1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
   6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
   7  * with the License.
   8  *
   9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  12  * and limitations under the License.
  13  *
  14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  19  *
  21  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */
  27 #ifndef _SYS_INT_FMTIO_H
  28 #define _SYS_INT_FMTIO_H
  30 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  32 /*
  33  * This file, <sys/int_fmtio.h>, is part of the Sun Microsystems implementation
  34  * of <inttypes.h> as defined by the ISO C Standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999
  35  * Programming language - C.
  36  *
  37  * ISO  International Organization for Standardization.
  38  *
  39  * Programs/Modules should not directly include this file.  Access to the
  40  * types defined in this file should be through the inclusion of one of the
  41  * following files:
  42  *
  43  *      <sys/inttypes.h>  Provides the Kernel and Driver appropriate
  44  *                              components of <inttypes.h>.
  45  *
  46  *      <inttypes.h>              For use by applications.
  47  *
  48  * See these files for more details.
  49  */
  51 #include <sys/feature_tests.h>
  53 #ifdef __cplusplus
  54 extern "C" {
  55 #endif
  57 /*
  58  * Formatted I/O
  59  *
  60  * The following macros can be used even when an implementation has not
  61  * extended the printf/scanf family of functions.
  62  *
  63  * The form of the names of the macros is either "PRI" for printf specifiers
  64  * or "SCN" for scanf specifiers, followed by the conversion specifier letter
  65  * followed by the datatype size. For example, PRId32 is the macro for
  66  * the printf d conversion specifier with the flags for 32 bit datatype.
  67  *
  68  * An example using one of these macros:
  69  *
  70  *      uint64_t u;
  71  *      printf("u = %016" PRIx64 "\n", u);
  72  *
  73  * For the purpose of example, the definitions of the printf/scanf macros
  74  * below have the values appropriate for a machine with 8 bit shorts, 16
  75  * bit shorts, 32 bit ints, 32 or 64 bit longs depending on compilation
  76  * mode, and 64 bit long longs.
  77  */
  79 /*
  80  * fprintf macros for signed integers
  81  */
  82 #if defined(_KERNEL)
  83 #define _MODF8  ""
  84 #define _MODF16 ""
  85 #else
  86 #define _MODF8  "hh"
  87 #define _MODF16 "h"
  88 #endif
  90 #define _PRId   "d"
  91 #define _PRIi   "i"
  92 #define _PRIo   "o"
  93 #define _PRIu   "u"
  94 #define _PRIx   "x"
  95 #define _PRIX   "X"
  97 #if defined(_CHAR_IS_SIGNED) || defined(__STDC__)
  98 #define PRId8                   _MODF8 _PRId
  99 #define PRIdLEAST8              PRId8
 100 #define PRIdFAST8               PRId8
 101 #endif
 102 #define PRId16                  _MODF16 _PRId
 103 #define PRIdLEAST16             PRId16
 104 #define PRId32                  "d"
 105 #define PRIdFAST16              PRId32
 106 #define PRIdLEAST32             PRId32
 107 #define PRIdFAST32              PRId32
 108 #ifdef  _LP64
 109 #define PRId64                  "ld"
 110 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 111 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 112 #define PRId64                  "lld"
 113 #endif
 114 #endif
 115 #ifdef PRId64
 116 #define PRIdLEAST64             PRId64
 117 #define PRIdFAST64              PRId64
 118 #endif
 120 #if defined(_CHAR_IS_SIGNED) || defined(__STDC__)
 121 #define PRIi8                   _MODF8 _PRIi
 122 #define PRIiLEAST8              PRIi8
 123 #define PRIiFAST8               PRIi8
 124 #endif
 125 #define PRIi16                  _MODF16 _PRIi
 126 #define PRIiLEAST16             PRIi16
 127 #define PRIi32                  "i"
 128 #define PRIiFAST16              PRIi32
 129 #define PRIiLEAST32             PRIi32
 130 #define PRIiFAST32              PRIi32
 131 #ifdef  _LP64
 132 #define PRIi64                  "li"
 133 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 134 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 135 #define PRIi64                  "lli"
 136 #endif
 137 #endif
 138 #ifdef PRIi64
 139 #define PRIiLEAST64             PRIi64
 140 #define PRIiFAST64              PRIi64
 141 #endif
 143 /*
 144  * fprintf macros for unsigned integers
 145  */
 147 #define PRIo8                   _MODF8 _PRIo
 148 #define PRIoLEAST8              PRIo8
 149 #define PRIoFAST8               PRIo8
 150 #define PRIo16                  _MODF16 _PRIo
 151 #define PRIoLEAST16             PRIo16
 152 #define PRIo32                  "o"
 153 #define PRIoFAST16              PRIo32
 154 #define PRIoLEAST32             PRIo32
 155 #define PRIoFAST32              PRIo32
 156 #ifdef  _LP64
 157 #define PRIo64                  "lo"
 158 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 159 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 160 #define PRIo64                  "llo"
 161 #endif
 162 #endif
 163 #ifdef PRIo64
 164 #define PRIoLEAST64             PRIo64
 165 #define PRIoFAST64              PRIo64
 166 #endif
 168 #define PRIu8                   _MODF8 _PRIu
 169 #define PRIuLEAST8              PRIu8
 170 #define PRIuFAST8               PRIu8
 171 #define PRIu16                  _MODF16 _PRIu
 172 #define PRIuLEAST16             PRIu16
 173 #define PRIu32                  "u"
 174 #define PRIuFAST16              PRIu32
 175 #define PRIuLEAST32             PRIu32
 176 #define PRIuFAST32              PRIu32
 177 #ifdef  _LP64
 178 #define PRIu64                  "lu"
 179 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 180 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 181 #define PRIu64                  "llu"
 182 #endif
 183 #endif
 184 #ifdef PRIu64
 185 #define PRIuLEAST64             PRIu64
 186 #define PRIuFAST64              PRIu64
 187 #endif
 189 #define PRIx8                   _MODF8 _PRIx
 190 #define PRIxLEAST8              PRIx8
 191 #define PRIxFAST8               PRIx8
 192 #define PRIx16                  _MODF16 _PRIx
 193 #define PRIxLEAST16             PRIx16
 194 #define PRIx32                  "x"
 195 #define PRIxFAST16              PRIx32
 196 #define PRIxLEAST32             PRIx32
 197 #define PRIxFAST32              PRIx32
 198 #ifdef  _LP64
 199 #define PRIx64                  "lx"
 200 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 201 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 202 #define PRIx64                  "llx"
 203 #endif
 204 #endif
 205 #ifdef PRIx64
 206 #define PRIxLEAST64             PRIx64
 207 #define PRIxFAST64              PRIx64
 208 #endif
 210 #define PRIX8                   _MODF8 _PRIX
 211 #define PRIXLEAST8              PRIX8
 212 #define PRIXFAST8               PRIX8
 213 #define PRIX16                  _MODF16 _PRIX
 214 #define PRIXLEAST16             PRIX16
 215 #define PRIX32                  "X"
 216 #define PRIXFAST16              PRIX32
 217 #define PRIXLEAST32             PRIX32
 218 #define PRIXFAST32              PRIX32
 219 #ifdef  _LP64
 220 #define PRIX64                  "lX"
 221 #else   /* _ILP32 */
 222 #if defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 223 #define PRIX64                  "llX"
 224 #endif
 225 #endif
 226 #ifdef PRIX64
 227 #define PRIXLEAST64             PRIX64
 228 #define PRIXFAST64              PRIX64
 229 #endif
 231 /*
 232  * fprintf macros for pointers
 233  */
 235 #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_I32LPx)
 236 #define PRIdPTR                 "ld"
 237 #define PRIiPTR                 "li"
 238 #define PRIoPTR                 "lo"
 239 #define PRIuPTR                 "lu"
 240 #define PRIxPTR                 "lx"
 241 #define PRIXPTR                 "lX"
 242 #else
 243 #define PRIdPTR                 "d"
 244 #define PRIiPTR                 "i"
 245 #define PRIoPTR                 "o"
 246 #define PRIuPTR                 "u"
 247 #define PRIxPTR                 "x"
 248 #define PRIXPTR                 "X"
 249 #endif /* defined(_LP64) || defined(_I32LPx) */
 251 /*
 252  * fscanf macros for signed integers
 253  */
 254 #if defined(_CHAR_IS_SIGNED) || defined(__STDC__)
 255 #define SCNd8                   "hhd"
 256 #define SCNdLEAST8              SCNd8
 257 #define SCNdFAST8               SCNd8
 258 #endif
 259 #define SCNd16                  "hd"
 260 #define SCNdLEAST16             SCNd16
 261 #define SCNd32                  "d"
 262 #define SCNdFAST16              SCNd32
 263 #define SCNdLEAST32             SCNd32
 264 #define SCNdFAST32              SCNd32
 265 #ifdef PRId64
 266 #define SCNd64                  PRId64
 267 #define SCNdLEAST64             PRId64
 268 #define SCNdFAST64              PRId64
 269 #endif
 270 #define SCNdPTR                 PRIdPTR
 272 #if defined(_CHAR_IS_SIGNED) || defined(__STDC__)
 273 #define SCNi8                   "hhi"
 274 #define SCNiLEAST8              SCNi8
 275 #define SCNiFAST8               SCNi8
 276 #endif
 277 #define SCNi16                  "hi"
 278 #define SCNiLEAST16             SCNi16
 279 #define SCNi32                  "i"
 280 #define SCNiFAST16              SCNi32
 281 #define SCNiLEAST32             SCNi32
 282 #define SCNiFAST32              SCNi32
 283 #ifdef PRIi64
 284 #define SCNi64                  PRIi64
 285 #define SCNiLEAST64             PRIi64
 286 #define SCNiFAST64              PRIi64
 287 #endif
 288 #define SCNiPTR                 PRIiPTR
 290 /*
 291  * fscanf macros for unsigned integers
 292  */
 293 #define SCNo8                   "hho"
 294 #define SCNoLEAST8              SCNo8
 295 #define SCNoFAST8               SCNo8
 296 #define SCNo16                  "ho"
 297 #define SCNoLEAST16             SCNo16
 298 #define SCNo32                  "o"
 299 #define SCNoFAST16              SCNo32
 300 #define SCNoLEAST32             SCNo32
 301 #define SCNoFAST32              SCNo32
 302 #ifdef PRIo64
 303 #define SCNo64                  PRIo64
 304 #define SCNoLEAST64             PRIo64
 305 #define SCNoFAST64              PRIo64
 306 #endif
 307 #define SCNoPTR                 PRIoPTR
 309 #define SCNu8                   "hhu"
 310 #define SCNuLEAST8              SCNu8
 311 #define SCNuFAST8               SCNu8
 312 #define SCNu16                  "hu"
 313 #define SCNuLEAST16             SCNu16
 314 #define SCNu32                  "u"
 315 #define SCNuFAST16              SCNu32
 316 #define SCNuLEAST32             SCNu32
 317 #define SCNuFAST32              SCNu32
 318 #ifdef PRIu64
 319 #define SCNu64                  PRIu64
 320 #define SCNuLEAST64             PRIu64
 321 #define SCNuFAST64              PRIu64
 322 #endif
 323 #define SCNuPTR                 PRIuPTR
 325 #define SCNx8                   "hhx"
 326 #define SCNxLEAST8              SCNx8
 327 #define SCNxFAST8               SCNx8
 328 #define SCNx16                  "hx"
 329 #define SCNxLEAST16             SCNx16
 330 #define SCNx32                  "x"
 331 #define SCNxFAST16              SCNx32
 332 #define SCNxLEAST32             SCNx32
 333 #define SCNxFAST32              SCNx32
 334 #ifdef PRIx64
 335 #define SCNx64                  PRIx64
 336 #define SCNxLEAST64             PRIx64
 337 #define SCNxFAST64              PRIx64
 338 #endif
 339 #define SCNxPTR                 PRIxPTR
 341 #define SCNX8                   "hhX"
 342 #define SCNXLEAST8              SCNX8
 343 #define SCNXFAST8               SCNX8
 344 #define SCNX16                  "hX"
 345 #define SCNXLEAST16             SCNX16
 346 #define SCNX32                  "X"
 347 #define SCNXFAST16              SCNX32
 348 #define SCNXLEAST32             SCNX32
 349 #define SCNXFAST32              SCNX32
 350 #ifdef PRIX64
 351 #define SCNX64                  PRIX64
 352 #define SCNXLEAST64             PRIX64
 353 #define SCNXFAST64              PRIX64
 354 #endif
 355 #define SCNXPTR                 PRIXPTR
 357 /*
 358  * The following macros define I/O formats for intmax_t and uintmax_t.
 359  */
 360 #if !defined(_LP64) && defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE)
 361 #define PRIdMAX                 "lld"
 362 #define PRIiMAX                 "lli"
 363 #define PRIoMAX                 "llo"
 364 #define PRIxMAX                 "llx"
 365 #define PRIuMAX                 "llu"
 366 #define PRIXMAX                 "llX"
 367 #else
 368 #define PRIdMAX                 "ld"
 369 #define PRIiMAX                 "li"
 370 #define PRIoMAX                 "lo"
 371 #define PRIxMAX                 "lx"
 372 #define PRIuMAX                 "lu"
 373 #define PRIXMAX                 "lX"
 374 #endif  /* !defined(_LP64) && defined(_LONGLONG_TYPE) */
 376 #define SCNdMAX                 PRIdMAX
 377 #define SCNiMAX                 PRIiMAX
 378 #define SCNoMAX                 PRIoMAX
 379 #define SCNxMAX                 PRIxMAX
 380 #define SCNuMAX                 PRIuMAX
 381 #define SCNXMAX                 PRIXMAX
 383 #ifdef __cplusplus
 384 }
 385 #endif
 387 #endif /* _SYS_INT_FMTIO_H */