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4101 metaslab_debug should allow for fine-grained control
4102 space_maps should store more information about themselves
4103 space map object blocksize should be increased
4104 ::spa_space no longer works
4105 removing a mirrored log device results in a leaked object
4106 asynchronously load metaslab
Reviewed by: Matthew Ahrens <>
Reviewed by: Adam Leventhal <>
Reviewed by: Sebastien Roy <>

@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
 #include <sys/metaslab.h>
 #include <sys/space_map.h>
+#include <sys/range_tree.h>
 #include <sys/vdev.h>
 #include <sys/txg.h>
 #include <sys/avl.h>
 #ifdef  __cplusplus

@@ -41,11 +42,11 @@
 struct metaslab_class {
         spa_t                   *mc_spa;
         metaslab_group_t        *mc_rotor;
-        space_map_ops_t         *mc_ops;
+        metaslab_ops_t          *mc_ops;
         uint64_t                mc_aliquot;
         uint64_t                mc_alloc_groups; /* # of allocatable groups */
         uint64_t                mc_alloc;       /* total allocated space */
         uint64_t                mc_deferred;    /* total deferred frees */
         uint64_t                mc_space;       /* total space (alloc + free) */

@@ -54,57 +55,113 @@
 struct metaslab_group {
         kmutex_t                mg_lock;
         avl_tree_t              mg_metaslab_tree;
         uint64_t                mg_aliquot;
-        uint64_t                mg_bonus_area;
         uint64_t                mg_alloc_failures;
         boolean_t               mg_allocatable;         /* can we allocate? */
         uint64_t                mg_free_capacity;       /* percentage free */
         int64_t                 mg_bias;
         int64_t                 mg_activation_count;
         metaslab_class_t        *mg_class;
         vdev_t                  *mg_vd;
+        taskq_t                 *mg_taskq;
         metaslab_group_t        *mg_prev;
         metaslab_group_t        *mg_next;
- * Each metaslab maintains an in-core free map (ms_map) that contains the
- * current list of free segments. As blocks are allocated, the allocated
- * segment is removed from the ms_map and added to a per txg allocation map.
- * As blocks are freed, they are added to the per txg free map. These per
- * txg maps allow us to process all allocations and frees in syncing context
- * where it is safe to update the on-disk space maps.
+ * This value defines the number of elements in the ms_lbas array. The value
+ * of 64 was chosen as it covers to cover all power of 2 buckets up to
+ * UINT64_MAX. This is the equivalent of highbit(UINT64_MAX).
+ */
+#define MAX_LBAS        64
+ * Each metaslab maintains a set of in-core trees to track metaslab operations.
+ * The in-core free tree (ms_tree) contains the current list of free segments.
+ * As blocks are allocated, the allocated segment are removed from the ms_tree
+ * and added to a per txg allocation tree (ms_alloctree). As blocks are freed,
+ * they are added to the per txg free tree (ms_freetree). These per txg
+ * trees allow us to process all allocations and frees in syncing context
+ * where it is safe to update the on-disk space maps. One additional in-core
+ * tree is maintained to track deferred frees (ms_defertree). Once a block
+ * is freed it will move from the ms_freetree to the ms_defertree. A deferred
+ * free means that a block has been freed but cannot be used by the pool
+ * until TXG_DEFER_SIZE transactions groups later. For example, a block
+ * that is freed in txg 50 will not be available for reallocation until
+ * txg 52 (50 + TXG_DEFER_SIZE).  This provides a safety net for uberblock
+ * rollback. A pool could be safely rolled back TXG_DEFERS_SIZE
+ * transactions groups and ensure that no block has been reallocated.
- * Each metaslab's free space is tracked in a space map object in the MOS,
+ * The simplified transition diagram looks like this:
+ *
+ *
+ *      ALLOCATE
+ *         |
+ *         V
+ *    free segment (ms_tree) --------> ms_alloctree ----> (write to space map)
+ *         ^
+ *         |
+ *         |                           ms_freetree <--- FREE
+ *         |                                 |
+ *         |                                 |
+ *         |                                 |
+ *         +----------- ms_defertree <-------+---------> (write to space map)
+ *
+ *
+ * Each metaslab's space is tracked in a single space map in the MOS,
  * which is only updated in syncing context. Each time we sync a txg,
- * we append the allocs and frees from that txg to the space map object.
- * When the txg is done syncing, metaslab_sync_done() updates ms_smo
- * to ms_smo_syncing. Everything in ms_smo is always safe to allocate.
+ * we append the allocs and frees from that txg to the space map.
+ * The pool space is only updated once all metaslabs have finished syncing.
- * To load the in-core free map we read the space map object from disk.
+ * To load the in-core free tree we read the space map from disk.
  * This object contains a series of alloc and free records that are
  * combined to make up the list of all free segments in this metaslab. These
- * segments are represented in-core by the ms_map and are stored in an
+ * segments are represented in-core by the ms_tree and are stored in an
  * AVL tree.
- * As the space map objects grows (as a result of the appends) it will
- * eventually become space-inefficient. When the space map object is
- * zfs_condense_pct/100 times the size of the minimal on-disk representation,
- * we rewrite it in its minimized form.
+ * As the space map grows (as a result of the appends) it will
+ * eventually become space-inefficient. When the metaslab's in-core free tree
+ * is zfs_condense_pct/100 times the size of the minimal on-disk
+ * representation, we rewrite it in its minimized form. If a metaslab
+ * needs to condense then we must set the ms_condensing flag to ensure
+ * that allocations are not performed on the metaslab that is being written.
 struct metaslab {
-        kmutex_t        ms_lock;        /* metaslab lock                */
-        space_map_obj_t ms_smo;         /* synced space map object      */
-        space_map_obj_t ms_smo_syncing; /* syncing space map object     */
-        space_map_t     *ms_allocmap[TXG_SIZE]; /* allocated this txg   */
-        space_map_t     *ms_freemap[TXG_SIZE];  /* freed this txg       */
-        space_map_t     *ms_defermap[TXG_DEFER_SIZE];   /* deferred frees */
-        space_map_t     *ms_map;        /* in-core free space map       */
+        kmutex_t        ms_lock;
+        kcondvar_t      ms_load_cv;
+        space_map_t     *ms_sm;
+        metaslab_ops_t  *ms_ops;
+        uint64_t        ms_id;
+        uint64_t        ms_start;
+        uint64_t        ms_size;
+        range_tree_t    *ms_alloctree[TXG_SIZE];
+        range_tree_t    *ms_freetree[TXG_SIZE];
+        range_tree_t    *ms_defertree[TXG_DEFER_SIZE];
+        range_tree_t    *ms_tree;
+        boolean_t       ms_condensing;  /* condensing? */
+        boolean_t       ms_loaded;
+        boolean_t       ms_loading;
         int64_t         ms_deferspace;  /* sum of ms_defermap[] space   */
         uint64_t        ms_weight;      /* weight vs. others in group   */
+        uint64_t        ms_factor;
+        uint64_t        ms_access_txg;
+        /*
+         * The metaslab block allocators can optionally use a size-ordered
+         * range tree and/or an array of LBAs. Not all allocators use
+         * this functionality. The ms_size_tree should always contain the
+         * same number of segments as the ms_tree. The only difference
+         * is that the ms_size_tree is ordered by segment sizes.
+         */
+        avl_tree_t      ms_size_tree;
+        uint64_t        ms_lbas[MAX_LBAS];
         metaslab_group_t *ms_group;     /* metaslab group               */
         avl_node_t      ms_group_node;  /* node in metaslab group tree  */
         txg_node_t      ms_txg_node;    /* per-txg dirty metaslab links */