1 .\"
   2 .\" Sun Microsystems, Inc. gratefully acknowledges The Open Group for
   3 .\" permission to reproduce portions of its copyrighted documentation.
   4 .\" Original documentation from The Open Group can be obtained online at
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   6 .\"
   7 .\" The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open
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   9 .\" documentation.
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  12 .\" of the system documentation.
  13 .\"
  14 .\" Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
  15 .\" in the SunOS Reference Manual, from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition,
  16 .\" Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System
  17 .\" Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6,
  18 .\" Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
  19 .\" Engineers, Inc and The Open Group.  In the event of any discrepancy
  20 .\" between these versions and the original IEEE and The Open Group
  21 .\" Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee
  22 .\" document.  The original Standard can be obtained online at
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  24 .\"
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  43 .\" Portions Copyright (c) 1992, X/Open Company Limited.  All Rights Reserved.
  44 .\" Copyright (c) 2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
  45 .\" Copyright (c) 2014, Joyent, Inc.
  46 .\" Copyright 2020 OmniOS Community Edition (OmniOSce) Association.
  47 .\"
  48 .TH UTIMES 2 "Sep 06, 2020"
  49 .SH NAME
  50 utimes, lutimes, futimes, futimesat, utimens, utimensat \- set file access and modification times
  52 .nf
  53 #include <sys/time.h>
  55 \fBint\fR \fButimes\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIpath\fR, \fBconst struct timeval\fR \fItimes\fR[2]);
  56 .fi
  58 .LP
  59 .nf
  60 \fBint\fR \fBlutimes\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIpath\fR, \fBconst struct timeval\fR \fItimes\fR[2]);
  61 .fi
  63 .LP
  64 .nf
  65 \fBint\fR \fBfutimes\fR(\fBint\fR \fIfildes\fR, \fBconst struct timeval\fR \fItimes\fR[2]);
  66 .fi
  68 .LP
  69 .nf
  70 \fBint\fR \fBfutimesat\fR(\fBint\fR \fIfildes\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIpath\fR,
  71      \fBconst struct timeval\fR \fItimes\fR[2]);
  72 .fi
  74 .LP
  75 .nf
  76 #include <sys/stat.h>
  78 \fBint\fR \fBfutimens\fR(\fBint\fR \fIfildes\fR, \fBconst timespec_t\fR \fInstimes[2]\fR);
  80 \fBint\fR \fButimensat\fR(\fBint\fR \fIfildes\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIpath\fR,
  81     \fBconst timespec_t\fR \fInstimes[2]\fR, \fBint\fR \fIflag\fR);
  84 The \fButimes()\fR function sets the access and modification times of the file
  85 pointed to by the \fIpath\fR argument to the value of the \fItimes\fR argument.
  86 It allows time specifications accurate to the microsecond.
  87 .sp
  88 .LP
  89 The \fBlutimes()\fR function operates like \fButimes()\fR except if \fIpath\fR
  90 points to a symbolic link; in that case \fBlutimes()\fR changes the access and
  91 modifications times of the link, while \fButimes()\fR changes the file that
  92 is referenced by the link.
  93 .sp
  94 .LP
  95 The \fBfutimes()\fR function sets the access and modification times of the
  96 file referenced by the file descriptor \fIfildes\fR.
  97 .sp
  98 .LP
  99 The \fBfutimesat()\fR function also sets access and modification times.  See
 100 \fBfsattr\fR(5). If \fIpath\fR is a relative path name, however,
 101 \fBfutimesat()\fR resolves the path relative to the \fIfildes\fR argument
 102 rather than the current working directory.  If \fIfildes\fR is set to
 103 \fBAT_FDCWD\fR, defined in <\fBfcntl.h\fR>, \fBfutimesat()\fR resolves the path
 104 relative to the current working directory.  If \fIpath\fR is a null pointer,
 105 \fBfutimesat()\fR sets the access and modification times on the file referenced
 106 by \fIfildes\fR. The \fIfildes\fR argument is ignored if
 107 \fBfutimesat()\fR is provided with an absolute path.
 108 .sp
 109 .LP
 110 The \fItimes\fR argument is an array of \fBtimeval\fR structures. The first
 111 array member represents the date and time of last access, and the second member
 112 represents the date and time of last modification.  The times in the
 113 \fBtimeval\fR structure are measured in seconds and microseconds since the
 114 Epoch, although rounding toward the nearest second may occur.
 115 .sp
 116 .LP
 117 If the \fItimes\fR argument is a null pointer, the access and modification
 118 times of the file are set to the current time.  The effective user \fBID\fR of
 119 the process must be the same as the owner of the file, or must have write
 120 access to the file or the {\fBPRIV_FILE_OWNER\fR} privilege to use this call in
 121 this manner. Upon completion, \fButimes()\fR will mark the time of the last
 122 file status change, \fBst_ctime\fR, for update.
 123 .sp
 124 .LP
 125 The \fBfutimens()\fR and \fButimensat()\fR functions also set access and
 126 modification times; however, instead of taking \fBstruct timeval\fR, they take
 127 \fBtimespec_t\fR which allows for nanosecond granularity. The \fBfutimens()\fR
 128 function sets the access and modification times on the file descriptor
 129 referenced by \fIfildes\fR.
 130 .sp
 131 .LP
 132 The \fButimensat()\fR function determines the file to set the access and
 133 modification times in an similar way to \fBfutimesat()\fR. If the argument
 134 \fIpath\fR is an absolute path, then the argument \fIfildes\fR is ignored;
 135 otherwise, \fIpath\fR is interpreted as a path relative to the directory
 136 specified by \fIfildes\fR. If \fIfildes\fR is set to \fBAT_FDCWD\fR, then
 137 \fIpath\fR is resolved relative to the current working directory. The behavior
 138 when encountering symbolic links may be controlled by the value of the
 139 \fIflag\fR argument. If the value of flag is the constant
 140 \fBAT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW\fR, then when a symbolic link is encountered while
 141 resolving a path, it will not be followed. Otherwise, the value of \fIflag\fR
 142 should be \fB0\fR. Note that, unlike \fBfutimesat()\fR, \fButimensat()\fR
 143 does not accept a null pointer for the \fIpath\fR argument.
 145 Upon successful completion, \fB0\fR is returned.  Otherwise, \fB\(mi1\fR is
 146 returned, \fBerrno\fR is set to indicate the error, and the file times will not
 147 be affected.
 149 The \fButimes()\fR, \fBlutimes()\fR, \fBfutimes()\fR, \fBfutimesat()\fR,
 150 \fBfutimens()\fR, and \fButimensat()\fR
 151 functions will fail if:
 152 .sp
 153 .ne 2
 154 .na
 155 \fB\fBEACCES\fR\fR
 156 .ad
 157 .RS 16n
 158 Search permission is denied by a component of the path prefix; or the
 159 \fItimes\fR argument is a null pointer and the effective user \fBID\fR of the
 160 process does not match the owner of the file and write access is denied.
 161 .RE
 163 .sp
 164 .ne 2
 165 .na
 166 \fB\fBEFAULT\fR\fR
 167 .ad
 168 .RS 16n
 169 The \fIpath\fR or \fItimes\fR argument points to an illegal address.
 170 .RE
 172 .sp
 173 .ne 2
 174 .na
 175 \fB\fBEINTR\fR\fR
 176 .ad
 177 .RS 16n
 178 A signal was caught during the execution of the \fButimes()\fR,
 179 \fBlutimes()\fR, \fBfutimes()\fR,
 180 \fBfutimesat()\fR, \fBfutimens()\fR, or \fButimensat()\fR functions.
 181 .RE
 183 .sp
 184 .ne 2
 185 .na
 186 \fB\fBEINVAL\fR\fR
 187 .ad
 188 .RS 16n
 189 The number of microseconds specified in one or both of the \fBtimeval\fR
 190 structures pointed to by \fItimes\fR was greater than or equal to 1,000,000 or
 191 less than 0. The number of nanoseconds specified in one or both of the
 192 \fBtimespec_t\fR structures pointed to by \fInstimes\fR was greater than or
 193 equal to 1,000,000,000 or less than 0.
 194 .RE
 196 .sp
 197 .ne 2
 198 .na
 199 \fB\fBEIO\fR\fR
 200 .ad
 201 .RS 16n
 202 An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system.
 203 .RE
 205 .sp
 206 .ne 2
 207 .na
 208 \fB\fBELOOP\fR\fR
 209 .ad
 210 .RS 16n
 211 Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving \fIpath\fR.
 212 .RE
 214 .sp
 215 .ne 2
 216 .na
 218 .ad
 219 .RS 16n
 220 The length of the \fIpath\fR argument exceeds {\fIPATH_MAX\fR} or a pathname
 221 component is longer than {\fINAME_MAX\fR}.
 222 .RE
 224 .sp
 225 .ne 2
 226 .na
 227 \fB\fBENOLINK\fR\fR
 228 .ad
 229 .RS 16n
 230 The \fIpath\fR argument points to a remote machine and the link to that machine
 231 is no longer active.
 232 .RE
 234 .sp
 235 .ne 2
 236 .na
 237 \fB\fBENOENT\fR\fR
 238 .ad
 239 .RS 16n
 240 A component of \fIpath\fR does not name an existing file or \fIpath\fR is an
 241 empty string.
 242 .RE
 244 .sp
 245 .ne 2
 246 .na
 247 \fB\fBENOTDIR\fR\fR
 248 .ad
 249 .RS 16n
 250 A component of the path prefix is not a directory or the \fIpath\fR argument is
 251 relative and the \fIfildes\fR argument is not \fBAT_FDCWD\fR or does not refer
 252 to a valid directory.
 253 .RE
 255 .sp
 256 .ne 2
 257 .na
 258 \fB\fBEPERM\fR\fR
 259 .ad
 260 .RS 16n
 261 The \fItimes\fR argument is not a null pointer and the calling process's
 262 effective user \fBID\fR has write access to the file but does not match the
 263 owner of the file and the calling process does not have the appropriate
 264 privileges.
 265 .RE
 267 .sp
 268 .ne 2
 269 .na
 270 \fB\fBEROFS\fR\fR
 271 .ad
 272 .RS 16n
 273 The file system containing the file is read-only.
 274 .RE
 276 .sp
 277 .LP
 278 The \fButimes()\fR, \fBfutimesat()\fR, and \fButimensat()\fR functions may fail
 279 if:
 280 .sp
 281 .ne 2
 282 .na
 284 .ad
 285 .RS 16n
 286 Path name resolution of a symbolic link produced an intermediate result whose
 287 length exceeds {\fIPATH_MAX\fR}.
 288 .RE
 291 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 292 .sp
 294 .sp
 295 .TS
 296 box;
 297 c | c
 298 l | l .
 300 _
 301 Interface Stability     Committed
 302 _
 303 Standard        See below.
 304 .TE
 306 .sp
 307 .LP
 308 For \fButimes()\fR, \fButimensat()\fR and \fBfutimensat()\fR, see \fBstandards\fR(5).
 310 fBstat\fR(2), \fButime\fR(2), \fBattributes\fR(5),
 311 \fBfsattr\fR(5), \fBstandards\fR(5)