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4108 remove ON_CRYPTO_BINS from tools

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          --- old/usr/src/tools/
          +++ new/usr/src/tools/
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 103  103  
 104  104  checkproto
 105  105          Runs protocmp and protolist on a workspace (or uses the environment
 106  106          variable CODEMGR_WS to determine the workspace). Checks the proto area
 107  107          against the packages.
 108  108  
 109  109  codereview
 110  110          Given two filenames, creates a postscript file with the file 
 111  111          differences highlighted.
 112  112  
 113      -codesign
 114      -        Tools for signing cryptographic modules using the official
 115      -        Sun release keys stored on a remote signing server. This
 116      -        directory contains signit, a client program for signing
 117      -        files with the signing server; signproto, a shell script
 118      -        that finds crypto modules in $ROOT and signs them using
 119      -        signit; and, the code that runs on the
 120      -        server. The codesign_server code is not used on an ON
 121      -        build machine but is kept here for source control purposes.
 122      -
 123  113  copyrightchk
 124  114          Checks that files have appropriate SMI copyright notices.
 125  115          Primarily used by wx
 126  116  
 127  117  cscope-fast
 128  118          The fast version of cscope that we use internally. Seems to work,
 129  119          but may need more testing before it's placed in the gate. The source
 130  120          just really needs to be here.
 131  121          
 132  122  cstyle
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