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   1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright (c) 2008, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   3 .\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. The Berkeley software License Agreement specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   4 .TH MAN 1 "May 8, 2008"
   5 .SH NAME
   6 man \- find and display reference manual pages
   8 .LP
   9 .nf
  10 \fBman\fR [\fB-\fR] [\fB-adFlrt\fR] [\fB-M\fR \fIpath\fR] [\fB-T\fR \fImacro-package\fR] [\fB-s\fR \fIsection\fR] \fIname\fR...
  11 .fi
  13 .LP
  14 .nf
  15 \fBman\fR [\fB-M\fR \fIpath\fR] \fB-k\fR \fIkeyword\fR...
  16 .fi
  18 .LP
  19 .nf
  20 \fBman\fR [\fB-M\fR \fIpath\fR] \fB-f\fR \fIfile\fR...
  21 .fi
  24 .sp
  25 .LP
  26 The \fBman\fR command displays information from the reference manuals. It
  27 displays complete manual pages that you select by \fIname\fR, or one-line
  28 summaries selected either by \fIkeyword\fR (\fB-k\fR), or by the name of an
  29 associated file (\fB-f\fR). If no manual page is located, \fBman\fR prints an
  30 error message.
  31 .SS "Source Format"
  32 .sp
  33 .LP
  34 Reference Manual pages are marked up with either \fBnroff\fR (see
  35 \fBnroff\fR(1)) or \fBSGML\fR (Standard Generalized Markup Language) tags (see
  36 \fBsgml\fR(5)). The \fBman\fR command recognizes the type of markup and
  37 processes the file accordingly. The various source files are kept in separate
  38 directories depending on the type of markup.
  39 .SS "Location of Manual Pages"
  40 .sp
  41 .LP
  42 The online Reference Manual page directories are conventionally located in
  43 \fB/usr/share/man\fR. The nroff sources are located in the
  44 \fB/usr/share/man/man\fR* directories. The \fBSGML\fR sources are located in
  45 the \fB/usr/share/man/sman\fR* directories. Each directory corresponds to a
  46 section of the manual. Since these directories are optionally installed, they
  47 might not reside on your host. You might have to mount \fB/usr/share/man\fR
  48 from a host on which they do reside.
  49 .sp
  50 .LP
  51 If there are preformatted, up-to-date versions in the corresponding \fBcat\fR*
  52 or \fBfmt\fR* directories, \fBman\fR simply displays or prints those versions.
  53 If the preformatted version of interest is out of date or missing, \fBman\fR
  54 reformats it prior to display and stores the preformatted version if \fBcat\fR*
  55 or \fBfmt\fR* is writable. The \fBwindex\fR database is not updated. See
  56 \fBcatman\fR(1M). If directories for the preformatted versions are not
  57 provided, \fBman\fR reformats a page whenever it is requested. \fBman\fR uses a
  58 temporary file to store the formatted text during display.
  59 .sp
  60 .LP
  61 If the standard output is not a terminal, or if the `\fB-\fR' flag is given,
  62 \fBman\fR pipes its output through \fBcat\fR(1). Otherwise, \fBman\fR pipes its
  63 output through \fBmore\fR(1) to handle paging and underlining on the screen.
  65 .sp
  66 .LP
  67 The following options are supported:
  68 .sp
  69 .ne 2
  70 .na
  71 \fB\fB-a\fR\fR
  72 .ad
  73 .RS 20n
  74 Shows all manual pages matching \fIname\fR within the \fBMANPATH\fR search
  75 path. Manual pages are displayed in the order found.
  76 .RE
  78 .sp
  79 .ne 2
  80 .na
  81 \fB\fB-d\fR\fR
  82 .ad
  83 .RS 20n
  84 Debugs. Displays what a section-specifier evaluates to, method used for
  85 searching, and paths searched by \fBman\fR.
  86 .RE
  88 .sp
  89 .ne 2
  90 .na
  91 \fB\fB-f\fR \fIfile ...\fR\fR
  92 .ad
  93 .RS 20n
  94 \fBman\fR attempts to locate manual pages related to any of the given
  95 \fIfile\fRs. It strips the leading path name components from each \fIfile\fR,
  96 and then prints one-line summaries containing the resulting basename or names.
  97 This option also uses the \fBwindex\fR database.
  98 .RE
 100 .sp
 101 .ne 2
 102 .na
 103 \fB\fB-F\fR\fR
 104 .ad
 105 .RS 20n
 106 Forces \fBman\fR to search all directories specified by \fBMANPATH\fR or the
 107 \\fR file, rather than using the \fBwindex\fR lookup database. This
 108 option is useful if the database is not up to date and it has been made the
 109 default behavior of the \fBman\fR command. The option therefore does not have
 110 to be invoked and is documented here for reference only.
 111 .RE
 113 .sp
 114 .ne 2
 115 .na
 116 \fB\fB-k\fR \fIkeyword ...\fR\fR
 117 .ad
 118 .RS 20n
 119 Prints out one-line summaries from the \fBwindex\fR database (table of
 120 contents) that contain any of the given \fIkeyword\fRs. The \fBwindex\fR
 121 database is created using \fBcatman\fR(1M).
 122 .RE
 124 .sp
 125 .ne 2
 126 .na
 127 \fB\fB-l\fR\fR
 128 .ad
 129 .RS 20n
 130 Lists all manual pages found matching \fIname\fR within the search path.
 131 .RE
 133 .sp
 134 .ne 2
 135 .na
 136 \fB\fB-M\fR \fIpath\fR\fR
 137 .ad
 138 .RS 20n
 139 Specifies an alternate search path for manual pages. \fIpath\fR is a
 140 colon-separated list of directories that contain manual page directory
 141 subtrees. For example, if \fIpath\fR is \fB/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man\fR,
 142 \fBman\fR searches for \fIname\fR in the standard location, and then
 143 \fB/usr/local/man\fR. When used with the \fB-k\fR or \fB-f\fR options, the
 144 \fB-M\fR option must appear first. Each directory in the \fIpath\fR is assumed
 145 to contain subdirectories of the form \fBman\fR* or \fBsman\fR* , one for each
 146 section. This option overrides the \fBMANPATH\fR environment variable.
 147 .RE
 149 .sp
 150 .ne 2
 151 .na
 152 \fB\fB-r\fR\fR
 153 .ad
 154 .RS 20n
 155 Reformats the manual page, but does not display it. This replaces the \fBman\fR
 156 \fB-\fR \fB-t\fR \fIname\fR combination.
 157 .RE
 159 .sp
 160 .ne 2
 161 .na
 162 \fB\fB-s\fR \fIsection ...\fR\fR
 163 .ad
 164 .RS 20n
 165 Specifies sections of the manual for \fBman\fR to search. The directories
 166 searched for \fIname\fR are limited to those specified by \fIsection\fR.
 167 \fIsection\fR can be a numerical digit, perhaps followed by one or more letters
 168 to match the desired section of the manual, for example, "\fB3libucb\fR". Also,
 169 \fIsection\fR can be a word, for example, \fBlocal\fR, \fBnew\fR, \fBold\fR,
 170 \fBpublic\fR. \fIsection\fR can also be a letter. To specify multiple sections,
 171 separate each section with a comma. This option overrides the \fBMANPATH\fR
 172 environment variable and the \\fR file. See \fBSearch\fR \fBPath\fR
 173 below for an explanation of how \fBman\fR conducts its search.
 174 .RE
 176 .sp
 177 .ne 2
 178 .na
 179 \fB\fB-t\fR\fR
 180 .ad
 181 .RS 20n
 182 \fBman\fR arranges for the specified manual pages to be \fBtroff\fRed to a
 183 suitable raster output device (see \fBtroff\fR(1)). If both the \fB-\fR and
 184 \fB-t\fR flags are given, \fBman\fR updates the \fBtroff\fRed versions of each
 185 named \fIname\fR (if necessary), but does not display them.
 186 .RE
 188 .sp
 189 .ne 2
 190 .na
 191 \fB\fB-T\fR \fImacro-package\fR\fR
 192 .ad
 193 .RS 20n
 194 Formats manual pages using \fImacro-package\fR rather than the standard
 195 \fB-man\fR macros defined in \fB/usr/share/lib/tmac/an\fR. See \fBSearch
 196 Path\fR under USAGE for a complete explanation of the default search path
 197 order.
 198 .RE
 201 .sp
 202 .LP
 203 The following operand is supported:
 204 .sp
 205 .ne 2
 206 .na
 207 \fB\fIname\fR\fR
 208 .ad
 209 .RS 8n
 210 The name of a standard utility or a keyword.
 211 .RE
 213 .SH USAGE
 214 .sp
 215 .LP
 216 The usage of \fBman\fR is described below:
 217 .SS "Manual Page Sections"
 218 .sp
 219 .LP
 220 Entries in the reference manuals are organized into \fIsection\fRs. A section
 221 name consists of a major section name, typically a single digit, optionally
 222 followed by a subsection name, typically one or more letters. An unadorned
 223 major section name, for example, "\fB9\fR", does not act as an abbreviation for
 224 the subsections of that name, such as "\fB9e\fR", "\fB9f\fR", or "\fB9s\fR".
 225 That is, each subsection must be searched separately by \fBman\fR \fB-s\fR.
 226 Each section contains descriptions apropos to a particular reference category,
 227 with subsections refining these distinctions. See the \fBintro\fR manual pages
 228 for an explanation of the classification used in this release.
 229 .SS "Search Path"
 230 .sp
 231 .LP
 232 Before searching for a given \fIname\fR, \fBman\fR constructs a list of
 233 candidate directories and sections. \fBman\fR searches for \fIname\fR in the
 234 directories specified by the \fBMANPATH\fR environment variable.
 235 .sp
 236 .LP
 237 In the absence of \fBMANPATH\fR, \fBman\fR constructs its search path based
 238 upon the \fBPATH\fR environment variable, primarily by substituting \fBman\fR
 239 for the last component of the \fBPATH\fR element. Special provisions are added
 240 to account for unique characteristics of directories such as \fB/sbin\fR,
 241 \fB/usr/ucb\fR, \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR, and others. If the file argument contains
 242 a \fB/\fR character, the \fIdirname\fR portion of the argument is used in place
 243 of \fBPATH\fR elements to construct the search path.
 244 .sp
 245 .LP
 246 Within the manual page directories, \fBman\fR confines its search to the
 247 sections specified in the following order:
 248 .RS +4
 249 .TP
 250 .ie t \(bu
 251 .el o
 252 \fIsection\fRs specified on the command line with the \fB-s\fR option
 253 .RE
 254 .RS +4
 255 .TP
 256 .ie t \(bu
 257 .el o
 258 \fIsection\fRs embedded in the \fBMANPATH\fR environment variable
 259 .RE
 260 .RS +4
 261 .TP
 262 .ie t \(bu
 263 .el o
 264 \fIsection\fRs specified in the \\fR file for each directory specified
 265 in the \fBMANPATH\fR environment variable
 266 .RE
 267 .sp
 268 .LP
 269 If none of the above exist, \fBman\fR searches each directory in the manual
 270 page path, and displays the first matching manual page found.
 271 .sp
 272 .LP
 273 The \\fR file has the following format:
 274 .sp
 275 .in +2
 276 .nf
 277 MANSECTS=\fIsection\fR[,\fIsection\fR]...
 278 .fi
 279 .in -2
 280 .sp
 282 .sp
 283 .LP
 284 Lines beginning with `\fB#\fR' and blank lines are considered comments, and are
 285 ignored. Each directory specified in \fBMANPATH\fR can contain a manual page
 286 configuration file, specifying the default search order for that directory.
 288 .sp
 289 .LP
 290 Manual pages are marked up in \fBnroff\fR(1) or \fBsgml\fR(5). Nroff manual
 291 pages are processed by \fBnroff\fR(1) or \fBtroff\fR(1) with the \fB-man\fR
 292 macro package. Please refer to \fBman\fR(5) for information on macro usage.
 293 \fBSGML\fR\(emtagged manual pages are processed by an \fBSGML\fR parser and
 294 passed to the formatter.
 295 .SS "Preprocessing Nroff Manual Pages"
 296 .sp
 297 .LP
 298 When formatting an nroff manual page, \fBman\fR examines the first line to
 299 determine whether it requires special processing. If the first line is a string
 300 of the form:
 301 .sp
 302 .in +2
 303 .nf
 304 \&'\e" \fIX\fR
 305 .fi
 306 .in -2
 307 .sp
 309 .sp
 310 .LP
 311 where \fIX\fR is separated from the `\fB"\fR' by a single SPACE and consists of
 312 any combination of characters in the following list, \fBman\fR pipes its input
 313 to \fBtroff\fR(1) or \fBnroff\fR(1) through the corresponding preprocessors.
 314 .sp
 315 .ne 2
 316 .na
 317 \fB\fBe\fR\fR
 318 .ad
 319 .RS 5n
 320 \fBeqn\fR(1), or \fBneqn\fR for \fBnroff\fR
 321 .RE
 323 .sp
 324 .ne 2
 325 .na
 326 \fB\fBr\fR\fR
 327 .ad
 328 .RS 5n
 329 \fBrefer\fR(1)
 330 .RE
 332 .sp
 333 .ne 2
 334 .na
 335 \fB\fBt\fR\fR
 336 .ad
 337 .RS 5n
 338 \fBtbl\fR(1)
 339 .RE
 341 .sp
 342 .ne 2
 343 .na
 344 \fB\fBv\fR\fR
 345 .ad
 346 .RS 5n
 347 \fBvgrind\fR(1)
 348 .RE
 350 .sp
 351 .LP
 352 If \fBeqn\fR or \fBneqn\fR is invoked, it automatically reads the file
 353 \fB/usr/pub/eqnchar\fR (see \fBeqnchar\fR(5)). If \fBnroff\fR(1) is invoked,
 354 \fBcol\fR(1) is automatically used.
 355 .SS "Referring to Other nroff Manual Pages"
 356 .sp
 357 .LP
 358 If the first line of the nroff manual page is a reference to another manual
 359 page entry fitting the pattern:
 360 .sp
 361 .in +2
 362 .nf
 363 \&.so man*/\fIsourcefile\fR
 364 .fi
 365 .in -2
 366 .sp
 368 .sp
 369 .LP
 370 \fBman\fR processes the indicated file in place of the current one. The
 371 reference must be expressed as a path name relative to the root of the manual
 372 page directory subtree.
 373 .sp
 374 .LP
 375 When the second or any subsequent line starts with \fB\&.so\fR, \fBman\fR
 376 ignores it; \fBtroff\fR(1) or \fBnroff\fR(1) processes the request in the usual
 377 manner.
 378 .SS "Processing SGML Manual Pages"
 379 .sp
 380 .LP
 381 Manual pages are identified as being marked up in SGML by the presence of the
 382 string \fB<!DOCTYPE\fR\&. If the file also contains the string
 383 \fBSHADOW_PAGE\fR, the file refers to another manual page for the content. The
 384 reference is made with a file entity reference to the manual page that contains
 385 the text. This is similar to the \fB\&.so\fR mechanism used in the nroff
 386 formatted man pages.
 388 .sp
 389 .LP
 390 See \fBenviron\fR(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables
 391 that affect the execution of \fBman\fR: \fBLANG\fR, \fBLC_ALL\fR,
 393 .sp
 394 .ne 2
 395 .na
 396 \fB\fBMANPATH\fR\fR
 397 .ad
 398 .RS 11n
 399 A colon-separated list of directories; each directory can be followed by a
 400 comma-separated list of sections. If set, its value overrides
 401 \fB/usr/share/man\fR as the default directory search path, and the \\fR
 402 file as the default section search path. The \fB-M\fR and \fB-s\fR flags, in
 403 turn, override these values.)
 404 .RE
 406 .sp
 407 .ne 2
 408 .na
 409 \fB\fBPAGER\fR\fR
 410 .ad
 411 .RS 11n
 412 A program to use for interactively delivering \fBman\fR's output to the screen.
 413 If not set, `\fBmore\fR \fB-s\fR' is used. See \fBmore\fR(1).
 414 .RE
 416 .sp
 417 .ne 2
 418 .na
 419 \fB\fBTCAT\fR\fR
 420 .ad
 421 .RS 11n
 422 The name of the program to use to display \fBtroff\fRed manual pages.
 423 .RE
 425 .sp
 426 .ne 2
 427 .na
 428 \fB\fBTROFF\fR\fR
 429 .ad
 430 .RS 11n
 431 The name of the formatter to use when the \fB-t\fR flag is given. If not set,
 432 \fBtroff\fR(1) is used.
 433 .RE
 436 .LP
 437 \fBExample 1 \fRCreating a PostScript Version of a man page
 438 .sp
 439 .LP
 440 The following example creates the \fBpipe\fR(2) man page in postscript for csh,
 441 tcsh, ksh and sh users:
 443 .sp
 444 .in +2
 445 .nf
 446         % env TCAT=/usr/lib/lp/postscript/dpost man -t -s 2 pipe >
 447 .fi
 448 .in -2
 449 .sp
 451 .sp
 452 .LP
 453 This is an alternative to using \fBman\fR \fB-t\fR, which sends the man page to
 454 the default printer, if the user wants a postscript file version of the man
 455 page.
 457 .LP
 458 \fBExample 2 \fRCreating a Text Version of a man page
 459 .sp
 460 .LP
 461 The following example creates the \fBpipe\fR(2) man page in ascii text:
 463 .sp
 464 .in +2
 465 .nf
 466 man pipe.2 | col -x -b > pipe.text
 467 .fi
 468 .in -2
 469 .sp
 471 .sp
 472 .LP
 473 This is an alternative to using \fBman\fR \fB-t\fR, which sends the man page to
 474 the default printer, if the user wants a text file version of the man page.
 477 .sp
 478 .LP
 479 The following exit values are returned:
 480 .sp
 481 .ne 2
 482 .na
 483 \fB\fB0\fR\fR
 484 .ad
 485 .RS 6n
 486 Successful completion.
 487 .RE
 489 .sp
 490 .ne 2
 491 .na
 492 \fB\fB>0\fR\fR
 493 .ad
 494 .RS 6n
 495 An error occurred.
 496 .RE
 498 .SH FILES
 499 .sp
 500 .ne 2
 501 .na
 502 \fB\fB/usr/share/man\fR\fR
 503 .ad
 504 .sp .6
 505 .RS 4n
 506 Root of the standard manual page directory subtree
 507 .RE
 509 .sp
 510 .ne 2
 511 .na
 512 \fB\fB/usr/share/man/man?/*\fR\fR
 513 .ad
 514 .sp .6
 515 .RS 4n
 516 Unformatted nroff manual entries
 517 .RE
 519 .sp
 520 .ne 2
 521 .na
 522 \fB\fB/usr/share/man/sman?/*\fR\fR
 523 .ad
 524 .sp .6
 525 .RS 4n
 526 Unformatted \fBSGML\fR manual entries
 527 .RE
 529 .sp
 530 .ne 2
 531 .na
 532 \fB\fB/usr/share/man/cat?/*\fR\fR
 533 .ad
 534 .sp .6
 535 .RS 4n
 536 \fBnroff\fRed manual entries
 537 .RE
 539 .sp
 540 .ne 2
 541 .na
 542 \fB\fB/usr/share/man/fmt?/*\fR\fR
 543 .ad
 544 .sp .6
 545 .RS 4n
 546 \fBtroff\fRed manual entries
 547 .RE
 549 .sp
 550 .ne 2
 551 .na
 552 \fB\fB/usr/share/man/windex\fR\fR
 553 .ad
 554 .sp .6
 555 .RS 4n
 556 Table of contents and keyword database
 557 .RE
 559 .sp
 560 .ne 2
 561 .na
 562 \fB\fB/usr/share/lib/tmac/an\fR\fR
 563 .ad
 564 .sp .6
 565 .RS 4n
 566 Standard \fB-man\fR macro package
 567 .RE
 569 .sp
 570 .ne 2
 571 .na
 572 \fB\fB/usr/share/lib/sgml/locale/C/dtd/*\fR\fR
 573 .ad
 574 .sp .6
 575 .RS 4n
 576 \fBSGML\fR document type definition files
 577 .RE
 579 .sp
 580 .ne 2
 581 .na
 582 \fB\fB/usr/share/lib/sgml/locale/C/solbook/*\fR\fR
 583 .ad
 584 .sp .6
 585 .RS 4n
 586 \fBSGML\fR style sheet and entity definitions directories
 587 .RE
 589 .sp
 590 .ne 2
 591 .na
 592 \fB\fB/usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar\fR\fR
 593 .ad
 594 .sp .6
 595 .RS 4n
 596 Standard definitions for \fBeqn\fR and \fBneqn\fR
 597 .RE
 599 .sp
 600 .ne 2
 601 .na
 602 \fB\\fR\fR
 603 .ad
 604 .sp .6
 605 .RS 4n
 606 Default search order by section
 607 .RE
 610 .sp
 611 .LP
 612 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 613 .sp
 615 .sp
 616 .TS
 617 box;
 618 c | c
 619 l | l .
 621 _
 622 CSI     Enabled, see \fBNOTES\fR.
 623 _
 624 Interface Stability     Committed
 625 _
 626 Standard        See \fBstandards\fR(5).
 627 .TE
 630 .sp
 631 .LP
 632 \fBapropos\fR(1), \fBcat\fR(1), \fBcol\fR(1), \fBdpost\fR(1), \fBeqn\fR(1),
 633 \fBmore\fR(1), \fBnroff\fR(1), \fBrefer\fR(1), \fBtbl\fR(1), \fBtroff\fR(1),
 634 \fBvgrind\fR(1), \fBwhatis\fR(1), \fBcatman\fR(1M), \fBattributes\fR(5),
 635 \fBenviron\fR(5), \fBeqnchar\fR(5), \fBman\fR(5), \fBsgml\fR(5),
 636 \fBstandards\fR(5)
 637 .SH NOTES
 638 .sp
 639 .LP
 640 The \fB-f\fR and \fB-k\fR options use the \fBwindex\fR database, which is
 641 created by \fBcatman\fR(1M).
 642 .sp
 643 .LP
 644 The \fBman\fR command is CSI-capable. However, some utilities invoked by the
 645 \fBman\fR command, namely, \fBtroff\fR, \fBeqn\fR, \fBneqn\fR, \fBrefer\fR,
 646 \fBtbl\fR, and \fBvgrind\fR, are not verified to be CSI-capable. Because of
 647 this, the man command with the \fB-t\fR option can not handle non-EUC data.
 648 Also, using the \fBman\fR command to display man pages that require special
 649 processing through \fBeqn\fR, \fBneqn\fR, \fBrefer\fR, \fBtbl\fR, or
 650 \fBvgrind\fR can not be CSI-capable.
 651 .SH BUGS
 652 .sp
 653 .LP
 654 The manual is supposed to be reproducible either on a phototypesetter or on an
 655 \fBASCII\fR terminal. However, on a terminal some information (indicated by
 656 font changes, for instance) is lost.
 657 .sp
 658 .LP
 659 Some dumb terminals cannot process the vertical motions produced by the \fBe\fR
 660 (see \fBeqn\fR(1)) preprocessing flag. To prevent garbled output on these
 661 terminals, when you use \fBe\fR, also use \fBt\fR, to invoke \fBcol\fR(1)
 662 implicitly. This workaround has the disadvantage of eliminating superscripts
 663 and subscripts, even on those terminals that can display them. Control-q clears
 664 a terminal that gets confused by \fBeqn\fR(1) output.
   1 .\"
   2 .\" This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
   3 .\" Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0.
   4 .\" You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version
   5 .\" 1.0 of the CDDL.
   6 .\"
   7 .\" A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
   8 .\" source.  A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
   9 .\"
  10 .\"
  11 .\"
  12 .\" Copyright 2012 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  13 .\" Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <>
  14 .\"
  15 .Dd October 18, 2012
  16 .Dt MAN 1
  17 .Os
  18 .Sh NAME
  19 .Nm man
  20 .Nd find and display reference manual pages
  22 .Nm
  23 .Op Fl alptw
  24 .Op Fl M Ar manpath
  25 .Op Fl s Ar mansect
  26 .Ar page ...
  27 .Nm
  28 .Op Fl s Ar mansect
  29 .Fl f
  30 .Ar keyword ...
  31 .Nm
  32 .Op Fl s Ar mansect
  33 .Fl k
  34 .Ar keyword ...
  36 The
  37 .Nm
  38 utility finds and displays reference manual pages.
  39 .Pp
  40 Options that
  41 .Nm
  42 understands:
  43 .Bl -tag -width indent
  44 .It Fl M Ar manpath
  45 Forces a specific colon separated manual path instead of the default
  46 search path.
  47 Overrides the
  48 .Ev MANPATH
  49 environment variable.
  50 .It Fl a
  51 Display all manual pages instead of just the first found for each
  52 .Ar page
  53 argument.
  54 .It Fl f
  55 Emulate
  56 .Xr whatis 1 .
  57 .It Fl k
  58 Emulate
  59 .Xr apropos 1 .
  60 .It Fl l
  61 Display the location of the manual page instead of the contents of
  62 the manual page.
  63 .It Fl p
  64 Output current path used for searching.
  65 .It Fl s Ar mansect
  66 Restrict manual sections searched to the specified colon delimited list.
  67 .It Fl t
  68 Send the content formatted as PostScript to the default printer.
  69 .It Fl w
  70 Create
  71 .Nm whatis
  72 databases used by
  73 .Xr apropos 1
  74 and
  75 .Xr whatis 1 .
  76 .El
  78 The following environment variables affect the execution of
  79 .Nm :
  80 .Bl -tag -width ".Ev MANPATH"
  81 .It Ev LC_ALL , LC_CTYPE , LANG
  82 Used to find locale-specific manual pages.
  83 .It Ev MANPATH
  84 Used to find the location of the manual files.
  85 Corresponds to the
  86 .Fl M
  87 option.
  88 .It Ev MANWIDTH
  89 Defines the width of output. If set to
  90 .Dq Li tty ,
  91 and output is to a terminal, full width of terminal is used.
  92 .It Ev PAGER
  93 Program used to display files. If unset,
  94 .Dq Li "less -ins"
  95 is used.
  96 .It Ev PATH
  97 Used to find location of manual files if
  98 .Ev MANPATH
  99 and
 100 .Fl M
 101 are not specified.
 102 .El
 103 .Sh FILES
 104 .Bl -tag -width indent -compact
 105 .It Pa
 106 Per-manpath configuration settings.  The file is formatted as follows:
 107 .Bd -literal -offset indent
 108 MANSECT=\fIsection\fR[,\fIsection\fR]...
 109 .Ed
 110 .Pp
 111 Each section consists of a section in the reference manual.  The file
 112 may also contain comment blank lines or lines consisting of comments, where
 113 the first character in the line is `#'.  Both blank lines and comment lines are
 114 ignored.
 115 .El
 117 Enabled.
 119 The
 120 .Nm 
 121 utility is
 122 .Nm Standard ,
 123 as is the
 124 .Fl k
 125 option. The other options are
 126 .Nm Committed .
 127 .Sh SEE ALSO
 128 .Xr apropos 1 ,
 129 .Xr intro 1 ,
 130 .Xr mandoc 1 ,
 131 .Xr whatis 1 ,
 132 .Xr man 5 ,
 133 .Xr mdoc 5 ,
 134 .Xr standards 5
 135 .Sh NOTES
 136 Some pages may contain information which cannot be properly displayed on
 137 all terminals.  In such cases, some information may be lost.