1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
   6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
   7  * with the License.
   8  *
   9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  12  * and limitations under the License.
  13  *
  14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  19  *
  21  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <garrett@damore.org>
  24  */
  25 /*      Copyright (c) 1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.       */
  26 /*      Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T     */
  27 /*        All Rights Reserved   */
  29 /*
  30  * netdir.h
  31  *
  32  * This is the include file that defines various structures and
  33  * constants used by the netdir routines.
  34  */
  36 #ifndef _NETDIR_H
  37 #define _NETDIR_H
  39 /*
  40  * This files uses struct netconfig, and netconfig.h must be included
  41  * before this to avoid warnings.
  42  */
  44 #include <netconfig.h>
  46 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  47 extern "C" {
  48 #endif
  50 struct nd_addrlist {
  51         int             n_cnt;          /* number of netbufs */
  52         struct netbuf   *n_addrs;       /* the netbufs */
  53 };
  55 struct nd_hostservlist {
  56         int                     h_cnt;          /* number of nd_hostservs */
  57         struct nd_hostserv      *h_hostservs;   /* the entries */
  58 };
  60 struct nd_hostserv {
  61         char            *h_host;        /* the host name */
  62         char            *h_serv;        /* the service name */
  63 };
  65 struct nd_mergearg {
  66         char            *s_uaddr;       /* servers universal address */
  67         char            *c_uaddr;       /* clients universal address */
  68         char            *m_uaddr;       /* merged universal address */
  69 };
  71 /*
  72  * _nderror is a private variable to the netdir system.
  73  */
  74 #ifdef _REENTRANT
  75 extern int      *__nderror();
  76 #define _nderror        (*(__nderror()))
  77 #else
  78 extern int _nderror;
  79 #endif  /* _REENTRANT */
  82 int netdir_options(struct netconfig *, int option, int fd, char *par);
  83 int netdir_getbyname(struct netconfig *, struct nd_hostserv *,
  84     struct nd_addrlist **);
  85 int netdir_getbyaddr(struct netconfig *, struct nd_hostservlist **,
  86     struct netbuf *);
  87 int __netdir_getbyaddr_nosrv(struct netconfig *, struct nd_hostservlist **,
  88     struct netbuf *);
  89 int netdir_mergeaddr(struct netconfig *, char **muaddr, char *uaddr,
  90     char *ruaddr);
  91 void netdir_free(void *, int);
  92 struct netbuf *uaddr2taddr(struct netconfig *, char *);
  93 char *taddr2uaddr(struct netconfig *, struct netbuf *);
  94 void netdir_perror(char *);
  95 char *netdir_sperror();
  96 struct nd_addrlist *_netdir_getbyname(struct netconfig *, struct nd_hostserv *);
  97 struct nd_hostservlist *_netdir_getbyaddr(struct netconfig *, struct netbuf *);
  98 struct netbuf *_uaddr2taddr(struct netconfig *, char *);
  99 char *_taddr2uaddr(struct netconfig *, struct netbuf *);
 100 char *_netdir_mergeaddr(struct netconfig *, char *uaddr, char *ruaddr);
 102 /*
 103  * These are all objects that can be freed by netdir_free
 104  */
 105 #define ND_HOSTSERV     0
 106 #define ND_HOSTSERVLIST 1
 107 #define ND_ADDR         2
 108 #define ND_ADDRLIST     3
 110 /*
 111  * These are the various errors that can be encountered while attempting
 112  * to translate names to addresses. Note that none of them (except maybe
 113  * no memory) are truely fatal unless the ntoa deamon is on its last attempt
 114  * to translate the name. First four errors are to failitate return values
 115  * from DNS, that are used by mail and others.
 116  *
 117  * Negative errors terminate the search resolution process, positive errors
 118  * are treated as warnings.
 119  */
 121 #define ND_TRY_AGAIN    -5      /* Non-Authoritive Host not found, or */
 122                                 /* SERVERFAIL */
 123 #define ND_NO_RECOVERY  -4      /* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, */
 124                                 /* NOTIMP */
 125 #define ND_NO_DATA      -3      /* Valid name, no data record of requested */
 126                                 /* type */
 127 #define ND_NO_ADDRESS ND_NO_DATA /* no address, look for MX record */
 128 #define ND_BADARG       -2      /* Bad arguments passed         */
 129 #define ND_NOMEM        -1      /* No virtual memory left       */
 130 #define ND_OK           0       /* Translation successful       */
 131 #define ND_NOHOST       1       /* Hostname was not resolvable  */
 132 #define ND_NOSERV       2       /* Service was unknown          */
 133 #define ND_NOSYM        3       /* Couldn't resolve symbol      */
 134 #define ND_OPEN         4       /* File couldn't be opened      */
 135 #define ND_ACCESS       5       /* File is not accessable       */
 136 #define ND_UKNWN        6       /* Unknown object to be freed   */
 137 #define ND_NOCTRL       7       /* Unknown option passed to netdir_options */
 138 #define ND_FAILCTRL     8       /* Option failed in netdir_options */
 139 #define ND_SYSTEM       9       /* Other System error           */
 141 /*
 142  * The following netdir_options commands can be given to the fd. These is
 143  * a way of providing for any transport specific action which the caller
 144  * may want to initiate on his transport. It is up to the trasport provider
 145  * to support the netdir_options he wants to support.
 146  */
 148 #define ND_SET_BROADCAST        1       /* Do t_optmgmt to support broadcast */
 149 #define ND_SET_RESERVEDPORT     2       /* bind it to reserve address */
 150 #define ND_CHECK_RESERVEDPORT   3       /* check if address is reserved */
 151 #define ND_MERGEADDR            4       /* Merge universal address */
 153 /*
 154  *      The following special case host names are used to give the underlying
 155  *      transport provides a clue as to the intent of the request.
 156  */
 158 #define HOST_SELF       "\\1"
 159 #define HOST_ANY        "\\2"
 160 #define HOST_BROADCAST  "\\3"
 162 #define HOST_SELF_CONNECT       "\\4"
 164 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 165 }
 166 #endif
 168 #endif  /* _NETDIR_H */