1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  *
  24  *      Copyright (c) 1989 AT&T
  25  *        All Rights Reserved
  26  *
  27  */
  29 #ifndef _DLFCN_H
  30 #define _DLFCN_H
  32 #include <sys/feature_tests.h>
  33 #include <sys/types.h>
  34 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
  35 #include <sys/auxv.h>
  36 #include <sys/mman.h>
  37 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
  39 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  40 extern "C" {
  41 #endif
  43 /*
  44  * Information structures for various dlinfo() requests.
  45  */
  46 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
  47 #ifdef __STDC__
  48 typedef struct  dl_info {
  49         const char      *dli_fname;     /* file containing address range */
  50         void            *dli_fbase;     /* base address of file image */
  51         const char      *dli_sname;     /* symbol name */
  52         void            *dli_saddr;     /* symbol address */
  53 } Dl_info;
  54 #else
  55 typedef struct  dl_info {
  56         char            *dli_fname;
  57         void            *dli_fbase;
  58         char            *dli_sname;
  59         void            *dli_saddr;
  60 } Dl_info;
  61 #endif /* __STDC__ */
  62 typedef Dl_info         Dl_info_t;
  64 typedef struct  dl_serpath {
  65         char            *dls_name;      /* library search path name */
  66         uint_t          dls_flags;      /* path information */
  67 } Dl_serpath;
  68 typedef Dl_serpath      Dl_serpath_t;
  70 typedef struct  dl_serinfo {
  71         size_t          dls_size;       /* total buffer size */
  72         uint_t          dls_cnt;        /* number of path entries */
  73         Dl_serpath      dls_serpath[1]; /* there may be more than one */
  74 } Dl_serinfo;
  75 typedef Dl_serinfo      Dl_serinfo_t;
  77 typedef struct  dl_argsinfo {
  78         long            dla_argc;       /* process argument count */
  79         char            **dla_argv;     /* process arguments */
  80         char            **dla_envp;     /* process environment variables */
  81         auxv_t          *dla_auxv;      /* process auxv vectors */
  82 } Dl_argsinfo;
  83 typedef Dl_argsinfo     Dl_argsinfo_t;
  85 typedef struct {
  86         mmapobj_result_t *dlm_maps;     /* mapping information */
  87         uint_t          dlm_acnt;       /* number of dlm_maps mappings */
  88         uint_t          dlm_rcnt;       /* number of returned mappings */
  89 } Dl_mapinfo_t;
  91 typedef struct {
  92         uint_t          dlui_version;   /* version # */
  93         uint_t          dlui_flags;     /* flags */
  94         char            *dlui_objname;  /* path to object */
  95         void            *dlui_unwindstart; /* star of unwind hdr */
  96         void            *dlui_unwindend; /* end of unwind hdr */
  97         void            *dlui_segstart; /* start of segment described */
  98                                         /*  by unwind block */
  99         void            *dlui_segend;   /* end of segment described */
 100                                         /*  by unwind block */
 101 } Dl_amd64_unwindinfo;
 102 typedef Dl_amd64_unwindinfo     Dl_amd64_unwindinfo_t;
 104 typedef struct {
 105         const char      *dld_refname;   /* reference name */
 106         const char      *dld_depname;   /* new dependency name */
 107 } Dl_definfo_t;
 109 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
 112 typedef ulong_t         Lmid_t;
 114 /*
 115  * Declarations used for dynamic linking support routines.
 116  */
 117 #ifdef __STDC__
 118 extern void     *dlopen(const char *, int);
 119 extern void     *dlsym(void *_RESTRICT_KYWD, const char *_RESTRICT_KYWD);
 120 extern int      dlclose(void *);
 121 extern char     *dlerror(void);
 122 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
 123 extern void     *dlmopen(Lmid_t, const char *, int);
 124 extern int      dladdr(void *, Dl_info *);
 125 extern int      dladdr1(void *, Dl_info *, void **, int);
 126 extern int      dldump(const char *, const char *, int);
 127 extern int      dlinfo(void *, int, void *);
 128 extern Dl_amd64_unwindinfo  *dlamd64getunwind(void *, Dl_amd64_unwindinfo *);
 129 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
 130 #else
 131 extern void     *dlopen();
 132 extern void     *dlsym();
 133 extern int      dlclose();
 134 extern char     *dlerror();
 135 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
 136 extern void     *dlmopen();
 137 extern int      dladdr();
 138 extern int      dladdr1();
 139 extern int      dldump();
 140 extern int      dlinfo();
 141 extern Dl_amd64_unwindinfo  *dlamd64getunwind();
 142 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
 143 #endif /* __STDC__ */
 145 #pragma unknown_control_flow(dlopen, dlsym, dlclose, dlerror)
 146 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
 147 #pragma unknown_control_flow(dlmopen, dladdr, dladdr1, dldump, dlinfo)
 148 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
 150 /*
 151  * Valid values for handle argument to dlsym(3x).
 152  */
 153 #define RTLD_NEXT               (void *)-1      /* look in `next' dependency */
 154 #define RTLD_DEFAULT            (void *)-2      /* look up symbol from scope */
 155                                                 /*      of current object */
 156 #define RTLD_SELF               (void *)-3      /* look in `ourself' */
 157 #define RTLD_PROBE              (void *)-4      /* look up symbol from scope */
 158                                                 /*      of current object, */
 159                                                 /*      using currently */
 160                                                 /*      loaded objects only. */
 161 /*
 162  * Valid values for mode argument to dlopen.
 163  */
 164 #define RTLD_LAZY               0x00001         /* deferred function binding */
 165 #define RTLD_NOW                0x00002         /* immediate function binding */
 166 #define RTLD_NOLOAD             0x00004         /* don't load object */
 168 #define RTLD_GLOBAL             0x00100         /* export symbols to others */
 169 #define RTLD_LOCAL              0x00000         /* symbols are only available */
 170                                                 /*      to group members */
 171 #define RTLD_PARENT             0x00200         /* add parent (caller) to */
 172                                                 /*      a group dependencies */
 173 #define RTLD_GROUP              0x00400         /* resolve symbols within */
 174                                                 /*      members of the group */
 175 #define RTLD_WORLD              0x00800         /* resolve symbols within */
 176                                                 /*      global objects */
 177 #define RTLD_NODELETE           0x01000         /* do not remove members */
 178 #define RTLD_FIRST              0x02000         /* only first object is */
 179                                                 /*      available for dlsym */
 180 #define RTLD_CONFGEN            0x10000         /* crle(1) config generation */
 181                                                 /*      internal use only */
 183 /*
 184  * Valid values for flag argument to dldump.
 185  */
 186 #define RTLD_REL_RELATIVE       0x00001         /* apply relative relocs */
 187 #define RTLD_REL_EXEC           0x00002         /* apply symbolic relocs that */
 188                                                 /*      bind to main */
 189 #define RTLD_REL_DEPENDS        0x00004         /* apply symbolic relocs that */
 190                                                 /*      bind to dependencies */
 191 #define RTLD_REL_PRELOAD        0x00008         /* apply symbolic relocs that */
 192                                                 /*      bind to preload objs */
 193 #define RTLD_REL_SELF           0x00010         /* apply symbolic relocs that */
 194                                                 /*      bind to ourself */
 195 #define RTLD_REL_WEAK           0x00020         /* apply symbolic weak relocs */
 196                                                 /*      even if unresolved */
 197 #define RTLD_REL_ALL            0x00fff         /* apply all relocs */
 199 #define RTLD_MEMORY             0x01000         /* use memory sections */
 200 #define RTLD_STRIP              0x02000         /* retain allocable sections */
 201                                                 /*      only */
 202 #define RTLD_NOHEAP             0x04000         /* do no save any heap */
 203 #define RTLD_CONFSET            0x10000         /* crle(1) config generation */
 204                                                 /*      internal use only */
 206 /*
 207  * Valid values for dladdr1() flags.
 208  */
 209 #define RTLD_DL_SYMENT          1               /* return symbol table entry */
 210 #define RTLD_DL_LINKMAP         2               /* return public link-map */
 211 #define RTLD_DL_MASK            0xffff
 214 /*
 215  * Arguments for dlinfo()
 216  */
 217 #define RTLD_DI_LMID            1               /* obtain link-map id */
 218 #define RTLD_DI_LINKMAP         2               /* obtain link-map */
 219 #define RTLD_DI_CONFIGADDR      3               /* obtain config addr */
 220 #define RTLD_DI_SERINFO         4               /* obtain search path info or */
 221 #define RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE     5               /*    associated info size */
 222 #define RTLD_DI_ORIGIN          6               /* obtain objects origin */
 223 #define RTLD_DI_PROFILENAME     7               /* obtain profile object name */
 224                                                 /*    internal use only */
 225 #define RTLD_DI_PROFILEOUT      8               /* obtain profile output name */
 226                                                 /*    internal use only */
 227 #define RTLD_DI_GETSIGNAL       9               /* get termination signal */
 228 #define RTLD_DI_SETSIGNAL       10              /* set termination signal */
 229 #define RTLD_DI_ARGSINFO        11              /* get process arguments */
 230                                                 /*    environment and auxv */
 231 #define RTLD_DI_MMAPS           12              /* obtain objects mappings or */
 232 #define RTLD_DI_MMAPCNT         13              /*    mapping count */
 233 #define RTLD_DI_DEFERRED        14              /* assign new dependency to a */
 234                                                 /*    deferred dependency */
 235 #define RTLD_DI_DEFERRED_SYM    15              /* assign new dependency to a */
 236                                                 /*    deferred dependency */
 237                                                 /*    using a symbol name */
 238 #define RTLD_DI_MAX             15
 240 #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
 241 /*
 242  * Version information for Dl_amd64_unwindinfo.dlui_version
 243  */
 244 #define DLUI_VERS_1             1
 245 #define DLUI_VERS_CURRENT       DLUI_VERS_1
 247 /*
 248  * Valid flags for Dl_amd64_unwindinfo.dlfi_flags
 249  */
 250 #define DLUI_FLG_NOUNWIND       0x0001          /* object has no Unwind info */
 251 #define DLUI_FLG_NOOBJ          0x0002          /* no object was found */
 252                                                 /*  matching the pc provided */
 253 #endif /* !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */
 255 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 256 }
 257 #endif
 259 #endif  /* _DLFCN_H */