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          --- old/usr/src/uts/common/rpcsvc/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/common/rpcsvc/Makefile
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  #
  22   22  # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23   23  # Use is subject to license terms.
  24   24  #
       25 +# Copyright (c) 2012 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
       26 +#
  25   27  # uts/common/rpcsvc/Makefile
  26   28  #       This makefile installs system header files that go into
  27   29  #       /usr/include/rpcsvc.
  28   30  #
  29   31  # include global definitions
  30   32  include ../../../Makefile.master
  31   33  
  32   34  # Protocol descriptions.  Alas, the NFS protocol cannot be expressed
  33   35  # completely via rpcgen.  The NLM description should go here some day.
  34   36  # Also, the v3 headers have been hacked so that they no longer
  35   37  # quite reflect what goes over the wire.
  36   38  IDMAP_PROT_X=   idmap_prot.x
  37      -RPCGEN_SRC=     autofs_prot.x sm_inter.x nsm_addr.x $(IDMAP_PROT_X)
       39 +RPCGEN_SRC=     autofs_prot.x nlm_prot.x sm_inter.x nsm_addr.x \
       40 +                $(IDMAP_PROT_X)
  38   41  
  39   42  DERIVED_HDRS=   $(RPCGEN_SRC:%.x=%.h)
  40   43  
  41   44  ALLHDRS=        $(RPCGEN_SRC) $(DERIVED_HDRS)
  42   45  
  43   46  ROOTDIRS=       $(ROOT)/usr/include/rpcsvc
  44   47  
  45   48  ROOTHDRS=       $(ALLHDRS:%=$(ROOTDIRS)/%)
  46   49  
       50 +RPCGENFLAGS = -C
       51 +idmap_prot.h := RPCGENFLAGS += -MN
       52 +nlm_prot.h :=   RPCGENFLAGS += -M
       53 +sm_inter.h :=   RPCGENFLAGS += -M
       54 +nsm_addr.h :=   RPCGENFLAGS += -M
       55 +
  47   56  $(ROOTDIRS)/%: %
  48   57          $(INS.file)
  49   58  
  50   59  .KEEP_STATE:
  51   60  
  52   61  # all_h permits derived headers to be built here in the uts source area
  53   62  # for the kernel to reference, without going so far as to install them.
  54   63  #
  55   64  all_h: $(DERIVED_HDRS)
  56   65  
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  61   70  
  62   71  clobber: clean
  63   72  
  64   73  # Don't check rpcgen-derived files.
  65   74  check:
  66   75  
  67   76  $(ROOTDIRS):
  68   77          $(INS.dir)
  69   78  
  70   79  %.h: %.x
  71      -        $(RPCGEN) -C -h $< -o $@
  72      -
  73      -idmap_prot.h:   $(IDMAP_PROT_X)
  74      -        $(RPCGEN) -CMNh -o $@ $(IDMAP_PROT_X)
       80 +        $(RPCGEN) $(RPCGENFLAGS) -h $< -o $@