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4108 remove ON_CRYPTO_BINS from tools

@@ -334,83 +334,10 @@
         ' $1 > $
         mv $ $1
-# Unpack the crypto tarball into the given tree, then massage the
-# tree so that the binaries are all in objNN or debugNN directories.
-function unpack_crypto {
-        typeset tarfile=$1
-        typeset ctop=$2
-        [ -d "$ctop" ] || fail "Can't create tree for crypto modules."
-        [ "$VERBOSE" = "V" ] && echo "unpacking crypto tarball into $ctop..."
-        bzcat "$tarfile" | (cd "$ctop"; tar xf -)
-        typeset root="$ctop/proto/root_$MACH"
-        [ $OBJD = obj ] && root="$ctop/proto/root_$MACH-nd"
-        [ -d "$root" ] || fail "Can't unpack crypto tarball."
-        (cd "$root"; for d in platform kernel usr/kernel; do
-                [ ! -d $d ] && continue
-                find $d -type f -print
-        done) | while read file; do
-                typeset dir=$(dirname "$file")
-                typeset base=$(basename "$file")
-                typeset type=$(basename "$dir")
-                if [ "$type" = amd64 ]; then
-                        newdir="$dir/${OBJD}64"
-                elif [ "$type" = sparcv9 ]; then
-                        newdir="$dir/${OBJD}64"
-                else
-                        newdir="$dir/${OBJD}32"
-                fi
-                mkdir -p "$root/$newdir"
-                [ "$VERBOSE" = "V" ] && echo "mv $file $newdir"
-                mv "$root/$file" "$root/$newdir"
-        done
-# usage: fixcrypto listfile ctop
-# Massage entries in listfile for crypto modules, so that they point
-# into ctop.
-function fixcrypto {
-        typeset listfile=$1
-        typeset ctop=$2
-        typeset ccontents=/tmp/crypto-toc$$
-        find "$ctop" -type f -print > $ccontents
-        typeset root=root_$MACH
-        [ "$OBJD" = obj ] && root=root_$MACH-nd
-        grep -v ^MOD $listfile > $
-        grep ^MOD $listfile | while read tag srcdir module targdir size impl; do
-                #
-                # We don't just grep for ${OBJD}$size/$module because
-                # there can be generic and platform-dependent versions
-                # of a module.
-                #
-                newsrcfile=$(grep -w $root/$targdir/${OBJD}$size/$module $ccontents)
-                if [ -n "$newsrcfile" ]; then
-                        # srcdir doesn't include final objNN or debugNN
-                        echo $tag $module $targdir $size $impl \
-                            $(dirname $(dirname "$newsrcfile"))
-                else
-                        echo $tag $module $targdir $size $impl $srcdir
-                fi
-        done > $listfile.mod
-        cat $listfile.mod $ > $listfile
-        rm -f $listfile.mod
-        rm -f $
-        rm -f $ccontents
 # Copy a module, or create a link, as needed.
 function copymod {
         case $1 in

@@ -540,28 +467,10 @@
         verbose "Building module list..."
         (cd $KARCH; MAKEFLAGS=e $make -K $MODSTATE modlist.karch) | \
             egrep "^MOD|^CONF|^LINK|^SYMLINK" > $modlist
         [ "$VERBOSE" = "V" ] && cat $modlist
         check_modlist $modlist
-        if [ -n "$ON_CRYPTO_BINS" ]; then
-                cryptotar="$ON_CRYPTO_BINS"
-                if [ "$OBJD" = obj ]; then
-                        isa=$(uname -p)
-                        cryptotar=$(echo "$ON_CRYPTO_BINS" |
-                            sed -e s/.$isa.tar.bz2/-nd.$isa.tar.bz2/)
-                fi
-                [ -f "$cryptotar" ] || fail "crypto ($cryptotar) doesn't exist"
-                cryptotree=$(mktemp -d /tmp/crypto.XXXXXX)
-                [ -n "$cryptotree" ] || fail "can't create tree for crypto"
-                unpack_crypto "$cryptotar" "$cryptotree"
-                #
-                # fixcrypto must come before fixglom, because
-                # fixcrypto uses the unglommed path to find things in
-                # the unpacked crypto.
-                #
-                fixcrypto $modlist "$cryptotree"
-        fi
         if [ "$GLOM" = "yes" ]; then
                 fixglom $modlist $GLOMNAME
                 filtimpl $modlist $IMPL
         if [[ -n "$files" && "$files" != All ]]; then

@@ -732,16 +641,11 @@
         if [[ -d $SRC/../closed && "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" != no ]]; then
                 srctrees="$srctrees $SRC/../closed"
-        else
-                if [ -z "$ON_CRYPTO_BINS" ]; then
-                        echo "Warning: ON_CRYPTO_BINS not set; pre-signed" \
-                            "crypto not provided."
-        fi
         if [[ $WANT64 = "yes" ]] ; then
                 # kmdbmod for sparc and x86 are built and installed
                 # in different places
                 if [[ $(mach) = "i386" ]] ; then

@@ -870,11 +774,10 @@
         cd /tmp
         test "$CLEANUP" = c && remove_dir $INSTALL_DIR
         rm -rf $modstatedir
         rm -f $modlist
-        [ -n "$cryptotree" ] && rm -rf "$cryptotree"
         verbose "Install complete"
         exit 0