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4431 igb support for I354
4616 igb has uninitialized kstats

  38 #ifdef __cplusplus
  39 extern "C" {
  40 #endif
  42 #define E1000_CTRL      0x00000  /* Device Control - RW */
  43 #define E1000_CTRL_DUP  0x00004  /* Device Control Duplicate (Shadow) - RW */
  44 #define E1000_STATUS    0x00008  /* Device Status - RO */
  45 #define E1000_EECD      0x00010  /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
  46 #define E1000_EERD      0x00014  /* EEPROM Read - RW */
  47 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT  0x00018  /* Extended Device Control - RW */
  48 #define E1000_FLA       0x0001C  /* Flash Access - RW */
  49 #define E1000_MDIC      0x00020  /* MDI Control - RW */
  50 #define E1000_MDICNFG   0x00E04  /* MDI Config - RW */
  51 #define E1000_REGISTER_SET_SIZE         0x20000 /* CSR Size */
  52 #define E1000_EEPROM_INIT_CTRL_WORD_2   0x0F /* EEPROM Init Ctrl Word 2 */
  53 #define E1000_EEPROM_PCIE_CTRL_WORD_2   0x28 /* EEPROM PCIe Ctrl Word 2 */
  54 #define E1000_BARCTRL                   0x5BBC /* BAR ctrl reg */
  55 #define E1000_BARCTRL_FLSIZE            0x0700 /* BAR ctrl Flsize */
  56 #define E1000_BARCTRL_CSRSIZE           0x2000 /* BAR ctrl CSR size */

  57 #define E1000_I350_BARCTRL              0x5BFC /* BAR ctrl reg */
  58 #define E1000_I350_DTXMXPKTSZ           0x355C /* Maximum sent packet size reg*/
  59 #define E1000_SCTL      0x00024  /* SerDes Control - RW */
  60 #define E1000_FCAL      0x00028  /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
  61 #define E1000_FCAH      0x0002C  /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
  62 #define E1000_FEXTNVM   0x00028  /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
  63 #define E1000_FEXTNVM3  0x0003C  /* Future Extended NVM 3 - RW */
  64 #define E1000_FEXTNVM4  0x00024  /* Future Extended NVM 4 - RW */
  65 #define E1000_FEXTNVM6  0x00010  /* Future Extended NVM 6 - RW */
  66 #define E1000_FEXTNVM7  0x000E4  /* Future Extended NVM 7 - RW */
  67 #define E1000_FCT       0x00030  /* Flow Control Type - RW */
  68 #define E1000_CONNSW    0x00034  /* Copper/Fiber switch control - RW */
  69 #define E1000_VET       0x00038  /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
  70 #define E1000_ICR       0x000C0  /* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
  71 #define E1000_ITR       0x000C4  /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
  72 #define E1000_ICS       0x000C8  /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
  73 #define E1000_IMS       0x000D0  /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
  74 #define E1000_IMC       0x000D8  /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
  75 #define E1000_IAM       0x000E0  /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
  76 #define E1000_IVAR      0x000E4  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation Register - RW */

  81 #define E1000_FCTTV     0x00170  /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
  82 #define E1000_TXCW      0x00178  /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
  83 #define E1000_RXCW      0x00180  /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
  84 #define E1000_PBA_ECC   0x01100  /* PBA ECC Register */
  85 #define E1000_EICR      0x01580  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
  86 #define E1000_EITR(_n)  (0x01680 + (0x4 * (_n)))
  87 #define E1000_EICS      0x01520  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Set - W0 */
  88 #define E1000_EIMS      0x01524  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Set/Read - RW */
  89 #define E1000_EIMC      0x01528  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
  90 #define E1000_EIAC      0x0152C  /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
  91 #define E1000_EIAM      0x01530  /* Ext. Interrupt Ack Auto Clear Mask - RW */
  92 #define E1000_GPIE      0x01514  /* General Purpose Interrupt Enable - RW */
  93 #define E1000_IVAR0     0x01700  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation (array) - RW */
  94 #define E1000_IVAR_MISC 0x01740 /* IVAR for "other" causes - RW */
  95 #define E1000_TCTL      0x00400  /* Tx Control - RW */
  96 #define E1000_TCTL_EXT  0x00404  /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
  97 #define E1000_TIPG      0x00410  /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
  98 #define E1000_TBT       0x00448  /* Tx Burst Timer - RW */
  99 #define E1000_AIT       0x00458  /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
 100 #define E1000_LEDCTL    0x00E00  /* LED Control - RW */

 101 #define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL       0x00F00  /* Extended Configuration Control */
 102 #define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE       0x00F08  /* Extended Configuration Size */
 103 #define E1000_PHY_CTRL  0x00F10  /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
 104 #define E1000_POEMB     E1000_PHY_CTRL /* PHY OEM Bits */
 105 #define E1000_PBA       0x01000  /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
 106 #define E1000_PBS       0x01008  /* Packet Buffer Size */
 107 #define E1000_PBECCSTS  0x0100C  /* Packet Buffer ECC Status - RW */
 108 #define E1000_EEMNGCTL  0x01010  /* MNG EEprom Control */
 109 #define E1000_EEARBC    0x01024  /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
 110 #define E1000_FLASHT    0x01028  /* FLASH Timer Register */
 111 #define E1000_EEWR      0x0102C  /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
 112 #define E1000_FLSWCTL   0x01030  /* FLASH control register */
 113 #define E1000_FLSWDATA  0x01034  /* FLASH data register */
 114 #define E1000_FLSWCNT   0x01038  /* FLASH Access Counter */
 115 #define E1000_FLOP      0x0103C  /* FLASH Opcode Register */
 116 #define E1000_I2CCMD    0x01028  /* SFPI2C Command Register - RW */
 117 #define E1000_I2CPARAMS 0x0102C /* SFPI2C Parameters Register - RW */
 118 #define E1000_I2CBB_EN  0x00000100  /* I2C - Bit Bang Enable */
 119 #define E1000_I2C_CLK_OUT       0x00000200  /* I2C- Clock */
 120 #define E1000_I2C_DATA_OUT      0x00000400  /* I2C- Data Out */

 139 #define E1000_PSRCTL    0x02170  /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
 140 #define E1000_RDFH      0x02410  /* Rx Data FIFO Head - RW */
 141 #define E1000_RDFT      0x02418  /* Rx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
 142 #define E1000_RDFHS     0x02420  /* Rx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
 143 #define E1000_RDFTS     0x02428  /* Rx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
 144 #define E1000_RDFPC     0x02430  /* Rx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
 145 #define E1000_PBRTH     0x02458  /* PB Rx Arbitration Threshold - RW */
 146 #define E1000_FCRTV     0x02460  /* Flow Control Refresh Timer Value - RW */
 147 /* Split and Replication Rx Control - RW */
 148 #define E1000_RDPUMB    0x025CC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Mailbox - RW */
 149 #define E1000_RDPUAD    0x025D0  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Addr Command - RW */
 150 #define E1000_RDPUWD    0x025D4  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Write - RW */
 151 #define E1000_RDPURD    0x025D8  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Read - RW */
 152 #define E1000_RDPUCTL   0x025DC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Control - RW */
 153 #define E1000_PBDIAG    0x02458  /* Packet Buffer Diagnostic - RW */
 154 #define E1000_RXPBS     0x02404  /* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
 155 #define E1000_IRPBS     0x02404 /* Same as RXPBS, renamed for newer Si - RW */
 156 #define E1000_PBRWAC    0x024E8 /* Rx packet buffer wrap around counter - RO */
 157 #define E1000_RDTR      0x02820  /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
 158 #define E1000_RADV      0x0282C  /* Rx Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */

 159 #define E1000_SRWR              0x12018  /* Shadow Ram Write Register - RW */
 160 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGCTL     0x12038
 161 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGDATA    0x1203C
 162 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGCNT     0x12040
 164 #define E1000_I210_FLSWCTL      0x12048
 165 #define E1000_I210_FLSWDATA     0x1204C
 166 #define E1000_I210_FLSWCNT      0x12050
 168 #define E1000_I210_FLA          0x1201C
 170 #define E1000_INVM_DATA_REG(_n) (0x12120 + 4*(_n))
 171 #define E1000_INVM_SIZE         64 /* Number of INVM Data Registers */
 173 /* QAV Tx mode control register */
 174 #define E1000_I210_TQAVCTRL     0x3570
 176 /* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
 177 /* QAV enable */
 178 #define E1000_TQAVCTRL_MODE                     (1 << 0)

 195 #define E1000_I210_TQAVHC(_n)                   (0x300C + 0x40 * (_n))
 197 /* Queues fetch arbitration priority control register */
 198 #define E1000_I210_TQAVARBCTRL                  0x3574
 199 /* Queues priority masks where _n and _p can be 0-3. */
 200 #define E1000_TQAVARBCTRL_QUEUE_PRI(_n, _p)     ((_p) << (2 * _n))
 201 /* QAV Tx mode control registers where _n can be 0 or 1. */
 202 #define E1000_I210_TQAVCC(_n)                   (0x3004 + 0x40 * (_n))
 204 /* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
 205 #define E1000_TQAVCC_IDLE_SLOPE         0xFFFF /* Idle slope */
 206 #define E1000_TQAVCC_KEEP_CREDITS       (1 << 30) /* Keep credits opt enable */
 207 #define E1000_TQAVCC_QUEUE_MODE         (1 << 31) /* SP vs. SR Tx mode */
 209 /* Good transmitted packets counter registers */
 210 #define E1000_PQGPTC(_n)                (0x010014 + (0x100 * (_n)))
 212 /* Queues packet buffer size masks where _n can be 0-3 and _s 0-63 [kB] */
 213 #define E1000_I210_TXPBS_SIZE(_n, _s)   ((_s) << (6 * _n))

 215 /* Convenience macros
 216  *
 217  * Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register to be written to.
 218  *
 219  * Example usage:
 220  * E1000_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
 221  */
 222 #define E1000_RDBAL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 223                          (0x0C000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 224 #define E1000_RDBAH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 225                          (0x0C004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 226 #define E1000_RDLEN(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 227                          (0x0C008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 228 #define E1000_SRRCTL(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0280C + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 229                                  (0x0C00C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 230 #define E1000_RDH(_n)   ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 231                          (0x0C010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 232 #define E1000_RXCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 233                          (0x0C014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 234 #define E1000_DCA_RXCTRL(_n)    E1000_RXCTL(_n)

  38 #ifdef __cplusplus
  39 extern "C" {
  40 #endif
  42 #define E1000_CTRL      0x00000  /* Device Control - RW */
  43 #define E1000_CTRL_DUP  0x00004  /* Device Control Duplicate (Shadow) - RW */
  44 #define E1000_STATUS    0x00008  /* Device Status - RO */
  45 #define E1000_EECD      0x00010  /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
  46 #define E1000_EERD      0x00014  /* EEPROM Read - RW */
  47 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT  0x00018  /* Extended Device Control - RW */
  48 #define E1000_FLA       0x0001C  /* Flash Access - RW */
  49 #define E1000_MDIC      0x00020  /* MDI Control - RW */
  50 #define E1000_MDICNFG   0x00E04  /* MDI Config - RW */
  51 #define E1000_REGISTER_SET_SIZE         0x20000 /* CSR Size */
  52 #define E1000_EEPROM_INIT_CTRL_WORD_2   0x0F /* EEPROM Init Ctrl Word 2 */
  53 #define E1000_EEPROM_PCIE_CTRL_WORD_2   0x28 /* EEPROM PCIe Ctrl Word 2 */
  54 #define E1000_BARCTRL                   0x5BBC /* BAR ctrl reg */
  55 #define E1000_BARCTRL_FLSIZE            0x0700 /* BAR ctrl Flsize */
  56 #define E1000_BARCTRL_CSRSIZE           0x2000 /* BAR ctrl CSR size */
  57 #define E1000_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL            0x0024 /* GbE MPHY Address Control */
  58 #define E1000_MPHY_DATA                 0x0E10 /* GBE MPHY Data */
  59 #define E1000_MPHY_STAT                 0x0E0C /* GBE MPHY Statistics */
  60 #define E1000_PPHY_CTRL                 0x5b48 /* PCIe PHY Control */
  61 #define E1000_I350_BARCTRL              0x5BFC /* BAR ctrl reg */
  62 #define E1000_I350_DTXMXPKTSZ           0x355C /* Maximum sent packet size reg*/
  63 #define E1000_SCTL      0x00024  /* SerDes Control - RW */
  64 #define E1000_FCAL      0x00028  /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
  65 #define E1000_FCAH      0x0002C  /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
  66 #define E1000_FEXTNVM   0x00028  /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
  67 #define E1000_FEXTNVM3  0x0003C  /* Future Extended NVM 3 - RW */
  68 #define E1000_FEXTNVM4  0x00024  /* Future Extended NVM 4 - RW */
  69 #define E1000_FEXTNVM6  0x00010  /* Future Extended NVM 6 - RW */
  70 #define E1000_FEXTNVM7  0x000E4  /* Future Extended NVM 7 - RW */
  71 #define E1000_FCT       0x00030  /* Flow Control Type - RW */
  72 #define E1000_CONNSW    0x00034  /* Copper/Fiber switch control - RW */
  73 #define E1000_VET       0x00038  /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
  74 #define E1000_ICR       0x000C0  /* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
  75 #define E1000_ITR       0x000C4  /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
  76 #define E1000_ICS       0x000C8  /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
  77 #define E1000_IMS       0x000D0  /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
  78 #define E1000_IMC       0x000D8  /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
  79 #define E1000_IAM       0x000E0  /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
  80 #define E1000_IVAR      0x000E4  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation Register - RW */

  85 #define E1000_FCTTV     0x00170  /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
  86 #define E1000_TXCW      0x00178  /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
  87 #define E1000_RXCW      0x00180  /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
  88 #define E1000_PBA_ECC   0x01100  /* PBA ECC Register */
  89 #define E1000_EICR      0x01580  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
  90 #define E1000_EITR(_n)  (0x01680 + (0x4 * (_n)))
  91 #define E1000_EICS      0x01520  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Set - W0 */
  92 #define E1000_EIMS      0x01524  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Set/Read - RW */
  93 #define E1000_EIMC      0x01528  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
  94 #define E1000_EIAC      0x0152C  /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
  95 #define E1000_EIAM      0x01530  /* Ext. Interrupt Ack Auto Clear Mask - RW */
  96 #define E1000_GPIE      0x01514  /* General Purpose Interrupt Enable - RW */
  97 #define E1000_IVAR0     0x01700  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation (array) - RW */
  98 #define E1000_IVAR_MISC 0x01740 /* IVAR for "other" causes - RW */
  99 #define E1000_TCTL      0x00400  /* Tx Control - RW */
 100 #define E1000_TCTL_EXT  0x00404  /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
 101 #define E1000_TIPG      0x00410  /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
 102 #define E1000_TBT       0x00448  /* Tx Burst Timer - RW */
 103 #define E1000_AIT       0x00458  /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
 104 #define E1000_LEDCTL    0x00E00  /* LED Control - RW */
 105 #define E1000_LEDMUX    0x08130 /* LED MUX Control */
 106 #define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL       0x00F00  /* Extended Configuration Control */
 107 #define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE       0x00F08  /* Extended Configuration Size */
 108 #define E1000_PHY_CTRL  0x00F10  /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
 109 #define E1000_POEMB     E1000_PHY_CTRL /* PHY OEM Bits */
 110 #define E1000_PBA       0x01000  /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
 111 #define E1000_PBS       0x01008  /* Packet Buffer Size */
 112 #define E1000_PBECCSTS  0x0100C  /* Packet Buffer ECC Status - RW */
 113 #define E1000_EEMNGCTL  0x01010  /* MNG EEprom Control */
 114 #define E1000_EEARBC    0x01024  /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
 115 #define E1000_FLASHT    0x01028  /* FLASH Timer Register */
 116 #define E1000_EEWR      0x0102C  /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
 117 #define E1000_FLSWCTL   0x01030  /* FLASH control register */
 118 #define E1000_FLSWDATA  0x01034  /* FLASH data register */
 119 #define E1000_FLSWCNT   0x01038  /* FLASH Access Counter */
 120 #define E1000_FLOP      0x0103C  /* FLASH Opcode Register */
 121 #define E1000_I2CCMD    0x01028  /* SFPI2C Command Register - RW */
 122 #define E1000_I2CPARAMS 0x0102C /* SFPI2C Parameters Register - RW */
 123 #define E1000_I2CBB_EN  0x00000100  /* I2C - Bit Bang Enable */
 124 #define E1000_I2C_CLK_OUT       0x00000200  /* I2C- Clock */
 125 #define E1000_I2C_DATA_OUT      0x00000400  /* I2C- Data Out */

 144 #define E1000_PSRCTL    0x02170  /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
 145 #define E1000_RDFH      0x02410  /* Rx Data FIFO Head - RW */
 146 #define E1000_RDFT      0x02418  /* Rx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
 147 #define E1000_RDFHS     0x02420  /* Rx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
 148 #define E1000_RDFTS     0x02428  /* Rx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
 149 #define E1000_RDFPC     0x02430  /* Rx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
 150 #define E1000_PBRTH     0x02458  /* PB Rx Arbitration Threshold - RW */
 151 #define E1000_FCRTV     0x02460  /* Flow Control Refresh Timer Value - RW */
 152 /* Split and Replication Rx Control - RW */
 153 #define E1000_RDPUMB    0x025CC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Mailbox - RW */
 154 #define E1000_RDPUAD    0x025D0  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Addr Command - RW */
 155 #define E1000_RDPUWD    0x025D4  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Write - RW */
 156 #define E1000_RDPURD    0x025D8  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Read - RW */
 157 #define E1000_RDPUCTL   0x025DC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Control - RW */
 158 #define E1000_PBDIAG    0x02458  /* Packet Buffer Diagnostic - RW */
 159 #define E1000_RXPBS     0x02404  /* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
 160 #define E1000_IRPBS     0x02404 /* Same as RXPBS, renamed for newer Si - RW */
 161 #define E1000_PBRWAC    0x024E8 /* Rx packet buffer wrap around counter - RO */
 162 #define E1000_RDTR      0x02820  /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
 163 #define E1000_RADV      0x0282C  /* Rx Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
 164 #define E1000_EMIADD    0x10    /* Extended Memory Indirect Address */
 165 #define E1000_EMIDATA   0x11    /* Extended Memory Indirect Data */
 166 #define E1000_SRWR              0x12018  /* Shadow Ram Write Register - RW */
 167 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGCTL     0x12038
 168 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGDATA    0x1203C
 169 #define E1000_I210_FLMNGCNT     0x12040
 171 #define E1000_I210_FLSWCTL      0x12048
 172 #define E1000_I210_FLSWDATA     0x1204C
 173 #define E1000_I210_FLSWCNT      0x12050
 175 #define E1000_I210_FLA          0x1201C
 177 #define E1000_INVM_DATA_REG(_n) (0x12120 + 4*(_n))
 178 #define E1000_INVM_SIZE         64 /* Number of INVM Data Registers */
 180 /* QAV Tx mode control register */
 181 #define E1000_I210_TQAVCTRL     0x3570
 183 /* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
 184 /* QAV enable */
 185 #define E1000_TQAVCTRL_MODE                     (1 << 0)

 202 #define E1000_I210_TQAVHC(_n)                   (0x300C + 0x40 * (_n))
 204 /* Queues fetch arbitration priority control register */
 205 #define E1000_I210_TQAVARBCTRL                  0x3574
 206 /* Queues priority masks where _n and _p can be 0-3. */
 207 #define E1000_TQAVARBCTRL_QUEUE_PRI(_n, _p)     ((_p) << (2 * _n))
 208 /* QAV Tx mode control registers where _n can be 0 or 1. */
 209 #define E1000_I210_TQAVCC(_n)                   (0x3004 + 0x40 * (_n))
 211 /* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
 212 #define E1000_TQAVCC_IDLE_SLOPE         0xFFFF /* Idle slope */
 213 #define E1000_TQAVCC_KEEP_CREDITS       (1 << 30) /* Keep credits opt enable */
 214 #define E1000_TQAVCC_QUEUE_MODE         (1 << 31) /* SP vs. SR Tx mode */
 216 /* Good transmitted packets counter registers */
 217 #define E1000_PQGPTC(_n)                (0x010014 + (0x100 * (_n)))
 219 /* Queues packet buffer size masks where _n can be 0-3 and _s 0-63 [kB] */
 220 #define E1000_I210_TXPBS_SIZE(_n, _s)   ((_s) << (6 * _n))
 222 #define E1000_MMDAC                     13 /* MMD Access Control */
 223 #define E1000_MMDAAD                    14 /* MMD Access Address/Data */
 225 /* Convenience macros
 226  *
 227  * Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register to be written to.
 228  *
 229  * Example usage:
 230  * E1000_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
 231  */
 232 #define E1000_RDBAL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 233                          (0x0C000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 234 #define E1000_RDBAH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 235                          (0x0C004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 236 #define E1000_RDLEN(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 237                          (0x0C008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 238 #define E1000_SRRCTL(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0280C + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 239                                  (0x0C00C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 240 #define E1000_RDH(_n)   ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 241                          (0x0C010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 242 #define E1000_RXCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
 243                          (0x0C014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
 244 #define E1000_DCA_RXCTRL(_n)    E1000_RXCTL(_n)