPND 0x00010000      /* disp reloc applied at run-time */
 284 #define DF_1_NODIRECT   0x00020000      /* object contains symbols that */
 285                                         /*      cannot be directly bound to */
 286 #define DF_1_IGNMULDEF  0x00040000      /* internal: krtld ignore muldefs */
 287 #define DF_1_NOKSYMS    0x00080000      /* internal: don't export object's */
 288                                         /*      symbols via /dev/ksyms */
 289 #define DF_1_NOHDR      0x00100000      /* mapfile: 1st segment mapping */
 290                                         /*      omits ELF & program headers */
 291 #define DF_1_EDITED     0x00200000      /* object has been modified since */
 292                                         /*      being built by 'ld' */
 293 #define DF_1_NORELOC    0x00400000      /* internal: unrelocated object */
 294 #define DF_1_SYMINTPOSE 0x00800000      /* individual symbol interposers */
 295                                         /*      exist */
 296 #define DF_1_GLOBAUDIT  0x01000000      /* establish global auditing */
 297 #define DF_1_SINGLETON  0x02000000      /* singleton symbols exist */
 299 /*
 300  * Values set to DT_FEATURE_1 tag's d_val (unused obsolete tag)
 301  */
 302 #define DTF_1_PARINIT   0x00000001      /* partially initialization feature */
 303 #define DTF_1_CONFEXP   0x00000002      /* configuration file expected */
 306 /*
 307  * Version structures.  There are three types of version structure:
 308  *
 309  *  o   A definition of the versions within the image itself.
 310  *      Each version definition is assigned a unique index (starting from
 311  *      VER_NDX_BGNDEF) which is used to cross-reference symbols associated to
 312  *      the version.  Each version can have one or more dependencies on other
 313  *      version definitions within the image.  The version name, and any
 314  *      dependency names, are specified in the version definition auxiliary
 315  *      array.  Version definition entries require a version symbol index table.
 316  *
 317  *  o   A version requirement on a needed dependency.  Each needed entry
 318  *      specifies the shared object dependency (as specified in DT_NEEDED).
 319  *      One or more versions required from this dependency are specified in the
 320  *      version needed auxiliary array.
 321  *
 322  *  o   A version symbol index table.  Each symbol indexes into this array
 323  *      to determine its version index.  Index values of VER_NDX_BGNDEF or
 324  *      greater indicate the version definition to which a symbol is associated.
 325  *      (the size of a symbol index entry is recorded in the sh_info field).
 326  */
 327 #ifndef _ASM
 329 typedef struct {                        /* Version Definition Structure. */
 330         Elf32_Half      vd_version;     /* this structures version revision */
 331         Elf32_Half      vd_flags;       /* version information */
 332         Elf32_Half      vd_ndx;         /* version index */
 333         Elf32_Half      vd_cnt;         /* no. of associated aux entries */
 334         Elf32_Word      vd_hash;        /* version name hash value */
 335         Elf32_Word      vd_aux;         /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 336                                         /*      verdef to verdaux array */
 337         Elf32_Word      vd_next;        /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 338 } Elf32_Verdef;                         /*      verdef to next verdef entry */
 340 typedef struct {                        /* Verdef Auxiliary Structure. */
 341         Elf32_Word      vda_name;       /* first element defines the version */
 342                                         /*      name. Additional entries */
 343                                         /*      define dependency names. */
 344         Elf32_Word      vda_next;       /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 345 } Elf32_Verdaux;                        /*      verdaux to next verdaux entry */
 348 typedef struct {                        /* Version Requirement Structure. */
 349         Elf32_Half      vn_version;     /* this structures version revision */
 350         Elf32_Half      vn_cnt;         /* no. of associated aux entries */
 351         Elf32_Word      vn_file;        /* name of needed dependency (file) */
 352         Elf32_Word      vn_aux;         /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 353                                         /*      verneed to vernaux array */
 354         Elf32_Word      vn_next;        /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 355 } Elf32_Verneed;                        /*      verneed to next verneed entry */
 357 typedef struct {                        /* Verneed Auxiliary Structure. */
 358         Elf32_Word      vna_hash;       /* version name hash value */
 359         Elf32_Half      vna_flags;      /* version information */
 360         Elf32_Half      vna_other;
 361         Elf32_Word      vna_name;       /* version name */
 362         Elf32_Word      vna_next;       /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 363 } Elf32_Vernaux;                        /*      vernaux to next vernaux entry */
 365 typedef Elf32_Half      Elf32_Versym;   /* Version symbol index array */
 367 typedef struct {
 368         Elf32_Half      si_boundto;     /* direct bindings - symbol bound to */
 369         Elf32_Half      si_flags;       /* per symbol flags */
 370 } Elf32_Syminfo;
 373 #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 374 typedef struct {
 375         Elf64_Half      vd_version;     /* this structures version revision */
 376         Elf64_Half      vd_flags;       /* version information */
 377         Elf64_Half      vd_ndx;         /* version index */
 378         Elf64_Half      vd_cnt;         /* no. of associated aux entries */
 379         Elf64_Word      vd_hash;        /* version name hash value */
 380         Elf64_Word      vd_aux;         /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 381                                         /*      verdef to verdaux array */
 382         Elf64_Word      vd_next;        /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 383 } Elf64_Verdef;                         /*      verdef to next verdef entry */
 385 typedef struct {
 386         Elf64_Word      vda_name;       /* first element defines the version */
 387                                         /*      name. Additional entries */
 388                                         /*      define dependency names. */
 389         Elf64_Word      vda_next;       /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 390 } Elf64_Verdaux;                        /*      verdaux to next verdaux entry */
 392 typedef struct {
 393         Elf64_Half      vn_version;     /* this structures version revision */
 394         Elf64_Half      vn_cnt;         /* no. of associated aux entries */
 395         Elf64_Word      vn_file;        /* name of needed dependency (file) */
 396         Elf64_Word      vn_aux;         /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 397                                         /*      verneed to vernaux array */
 398         Elf64_Word      vn_next;        /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 399 } Elf64_Verneed;                        /*      verneed to next verneed entry */
 401 typedef struct {
 402         Elf64_Word      vna_hash;       /* version name hash value */
 403         Elf64_Half      vna_flags;      /* version information */
 404         Elf64_Half      vna_other;
 405         Elf64_Word      vna_name;       /* version name */
 406         Elf64_Word      vna_next;       /* no. of bytes from start of this */
 407 } Elf64_Vernaux;                        /*      vernaux to next vernaux entry */
 409 typedef Elf64_Half      Elf64_Versym;
 411 typedef struct {
 412         Elf64_Half      si_boundto;     /* direct bindings - symbol bound to */
 413         Elf64_Half      si_flags;       /* per symbol flags */
 414 } Elf64_Syminfo;
 415 #endif  /* defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE) */
 417 #endif  /* _ASM */
 419 /*
 420  * Versym symbol index values.  Values greater than VER_NDX_GLOBAL
 421  * and less then VER_NDX_LORESERVE associate symbols with user
 422  * specified version descriptors.
 423  */
 424 #define VER_NDX_LOCAL           0       /* symbol is local */
 425 #define VER_NDX_GLOBAL          1       /* symbol is global and assigned to */
 426                                         /*      the base version */
 427 #define VER_NDX_LORESERVE       0xff00  /* beginning of RESERVED entries */
 428 #define VER_NDX_ELIMINATE       0xff01  /* symbol is to be eliminated */
 430 /*
 431  * Verdef (vd_flags) and Vernaux (vna_flags) flags values.
 432  */
 433 #define VER_FLG_BASE            0x1     /* version definition of file itself */
 434                                         /*      (Verdef only) */
 435 #define VER_FLG_WEAK            0x2     /* weak version identifier */
 436 #define VER_FLG_INFO            0x4     /* version is recorded in object for */
 437                                         /*      informational purposes */
 438                                         /*      (Versym reference) only. No */
 439                                         /*      runtime verification is */
 440                                         /*      required. (Vernaux only) */
 442 /*
 443  * Verdef version values.
 444  */
 445 #define VER_DEF_NONE            0       /* Ver_def version */
 446 #define VER_DEF_CURRENT         1
 447 #define VER_DEF_NUM             2
 449 /*
 450  * Verneed version values.
 451  */
 452 #define VER_NEED_NONE           0       /* Ver_need version */
 453 #define VER_NEED_CURRENT        1
 454 #define VER_NEED_NUM            2
 457 /*
 458  * Syminfo flag values
 459  */
 460 #define SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECT      0x0001  /* symbol ref has direct association */
 461                                         /*      to object containing defn. */
 462 #define SYMINFO_FLG_FILTER      0x0002  /* symbol ref is associated to a */
 463                                         /*      standard filter */
 464 #define SYMINFO_FLG_PASSTHRU    SYMINFO_FLG_FILTER /* unused obsolete name */
 465 #define SYMINFO_FLG_COPY        0x0004  /* symbol is a copy-reloc */
 466 #define SYMINFO_FLG_LAZYLOAD    0x0008  /* object containing defn. should be */
 467                                         /*      lazily-loaded */
 468 #define SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECTBIND  0x0010  /* ref should be bound directly to */
 469                                         /*      object containing defn. */
 470 #define SYMINFO_FLG_NOEXTDIRECT 0x0020  /* don't let an external reference */
 471                                         /*      directly bind to this symbol */
 472 #define SYMINFO_FLG_AUXILIARY   0x0040  /* symbol ref is associated to a */
 473                                         /*      auxiliary filter */
 474 #define SYMINFO_FLG_INTERPOSE   0x0080  /* symbol defines an interposer */
 475 #define SYMINFO_FLG_CAP         0x0100  /* symbol is capabilities specific */
 476 #define SYMINFO_FLG_DEFERRED    0x0200  /* symbol should not be included in */
 477                                         /*      BIND_NOW relocations */
 479 /*
 480  * Syminfo.si_boundto values.
 481  */
 482 #define SYMINFO_BT_SELF         0xffff  /* symbol bound to self */
 483 #define SYMINFO_BT_PARENT       0xfffe  /* symbol bound to parent */
 484 #define SYMINFO_BT_NONE         0xfffd  /* no special symbol binding */
 485 #define SYMINFO_BT_EXTERN       0xfffc  /* symbol defined as external */
 486 #define SYMINFO_BT_LOWRESERVE   0xff00  /* beginning of reserved entries */
 488 /*
 489  * Syminfo version values.
 490  */
 491 #define SYMINFO_NONE            0       /* Syminfo version */
 492 #define SYMINFO_CURRENT         1
 493 #define SYMINFO_NUM             2
 496 /*
 497  * Public structure defined and maintained within the runtime linker
 498  */
 499 #ifndef _ASM
 501 typedef struct link_map Link_map;
 503 struct link_map {
 504         unsigned long   l_addr;         /* address at which object is mapped */
 505         char            *l_name;        /* full name of loaded object */
 506 #ifdef _LP64
 507         Elf64_Dyn       *l_ld;          /* dynamic structure of object */
 508 #else
 509         Elf32_Dyn       *l_ld;          /* dynamic structure of object */
 510 #endif
 511         Link_map        *l_next;        /* next link object */
 512         Link_map        *l_prev;        /* previous link object */
 513         char            *l_refname;     /* filters reference name */
 514 };
 516 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 517 typedef struct link_map32 Link_map32;
 519 struct link_map32 {
 520         Elf32_Word      l_addr;
 521         Elf32_Addr      l_name;
 522         Elf32_Addr      l_ld;
 523         Elf32_Addr      l_next;
 524         Elf32_Addr      l_prev;
 525         Elf32_Addr      l_refname;
 526 };
 527 #endif
 529 typedef enum {
 530         RT_CONSISTENT,
 531         RT_ADD,
 532         RT_DELETE
 533 } r_state_e;
 535 typedef enum {
 536         RD_FL_NONE = 0,         /* no flags */
 537         RD_FL_ODBG = (1<<0),      /* old style debugger present */
 538         RD_FL_DBG = (1<<1)        /* debugging enabled */
 539 } rd_flags_e;
 543 /*
 544  * Debugging events enabled inside of the runtime linker.  To
 545  * access these events see the librtld_db interface.
 546  */
 547 typedef enum {
 548         RD_NONE = 0,            /* no event */
 549         RD_PREINIT,             /* the Initial rendezvous before .init */
 550         RD_POSTINIT,            /* the Second rendezvous after .init */
 551         RD_DLACTIVITY           /* a dlopen or dlclose has happened */
 552 } rd_event_e;
 554 struct r_debug {
 555         int             r_version;      /* debugging info version no. */
 556         Link_map        *r_map;         /* address of link_map */
 557         unsigned long   r_brk;          /* address of update routine */
 558         r_state_e       r_state;
 559         unsigned long   r_ldbase;       /* base addr of ld.so */
 560         Link_map        *r_ldsomap;     /* address of ld.so.1's link map */
 561         rd_event_e      r_rdevent;      /* debug event */
 562         rd_flags_e      r_flags;        /* misc flags. */
 563 };
 565 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 566 struct r_debug32 {
 567         Elf32_Word      r_version;      /* debugging info version no. */
 568         Elf32_Addr      r_map;          /* address of link_map */
 569         Elf32_Word      r_brk;          /* address of update routine */
 570         r_state_e       r_state;
 571         Elf32_Word      r_ldbase;       /* base addr of ld.so */
 572         Elf32_Addr      r_ldsomap;      /* address of ld.so.1's link map */
 573         rd_event_e      r_rdevent;      /* debug event */
 574         rd_flags_e      r_flags;        /* misc flags. */
 575 };
 576 #endif
 579 #define R_DEBUG_VERSION 2               /* current r_debug version */
 580 #endif  /* _ASM */
 582 /*
 583  * Attribute/value structures used to bootstrap ELF-based dynamic linker.
 584  */
 585 #ifndef _ASM
 586 typedef struct {
 587         Elf32_Sword eb_tag;             /* what this one is */
 588         union {                         /* possible values */
 589                 Elf32_Word eb_val;
 590                 Elf32_Addr eb_ptr;
 591                 Elf32_Off  eb_off;
 592         } eb_un;
 593 } Elf32_Boot;
 595 #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 596 typedef struct {
 597         Elf64_Xword eb_tag;             /* what this one is */
 598         union {                         /* possible values */
 599                 Elf64_Xword eb_val;
 600                 Elf64_Addr eb_ptr;
 601                 Elf64_Off eb_off;
 602         } eb_un;
 603 } Elf64_Boot;
 604 #endif  /* defined(_LP64) || defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE) */
 605 #endif  /* _ASM */
 607 /*
 608  * Attributes
 609  */
 610 #define EB_NULL         0               /* (void) last entry */
 611 #define EB_DYNAMIC      1               /* (*) dynamic structure of subject */
 612 #define EB_LDSO_BASE    2               /* (caddr_t) base address of ld.so */
 613 #define EB_ARGV         3               /* (caddr_t) argument vector */
 614 #define EB_ENVP         4               /* (char **) environment strings */
 615 #define EB_AUXV         5               /* (auxv_t *) auxiliary vector */
 616 #define EB_DEVZERO      6               /* (int) fd for /dev/zero */
 617 #define EB_PAGESIZE     7               /* (int) page size */
 618 #define EB_MAX          8               /* number of "EBs" */
 619 #define EB_MAX_SIZE32   64              /* size in bytes, _ILP32 */
 620 #define EB_MAX_SIZE64   128             /* size in bytes, _LP64 */
 623 #ifndef _ASM
 625 #ifdef __STDC__
 627 /*
 628  * Concurrency communication structure for libc callbacks.
 629  */
 630 extern void     _ld_libc(void *);
 631 #else /* __STDC__ */
 632 extern void     _ld_libc();
 633 #endif /* __STDC__ */
 635 #pragma unknown_control_flow(_ld_libc)
 636 #endif /* _ASM */
 638 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 639 }
 640 #endif
 642 #endif  /* _SYS_LINK_H */