1 /**
   2  * unistr.c - Unicode string handling. Part of the Linux-NTFS project.
   3  *
   4  * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Anton Altaparmakov
   5  * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy
   6  *
   7  * This program/include file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   9  * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  10  * (at your option) any later version.
  11  *
  12  * This program/include file is distributed in the hope that it will be
  13  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
  15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  18  * along with this program (in the main directory of the Linux-NTFS
  19  * distribution in the file COPYING); if not, write to the Free Software
  20  * Foundation,Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  21  */
  23 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
  24 #include "config.h"
  25 #endif
  27 #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H
  28 #include <stdio.h>
  29 #endif
  30 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
  31 #include <stdlib.h>
  32 #endif
  33 #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_H
  34 #include <wchar.h>
  35 #endif
  36 #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H
  37 #include <string.h>
  38 #endif
  39 #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H
  40 #include <errno.h>
  41 #endif
  43 #include "compat.h"
  44 #include "attrib.h"
  45 #include "endians.h"
  46 #include "types.h"
  47 #include "unistr.h"
  48 #include "debug.h"
  49 #include "logging.h"
  51 /*
  53  * =========
  54  *
  55  * All these routines assume that the Unicode characters are in little endian
  56  * encoding inside the strings!!!
  57  */
  59 /*
  60  * This is used by the name collation functions to quickly determine what
  61  * characters are (in)valid.
  62  */
  63 #if 0
  64 static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array[0x40] = {
  65         0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
  66         0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
  68         0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
  69         0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
  71         0x17, 0x07, 0x18, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17,
  72         0x17, 0x17, 0x18, 0x16, 0x16, 0x17, 0x07, 0x00,
  74         0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17,
  75         0x17, 0x17, 0x04, 0x16, 0x18, 0x16, 0x18, 0x18,
  76 };
  77 #endif
  79 /**
  80  * ntfs_names_are_equal - compare two Unicode names for equality
  81  * @s1:                 name to compare to @s2
  82  * @s1_len:             length in Unicode characters of @s1
  83  * @s2:                 name to compare to @s1
  84  * @s2_len:             length in Unicode characters of @s2
  85  * @ic:                 ignore case bool
  86  * @upcase:             upcase table (only if @ic == IGNORE_CASE)
  87  * @upcase_size:        length in Unicode characters of @upcase (if present)
  88  *
  89  * Compare the names @s1 and @s2 and return TRUE (1) if the names are
  90  * identical, or FALSE (0) if they are not identical. If @ic is IGNORE_CASE,
  91  * the @upcase table is used to perform a case insensitive comparison.
  92  */
  93 BOOL ntfs_names_are_equal(const ntfschar *s1, size_t s1_len,
  94                 const ntfschar *s2, size_t s2_len,
  95                 const IGNORE_CASE_BOOL ic,
  96                 const ntfschar *upcase, const u32 upcase_size)
  97 {
  98         if (s1_len != s2_len)
  99                 return FALSE;
 100         if (!s1_len)
 101                 return TRUE;
 102         if (ic == CASE_SENSITIVE)
 103                 return ntfs_ucsncmp(s1, s2, s1_len) ? FALSE: TRUE;
 104         return ntfs_ucsncasecmp(s1, s2, s1_len, upcase, upcase_size) ? FALSE:
 105                                                                        TRUE;
 106 }
 108 /**
 109  * ntfs_names_collate - collate two Unicode names
 110  * @name1:      first Unicode name to compare
 111  * @name1_len:  length of first Unicode name to compare
 112  * @name2:      second Unicode name to compare
 113  * @name2_len:  length of second Unicode name to compare
 114  * @err_val:    if @name1 contains an invalid character return this value
 115  * @ic:         either CASE_SENSITIVE or IGNORE_CASE
 116  * @upcase:     upcase table (ignored if @ic is CASE_SENSITIVE)
 117  * @upcase_len: upcase table size (ignored if @ic is CASE_SENSITIVE)
 118  *
 119  * ntfs_names_collate() collates two Unicode names and returns:
 120  *
 121  *  -1 if the first name collates before the second one,
 122  *   0 if the names match,
 123  *   1 if the second name collates before the first one, or
 124  * @err_val if an invalid character is found in @name1 during the comparison.
 125  *
 126  * The following characters are considered invalid: '"', '*', '<', '>' and '?'.
 127  */
 128 int ntfs_names_collate(const ntfschar *name1, const u32 name1_len,
 129                 const ntfschar *name2, const u32 name2_len,
 130                 const int err_val __attribute__((unused)),
 131                 const IGNORE_CASE_BOOL ic, const ntfschar *upcase,
 132                 const u32 upcase_len)
 133 {
 134         u32 cnt;
 135         u16 c1, c2;
 137 #ifdef DEBUG
 138         if (!name1 || !name2 || (ic && (!upcase || !upcase_len))) {
 139                 ntfs_log_debug("ntfs_names_collate received NULL pointer!\n");
 140                 exit(1);
 141         }
 142 #endif
 143         for (cnt = 0; cnt < min(name1_len, name2_len); ++cnt) {
 144                 c1 = le16_to_cpu(*name1);
 145                 name1++;
 146                 c2 = le16_to_cpu(*name2);
 147                 name2++;
 148                 if (ic) {
 149                         if (c1 < upcase_len)
 150                                 c1 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c1]);
 151                         if (c2 < upcase_len)
 152                                 c2 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c2]);
 153                 }
 154 #if 0
 155                 if (c1 < 64 && legal_ansi_char_array[c1] & 8)
 156                         return err_val;
 157 #endif
 158                 if (c1 < c2)
 159                         return -1;
 160                 if (c1 > c2)
 161                         return 1;
 162         }
 163         if (name1_len < name2_len)
 164                 return -1;
 165         if (name1_len == name2_len)
 166                 return 0;
 167         /* name1_len > name2_len */
 168 #if 0
 169         c1 = le16_to_cpu(*name1);
 170         if (c1 < 64 && legal_ansi_char_array[c1] & 8)
 171                 return err_val;
 172 #endif
 173         return 1;
 174 }
 176 /**
 177  * ntfs_ucsncmp - compare two little endian Unicode strings
 178  * @s1:         first string
 179  * @s2:         second string
 180  * @n:          maximum unicode characters to compare
 181  *
 182  * Compare the first @n characters of the Unicode strings @s1 and @s2,
 183  * The strings in little endian format and appropriate le16_to_cpu()
 184  * conversion is performed on non-little endian machines.
 185  *
 186  * The function returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero
 187  * if @s1 (or the first @n Unicode characters thereof) is found, respectively,
 188  * to be less than, to match, or be greater than @s2.
 189  */
 190 int ntfs_ucsncmp(const ntfschar *s1, const ntfschar *s2, size_t n)
 191 {
 192         u16 c1, c2;
 193         size_t i;
 195 #ifdef DEBUG
 196         if (!s1 || !s2) {
 197                 ntfs_log_debug("ntfs_wcsncmp() received NULL pointer!\n");
 198                 exit(1);
 199         }
 200 #endif
 201         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
 202                 c1 = le16_to_cpu(s1[i]);
 203                 c2 = le16_to_cpu(s2[i]);
 204                 if (c1 < c2)
 205                         return -1;
 206                 if (c1 > c2)
 207                         return 1;
 208                 if (!c1)
 209                         break;
 210         }
 211         return 0;
 212 }
 214 /**
 215  * ntfs_ucsncasecmp - compare two little endian Unicode strings, ignoring case
 216  * @s1:                 first string
 217  * @s2:                 second string
 218  * @n:                  maximum unicode characters to compare
 219  * @upcase:             upcase table
 220  * @upcase_size:        upcase table size in Unicode characters
 221  *
 222  * Compare the first @n characters of the Unicode strings @s1 and @s2,
 223  * ignoring case. The strings in little endian format and appropriate
 224  * le16_to_cpu() conversion is performed on non-little endian machines.
 225  *
 226  * Each character is uppercased using the @upcase table before the comparison.
 227  *
 228  * The function returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero
 229  * if @s1 (or the first @n Unicode characters thereof) is found, respectively,
 230  * to be less than, to match, or be greater than @s2.
 231  */
 232 int ntfs_ucsncasecmp(const ntfschar *s1, const ntfschar *s2, size_t n,
 233                 const ntfschar *upcase, const u32 upcase_size)
 234 {
 235         u16 c1, c2;
 236         size_t i;
 238 #ifdef DEBUG
 239         if (!s1 || !s2 || !upcase) {
 240                 ntfs_log_debug("ntfs_wcsncasecmp() received NULL pointer!\n");
 241                 exit(1);
 242         }
 243 #endif
 244         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
 245                 if ((c1 = le16_to_cpu(s1[i])) < upcase_size)
 246                         c1 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c1]);
 247                 if ((c2 = le16_to_cpu(s2[i])) < upcase_size)
 248                         c2 = le16_to_cpu(upcase[c2]);
 249                 if (c1 < c2)
 250                         return -1;
 251                 if (c1 > c2)
 252                         return 1;
 253                 if (!c1)
 254                         break;
 255         }
 256         return 0;
 257 }
 259 /**
 260  * ntfs_ucsnlen - determine the length of a little endian Unicode string
 261  * @s:          pointer to Unicode string
 262  * @maxlen:     maximum length of string @s
 263  *
 264  * Return the number of Unicode characters in the little endian Unicode
 265  * string @s up to a maximum of maxlen Unicode characters, not including
 266  * the terminating (ntfschar)'\0'. If there is no (ntfschar)'\0' between @s
 267  * and @s + @maxlen, @maxlen is returned.
 268  *
 269  * This function never looks beyond @s + @maxlen.
 270  */
 271 u32 ntfs_ucsnlen(const ntfschar *s, u32 maxlen)
 272 {
 273         u32 i;
 275         for (i = 0; i < maxlen; i++) {
 276                 if (!le16_to_cpu(s[i]))
 277                         break;
 278         }
 279         return i;
 280 }
 282 /**
 283  * ntfs_ucsndup - duplicate little endian Unicode string
 284  * @s:          pointer to Unicode string
 285  * @maxlen:     maximum length of string @s
 286  *
 287  * Return a pointer to a new little endian Unicode string which is a duplicate
 288  * of the string s.  Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc(3), and
 289  * can be freed with free(3).
 290  *
 291  * A maximum of @maxlen Unicode characters are copied and a terminating
 292  * (ntfschar)'\0' little endian Unicode character is added.
 293  *
 294  * This function never looks beyond @s + @maxlen.
 295  *
 296  * Return a pointer to the new little endian Unicode string on success and NULL
 297  * on failure with errno set to the error code.
 298  */
 299 ntfschar *ntfs_ucsndup(const ntfschar *s, u32 maxlen)
 300 {
 301         ntfschar *dst;
 302         u32 len;
 304         len = ntfs_ucsnlen(s, maxlen);
 305         dst = ntfs_malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(ntfschar));
 306         if (dst) {
 307                 memcpy(dst, s, len * sizeof(ntfschar));
 308                 dst[len] = 0;
 309         }
 310         return dst;
 311 }
 313 /**
 314  * ntfs_name_upcase - Map an Unicode name to its uppercase equivalent
 315  * @name:
 316  * @name_len:
 317  * @upcase:
 318  * @upcase_len:
 319  *
 320  * Description...
 321  *
 322  * Returns:
 323  */
 324 void ntfs_name_upcase(ntfschar *name, u32 name_len, const ntfschar *upcase,
 325                 const u32 upcase_len)
 326 {
 327         u32 i;
 328         u16 u;
 330         for (i = 0; i < name_len; i++)
 331                 if ((u = le16_to_cpu(name[i])) < upcase_len)
 332                         name[i] = upcase[u];
 333 }
 335 /**
 336  * ntfs_file_value_upcase - Convert a filename to upper case
 337  * @file_name_attr:
 338  * @upcase:
 339  * @upcase_len:
 340  *
 341  * Description...
 342  *
 343  * Returns:
 344  */
 345 void ntfs_file_value_upcase(FILE_NAME_ATTR *file_name_attr,
 346                 const ntfschar *upcase, const u32 upcase_len)
 347 {
 348         ntfs_name_upcase((ntfschar*)&file_name_attr->file_name,
 349                         file_name_attr->file_name_length, upcase, upcase_len);
 350 }
 352 /**
 353  * ntfs_file_values_compare - Which of two filenames should be listed first
 354  * @file_name_attr1:
 355  * @file_name_attr2:
 356  * @err_val:
 357  * @ic:
 358  * @upcase:
 359  * @upcase_len:
 360  *
 361  * Description...
 362  *
 363  * Returns:
 364  */
 365 int ntfs_file_values_compare(const FILE_NAME_ATTR *file_name_attr1,
 366                 const FILE_NAME_ATTR *file_name_attr2,
 367                 const int err_val, const IGNORE_CASE_BOOL ic,
 368                 const ntfschar *upcase, const u32 upcase_len)
 369 {
 370         return ntfs_names_collate((ntfschar*)&file_name_attr1->file_name,
 371                         file_name_attr1->file_name_length,
 372                         (ntfschar*)&file_name_attr2->file_name,
 373                         file_name_attr2->file_name_length,
 374                         err_val, ic, upcase, upcase_len);
 375 }
 377 /**
 378  * ntfs_ucstombs - convert a little endian Unicode string to a multibyte string
 379  * @ins:        input Unicode string buffer
 380  * @ins_len:    length of input string in Unicode characters
 381  * @outs:       on return contains the (allocated) output multibyte string
 382  * @outs_len:   length of output buffer in bytes
 383  *
 384  * Convert the input little endian, 2-byte Unicode string @ins, of length
 385  * @ins_len into the multibyte string format dictated by the current locale.
 386  *
 387  * If *@outs is NULL, the function allocates the string and the caller is
 388  * responsible for calling free(*@outs); when finished with it.
 389  *
 390  * On success the function returns the number of bytes written to the output
 391  * string *@outs (>= 0), not counting the terminating NULL byte. If the output
 392  * string buffer was allocated, *@outs is set to it.
 393  *
 394  * On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to the error code. The following
 395  * error codes can be expected:
 396  *      EINVAL          Invalid arguments (e.g. @ins or @outs is NULL).
 397  *      EILSEQ          The input string cannot be represented as a multibyte
 398  *                      sequence according to the current locale.
 399  *      ENAMETOOLONG    Destination buffer is too small for input string.
 400  *      ENOMEM          Not enough memory to allocate destination buffer.
 401  */
 402 int ntfs_ucstombs(const ntfschar *ins, const int ins_len, char **outs,
 403                 int outs_len)
 404 {
 405         char *mbs;
 406         wchar_t wc;
 407         int i, o, mbs_len;
 408         int cnt = 0;
 409 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 410         mbstate_t mbstate;
 411 #endif
 413         if (!ins || !outs) {
 414                 errno = EINVAL;
 415                 return -1;
 416         }
 417         mbs = *outs;
 418         mbs_len = outs_len;
 419         if (mbs && !mbs_len) {
 420                 errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
 421                 return -1;
 422         }
 423         if (!mbs) {
 424                 mbs_len = (ins_len + 1) * MB_CUR_MAX;
 425                 mbs = (char*)ntfs_malloc(mbs_len);
 426                 if (!mbs)
 427                         return -1;
 428         }
 429 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 430         memset(&mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate));
 431 #else
 432         wctomb(NULL, 0);
 433 #endif
 434         for (i = o = 0; i < ins_len; i++) {
 435                 /* Reallocate memory if necessary or abort. */
 436                 if ((int)(o + MB_CUR_MAX) > mbs_len) {
 437                         char *tc;
 438                         if (mbs == *outs) {
 439                                 errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
 440                                 return -1;
 441                         }
 442                         tc = (char*)ntfs_malloc((mbs_len + 64) & ~63);
 443                         if (!tc)
 444                                 goto err_out;
 445                         memcpy(tc, mbs, mbs_len);
 446                         mbs_len = (mbs_len + 64) & ~63;
 447                         free(mbs);
 448                         mbs = tc;
 449                 }
 450                 /* Convert the LE Unicode character to a CPU wide character. */
 451                 wc = (wchar_t)le16_to_cpu(ins[i]);
 452                 if (!wc)
 453                         break;
 454                 /* Convert the CPU endian wide character to multibyte. */
 455 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 456                 cnt = wcrtomb(mbs + o, wc, &mbstate);
 457 #else
 458                 cnt = wctomb(mbs + o, wc);
 459 #endif
 460                 if (cnt == -1)
 461                         goto err_out;
 462                 if (cnt <= 0) {
 463                         ntfs_log_debug("Eeek. cnt <= 0, cnt = %i\n", cnt);
 464                         errno = EINVAL;
 465                         goto err_out;
 466                 }
 467                 o += cnt;
 468         }
 469 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 470         /* Make sure we are back in the initial state. */
 471         if (!mbsinit(&mbstate)) {
 472                 ntfs_log_debug("Eeek. mbstate not in initial state!\n");
 473                 errno = EILSEQ;
 474                 goto err_out;
 475         }
 476 #endif
 477         /* Now write the NULL character. */
 478         mbs[o] = 0;
 479         if (*outs != mbs)
 480                 *outs = mbs;
 481         return o;
 482 err_out:
 483         if (mbs != *outs)
 484                 free(mbs);
 485         return -1;
 486 }
 488 /**
 489  * ntfs_mbstoucs - convert a multibyte string to a little endian Unicode string
 490  * @ins:        input multibyte string buffer
 491  * @outs:       on return contains the (allocated) output Unicode string
 492  * @outs_len:   length of output buffer in Unicode characters
 493  *
 494  * Convert the input multibyte string @ins, from the current locale into the
 495  * corresponding little endian, 2-byte Unicode string.
 496  *
 497  * If *@outs is NULL, the function allocates the string and the caller is
 498  * responsible for calling free(*@outs); when finished with it.
 499  *
 500  * On success the function returns the number of Unicode characters written to
 501  * the output string *@outs (>= 0), not counting the terminating Unicode NULL
 502  * character. If the output string buffer was allocated, *@outs is set to it.
 503  *
 504  * On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to the error code. The following
 505  * error codes can be expected:
 506  *      EINVAL          Invalid arguments (e.g. @ins or @outs is NULL).
 507  *      EILSEQ          The input string cannot be represented as a Unicode
 508  *                      string according to the current locale.
 509  *      ENAMETOOLONG    Destination buffer is too small for input string.
 510  *      ENOMEM          Not enough memory to allocate destination buffer.
 511  */
 512 int ntfs_mbstoucs(const char *ins, ntfschar **outs, int outs_len)
 513 {
 514         ntfschar *ucs;
 515         const char *s;
 516         wchar_t wc;
 517         int i, o, cnt, ins_len, ucs_len, ins_size;
 518 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 519         mbstate_t mbstate;
 520 #endif
 522         if (!ins || !outs) {
 523                 errno = EINVAL;
 524                 return -1;
 525         }
 526         ucs = *outs;
 527         ucs_len = outs_len;
 528         if (ucs && !ucs_len) {
 529                 errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
 530                 return -1;
 531         }
 532         /* Determine the size of the multi-byte string in bytes. */
 533         ins_size = strlen(ins);
 534         /* Determine the length of the multi-byte string. */
 535         s = ins;
 536 #if defined(HAVE_MBSINIT)
 537         memset(&mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate));
 538         ins_len = mbsrtowcs(NULL, (const char **)&s, 0, &mbstate);
 539 #ifdef __CYGWIN32__
 540         if (!ins_len && *ins) {
 541                 /* Older Cygwin had broken mbsrtowcs() implementation. */
 542                 ins_len = strlen(ins);
 543         }
 544 #endif
 545 #elif !defined(DJGPP)
 546         ins_len = mbstowcs(NULL, s, 0);
 547 #else
 548         /* Eeek!!! DJGPP has broken mbstowcs() implementation!!! */
 549         ins_len = strlen(ins);
 550 #endif
 551         if (ins_len == -1)
 552                 return ins_len;
 553 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 554         if ((s != ins) || !mbsinit(&mbstate)) {
 555 #else
 556         if (s != ins) {
 557 #endif
 558                 errno = EILSEQ;
 559                 return -1;
 560         }
 561         /* Add the NULL terminator. */
 562         ins_len++;
 563         if (!ucs) {
 564                 ucs_len = ins_len;
 565                 ucs = (ntfschar*)ntfs_malloc(ucs_len * sizeof(ntfschar));
 566                 if (!ucs)
 567                         return -1;
 568         }
 569 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 570         memset(&mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate));
 571 #else
 572         mbtowc(NULL, NULL, 0);
 573 #endif
 574         for (i = o = cnt = 0; i < ins_size; i += cnt, o++) {
 575                 /* Reallocate memory if necessary or abort. */
 576                 if (o >= ucs_len) {
 577                         ntfschar *tc;
 578                         if (ucs == *outs) {
 579                                 errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
 580                                 return -1;
 581                         }
 582                         /*
 583                          * We will never get here but hey, it's only a bit of
 584                          * extra code...
 585                          */
 586                         ucs_len = (ucs_len * sizeof(ntfschar) + 64) & ~63;
 587                         tc = (ntfschar*)realloc(ucs, ucs_len);
 588                         if (!tc)
 589                                 goto err_out;
 590                         ucs = tc;
 591                         ucs_len /= sizeof(ntfschar);
 592                 }
 593                 /* Convert the multibyte character to a wide character. */
 594 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 595                 cnt = mbrtowc(&wc, ins + i, ins_size - i, &mbstate);
 596 #else
 597                 cnt = mbtowc(&wc, ins + i, ins_size - i);
 598 #endif
 599                 if (!cnt)
 600                         break;
 601                 if (cnt == -1)
 602                         goto err_out;
 603                 if (cnt < -1) {
 604                         ntfs_log_trace("Eeek. cnt = %i\n", cnt);
 605                         errno = EINVAL;
 606                         goto err_out;
 607                 }
 608                 /* Make sure we are not overflowing the NTFS Unicode set. */
 609                 if ((unsigned long)wc >= (unsigned long)(1 <<
 610                                 (8 * sizeof(ntfschar)))) {
 611                         errno = EILSEQ;
 612                         goto err_out;
 613                 }
 614                 /* Convert the CPU wide character to a LE Unicode character. */
 615                 ucs[o] = cpu_to_le16(wc);
 616         }
 617 #ifdef HAVE_MBSINIT
 618         /* Make sure we are back in the initial state. */
 619         if (!mbsinit(&mbstate)) {
 620                 ntfs_log_trace("Eeek. mbstate not in initial state!\n");
 621                 errno = EILSEQ;
 622                 goto err_out;
 623         }
 624 #endif
 625         /* Now write the NULL character. */
 626         ucs[o] = 0;
 627         if (*outs != ucs)
 628                 *outs = ucs;
 629         return o;
 630 err_out:
 631         if (ucs != *outs)
 632                 free(ucs);
 633         return -1;
 634 }
 636 /**
 637  * ntfs_upcase_table_build - build the default upcase table for NTFS
 638  * @uc:         destination buffer where to store the built table
 639  * @uc_len:     size of destination buffer in bytes
 640  *
 641  * ntfs_upcase_table_build() builds the default upcase table for NTFS and
 642  * stores it in the caller supplied buffer @uc of size @uc_len.
 643  *
 644  * The generated $UpCase table is the one used by Windows Vista.
 645  *
 646  * Note, @uc_len must be at least 128kiB in size or bad things will happen!
 647  */
 648 void ntfs_upcase_table_build(ntfschar *uc, u32 uc_len)
 649 {
 650         /*
 651          * "Start" is inclusive and "End" is exclusive, every value has the
 652          * value of "Add" added to it.
 653          */
 654         static int add[][3] = { /* Start, End, Add */
 655         {0x0061, 0x007b,   -32}, {0x00e0, 0x00f7,  -32}, {0x00f8, 0x00ff, -32}, 
 656         {0x0256, 0x0258,  -205}, {0x028a, 0x028c, -217}, {0x037b, 0x037e, 130}, 
 657         {0x03ac, 0x03ad,   -38}, {0x03ad, 0x03b0,  -37}, {0x03b1, 0x03c2, -32},
 658         {0x03c2, 0x03c3,   -31}, {0x03c3, 0x03cc,  -32}, {0x03cc, 0x03cd, -64},
 659         {0x03cd, 0x03cf,   -63}, {0x0430, 0x0450,  -32}, {0x0450, 0x0460, -80},
 660         {0x0561, 0x0587,   -48}, {0x1f00, 0x1f08,    8}, {0x1f10, 0x1f16,   8},
 661         {0x1f20, 0x1f28,     8}, {0x1f30, 0x1f38,    8}, {0x1f40, 0x1f46,   8},
 662         {0x1f51, 0x1f52,     8}, {0x1f53, 0x1f54,    8}, {0x1f55, 0x1f56,   8},
 663         {0x1f57, 0x1f58,     8}, {0x1f60, 0x1f68,    8}, {0x1f70, 0x1f72,  74},
 664         {0x1f72, 0x1f76,    86}, {0x1f76, 0x1f78,  100}, {0x1f78, 0x1f7a, 128},
 665         {0x1f7a, 0x1f7c,   112}, {0x1f7c, 0x1f7e,  126}, {0x1f80, 0x1f88,   8},
 666         {0x1f90, 0x1f98,     8}, {0x1fa0, 0x1fa8,    8}, {0x1fb0, 0x1fb2,   8},
 667         {0x1fb3, 0x1fb4,     9}, {0x1fcc, 0x1fcd,   -9}, {0x1fd0, 0x1fd2,   8},
 668         {0x1fe0, 0x1fe2,     8}, {0x1fe5, 0x1fe6,    7}, {0x1ffc, 0x1ffd,  -9},
 669         {0x2170, 0x2180,   -16}, {0x24d0, 0x24ea,  -26}, {0x2c30, 0x2c5f, -48},
 670         {0x2d00, 0x2d26, -7264}, {0xff41, 0xff5b,  -32}, {0}
 671         };
 672         /*
 673          * "Start" is exclusive and "End" is inclusive, every second value is
 674          * decremented by one.
 675          */
 676         static int skip_dec[][2] = { /* Start, End */
 677         {0x0100, 0x012f}, {0x0132, 0x0137}, {0x0139, 0x0149}, {0x014a, 0x0178},
 678         {0x0179, 0x017e}, {0x01a0, 0x01a6}, {0x01b3, 0x01b7}, {0x01cd, 0x01dd},
 679         {0x01de, 0x01ef}, {0x01f4, 0x01f5}, {0x01f8, 0x01f9}, {0x01fa, 0x0220},
 680         {0x0222, 0x0234}, {0x023b, 0x023c}, {0x0241, 0x0242}, {0x0246, 0x024f},
 681         {0x03d8, 0x03ef}, {0x03f7, 0x03f8}, {0x03fa, 0x03fb}, {0x0460, 0x0481},
 682         {0x048a, 0x04bf}, {0x04c1, 0x04c4}, {0x04c5, 0x04c8}, {0x04c9, 0x04ce},
 683         {0x04ec, 0x04ed}, {0x04d0, 0x04eb}, {0x04ee, 0x04f5}, {0x04f6, 0x0513},
 684         {0x1e00, 0x1e95}, {0x1ea0, 0x1ef9}, {0x2183, 0x2184}, {0x2c60, 0x2c61},
 685         {0x2c67, 0x2c6c}, {0x2c75, 0x2c76}, {0x2c80, 0x2ce3}, {0}
 686         };
 687         /*
 688          * Set the Unicode character at offset "Offset" to "Value".  Note,
 689          * "Value" is host endian.
 690          */
 691         static int set[][2] = { /* Offset, Value */
 692         {0x00ff, 0x0178}, {0x0180, 0x0243}, {0x0183, 0x0182}, {0x0185, 0x0184},
 693         {0x0188, 0x0187}, {0x018c, 0x018b}, {0x0192, 0x0191}, {0x0195, 0x01f6},
 694         {0x0199, 0x0198}, {0x019a, 0x023d}, {0x019e, 0x0220}, {0x01a8, 0x01a7},
 695         {0x01ad, 0x01ac}, {0x01b0, 0x01af}, {0x01b9, 0x01b8}, {0x01bd, 0x01bc},
 696         {0x01bf, 0x01f7}, {0x01c6, 0x01c4}, {0x01c9, 0x01c7}, {0x01cc, 0x01ca},
 697         {0x01dd, 0x018e}, {0x01f3, 0x01f1}, {0x023a, 0x2c65}, {0x023e, 0x2c66},
 698         {0x0253, 0x0181}, {0x0254, 0x0186}, {0x0259, 0x018f}, {0x025b, 0x0190},
 699         {0x0260, 0x0193}, {0x0263, 0x0194}, {0x0268, 0x0197}, {0x0269, 0x0196},
 700         {0x026b, 0x2c62}, {0x026f, 0x019c}, {0x0272, 0x019d}, {0x0275, 0x019f},
 701         {0x027d, 0x2c64}, {0x0280, 0x01a6}, {0x0283, 0x01a9}, {0x0288, 0x01ae},
 702         {0x0289, 0x0244}, {0x028c, 0x0245}, {0x0292, 0x01b7}, {0x03f2, 0x03f9},
 703         {0x04cf, 0x04c0}, {0x1d7d, 0x2c63}, {0x214e, 0x2132}, {0}
 704         };
 705         unsigned i, r;
 707         memset(uc, 0, uc_len);
 708         uc_len /= 2;
 709         /* Start with a one-to-one mapping, i.e. no upcasing happens at all. */
 710         for (i = 0; i < uc_len; i++)
 711                 uc[i] = cpu_to_le16(i);
 712         /* Adjust specified runs by the specified amount. */
 713         for (r = 0; add[r][0]; r++)
 714                 for (i = add[r][0]; i < add[r][1]; i++)
 715                         uc[i] = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(uc[i]) + add[r][2]);
 716         /* Decrement every second value in specified runs. */
 717         for (r = 0; skip_dec[r][0]; r++)
 718                 for (i = skip_dec[r][0]; i < skip_dec[r][1];
 719                                 i += 2)
 720                         uc[i + 1] = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(uc[i + 1]) - 1);
 721         /* Set specified characters to specified values. */
 722         for (r = 0; set[r][0]; r++)
 723                 uc[set[r][0]] = cpu_to_le16(set[r][1]);
 724 }
 726 /**
 727  * ntfs_str2ucs - convert a string to a valid NTFS file name
 728  * @s:          input string
 729  * @len:        length of output buffer in Unicode characters
 730  *
 731  * Convert the input @s string into the corresponding little endian,
 732  * 2-byte Unicode string. The length of the converted string is less
 733  * or equal to the maximum length allowed by the NTFS format (255).
 734  *
 735  * If @s is NULL then return AT_UNNAMED.
 736  *
 737  * On success the function returns the Unicode string in an allocated
 738  * buffer and the caller is responsible to free it when it's not needed
 739  * anymore.
 740  *
 741  * On error NULL is returned and errno is set to the error code.
 742  */
 743 ntfschar *ntfs_str2ucs(const char *s, int *len)
 744 {
 745         ntfschar *ucs = NULL;
 747         if (s && ((*len = ntfs_mbstoucs(s, &ucs, 0)) == -1)) {
 748                 ntfs_log_perror("Couldn't convert '%s' to Unicode", s);
 749                 return NULL;
 750         }
 751         if (*len > NTFS_MAX_NAME_LEN) {
 752                 free(ucs);
 753                 errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
 754                 return NULL;
 755         }
 756         if (!ucs || !*len) {
 757                 ucs  = AT_UNNAMED;
 758                 *len = 0;
 759         }
 760         return ucs;
 761 }
 763 /**
 764  * ntfs_ucsfree - free memory allocated by ntfs_str2ucs()
 765  * @ucs:        input string to be freed
 766  *
 767  * Free memory at @ucs and which was allocated by ntfs_str2ucs.
 768  *
 769  * Return value: none.
 770  */
 771 void ntfs_ucsfree(ntfschar *ucs)
 772 {
 773         if (ucs && (ucs != AT_UNNAMED))
 774                 free(ucs);
 775 }