1 /*
   2     libparted - a library for manipulating disk partitions
   3     Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   8     (at your option) any later version.
  10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13     GNU General Public License for more details.
  15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  17 */
  19 #ifndef DISCOVER_ONLY
  21 #include <config.h>
  23 #include <parted/parted.h>
  24 #include <parted/endian.h>
  25 #include <parted/debug.h>
  27 #if ENABLE_NLS
  28 #  include <libintl.h>
  29 #  define _(String) dgettext (PACKAGE, String)
  30 #else
  31 #  define _(String) (String)
  32 #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
  34 #include "hfs.h"
  35 #include "advfs.h"
  36 #include "file_plus.h"
  38 #include "advfs_plus.h"
  40 /* - if a < b, 0 if a == b, + if a > b */
  41 /* Comparaison is done in the following order : */
  42 /* CNID, then fork type, then start block */
  43 static int
  44 hfsplus_extent_key_cmp(HfsPPrivateGenericKey* a, HfsPPrivateGenericKey* b)
  45 {
  46         HfsPExtentKey* key1 = (HfsPExtentKey*) a;
  47         HfsPExtentKey* key2 = (HfsPExtentKey*) b;
  49         if (key1->file_ID != key2->file_ID)
  50                 return PED_BE32_TO_CPU(key1->file_ID) <
  51                        PED_BE32_TO_CPU(key2->file_ID) ? 
  52                                 -1 : +1;
  54         if (key1->type != key2->type)
  55                 return (int)(key1->type - key2->type);
  57         if (key1->start == key2->start)
  58                 return 0;
  59         return PED_BE32_TO_CPU(key1->start) < 
  60                PED_BE32_TO_CPU(key2->start) ?
  61                         -1 : +1;
  62 }
  64 /* do a B-Tree lookup */
  65 /* read the first record immediatly inferior or egal to the given key */
  66 /* return 0 on error */
  67 /* record_out _must_ be large enough to receive the whole record (key + data) */
  68 /* WARNING : the search function called only handle Extents BTree */
  69 /*           so modify this function if you want to do lookup in */
  70 /*           other BTrees has well */
  71 int
  72 hfsplus_btree_search (HfsPPrivateFile* b_tree_file, HfsPPrivateGenericKey* key,
  73                       void *record_out, unsigned int record_size,
  74                       HfsCPrivateLeafRec* record_ref)
  75 {
  76         uint8_t                 node_1[PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT];
  77         uint8_t*                node;
  78         HfsPHeaderRecord*       header;
  79         HfsPNodeDescriptor*     desc = (HfsPNodeDescriptor*) node_1;
  80         HfsPPrivateGenericKey*  record_key = NULL;
  81         unsigned int            node_number, record_number, size, bsize;
  82         int                     i;
  84         /* Read the header node */
  85         if (!hfsplus_file_read_sector(b_tree_file, node_1, 0))
  86                 return 0;
  87         header = (HfsPHeaderRecord*) (node_1 + HFS_FIRST_REC);
  89         /* Get the node number of the root */
  90         node_number = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (header->root_node);
  91         if (!node_number)
  92                 return 0;
  94         /* Get the size of a node in sectors and allocate buffer */
  95         size = (bsize = PED_BE16_TO_CPU (header->node_size)) / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT;
  96         node = (uint8_t*) ped_malloc (bsize);
  97         if (!node)
  98                 return 0;
  99         desc = (HfsPNodeDescriptor*) node;
 101         /* Read the root node */
 102         if (!hfsplus_file_read (b_tree_file, node,
 103                                 (PedSector) node_number * size, size))
 104                 return 0;
 106         /* Follow the white rabbit */
 107         while (1) {
 108                 record_number = PED_BE16_TO_CPU (desc->rec_nb);
 109                 for (i = record_number; i; i--) {
 110                         record_key = (HfsPPrivateGenericKey*)
 111                             (node + PED_BE16_TO_CPU(*((uint16_t *)
 112                                         (node+(bsize - 2*i)))));
 113                         /* check for obvious error in FS */
 114                         if (((uint8_t*)record_key - node < HFS_FIRST_REC)
 115                             || ((uint8_t*)record_key - node
 116                                 >= (signed)bsize
 117                                    - 2 * (signed)(record_number+1))) {
 118                                 ped_exception_throw (
 119                                         PED_EXCEPTION_ERROR,
 120                                         PED_EXCEPTION_CANCEL,
 121                                         _("The file system contains errors."));
 122                                 ped_free (node);
 123                                 return 0;
 124                         }
 125                         if (hfsplus_extent_key_cmp(record_key, key) <= 0)
 126                                 break;
 127                 }
 128                 if (!i) { ped_free (node); return 0; }
 129                 if (desc->type == HFS_IDX_NODE) {
 130                         unsigned int    skip;
 132                         skip = ( 2 + PED_BE16_TO_CPU (record_key->key_length)
 133                                  + 1 ) & ~1;
 134                         node_number = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (*((uint32_t *)
 135                                         (((uint8_t *) record_key) + skip)));
 136                         if (!hfsplus_file_read(b_tree_file, node,
 137                                                (PedSector) node_number * size,
 138                                                size)) {
 139                                 ped_free (node);
 140                                 return 0;
 141                         }
 142                 } else 
 143                         break;
 144         }
 146         /* copy the result if needed */
 147         if (record_size)
 148                 memcpy (record_out, record_key, record_size);
 150         /* send record reference if needed */
 151         if (record_ref) {
 152                 record_ref->node_size = size;        /* in sectors */
 153                 record_ref->node_number = node_number;
 154                 record_ref->record_pos = (uint8_t*)record_key - node;
 155                 record_ref->record_number = i;
 156         }
 158         /* success */
 159         ped_free (node);
 160         return 1;
 161 }
 163 /* free the bad blocks linked list */
 164 void
 165 hfsplus_free_bad_blocks_list(HfsPPrivateLinkExtent* first)
 166 {
 167         HfsPPrivateLinkExtent*  next;
 169         while (first) {
 170                 next = first->next;
 171                 ped_free (first);
 172                 first = next;
 173         }
 174 }
 176 /* This function reads bad blocks extents in the extents file
 177    and store it in f.s. specific data of fs */
 178 int
 179 hfsplus_read_bad_blocks (const PedFileSystem *fs)
 180 {
 181         HfsPPrivateFSData*      priv_data = (HfsPPrivateFSData*)
 182                                                     fs->type_specific;
 184         if (priv_data->bad_blocks_loaded)
 185                 return 1;
 187         {
 188         uint8_t                 record[sizeof (HfsPExtentKey)
 189                                        + sizeof (HfsPExtDataRec)];
 190         HfsPExtentKey           search;
 191         HfsPExtentKey*          ret_key = (HfsPExtentKey*) record;
 192         HfsPExtDescriptor*      ret_cache = (HfsPExtDescriptor*)
 193                                     (record + sizeof (HfsPExtentKey));
 194         int                     block, first_pass = 1;
 195         unsigned int            last_start;
 197         search.key_length = sizeof (HfsExtentKey) - 2;
 198         search.type = HFS_DATA_FORK;
 199         search.pad = 0;
 200         search.file_ID = PED_CPU_TO_BE32 (HFS_BAD_BLOCK_ID);
 202         last_start = -1; block = 0;
 203         while (1) {
 204                 int i;
 206                 search.start = PED_CPU_TO_BE32 (block);
 207                 if (!hfsplus_btree_search (priv_data->extents_file,
 208                                            (HfsPPrivateGenericKey*) &search,
 209                                            record, sizeof (record), NULL)
 210                     || ret_key->file_ID != search.file_ID
 211                     || ret_key->type != search.type) {
 212                         if (first_pass)
 213                                 break;
 214                         else
 215                                 goto errbbp;
 216                 }
 217                 if (PED_BE32_TO_CPU (ret_key->start) == last_start)
 218                         break;
 220                 last_start = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (ret_key->start);
 221                 for (i = 0; i < HFSP_EXT_NB; i++) {
 222                         if (ret_cache[i].block_count) {
 223                                 HfsPPrivateLinkExtent*  new_xt =
 224                                   (HfsPPrivateLinkExtent*) ped_malloc (
 225                                     sizeof (HfsPPrivateLinkExtent));
 226                                 if (!new_xt)
 227                                         goto errbbp;
 228                                 new_xt->next = priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list;
 229                                 memcpy (&(new_xt->extent), ret_cache+i,
 230                                         sizeof (HfsPExtDescriptor));
 231                                 priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list = new_xt;
 232                                 priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_nb++;
 233                                 block += PED_BE32_TO_CPU (
 234                                                 ret_cache[i].block_count);
 235                         }
 236                 }
 237                 first_pass = 0;
 238         }
 240         priv_data->bad_blocks_loaded = 1;
 241         return 1;}
 243 errbbp: hfsplus_free_bad_blocks_list(priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list);
 244         priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list=NULL;
 245         priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_nb=0;
 246         return 0;
 247 }
 249 /* This function check if fblock is a bad block */
 250 int
 251 hfsplus_is_bad_block (const PedFileSystem *fs, unsigned int fblock)
 252 {
 253         HfsPPrivateFSData*      priv_data = (HfsPPrivateFSData*)
 254                                                 fs->type_specific;
 255         HfsPPrivateLinkExtent*  walk;
 257         for (walk = priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list; walk; walk = walk->next) {
 258                 /* Won't compile without the strange cast ! gcc bug ? */
 259                 /* or maybe C subtilties... */
 260                 if ((fblock >= PED_BE32_TO_CPU (walk->extent.start_block)) && 
 261                     (fblock <  (unsigned int)(PED_BE32_TO_CPU (
 262                                                 walk->extent.start_block)
 263                                + PED_BE32_TO_CPU (walk->extent.block_count))))
 264                         return 1;
 265         }
 267         return 0;
 268 }
 270 /* This function returns the first sector of the last free block of
 271    an HFS+ volume we can get after a hfsplus_pack_free_space_from_block call */
 272 PedSector
 273 hfsplus_get_empty_end (const PedFileSystem *fs)
 274 {
 275         HfsPPrivateFSData*      priv_data = (HfsPPrivateFSData*)
 276                                                     fs->type_specific;
 277         HfsPVolumeHeader*       vh = priv_data->vh;
 278         HfsPPrivateLinkExtent*  link;
 279         unsigned int            block, last_bad, end_free_blocks;
 281         /* find the next block to the last bad block of the volume */
 282         if (!hfsplus_read_bad_blocks (fs)) {
 283                 ped_exception_throw (
 284                         PED_EXCEPTION_ERROR,
 285                         PED_EXCEPTION_CANCEL,
 286                         _("Bad blocks could not be read."));
 287                 return 0;
 288         }
 290         last_bad = 0;
 291         for (link = priv_data->bad_blocks_xtent_list; link; link = link->next) {
 292                 if ((unsigned int) PED_BE32_TO_CPU (link->extent.start_block)
 293                     + PED_BE32_TO_CPU (link->extent.block_count) > last_bad)
 294                         last_bad = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (link->extent.start_block)
 295                                    + PED_BE32_TO_CPU (link->extent.block_count);
 296         }
 298         /* Count the free blocks from last_bad to the end of the volume */
 299         end_free_blocks = 0;
 300         for (block = last_bad;
 301              block < PED_BE32_TO_CPU (vh->total_blocks);
 302              block++) {
 303                 if (!TST_BLOC_OCCUPATION(priv_data->alloc_map,block))
 304                         end_free_blocks++;
 305         }
 307         /* Calculate the block that will by the first free at
 308            the end of the volume */
 309         block = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (vh->total_blocks) - end_free_blocks;
 311         return (PedSector) block * ( PED_BE32_TO_CPU (vh->block_size)
 312                                      / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT );
 313 }
 315 /* On error, returns 0 */
 316 PedSector
 317 hfsplus_get_min_size (const PedFileSystem *fs)
 318 {
 319         HfsPPrivateFSData*      priv_data = (HfsPPrivateFSData*)
 320                                                 fs->type_specific;
 321         PedSector               min_size;
 323         /* don't need to add anything because every sector
 324            can be part of allocation blocks in HFS+, and
 325            the last block _must_ be reserved */
 326         min_size = hfsplus_get_empty_end(fs);
 327         if (!min_size) return 0;
 329         if (priv_data->wrapper) {
 330                 HfsPrivateFSData*       hfs_priv_data = (HfsPrivateFSData*)
 331                                             priv_data->wrapper->type_specific;
 332                 unsigned int            hfs_sect_block;
 333                 PedSector               hgee;
 334                 hfs_sect_block =
 335                     PED_BE32_TO_CPU (hfs_priv_data->mdb->block_size)
 336                     / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT;
 337                 /* 
 338                  * if hfs+ is embedded in an hfs wrapper then the new size is :
 339                  * the new size of the hfs+ volume rounded up to the size 
 340                  *     of hfs blocks
 341                  * + the minimum size of the hfs wrapper without any hfs+
 342                  *     modification
 343                  * - the current size of the hfs+ volume in the hfs wrapper
 344                  */
 345                 hgee = hfs_get_empty_end(priv_data->wrapper);
 346                 if (!hgee) return 0;
 347                 min_size = ((min_size + hfs_sect_block - 1) / hfs_sect_block)
 348                            * hfs_sect_block
 349                          + hgee + 2
 350                          - (PedSector) PED_BE16_TO_CPU ( hfs_priv_data->mdb
 351                                                         ->old_new.embedded
 352                                                         .location.block_count )
 353                            * hfs_sect_block;
 354         }
 356         return min_size;
 357 }
 359 /* return the block which should be used to pack data to have
 360    at least free fblock blocks at the end of the volume */
 361 unsigned int
 362 hfsplus_find_start_pack (const PedFileSystem *fs, unsigned int fblock)
 363 {
 364         HfsPPrivateFSData*      priv_data = (HfsPPrivateFSData*)
 365                                                 fs->type_specific;
 366         unsigned int            block;
 368         for (block = PED_BE32_TO_CPU (priv_data->vh->total_blocks) - 1;
 369              block && fblock;
 370              block--) {
 371                 if (!TST_BLOC_OCCUPATION(priv_data->alloc_map,block))
 372                         fblock--;
 373         }
 375         while (block && !TST_BLOC_OCCUPATION(priv_data->alloc_map,block))
 376                 block--;
 377         if (TST_BLOC_OCCUPATION(priv_data->alloc_map,block))
 378                 block++;
 380         return block;
 381 }
 383 #endif /* !DISCOVER_ONLY */