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2995 pcan and pcwl wifi device drivers EOL

*** 39,49 **** A. In general, you'll name these files "THIRDPARTYLICENSE," and you'll put one in each source directory (i.e. one per library, or one per command, or one per kernel module.) ! EXAMPLE: usr/src/uts/common/io/pcan/THIRDPARTYLICENSE If this file proves unmanageable, or you're adding licenses that really are independent of each other, you may instead create multiple "" files, where "foo" obviously corresponds to the license in question. --- 39,49 ---- A. In general, you'll name these files "THIRDPARTYLICENSE," and you'll put one in each source directory (i.e. one per library, or one per command, or one per kernel module.) ! EXAMPLE: usr/src/uts/common/io/mwl/THIRDPARTYLICENSE If this file proves unmanageable, or you're adding licenses that really are independent of each other, you may instead create multiple "" files, where "foo" obviously corresponds to the license in question.