1 alias           ksh removed
   2 bg              ksh removed
   3 cd              ksh removed
   4 cksum           -
   5 cmp             new options, converted to mandoc
   6 comm            converted to mandoc
   7 command
   8 cut             converted to mandoc, new options
   9 fc
  10 fg
  11 getopts
  12 hash
  13 jobs
  14 join
  15 kill
  16 paste
  17 print
  18 read
  19 rev             converted to mandoc
  20 sum
  21 tee             converted to mandoc
  22 test
  23 type
  24 ulimit
  25 umask
  26 unalias
  27 uniq
  28 wait
  29 wc