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12306 XPG4v2 slave pty behaviour should generally be disabled
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Change-ID: I7ccd399c22866f34dd20c6bb9d28e77ba4e24c67

 271  * stdata flag field defines
 272  */
 273 #define IOCWAIT         0x00000001      /* Someone is doing an ioctl */
 274 #define RSLEEP          0x00000002      /* Someone wants to read/recv msg */
 275 #define WSLEEP          0x00000004      /* Someone wants to write */
 276 #define STRPRI          0x00000008      /* An M_PCPROTO is at stream head */
 277 #define STRHUP          0x00000010      /* Device has vanished */
 278 #define STWOPEN         0x00000020      /* waiting for 1st open */
 279 #define STPLEX          0x00000040      /* stream is being multiplexed */
 280 #define STRISTTY        0x00000080      /* stream is a terminal */
 281 #define STRGETINPROG    0x00000100      /* (k)strgetmsg is running */
 282 #define IOCWAITNE       0x00000200      /* STR_NOERROR ioctl running */
 283 #define STRDERR         0x00000400      /* fatal read error from M_ERROR */
 284 #define STWRERR         0x00000800      /* fatal write error from M_ERROR */
 285 #define STRDERRNONPERSIST 0x00001000    /* nonpersistent read errors */
 286 #define STWRERRNONPERSIST 0x00002000    /* nonpersistent write errors */
 287 #define STRCLOSE        0x00004000      /* wait for a close to complete */
 288 #define SNDMREAD        0x00008000      /* used for read notification */
 289 #define OLDNDELAY       0x00010000      /* use old TTY semantics for */
 290                                         /* NDELAY reads and writes */
 291         /*              0x00020000         unused */
 292         /*              0x00040000         unused */
 293 #define STRTOSTOP       0x00080000      /* block background writes */
 294 #define STRCMDWAIT      0x00100000      /* someone is doing an _I_CMD */
 295         /*              0x00200000         unused */
 296 #define STRMOUNT        0x00400000      /* stream is mounted */
 297 #define STRNOTATMARK    0x00800000      /* Not at mark (when empty read q) */
 298 #define STRDELIM        0x01000000      /* generate delimited messages */
 299 #define STRATMARK       0x02000000      /* At mark (due to MSGMARKNEXT) */
 300 #define STZCNOTIFY      0x04000000      /* wait for zerocopy mblk to be acked */
 301 #define STRPLUMB        0x08000000      /* push/pop pending */
 302 #define STREOF          0x10000000      /* End-of-file indication */
 303 #define STREOPENFAIL    0x20000000      /* indicates if re-open has failed */
 304 #define STRMATE         0x40000000      /* this stream is a mate */
 305 #define STRHASLINKS     0x80000000      /* I_LINKs under this stream */
 307 /*
 308  * Copy-related flags (sd_copyflag), set by SO_COPYOPT.
 309  */
 310 #define STZCVMSAFE      0x00000001      /* safe to borrow file (segmapped) */
 311                                         /* pages instead of bcopy */

 271  * stdata flag field defines
 272  */
 273 #define IOCWAIT         0x00000001      /* Someone is doing an ioctl */
 274 #define RSLEEP          0x00000002      /* Someone wants to read/recv msg */
 275 #define WSLEEP          0x00000004      /* Someone wants to write */
 276 #define STRPRI          0x00000008      /* An M_PCPROTO is at stream head */
 277 #define STRHUP          0x00000010      /* Device has vanished */
 278 #define STWOPEN         0x00000020      /* waiting for 1st open */
 279 #define STPLEX          0x00000040      /* stream is being multiplexed */
 280 #define STRISTTY        0x00000080      /* stream is a terminal */
 281 #define STRGETINPROG    0x00000100      /* (k)strgetmsg is running */
 282 #define IOCWAITNE       0x00000200      /* STR_NOERROR ioctl running */
 283 #define STRDERR         0x00000400      /* fatal read error from M_ERROR */
 284 #define STWRERR         0x00000800      /* fatal write error from M_ERROR */
 285 #define STRDERRNONPERSIST 0x00001000    /* nonpersistent read errors */
 286 #define STWRERRNONPERSIST 0x00002000    /* nonpersistent write errors */
 287 #define STRCLOSE        0x00004000      /* wait for a close to complete */
 288 #define SNDMREAD        0x00008000      /* used for read notification */
 289 #define OLDNDELAY       0x00010000      /* use old TTY semantics for */
 290                                         /* NDELAY reads and writes */
 291 #define STRXPG4TTY      0x00020000      /* Use XPG4 TTY semantics */
 292         /*              0x00040000         unused */
 293 #define STRTOSTOP       0x00080000      /* block background writes */
 294 #define STRCMDWAIT      0x00100000      /* someone is doing an _I_CMD */
 295         /*              0x00200000         unused */
 296 #define STRMOUNT        0x00400000      /* stream is mounted */
 297 #define STRNOTATMARK    0x00800000      /* Not at mark (when empty read q) */
 298 #define STRDELIM        0x01000000      /* generate delimited messages */
 299 #define STRATMARK       0x02000000      /* At mark (due to MSGMARKNEXT) */
 300 #define STZCNOTIFY      0x04000000      /* wait for zerocopy mblk to be acked */
 301 #define STRPLUMB        0x08000000      /* push/pop pending */
 302 #define STREOF          0x10000000      /* End-of-file indication */
 303 #define STREOPENFAIL    0x20000000      /* indicates if re-open has failed */
 304 #define STRMATE         0x40000000      /* this stream is a mate */
 305 #define STRHASLINKS     0x80000000      /* I_LINKs under this stream */
 307 /*
 308  * Copy-related flags (sd_copyflag), set by SO_COPYOPT.
 309  */
 310 #define STZCVMSAFE      0x00000001      /* safe to borrow file (segmapped) */
 311                                         /* pages instead of bcopy */