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13111 Want futimes() and lutimes() functions
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          --- old/usr/src/prototypes/prototype.man3x
          +++ new/usr/src/prototypes/prototype.man3x
↓ open down ↓ 51 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  52   52  The
  53   53  .fn funcname
  54   54  functions will fail if:
  55   55  .Bl  -tag -width Er
  56   56  .It Er ERRNO1
  57   57  A Reason why ERRNO1 could occur.
  58   58  .It Er ERRNO2
  59   59  A Reason why ERRNO2 could occur.
  60   60  .El
  62      -.\" Indicate the stability per attribute(5). One of:
       62 +.\" Indicate the stability per attributes(5). One of:
  63   63  .\" .Sy Committed
  64   64  .\" .Sy Uncommitted
  65   65  .\" .Sy Volatile
  66   66  .\" .Sy Private
  67   67  .Sh MT-LEVEL
  68   68  .\" Indicate the MT-Level per attributes(5). If there are exceptions,
  69   69  .\" start with the level and go from there.
  70   70  .\" .Sy Safe
  71   71  .\" .Sy Unsafe
  72   72  .\" .Sy MT-Safe
  73   73  .\" .Sy Aysnc-Signal-Safe
  74   74  .Sh SEE ALSO
  75   75  .\" A list of mentioned manuals or others that are relevant to this
  76   76  .\" function. If there is a user command that exercises this, for
  77   77  .\" example, sleep(1) if documenting sleep(3C), list this here.
  78   78  .\" Generally an overview page for a library in 3LIB should also be
  79   79  .\" referenced.