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5051 import mdocml-1.12.3
Reviewed by: Yuri Pankov <>
Approved by: TBD

*** 1,9 **** ! /* $Id: mdoc_validate.c,v 1.182 2012/03/23 05:50:25 kristaps Exp $ */ /* ! * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kristaps Dzonsons <> ! * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Ingo Schwarze <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * --- 1,9 ---- ! /* $Id: mdoc_validate.c,v 1.198 2013/12/15 21:23:52 schwarze Exp $ */ /* ! * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Kristaps Dzonsons <> ! * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ingo Schwarze <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. *
*** 95,115 **** static int post_bl_block(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_block_width(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_block_tag(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_head(POST_ARGS); static int post_bx(POST_ARGS); static int post_dd(POST_ARGS); static int post_dt(POST_ARGS); - static int post_defaults(POST_ARGS); - static int post_literal(POST_ARGS); static int post_eoln(POST_ARGS); static int post_it(POST_ARGS); static int post_lb(POST_ARGS); static int post_nm(POST_ARGS); static int post_ns(POST_ARGS); static int post_os(POST_ARGS); ! static int post_ignpar(POST_ARGS); static int post_prol(POST_ARGS); static int post_root(POST_ARGS); static int post_rs(POST_ARGS); static int post_sh(POST_ARGS); static int post_sh_body(POST_ARGS); --- 95,117 ---- static int post_bl_block(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_block_width(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_block_tag(POST_ARGS); static int post_bl_head(POST_ARGS); static int post_bx(POST_ARGS); + static int post_defaults(POST_ARGS); static int post_dd(POST_ARGS); static int post_dt(POST_ARGS); static int post_eoln(POST_ARGS); + static int post_hyph(POST_ARGS); + static int post_ignpar(POST_ARGS); static int post_it(POST_ARGS); static int post_lb(POST_ARGS); + static int post_literal(POST_ARGS); static int post_nm(POST_ARGS); static int post_ns(POST_ARGS); static int post_os(POST_ARGS); ! static int post_par(POST_ARGS); static int post_prol(POST_ARGS); static int post_root(POST_ARGS); static int post_rs(POST_ARGS); static int post_sh(POST_ARGS); static int post_sh_body(POST_ARGS);
*** 139,178 **** static v_post posts_bl[] = { bwarn_ge1, post_bl, NULL }; static v_post posts_bx[] = { post_bx, NULL }; static v_post posts_bool[] = { ebool, NULL }; static v_post posts_eoln[] = { post_eoln, NULL }; static v_post posts_defaults[] = { post_defaults, NULL }; static v_post posts_dd[] = { post_dd, post_prol, NULL }; static v_post posts_dl[] = { post_literal, bwarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_dt[] = { post_dt, post_prol, NULL }; static v_post posts_fo[] = { hwarn_eq1, bwarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_it[] = { post_it, NULL }; static v_post posts_lb[] = { post_lb, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_nd[] = { berr_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_nm[] = { post_nm, NULL }; static v_post posts_notext[] = { ewarn_eq0, NULL }; static v_post posts_ns[] = { post_ns, NULL }; static v_post posts_os[] = { post_os, post_prol, NULL }; static v_post posts_rs[] = { post_rs, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_sh[] = { post_ignpar, hwarn_ge1, post_sh, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_sp[] = { ewarn_le1, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_ss[] = { post_ignpar, hwarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_st[] = { post_st, NULL }; static v_post posts_std[] = { post_std, NULL }; static v_post posts_text[] = { ewarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_text1[] = { ewarn_eq1, NULL }; static v_post posts_vt[] = { post_vt, NULL }; - static v_post posts_wline[] = { bwarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_pre pres_an[] = { pre_an, NULL }; static v_pre pres_bd[] = { pre_display, pre_bd, pre_literal, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_bl[] = { pre_bl, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_d1[] = { pre_display, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dl[] = { pre_literal, pre_display, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dd[] = { pre_dd, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dt[] = { pre_dt, NULL }; - static v_pre pres_er[] = { NULL, NULL }; - static v_pre pres_fd[] = { NULL, NULL }; static v_pre pres_it[] = { pre_it, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_os[] = { pre_os, NULL }; static v_pre pres_pp[] = { pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_sh[] = { pre_sh, NULL }; static v_pre pres_ss[] = { pre_ss, NULL }; --- 141,181 ---- static v_post posts_bl[] = { bwarn_ge1, post_bl, NULL }; static v_post posts_bx[] = { post_bx, NULL }; static v_post posts_bool[] = { ebool, NULL }; static v_post posts_eoln[] = { post_eoln, NULL }; static v_post posts_defaults[] = { post_defaults, NULL }; + static v_post posts_d1[] = { bwarn_ge1, post_hyph, NULL }; static v_post posts_dd[] = { post_dd, post_prol, NULL }; static v_post posts_dl[] = { post_literal, bwarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_dt[] = { post_dt, post_prol, NULL }; static v_post posts_fo[] = { hwarn_eq1, bwarn_ge1, NULL }; + static v_post posts_hyph[] = { post_hyph, NULL }; + static v_post posts_hyphtext[] = { ewarn_ge1, post_hyph, NULL }; static v_post posts_it[] = { post_it, NULL }; static v_post posts_lb[] = { post_lb, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_nd[] = { berr_ge1, post_hyph, NULL }; static v_post posts_nm[] = { post_nm, NULL }; static v_post posts_notext[] = { ewarn_eq0, NULL }; static v_post posts_ns[] = { post_ns, NULL }; static v_post posts_os[] = { post_os, post_prol, NULL }; + static v_post posts_pp[] = { post_par, ewarn_eq0, NULL }; static v_post posts_rs[] = { post_rs, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_sh[] = { post_ignpar,hwarn_ge1,post_sh,post_hyph,NULL }; ! static v_post posts_sp[] = { post_par, ewarn_le1, NULL }; ! static v_post posts_ss[] = { post_ignpar, hwarn_ge1, post_hyph, NULL }; static v_post posts_st[] = { post_st, NULL }; static v_post posts_std[] = { post_std, NULL }; static v_post posts_text[] = { ewarn_ge1, NULL }; static v_post posts_text1[] = { ewarn_eq1, NULL }; static v_post posts_vt[] = { post_vt, NULL }; static v_pre pres_an[] = { pre_an, NULL }; static v_pre pres_bd[] = { pre_display, pre_bd, pre_literal, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_bl[] = { pre_bl, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_d1[] = { pre_display, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dl[] = { pre_literal, pre_display, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dd[] = { pre_dd, NULL }; static v_pre pres_dt[] = { pre_dt, NULL }; static v_pre pres_it[] = { pre_it, pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_os[] = { pre_os, NULL }; static v_pre pres_pp[] = { pre_par, NULL }; static v_pre pres_sh[] = { pre_sh, NULL }; static v_pre pres_ss[] = { pre_ss, NULL };
*** 183,194 **** { pres_dd, posts_dd }, /* Dd */ { pres_dt, posts_dt }, /* Dt */ { pres_os, posts_os }, /* Os */ { pres_sh, posts_sh }, /* Sh */ { pres_ss, posts_ss }, /* Ss */ ! { pres_pp, posts_notext }, /* Pp */ ! { pres_d1, posts_wline }, /* D1 */ { pres_dl, posts_dl }, /* Dl */ { pres_bd, posts_bd }, /* Bd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ed */ { pres_bl, posts_bl }, /* Bl */ { NULL, NULL }, /* El */ --- 186,197 ---- { pres_dd, posts_dd }, /* Dd */ { pres_dt, posts_dt }, /* Dt */ { pres_os, posts_os }, /* Os */ { pres_sh, posts_sh }, /* Sh */ { pres_ss, posts_ss }, /* Ss */ ! { pres_pp, posts_pp }, /* Pp */ ! { pres_d1, posts_d1 }, /* D1 */ { pres_dl, posts_dl }, /* Dl */ { pres_bd, posts_bd }, /* Bd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ed */ { pres_bl, posts_bl }, /* Bl */ { NULL, NULL }, /* El */
*** 197,211 **** { pres_an, posts_an }, /* An */ { NULL, posts_defaults }, /* Ar */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Cd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Cm */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Dv */ ! { pres_er, NULL }, /* Er */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ev */ { pres_std, posts_std }, /* Ex */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fa */ ! { pres_fd, posts_text }, /* Fd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fl */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fn */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ft */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ic */ { NULL, posts_text1 }, /* In */ --- 200,214 ---- { pres_an, posts_an }, /* An */ { NULL, posts_defaults }, /* Ar */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Cd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Cm */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Dv */ ! { NULL, NULL }, /* Er */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ev */ { pres_std, posts_std }, /* Ex */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fa */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* Fd */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fl */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fn */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ft */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ic */ { NULL, posts_text1 }, /* In */
*** 219,237 **** { NULL, posts_st }, /* St */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Va */ { NULL, posts_vt }, /* Vt */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* Xr */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %A */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* %B */ /* FIXME: can be used outside Rs/Re. */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %D */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %I */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %J */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* %N */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* %O */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %P */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* %R */ ! { NULL, posts_text }, /* %T */ /* FIXME: can be used outside Rs/Re. */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %V */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ac */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ao */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Aq */ { NULL, posts_at }, /* At */ --- 222,240 ---- { NULL, posts_st }, /* St */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Va */ { NULL, posts_vt }, /* Vt */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* Xr */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %A */ ! { NULL, posts_hyphtext }, /* %B */ /* FIXME: can be used outside Rs/Re. */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %D */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %I */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %J */ ! { NULL, posts_hyphtext }, /* %N */ ! { NULL, posts_hyphtext }, /* %O */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %P */ ! { NULL, posts_hyphtext }, /* %R */ ! { NULL, posts_hyphtext }, /* %T */ /* FIXME: can be used outside Rs/Re. */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %V */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ac */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ao */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Aq */ { NULL, posts_at }, /* At */
*** 267,277 **** { NULL, posts_rs }, /* Rs */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sc */ { NULL, NULL }, /* So */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sq */ { NULL, posts_bool }, /* Sm */ ! { NULL, NULL }, /* Sx */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sy */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Tn */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ux */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Xc */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Xo */ --- 270,280 ---- { NULL, posts_rs }, /* Rs */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sc */ { NULL, NULL }, /* So */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sq */ { NULL, posts_bool }, /* Sm */ ! { NULL, posts_hyph }, /* Sx */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Sy */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Tn */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ux */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Xc */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Xo */
*** 284,294 **** { NULL, posts_eoln }, /* Bt */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Hf */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fr */ { NULL, posts_eoln }, /* Ud */ { NULL, posts_lb }, /* Lb */ ! { NULL, posts_notext }, /* Lp */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Lk */ { NULL, posts_defaults }, /* Mt */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Brq */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Bro */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Brc */ --- 287,297 ---- { NULL, posts_eoln }, /* Bt */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Hf */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Fr */ { NULL, posts_eoln }, /* Ud */ { NULL, posts_lb }, /* Lb */ ! { pres_pp, posts_pp }, /* Lp */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Lk */ { NULL, posts_defaults }, /* Mt */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Brq */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Bro */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Brc */
*** 295,306 **** { NULL, posts_text }, /* %C */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Es */ { NULL, NULL }, /* En */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Dx */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %Q */ ! { NULL, posts_notext }, /* br */ ! { pres_pp, posts_sp }, /* sp */ { NULL, posts_text1 }, /* %U */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ta */ }; #define RSORD_MAX 14 /* Number of `Rs' blocks. */ --- 298,309 ---- { NULL, posts_text }, /* %C */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Es */ { NULL, NULL }, /* En */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Dx */ { NULL, posts_text }, /* %Q */ ! { NULL, posts_pp }, /* br */ ! { NULL, posts_sp }, /* sp */ { NULL, posts_text1 }, /* %U */ { NULL, NULL }, /* Ta */ }; #define RSORD_MAX 14 /* Number of `Rs' blocks. */
*** 312,327 **** MDOC__I, MDOC__J, MDOC__R, MDOC__N, MDOC__V, MDOC__P, MDOC__Q, - MDOC__D, - MDOC__O, MDOC__C, ! MDOC__U }; static const char * const secnames[SEC__MAX] = { NULL, "NAME", --- 315,330 ---- MDOC__I, MDOC__J, MDOC__R, MDOC__N, MDOC__V, + MDOC__U, MDOC__P, MDOC__Q, MDOC__C, ! MDOC__D, ! MDOC__O }; static const char * const secnames[SEC__MAX] = { NULL, "NAME",
*** 412,455 **** return(1); } static int ! check_count(struct mdoc *m, enum mdoc_type type, enum check_lvl lvl, enum check_ineq ineq, int val) { const char *p; enum mandocerr t; ! if (m->last->type != type) return(1); switch (ineq) { case (CHECK_LT): p = "less than "; ! if (m->last->nchild < val) return(1); break; case (CHECK_GT): p = "more than "; ! if (m->last->nchild > val) return(1); break; case (CHECK_EQ): p = ""; ! if (val == m->last->nchild) return(1); break; default: abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } t = lvl == CHECK_WARN ? MANDOCERR_ARGCWARN : MANDOCERR_ARGCOUNT; ! mandoc_vmsg(t, m->parse, m->last->line, m->last->pos, "want %s%d children (have %d)", ! p, val, m->last->nchild); return(1); } static int berr_ge1(POST_ARGS) --- 415,458 ---- return(1); } static int ! check_count(struct mdoc *mdoc, enum mdoc_type type, enum check_lvl lvl, enum check_ineq ineq, int val) { const char *p; enum mandocerr t; ! if (mdoc->last->type != type) return(1); switch (ineq) { case (CHECK_LT): p = "less than "; ! if (mdoc->last->nchild < val) return(1); break; case (CHECK_GT): p = "more than "; ! if (mdoc->last->nchild > val) return(1); break; case (CHECK_EQ): p = ""; ! if (val == mdoc->last->nchild) return(1); break; default: abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } t = lvl == CHECK_WARN ? MANDOCERR_ARGCWARN : MANDOCERR_ARGCOUNT; ! mandoc_vmsg(t, mdoc->parse, mdoc->last->line, mdoc->last->pos, "want %s%d children (have %d)", ! p, val, mdoc->last->nchild); return(1); } static int berr_ge1(POST_ARGS)
*** 511,557 **** { return(check_count(mdoc, MDOC_HEAD, CHECK_WARN, CHECK_LT, 2)); } static void ! check_args(struct mdoc *m, struct mdoc_node *n) { int i; if (NULL == n->args) return; assert(n->args->argc); for (i = 0; i < (int)n->args->argc; i++) ! check_argv(m, n, &n->args->argv[i]); } static void ! check_argv(struct mdoc *m, struct mdoc_node *n, struct mdoc_argv *v) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)v->sz; i++) ! check_text(m, v->line, v->pos, v->value[i]); /* FIXME: move to post_std(). */ if (MDOC_Std == v->arg) ! if ( ! (v->sz || m-> ! mdoc_nmsg(m, n, MANDOCERR_NONAME); } static void ! check_text(struct mdoc *m, int ln, int pos, char *p) { char *cp; ! if (MDOC_LITERAL & m->flags) return; for (cp = p; NULL != (p = strchr(p, '\t')); p++) ! mdoc_pmsg(m, ln, pos + (int)(p - cp), MANDOCERR_BADTAB); } static int check_parent(PRE_ARGS, enum mdoct tok, enum mdoc_type t) { --- 514,560 ---- { return(check_count(mdoc, MDOC_HEAD, CHECK_WARN, CHECK_LT, 2)); } static void ! check_args(struct mdoc *mdoc, struct mdoc_node *n) { int i; if (NULL == n->args) return; assert(n->args->argc); for (i = 0; i < (int)n->args->argc; i++) ! check_argv(mdoc, n, &n->args->argv[i]); } static void ! check_argv(struct mdoc *mdoc, struct mdoc_node *n, struct mdoc_argv *v) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)v->sz; i++) ! check_text(mdoc, v->line, v->pos, v->value[i]); /* FIXME: move to post_std(). */ if (MDOC_Std == v->arg) ! if ( ! (v->sz || mdoc-> ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_NONAME); } static void ! check_text(struct mdoc *mdoc, int ln, int pos, char *p) { char *cp; ! if (MDOC_LITERAL & mdoc->flags) return; for (cp = p; NULL != (p = strchr(p, '\t')); p++) ! mdoc_pmsg(mdoc, ln, pos + (int)(p - cp), MANDOCERR_BADTAB); } static int check_parent(PRE_ARGS, enum mdoct tok, enum mdoc_type t) {
*** 731,747 **** } /* * Validate the width field. Some list types don't need width * types and should be warned about them. Others should have it ! * and must also be warned. */ switch (n->norm->Bl.type) { case (LIST_tag): ! if (n->norm->Bl.width) ! break; mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_NOWIDTHARG); break; case (LIST_column): /* FALLTHROUGH */ case (LIST_diag): --- 734,750 ---- } /* * Validate the width field. Some list types don't need width * types and should be warned about them. Others should have it ! * and must also be warned. Yet others have a default and need ! * no warning. */ switch (n->norm->Bl.type) { case (LIST_tag): ! if (NULL == n->norm->Bl.width) mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_NOWIDTHARG); break; case (LIST_column): /* FALLTHROUGH */ case (LIST_diag):
*** 752,761 **** --- 755,776 ---- /* FALLTHROUGH */ case (LIST_item): if (n->norm->Bl.width) mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_IGNARGV); break; + case (LIST_bullet): + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case (LIST_dash): + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case (LIST_hyphen): + if (NULL == n->norm->Bl.width) + n->norm->Bl.width = "2n"; + break; + case (LIST_enum): + if (NULL == n->norm->Bl.width) + n->norm->Bl.width = "3n"; + break; default: break; } return(1);
*** 872,883 **** pre_sh(PRE_ARGS) { if (MDOC_BLOCK != n->type) return(1); - - roff_regunset(mdoc->roff, REG_nS); return(check_parent(mdoc, n, MDOC_MAX, MDOC_ROOT)); } static int --- 887,896 ----
*** 1109,1136 **** post_nm(POST_ARGS) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int c; ! /* If no child specified, make sure we have the meta name. */ ! ! if (NULL == mdoc->last->child && NULL == mdoc-> { ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_NONAME); return(1); - } else if (mdoc-> - return(1); ! /* If no meta name, set it from the child. */ buf[0] = '\0'; ! if (-1 == (c = concat(buf, mdoc->last->child, BUFSIZ))) { mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last->child, MANDOCERR_MEM); return(0); ! } ! ! assert(c); mdoc-> = mandoc_strdup(buf); return(1); } static int post_literal(POST_ARGS) --- 1122,1154 ---- post_nm(POST_ARGS) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int c; ! if (NULL != mdoc-> return(1); ! /* Try to use our children for setting the meta name. */ + if (NULL != mdoc->last->child) { buf[0] = '\0'; ! c = concat(buf, mdoc->last->child, BUFSIZ); ! } else ! c = 0; ! ! switch (c) { ! case (-1): mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last->child, MANDOCERR_MEM); return(0); ! case (0): ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_NONAME); ! mdoc-> = mandoc_strdup("UNKNOWN"); ! break; ! default: mdoc-> = mandoc_strdup(buf); + break; + } return(1); } static int post_literal(POST_ARGS)
*** 1332,1342 **** } static int post_bl_block(POST_ARGS) { ! struct mdoc_node *n; /* * These are fairly complicated, so we've broken them into two * functions. post_bl_block_tag() is called when a -tag is * specified, but no -width (it must be guessed). The second --- 1350,1360 ---- } static int post_bl_block(POST_ARGS) { ! struct mdoc_node *n, *ni, *nc; /* * These are fairly complicated, so we've broken them into two * functions. post_bl_block_tag() is called when a -tag is * specified, but no -width (it must be guessed). The second
*** 1348,1365 **** if (LIST_tag == n->norm->Bl.type && NULL == n->norm->Bl.width) { if ( ! post_bl_block_tag(mdoc)) return(0); } else if (NULL != n->norm->Bl.width) { if ( ! post_bl_block_width(mdoc)) return(0); } else return(1); - - assert(n->norm->Bl.width); - return(1); } static int post_bl_block_width(POST_ARGS) { --- 1366,1412 ---- if (LIST_tag == n->norm->Bl.type && NULL == n->norm->Bl.width) { if ( ! post_bl_block_tag(mdoc)) return(0); + assert(n->norm->Bl.width); } else if (NULL != n->norm->Bl.width) { if ( ! post_bl_block_width(mdoc)) return(0); + assert(n->norm->Bl.width); + } + + for (ni = n->body->child; ni; ni = ni->next) { + if (NULL == ni->body) + continue; + nc = ni->body->last; + while (NULL != nc) { + switch (nc->tok) { + case (MDOC_Pp): + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case (MDOC_Lp): + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case (MDOC_br): + break; + default: + nc = NULL; + continue; + } + if (NULL == ni->next) { + mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, nc, MANDOCERR_MOVEPAR); + if ( ! mdoc_node_relink(mdoc, nc)) + return(0); + } else if (0 == n->norm->Bl.comp && + LIST_column != n->norm->Bl.type) { + mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, nc, MANDOCERR_IGNPAR); + mdoc_node_delete(mdoc, nc); } else + break; + nc = ni->body->last; + } + } return(1); } static int post_bl_block_width(POST_ARGS) {
*** 1542,1579 **** } static int post_bl(POST_ARGS) { ! struct mdoc_node *n; ! if (MDOC_HEAD == mdoc->last->type) ! return(post_bl_head(mdoc)); ! if (MDOC_BLOCK == mdoc->last->type) return(post_bl_block(mdoc)); ! if (MDOC_BODY != mdoc->last->type) return(1); ! for (n = mdoc->last->child; n; n = n->next) { ! switch (n->tok) { ! case (MDOC_Lp): ! /* FALLTHROUGH */ ! case (MDOC_Pp): ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_CHILD); ! /* FALLTHROUGH */ ! case (MDOC_It): ! /* FALLTHROUGH */ ! case (MDOC_Sm): continue; - default: - break; } ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_SYNTCHILD); ! return(0); } return(1); } static int ebool(struct mdoc *mdoc) --- 1589,1665 ---- } static int post_bl(POST_ARGS) { ! struct mdoc_node *nparent, *nprev; /* of the Bl block */ ! struct mdoc_node *nblock, *nbody; /* of the Bl */ ! struct mdoc_node *nchild, *nnext; /* of the Bl body */ ! nbody = mdoc->last; ! switch (nbody->type) { ! case (MDOC_BLOCK): return(post_bl_block(mdoc)); ! case (MDOC_HEAD): ! return(post_bl_head(mdoc)); ! case (MDOC_BODY): ! break; ! default: return(1); + } ! nchild = nbody->child; ! while (NULL != nchild) { ! if (MDOC_It == nchild->tok || MDOC_Sm == nchild->tok) { ! nchild = nchild->next; continue; } ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, nchild, MANDOCERR_CHILD); ! ! /* ! * Move the node out of the Bl block. ! * First, collect all required node pointers. ! */ ! ! nblock = nbody->parent; ! nprev = nblock->prev; ! nparent = nblock->parent; ! nnext = nchild->next; ! ! /* ! * Unlink this child. ! */ ! ! assert(NULL == nchild->prev); ! if (0 == --nbody->nchild) { ! nbody->child = NULL; ! nbody->last = NULL; ! assert(NULL == nnext); ! } else { ! nbody->child = nnext; ! nnext->prev = NULL; } + /* + * Relink this child. + */ + + nchild->parent = nparent; + nchild->prev = nprev; + nchild->next = nblock; + + nblock->prev = nchild; + nparent->nchild++; + if (NULL == nprev) + nparent->child = nchild; + else + nprev->next = nchild; + + nchild = nnext; + } + return(1); } static int ebool(struct mdoc *mdoc)
*** 1586,1599 **** } check_count(mdoc, MDOC_ELEM, CHECK_WARN, CHECK_EQ, 1); assert(MDOC_TEXT == mdoc->last->child->type); ! if (0 == strcmp(mdoc->last->child->string, "on")) return(1); ! if (0 == strcmp(mdoc->last->child->string, "off")) return(1); mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_BADBOOL); return(1); } --- 1672,1691 ---- } check_count(mdoc, MDOC_ELEM, CHECK_WARN, CHECK_EQ, 1); assert(MDOC_TEXT == mdoc->last->child->type); ! if (0 == strcmp(mdoc->last->child->string, "on")) { ! if (MDOC_Sm == mdoc->last->tok) ! mdoc->flags &= ~MDOC_SMOFF; return(1); ! } ! if (0 == strcmp(mdoc->last->child->string, "off")) { ! if (MDOC_Sm == mdoc->last->tok) ! mdoc->flags |= MDOC_SMOFF; return(1); + } mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_BADBOOL); return(1); }
*** 1769,1779 **** --- 1861,1912 ---- } return(1); } + /* + * For some arguments of some macros, + * convert all breakable hyphens into ASCII_HYPH. + */ static int + post_hyph(POST_ARGS) + { + struct mdoc_node *n, *nch; + char *cp; + + n = mdoc->last; + switch (n->type) { + case (MDOC_HEAD): + if (MDOC_Sh == n->tok || MDOC_Ss == n->tok) + break; + return(1); + case (MDOC_BODY): + if (MDOC_D1 == n->tok || MDOC_Nd == n->tok) + break; + return(1); + case (MDOC_ELEM): + break; + default: + return(1); + } + + for (nch = n->child; nch; nch = nch->next) { + if (MDOC_TEXT != nch->type) + continue; + cp = nch->string; + if (3 > strnlen(cp, 3)) + continue; + while ('\0' != *(++cp)) + if ('-' == *cp && + isalpha((unsigned char)cp[-1]) && + isalpha((unsigned char)cp[1])) + *cp = ASCII_HYPH; + } + return(1); + } + + static int post_ns(POST_ARGS) { if (MDOC_LINE & mdoc->last->flags) mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_IGNNS);
*** 1855,1868 **** if (SEC_NAME != sec && SEC_NONE == mdoc->lastnamed) mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_NAMESECFIRST); /* The SYNOPSIS gets special attention in other areas. */ ! if (SEC_SYNOPSIS == sec) mdoc->flags |= MDOC_SYNOPSIS; ! else mdoc->flags &= ~MDOC_SYNOPSIS; /* Mark our last section. */ mdoc->lastsec = sec; --- 1988,2004 ---- if (SEC_NAME != sec && SEC_NONE == mdoc->lastnamed) mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_NAMESECFIRST); /* The SYNOPSIS gets special attention in other areas. */ ! if (SEC_SYNOPSIS == sec) { ! roff_setreg(mdoc->roff, "nS", 1, '='); mdoc->flags |= MDOC_SYNOPSIS; ! } else { ! roff_setreg(mdoc->roff, "nS", 0, '='); mdoc->flags &= ~MDOC_SYNOPSIS; + } /* Mark our last section. */ mdoc->lastsec = sec;
*** 1914,1924 **** break; if (*mdoc->meta.msec == '3') break; if (*mdoc->meta.msec == '9') break; ! mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_SECMSEC); break; default: break; } --- 2050,2061 ---- break; if (*mdoc->meta.msec == '3') break; if (*mdoc->meta.msec == '9') break; ! mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_SECMSEC, mdoc->parse, ! mdoc->last->line, mdoc->last->pos, buf); break; default: break; }
*** 1960,1970 **** /* * Don't allow prior `Lp' or `Pp' prior to a paragraph-type * block: `Lp', `Pp', or non-compact `Bd' or `Bl'. */ ! if (MDOC_Pp != mdoc->last->tok && MDOC_Lp != mdoc->last->tok) return(1); if (MDOC_Bl == n->tok && n->norm->Bl.comp) return(1); if (MDOC_Bd == n->tok && n->norm->Bd.comp) return(1); --- 2097,2109 ---- /* * Don't allow prior `Lp' or `Pp' prior to a paragraph-type * block: `Lp', `Pp', or non-compact `Bd' or `Bl'. */ ! if (MDOC_Pp != mdoc->last->tok && ! MDOC_Lp != mdoc->last->tok && ! MDOC_br != mdoc->last->tok) return(1); if (MDOC_Bl == n->tok && n->norm->Bl.comp) return(1); if (MDOC_Bd == n->tok && n->norm->Bd.comp) return(1);
*** 1975,1984 **** --- 2114,2149 ---- mdoc_node_delete(mdoc, mdoc->last); return(1); } static int + post_par(POST_ARGS) + { + + if (MDOC_ELEM != mdoc->last->type && + MDOC_BLOCK != mdoc->last->type) + return(1); + + if (NULL == mdoc->last->prev) { + if (MDOC_Sh != mdoc->last->parent->tok && + MDOC_Ss != mdoc->last->parent->tok) + return(1); + } else { + if (MDOC_Pp != mdoc->last->prev->tok && + MDOC_Lp != mdoc->last->prev->tok && + (MDOC_br != mdoc->last->tok || + (MDOC_sp != mdoc->last->prev->tok && + MDOC_br != mdoc->last->prev->tok))) + return(1); + } + + mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, mdoc->last, MANDOCERR_IGNPAR); + mdoc_node_delete(mdoc, mdoc->last); + return(1); + } + + static int pre_literal(PRE_ARGS) { if (MDOC_BODY != n->type) return(1);
*** 2127,2139 **** cp = mdoc_a2vol(nn->string); if (cp) { free(mdoc->meta.vol); mdoc->meta.vol = mandoc_strdup(cp); } else { - /* FIXME: warn about bad arch. */ cp = mdoc_a2arch(nn->string); if (NULL == cp) { free(mdoc->meta.vol); mdoc->meta.vol = mandoc_strdup(nn->string); } else mdoc->meta.arch = mandoc_strdup(cp); } --- 2292,2304 ---- cp = mdoc_a2vol(nn->string); if (cp) { free(mdoc->meta.vol); mdoc->meta.vol = mandoc_strdup(cp); } else { cp = mdoc_a2arch(nn->string); if (NULL == cp) { + mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, nn, MANDOCERR_BADVOLARCH); free(mdoc->meta.vol); mdoc->meta.vol = mandoc_strdup(nn->string); } else mdoc->meta.arch = mandoc_strdup(cp); }
*** 2190,2206 **** #endif n = mdoc->last; /* ! * Set the operating system by way of the `Os' macro. Note that ! * if an argument isn't provided and -DOSNAME="\"foo\"" is ! * provided during compilation, this value will be used instead ! * of filling in "sysname release" from uname(). */ - if (mdoc->meta.os) free(mdoc->meta.os); buf[0] = '\0'; if (-1 == (c = concat(buf, n->child, BUFSIZ))) { mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n->child, MANDOCERR_MEM); --- 2355,2372 ---- #endif n = mdoc->last; /* ! * Set the operating system by way of the `Os' macro. ! * The order of precedence is: ! * 1. the argument of the `Os' macro, unless empty ! * 2. the -Ios=foo command line argument, if provided ! * 3. -DOSNAME="\"foo\"", if provided during compilation ! * 4. "sysname release" from uname(3) */ free(mdoc->meta.os); buf[0] = '\0'; if (-1 == (c = concat(buf, n->child, BUFSIZ))) { mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n->child, MANDOCERR_MEM);
*** 2207,2221 **** return(0); } assert(c); - /* XXX: yes, these can all be dynamically-adjusted buffers, but - * it's really not worth the extra hackery. - */ - if ('\0' == buf[0]) { #ifdef OSNAME if (strlcat(buf, OSNAME, BUFSIZ) >= BUFSIZ) { mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_MEM); return(0); } --- 2373,2387 ---- return(0); } assert(c); if ('\0' == buf[0]) { + if (mdoc->defos) { + mdoc->meta.os = mandoc_strdup(mdoc->defos); + return(1); + } #ifdef OSNAME if (strlcat(buf, OSNAME, BUFSIZ) >= BUFSIZ) { mdoc_nmsg(mdoc, n, MANDOCERR_MEM); return(0); }