1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
   6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
   7  * with the License.
   8  *
   9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  12  * and limitations under the License.
  13  *
  14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  19  *
  21  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  24  * All rights reserved.
  25  */
  27 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  29 /*
  30  * Doors-daemon (dsvclockd) synchronization strategy: contacts a standalone
  31  * daemon to coordinate access to the shared resource across multiple
  32  * processes and multiple threads within a process.  Performance is slow
  33  * (about 1200 locks and unlocks per second on a Ultra 170E/167 MHz) but it
  34  * provides robust locks and scales well as the number of CPUs increase.
  35  */
  37 #include <sys/types.h>
  38 #include <sys/mman.h>
  39 #include <sys/wait.h>
  40 #include <fcntl.h>
  41 #include <unistd.h>
  42 #include <dsvclockd.h>
  43 #include <door.h>
  44 #include <stdlib.h>
  45 #include <errno.h>
  46 #include <string.h>
  47 #include <stdio.h>
  48 #include <dhcp_svc_private.h>
  50 static int dsvcd_lock(dsvc_synch_t *, dsvcd_locktype_t, void **);
  52 /*
  53  * Our synchronization-private data which hangs off of sp->s_data; This
  54  * data is thus per-open-container-instance and (of course) per-process.
  55  */
  56 typedef struct {
  57         int             s_lockfd;               /* door lock request fd */
  58         boolean_t       s_crosshost;            /* request crosshost synch */
  59 } dsvcd_synch_t;
  61 /*
  62  * Initialize the dsvclockd synchronization strategy for an open container,
  63  * whose synchronization information ("synchronization instance") is
  64  * pointed to by `sp', by opening the door to the dsvclockd.  On success,
  65  * hang our synchronization-private data off of `sp->s_data'.  Returns a
  66  * DSVC_* code.
  67  */
  68 static int
  69 dsvcd_init(dsvc_synch_t *sp, unsigned int synchflags)
  70 {
  71         dsvcd_synch_t   *dsp;
  72         char            doorpath[MAXPATHLEN];
  73         door_info_t     info;
  74         unsigned int    tries;
  75         pid_t           dsvclockd_pid;
  76         int             fd;
  78         if (geteuid() != 0)
  79                 return (DSVC_ACCESS);
  81         dsp = malloc(sizeof (dsvcd_synch_t));
  82         sp->s_data = dsp;
  83         if (dsp == NULL)
  84                 return (DSVC_NO_MEMORY);
  86         (void) snprintf(doorpath, MAXPATHLEN, DSVCD_DOOR_FMT,
  87             sp->s_datastore->d_resource);
  89         dsp->s_lockfd = -1;
  90         dsp->s_crosshost = (synchflags & DSVC_SYNCH_CROSSHOST) != 0;
  92         fd = open(doorpath, O_RDONLY);
  93         if (fd == -1) {
  94                 if (errno == EACCES) {
  95                         free(dsp);
  96                         sp->s_data = NULL;
  97                         return (DSVC_ACCESS);
  98                 }
  99         } else {
 100                 if (door_info(fd, &info) == 0 && info.di_target != -1) {
 101                         dsp->s_lockfd = fd;
 102                         return (DSVC_SUCCESS);
 103                 }
 104                 (void) close(fd);
 105         }
 107         switch (dsvclockd_pid = fork()) {
 108         case -1:
 109                 break;
 110         case 0:
 111                 /*
 112                  * Close all descriptors so messages don't leak through.
 113                  */
 114                 (void) closefrom(0);
 116                 /*
 117                  * It's okay if the exec fails; the `default' case below
 118                  * will give up and return DSVC_NO_LOCKMGR.
 119                  */
 120                 (void) execl(DSVCD_PATH, DSVCD_PATH, (char *)0);
 121                 _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
 122         default:
 123                 /*
 124                  * Make five attempts to open the dsvclockd door, each
 125                  * spaced a half second apart.
 126                  */
 127                 for (tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) {
 128                         fd = open(doorpath, O_RDONLY);
 129                         if (fd != -1) {
 130                                 if (door_info(fd, &info) == 0 &&
 131                                     info.di_target != -1) {
 132                                         (void) waitpid(dsvclockd_pid, NULL, 0);
 133                                         dsp->s_lockfd = fd;
 134                                         return (DSVC_SUCCESS);
 135                                 }
 136                                 (void) close(fd);
 137                         }
 138                         (void) poll(NULL, 0, 500);
 139                 }
 140                 (void) waitpid(dsvclockd_pid, NULL, 0);
 141                 break;
 142         }
 144         free(dsp);
 145         sp->s_data = NULL;
 146         return (DSVC_NO_LOCKMGR);
 147 }
 149 /*
 150  * Finish using the dsvclockd synchronization strategy on synchronization
 151  * instance `sp'.
 152  */
 153 static void
 154 dsvcd_fini(dsvc_synch_t *sp)
 155 {
 156         dsvcd_synch_t *dsp = sp->s_data;
 158         sp->s_data = NULL;
 159         (void) close(dsp->s_lockfd);
 160         free(dsp);
 161 }
 163 /*
 164  * Obtain a shared lock on synchronization instance `sp'.  Upon success,
 165  * `unlock_cookiep' is set to a token to pass to `dsvcd_unlock' to unlock
 166  * the lock.  Returns a DSVC_* code.
 167  */
 168 static int
 169 dsvcd_rdlock(dsvc_synch_t *sp, void **unlock_cookiep)
 170 {
 171         return (dsvcd_lock(sp, DSVCD_RDLOCK, unlock_cookiep));
 172 }
 174 /*
 175  * Obtain an exclusive lock on synchronization instance `sp'.  Upon
 176  * success, `unlock_cookiep' is set to a token to pass to `dsvcd_unlock' to
 177  * unlock the lock.  Returns a DSVC_* code.
 178  */
 179 static int
 180 dsvcd_wrlock(dsvc_synch_t *sp, void **unlock_cookiep)
 181 {
 182         return (dsvcd_lock(sp, DSVCD_WRLOCK, unlock_cookiep));
 183 }
 185 /*
 186  * Lock the synchronization instance `sp' with a lock of type `locktype'.
 187  * Upon success, `unlock_cookiep' is set to point to a door descriptor
 188  * which is used to unlock the lock and to detect if the caller dies
 189  * holding the lock.  Returns a DSVC_* code.
 190  */
 191 static int
 192 dsvcd_lock(dsvc_synch_t *sp, dsvcd_locktype_t locktype, void **unlock_cookiep)
 193 {
 194         door_arg_t              args;
 195         dsvcd_lock_request_t    request;
 196         dsvcd_reply_t           reply;
 197         door_desc_t             *descp;
 198         int                     unlockfd;
 199         int                     i;
 200         dsvcd_synch_t           *dsp = sp->s_data;
 202         if (dsp->s_lockfd == -1)
 203                 return (DSVC_NO_LOCKMGR);
 205         request.lrq_request.rq_version  = DSVCD_DOOR_VERSION;
 206         request.lrq_request.rq_reqtype  = DSVCD_LOCK;
 207         request.lrq_locktype            = locktype;
 208         request.lrq_nonblock            = sp->s_nonblock;
 209         request.lrq_crosshost           = dsp->s_crosshost;
 210         request.lrq_conver              = sp->s_datastore->d_conver;
 212         (void) strlcpy(request.lrq_loctoken, sp->s_loctoken,
 213             sizeof (request.lrq_loctoken));
 214         (void) strlcpy(request.lrq_conname, sp->s_conname,
 215             sizeof (request.lrq_conname));
 217         args.data_ptr   = (char *)&request;
 218         args.data_size  = sizeof (dsvcd_lock_request_t);
 219         args.desc_ptr   = NULL;
 220         args.desc_num   = 0;
 221         args.rbuf       = (char *)&reply;
 222         args.rsize      = sizeof (dsvcd_reply_t);
 224         if (door_call(dsp->s_lockfd, &args) == -1) {
 225                 /*
 226                  * If the lock manager went away, we'll get back EBADF.
 227                  */
 228                 return (errno == EBADF ? DSVC_NO_LOCKMGR : DSVC_SYNCH_ERR);
 229         }
 231         descp = args.desc_ptr;
 232         if (args.desc_num == 0)
 233                 unlockfd = -1;
 234         else {
 235                 unlockfd = descp->d_data.d_desc.d_descriptor;
 237                 /*
 238                  * There shouldn't be more than one descriptor, but close
 239                  * any extras to ease future compatibility.
 240                  */
 241                 for (i = 1; i < args.desc_num; i++)
 242                         (void) close(descp[i].d_data.d_desc.d_descriptor);
 243         }
 245         if (args.rbuf != (char *)&reply) {
 246                 (void) memcpy(&reply, args.rbuf, sizeof (reply));
 247                 (void) munmap(args.rbuf, args.rsize);
 248         }
 250         if (args.data_size != sizeof (dsvcd_reply_t) ||
 251             reply.rp_version != DSVCD_DOOR_VERSION) {
 252                 (void) close(unlockfd);
 253                 return (DSVC_SYNCH_ERR);
 254         }
 256         if (reply.rp_retval == DSVC_SUCCESS && unlockfd == -1)
 257                 return (DSVC_SYNCH_ERR);
 259         *unlock_cookiep = (void *)unlockfd;
 260         return (reply.rp_retval);
 261 }
 263 /*
 264  * Unlock the synchronization instance `sp' using the unlock token
 265  * `unlock_cookiep'.  Returns a DSVC_* code.
 266  */
 267 /* ARGSUSED */
 268 static int
 269 dsvcd_unlock(dsvc_synch_t *sp, void *unlock_cookie)
 270 {
 271         door_arg_t              args;
 272         dsvcd_unlock_request_t  request;
 273         dsvcd_reply_t           reply;
 274         int                     unlockfd = (int)unlock_cookie;
 275         int                     i;
 277         request.urq_request.rq_version = DSVCD_DOOR_VERSION;
 278         request.urq_request.rq_reqtype = DSVCD_UNLOCK;
 280         args.data_ptr   = (char *)&request;
 281         args.data_size  = sizeof (dsvcd_unlock_request_t);
 282         args.desc_ptr   = NULL;
 283         args.desc_num   = 0;
 284         args.rbuf       = (char *)&reply;
 285         args.rsize      = sizeof (dsvcd_reply_t);
 287         if (door_call(unlockfd, &args) == -1) {
 288                 /*
 289                  * If the lock manager went away while we had a lock
 290                  * checked out, regard that as a synchronization error --
 291                  * it should never happen under correct operation.
 292                  */
 293                 return (DSVC_SYNCH_ERR);
 294         }
 296         /*
 297          * There shouldn't be any descriptors returned from the server
 298          * here, but this may change in the future -- close any to ease
 299          * future compatibility.
 300          */
 301         for (i = 0; i < args.desc_num; i++)
 302                 (void) close(args.desc_ptr[i].d_data.d_desc.d_descriptor);
 304         /*
 305          * Close the unlock door even if the door_call() fails; this is so
 306          * the container gets unlocked even if there's some screwup in the
 307          * graceful unlocking protocol (in that case, this will generate
 308          * a DOOR_UNREF_DATA call).
 309          */
 310         (void) close(unlockfd);
 312         if (args.rbuf != (char *)&reply) {
 313                 (void) memcpy(&reply, args.rbuf, sizeof (reply));
 314                 (void) munmap(args.rbuf, args.rsize);
 315         }
 317         if (args.data_size != sizeof (dsvcd_reply_t) ||
 318             reply.rp_version != DSVCD_DOOR_VERSION)
 319                 return (DSVC_SYNCH_ERR);
 321         return (reply.rp_retval);
 322 }
 324 dsvc_synch_ops_t dsvcd_synch_ops = {
 325         dsvcd_init, dsvcd_fini, dsvcd_rdlock, dsvcd_wrlock, dsvcd_unlock
 326 };