1 #
   2 # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
   3 # Use is subject to license terms.
   4 #
   6 #
   7 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   8 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   9 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  10 #
  11 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  12 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  14 # and limitations under the License.
  15 #
  16 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  17 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  18 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  19 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  20 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  21 #
  23 #
  25 #
  26 # General resources
  27 #
  28 yes=Yes
  29 no=No
  31 delete=De&lete
  32 add=&Add
  33 modify=&Modify
  34 select=&Select
  36 error_message=Error Message
  38 err_must_be_root=You must be root to run this program.
  40 err_initializing_help=Unable to initialize the help system.
  41 err_starting_help=Could not start browser to view help.
  43 err_initializing_program=The following error occurred while starting this program:
  44 err_initializing_options=The daemon's defaults file appears to be corrupt.  Please see the dhcp(4) man page.
  45 err_reading_options=The following error occurred while reading the server's options:\n{0}
  47 init_error=DHCP Manager Initialization Error
  49 dhcp_manager=DHCP Manager
  50 server_error_title=Server Error
  51 server_warning_title=Server Warning
  52 server_not_running=The DHCP service is not running, so it could not be notified of this change.
  54 #
  55 # Standard options initialization
  56 #
  57 stdopts_init_error=Error initializing standard options: {0}
  59 #
  60 # Services menu items
  61 #
  62 restart_item=&Restart
  63 stop_item=S&top
  64 start_item=St&art
  65 disable_item=&Disable
  66 enable_item=E&nable
  67 modify_service_item=&Modify
  68 cvt_service_item=&Convert Data Store
  69 export_item=E&xport Data
  70 import_item=&Import Data
  72 #
  73 # Service status messages
  74 #
  75 service_restarted=The server has been restarted
  76 service_stopped=The server has been stopped
  77 service_started=The server has been started
  79 #
  80 # Help menu items
  81 #
  82 overview_item=&Overview
  83 howto_item=How &To
  84 index_item=&Index
  85 on_service_item=On Se&rvice
  86 on_addresses_item=On &Addresses
  87 on_macros_item=On &Macros
  88 on_options_item=On O&ptions
  90 #
  91 # Address view resources
  92 #
  93 address_view_name=Addresses
  94 network=Net&work:
  95 no_networks=No networks
  96 loading_networks=Loading network list
  97 networks_loaded=Found {0,number} networks
  98 address_status_message={0,number} addresses loaded
  99 loading_addresses=Loading addresses for network {0}
 100 run_network_wizard=You must configure a network for DHCP service\nusing the Network Wizard before creating any addresses.
 101 error_loading_addrs=The following error was encountered while reading addresses:\n{0}
 103 address_column=IP Address
 104 client_name_column=Client Name
 105 flags_column=Status
 106 expires_column=Expires
 107 server_column=Server
 108 macro_column=Macro
 109 client_column=Client ID
 110 comment_column=Comment
 112 show_addresses=Show &Addresses
 113 show_grid=Show &Grid
 115 #
 116 # Option view resources
 117 #
 118 option_view_name=Options
 119 loading_options=Loading options
 120 option_status_message={0,number} options loaded
 121 error_loading_options=The following error was encountered while reading options:\n{0}
 122 option_validation_warning=The following options contain errors:
 124 name_column=Name
 125 category_column=Category
 126 code_column=Code
 127 type_column=Type
 128 granularity_column=Granularity
 129 maximum_column=Maximum
 131 #
 132 # Macro view resources
 133 #
 134 macro_view_name=Macros
 135 option_column=Option Name
 136 value_column=Value
 137 macros=Macros
 138 loading_macros=Loading macros
 139 macro_status_message={0,number} macros loaded
 140 error_loading_macros=The following error was encountered while reading macros:\n{0}
 141 macro_validation_warning=The following macros contain invalid option settings:
 143 #
 144 # Create/duplicate/edit macro
 145 #
 146 create_macro_title=Create Macro
 147 edit_macro_title=Macro Properties
 148 duplicate_macro_title=Duplicate Macro
 149 option_name=Option Name:
 150 option_value=Option Value:
 152 input_error=Input Error
 153 create_location_error=Error making location: {0}
 154 create_macro_error=Error creating the macro {0}, message from server was: {1}
 155 edit_macro_error=Error editing the macro {0}, message from server was: {1}
 156 empty_macro_error=This macro contains no options
 157 bad_macro_name={0} is not a legal DHCP macro name
 158 bad_option_name={0} is not a legal DHCP option
 159 bad_option_value={0} is not a legal value for the DHCP option {1}
 160 macro_contains_option=This macro already contains the option {0}
 161 option_code_exists_error=Option code is already assigned to another option
 163 signal_server=Notify DHCP server of change
 165 #
 166 # Disable service resources
 167 #
 168 disable_service_title=Disable Service
 169 disable_relay_confirm=OK to disable the BOOTP relay service on server {0}?
 170 disable_service_confirm=OK to disable the DHCP service on server {0}?
 171 disable_service_error=Error disabling the service, message from server was: {0}
 173 #
 174 # Enable service resources
 175 #
 176 enable_service_title=Enable Service
 177 enable_relay_confirm=OK to enable the BOOTP relay service on server {0}?
 178 enable_service_confirm=OK to enable the DHCP service on server {0}?
 179 enable_service_error=Error enabling the service, message from server was: {0}
 181 #
 182 # Delete macro
 183 #
 184 delete_macro_title=Delete Macro
 185 delete_macro_confirm=OK to delete the macro {0}?
 186 delete_macro_error=Error deleting the macro {0}, message from server was: {1}
 188 #
 189 # Server state manipulation messages
 190 #
 191 startup_server_error=Unable to start the DHCP service, message from server was: {0}
 192 shutdown_server_error=Unable to stop the DHCP service, message from server was: {0}
 193 restart_server_error=Unable to restart the DHCP service, message from server was: {0}
 195 #
 196 # Find messages
 197 #
 198 find_macro_error=No macro containing {0} was found
 200 #
 201 # Create/duplicate/edit option
 202 #
 203 create_option_title=Create Option
 204 edit_option_title=Option Properties
 205 duplicate_option_title=Duplicate Option
 206 name_label=&Name:
 207 contents_label=Contents
 208 category_label=Categor&y:
 209 data_type_label=Data &Type:
 210 granularity_label=&Granularity:
 211 maximum_label=&Maximum:
 212 client_classes_label=Vendor Client Classes
 213 option_code_label=Cod&e:
 214 create_option_error=Error creating the option {0}: {1}
 215 edit_option_error=Error editing the option {0}: {1}
 216 empty_vendor_error=You must supply at least one vendor client class for a vendor option.
 217 invalid_client_class=The vendor client class you entered, {0}, is not valid.
 219 #
 220 # Delete option dialog
 221 #
 222 delete_option_title=Delete Option
 223 delete_option_confirm=OK to delete the option {0}?
 224 delete_option_error=Error deleting the option {0}, message from server was: {1}
 226 bootp=Bootp
 227 unusable=Unusable
 228 manual=Reserved
 229 permanent=Permanent
 230 dynamic=Dynamic
 232 #
 233 # Create/duplicate/edit address
 234 #
 235 edit_address_title=Address Properties
 236 duplicate_address_title=Duplicate Address
 237 create_address_title=Create Address
 238 address_exists=The address is already defined in the DHCP network table.
 239 address_missing=The address was not found in the DHCP network table.
 240 host_exists=A hosts table entry with this name already exists, the DHCP network table was not updated.
 241 host_missing=There is no hosts table entry with this name, the DHCP network table was not updated.
 242 invalid_address=The address you entered, {0}, is not a valid IP address.
 243 invalid_server=The server you entered, {0}, does not exist.
 244 invalid_client_id=The client ID you entered, {0}, is not valid.
 245 invalid_date=The expiration date you entered, {0}, is not valid.\nDates must be entered in a format similar to {1}.
 247 address_tab_label=Address
 248 lease_tab_label=Lease
 249 ip_address_label=&IP Address:
 250 owning_server_label=O&wned by Server:
 251 config_macro_label=Configuration &Macro:
 252 client_id_label=C&lient ID:
 253 comment_label=Commen&t:
 254 unusable_checkbox=Address is unusable
 255 bootp_checkbox=Assign only to BOOTP clients
 256 manual_checkbox=Reserved
 257 leased_label=&Dynamic assignment expiring:
 258 permanent_label=&Permanent assignment
 259 lease_policy_label=Lease Policy
 260 no_macro_item=(no macro assigned)
 262 #
 263 # Delete address dialog
 264 #
 265 delete_address_title=Delete Address
 266 delete_address_confirm=OK to delete the following addresses?
 268 delete_address_error=The following errors occurred while deleting addresses:
 269 delete_addr_progress=Deleting address:
 271 #
 272 # Address wizard resources
 273 #
 274 add_addresses=&Address Wizard
 275 address_wizard_title=Add Addresses to Network {0}
 277 add_wiz_number_desc=Specify the number of IP addresses.
 278 add_wiz_explain=This wizard will help you add IP addresses to a DHCP server in one operation.  The wizard adds the IP addresses to the selected network table in the DHCP database.
 279 add_wiz_count_explain=How many addresses do you want to add?
 280 add_wiz_count_label=Number of IP &Addresses:
 281 add_wiz_comment_explain=Why are you adding these addresses? Enter a comment, or leave this space blank.
 282 add_wiz_comment_label=Co&mment:
 283 add_wiz_count_error=You must enter a non-zero value for the number of IP addresses.
 285 add_wiz_server_desc=Select the server and starting IP address.
 286 add_wiz_server_explain=Which DHCP server will manage these addresses?
 287 add_wiz_server_label=&Managed by Server:
 288 add_wiz_start_explain=What is the first IP number of the range of addresses you want to add?
 289 add_wiz_start_label=S&tarting IP Address:
 290 add_wiz_invalid_address={0} is not a valid IP address.  Please enter a correctly formatted IP address.
 292 add_wiz_confirm_desc=Confirm the IP address list.
 293 add_wiz_confirm_explain=Is this the list of addresses you want to add?  If not, go back to the previous steps and change the number of addresses or starting address.
 294 add_wiz_confirm_label=&IP Addresses To Be Added:
 296 add_wiz_configure_desc=Enter client configuration information.
 297 add_wiz_macro_explain=How do you want to configure the new clients?  Choose a configuration macro from the list below.  Press "View" to see the contents of the macro.
 298 add_wiz_macro_label=Configuration &Macro:
 299 add_wiz_view_button=&View
 300 add_wiz_flag_explain=Would you like to mark these addresses so they are unusable until you decide otherwise?
 301 add_wiz_unusable_label=Addresses are unusable
 303 add_wiz_lease_desc=Select the lease type.
 304 add_wiz_lease_explain=What type of lease do you want?\n\nA dynamic lease means that clients receive IP addresses as they become available, on a first-come, first-served basis.  A permanent lease means that a client receives the same IP address every time that it connects to the network.
 305 add_wiz_lease_label=&Lease Type:
 307 add_wiz_review_desc=Review.
 308 add_wiz_review_explain=Is the following information correct?  If not, you can change entries by going back to the corresponding wizard step.
 309 add_wiz_review_unusable=Addresses are Unusable:
 311 generate_addresses_warning=Only {0,number} of the {1,number} requested addresses could be generated.
 312 add_wiz_none_available=None of the addresses you requested are available.  Try a different starting address.
 313 warning=Warning
 315 add_wiz_progress=Adding address:
 317 add_wiz_error=The following errors were encountered while adding addresses:
 319 bad_network_address=The address you entered, {0}, is not part of the network {1}.
 320 bad_server_name={0} is not a known server.  Please enter a valid server name.
 322 #
 323 # Definitions for the modify multiple addresses dialog
 324 #
 325 modify_multiple_addresses=Modify Multiple Addresses
 327 modify_multiple_number=&Number of Addresses Selected:
 328 modify_multiple_server=Managing &Server:
 329 modify_multiple_comment=Commen&t:
 330 modify_multiple_macro=Configuration &Macro:
 331 modify_multiple_bootp=&BootP:
 332 modify_multiple_unusable=&Unusable:
 333 modify_multiple_lease=&Lease Type:
 335 modify_multiple_keep=Keep current settings
 336 modify_multiple_bootp_all=Assign all addresses only to BootP clients
 337 modify_multiple_bootp_none=Do not assign addresses to BootP clients
 338 modify_multiple_unusable_all=Mark all addresses unusable
 339 modify_multiple_unusable_none=Mark all addresses usable
 340 modify_multiple_dynamic=Dynamic
 341 modify_multiple_permanent=Permanent
 343 modify_multiple_error=The following errors occurred while modifying addresses:
 344 modify_multiple_progress=Modifying address:
 346 #
 347 # Definitions for release address dialog
 348 #
 349 release_addresses=&Release Addresses
 350 release_address_title=Release Addresses
 351 release_address_confirm=OK to release the following addresses?
 352 release_addr_progress=Releasing address:
 353 release_address_error=The following errors occurred while releasing addresses:
 355 #
 356 # Datastore Wizard
 357 #
 358 ds_wiz_datastore_desc=Select data storage format.
 359 ds_wiz_datastore_parm_desc=Configure data store.
 360 ds_wiz_init_error=Error initializing {0} data store: {1}
 362 #
 363 # Configuration Wizard
 364 #
 365 cfg_wiz_title=DHCP Configuration Wizard
 366 cfg_wiz_explain=This wizard will help you configure the system as a DHCP server.
 367 cfg_wiz_store_explain=Where would you like to store the DHCP configuration data?
 369 cfg_wiz_lease_explain=How long can clients use the IP addresses assigned by this server?
 370 cfg_wiz_lease_length=&Length of Lease:
 371 cfg_wiz_negotiable_explain=Check the box below to enable clients to renew their leases prior to expiration.  If you uncheck it, clients will be forced to reboot to obtain a new address when the lease expires.
 372 cfg_wiz_negotiable=Clients can renew their leases
 373 cfg_wiz_lease_desc=Specify lease policy.
 374 cfg_wiz_hours=hours
 375 cfg_wiz_days=days
 376 cfg_wiz_weeks=weeks
 377 cfg_wiz_zero_lease=You cannot specify a lease length of zero.  Please enter a new lease length.
 378 cfg_wiz_lease_overflow=The lease value you entered is too large.\nLeases must be no more than {0} {1}
 380 cfg_wiz_dns_explain=Edit the information below to supply the correct Domain Name Service (DNS) configuration for DHCP clients of this server.
 381 cfg_wiz_dns_domain=&DNS Domain:
 382 cfg_wiz_dns_servers=DNS Servers:
 383 cfg_wiz_dns_desc=Specify DNS domain and servers.
 384 cfg_wiz_dns_both=You must either supply both a DNS domain and list of servers, or neither.
 386 cfg_wiz_network_explain=Select a network from the list, or type in a network address, then type in a subnet mask if the displayed default is not correct.
 387 cfg_wiz_network=Network &Address:
 388 cfg_wiz_network_explainmore=The DHCP server will be configured to provide IP addresses to clients on this network.  Later, you can configure this server to support additional networks with the Network Wizard.
 389 cfg_wiz_network_desc=Specify network address and subnet mask.
 390 cfg_wiz_mask=Subnet &Mask:
 391 cfg_wiz_bad_network=The network you entered, {0}, is not a valid IP network address.
 392 cfg_wiz_bad_mask=The subnet mask you entered, {0}, is not valid.
 393 cfg_wiz_network_configured=The network you entered, {0}, is already configured on this server.
 395 cfg_wiz_nettype_explain=Please enter the following information for the network:
 396 cfg_wiz_nettype=Network Type:
 397 cfg_wiz_nettype_label=Network Type
 398 cfg_wiz_routing_label=Routing
 399 cfg_wiz_lan=Local-Area (LAN)
 400 cfg_wiz_point=Point-to-Point
 401 cfg_wiz_router_discovery=Use router discovery protocol
 402 cfg_wiz_router_specify=Use router:
 403 cfg_wiz_nettype_desc=Specify network type and router.
 404 cfg_wiz_router_net_err=The router address you entered, {0}, is not on the network {1}.\nPlease enter a router address on that network.
 405 cfg_wiz_router_addr_err=The router address you entered, {0}, is not a valid IP address.
 407 cfg_wiz_nis_explain=Edit the information below to supply the correct Network Information Service (NIS) configuration to DHCP clients on this network.
 408 cfg_wiz_nis_domain=NIS &Domain:
 409 cfg_wiz_nis_servers=NIS Servers:
 410 cfg_wiz_nis_desc=Specify NIS domain and servers.
 411 cfg_wiz_nis_both=You must either supply both a NIS domain and list of servers, or neither.
 413 cfg_wiz_datastore=Data Storage:
 414 cfg_wiz_hosts_resource=Hosts Nameservice:
 415 cfg_wiz_router=Router:
 416 cfg_wiz_review_explain=The system will be configured as a DHCP server\nwith the following settings:
 417 cfg_wiz_review_desc=Review.
 418 cfg_wiz_lease_fmt={0,number} {1}, {2}
 419 cfg_wiz_renewable=renewable
 420 cfg_wiz_nonrenewable=non-renewable
 422 #
 423 # Convert Wizard
 424 #
 425 cvt_wiz_title=Data Store Conversion
 426 cvt_wiz_explain=This wizard enables you to convert the DHCP tables from the current data store format, {0}, to the data store format you specify.
 427 cvt_wiz_store_explain=Select the new data store format:
 428 cvt_wiz_save_explain=The existing DHCP tables are deleted by default after the data store is successfully converted. If you want to save the tables in the old data store, check the box below.
 429 cvt_wiz_save_note=Note: If an error occurs during the conversion process, the old data store will not be deleted, and the DHCP server can continue to use it.
 430 cvt_wiz_save_label=Save old tables?
 431 cvt_wiz_save_tables_desc=Choose to save existing DHCP tables.
 432 cvt_wiz_review_desc=Review.
 433 cvt_wiz_review_explain=The DHCP data store will be converted, using the following settings:
 434 cvt_wiz_review_note=Note: The DHCP service will be stopped and restarted as part of the conversion process.
 435 cvt_wiz_old_datastore=Current data store:
 436 cvt_wiz_new_datastore=New data store:
 437 cvt_wiz_save_tables=Save old tables:
 438 cvt_wiz_table=Table
 439 cvt_wiz_dhcptab=dhcptab
 440 cvt_wiz_defaults=DHCP defaults
 441 cvt_wiz_progress=Converting Data Store:
 442 cvt_wiz_progress_dhcptab_cvt=Converted dhcptab
 443 cvt_wiz_progress_network_cvt=Converted {0}
 444 cvt_wiz_progress_dhcptab_del=Deleted dhcptab
 445 cvt_wiz_progress_network_del=Deleted {0}
 446 cvt_wiz_progress_defaults=Updated the DHCP defaults file
 447 cvt_wiz_progress_dhcptab_cvt_err=Error converting dhcptab
 448 cvt_wiz_progress_network_cvt_err=Error converting {0}
 449 cvt_wiz_progress_dhcptab_del_err=Error deleting dhcptab
 450 cvt_wiz_progress_network_del_err=Error deleting {0}
 451 cvt_wiz_progress_defaults_err=Error updating the DHCP defaults file
 452 cvt_wiz_error=Error
 453 cvt_wiz_same_datastore_error=The source data store is the same as destination data store.
 454 cvt_wiz_location_error=Error making location: {0}
 455 cvt_wiz_networks_error=Error getting networks: {0}
 456 cvt_wiz_errors=The following errors were encountered during the conversion:
 457 cvt_wiz_server_shutdown=Shutdown the service
 458 cvt_wiz_shutdown_err=Error shutting down DHCP server
 459 cvt_wiz_server_started=Started the service
 460 cvt_wiz_start_err=Error starting the DHCP server
 462 #
 463 # Definitions for the Network Wizard, which is really just a subset of the
 464 # config wizard with some wording changes
 465 #
 466 net_wiz_title=Add a DHCP Network
 467 add_network=Ne&twork Wizard
 468 net_wiz_net_explain=This wizard will help you configure additional networks on your DHCP server.  For each network, the wizard creates a network macro to supply clients with relevant network information and a network table to record IP address assignments.\n\nSelect a network from the list, or type in a network address, then type in a subnet mask if the displayed default is not correct.
 469 net_wiz_review_explain=The following network will be added to the DHCP service:
 470 create_network_table_error=Unable to create the table for network {0}, message from server was: {1}
 472 #
 473 # Relay configuration
 474 #
 475 configure_relay_title=Configure BOOTP Relay
 476 dhcp_servers=DHCP Servers
 477 configure_relay_explain=Enter the IP addresses of the DHCP servers to which this BOOTP relay should forward requests.
 478 configure_relay_err_server_list=You must enter the address of at least one DHCP server to which this relay should forward DHCP traffic.
 480 #
 481 # Configuration choice dialog
 482 #
 483 configure_choice_title=Choose Server Configuration
 484 configure_choice_explain=This server can be configured as either a DHCP server or a BOOTP relay.  If you don't want to do either of these things, press Cancel and this tool will exit.
 485 configure_dhcp_server=Configure as DHCP server
 486 configure_bootp_relay=Configure as BOOTP relay
 487 configure_relay_lookup_error=Unable to find a server named {0}.\nIf you know its IP address, you may enter that instead.
 489 #
 490 # Service options dialog
 491 #
 492 service_options_title=Modify Service Options
 493 service_options_verbose=Verbose log messages
 494 service_options_hops=&Maximum number of relay agent hops:
 495 service_options_bootp_compat=BOOTP Compatibility
 496 service_options_bootp_none=None
 497 service_options_bootp_auto=Automatic
 498 service_options_bootp_manual=Manual
 499 service_options_detect_duplicates=Detect duplicate IP addresses
 500 service_options_reload_dhcptab=Reload dhcptab every
 501 service_options_reload_minutes=m&inutes
 502 service_options_owner_ip=Act as owner of the following server addresses
 503 service_options_owner_ip_addresses=Server Addresses
 504 service_options_update_dns=Update DNS host information upon client request
 505 service_options_timeout_dns=&Timeout DNS update attempt after
 506 service_options_cache=C&ache offers for
 507 service_options_seconds=seconds
 508 service_options_options=Options
 509 service_options_interfaces=Interfaces
 510 service_options_addresses=Addresses
 511 service_options_restart=Restart Server
 512 service_options_interface=Interface
 513 service_options_network=Network
 514 service_options_monitored=&Monitored Interfaces:
 515 service_options_ignored=&Ignored Interfaces:
 516 service_options_log_transactions=Log Transactions to syslog Facility:
 517 service_options_error=Error modifying service options, message from server was: {0}
 519 #
 520 # Delete Networks dialog
 521 #
 522 delete_networks=Delete &Networks
 523 delete_networks_title=Delete Networks
 524 delete_networks_keep=&Keep Networks:
 525 delete_networks_delete=&Delete Networks:
 526 delete_networks_error=The following networks were not deleted:
 527 network_column=Network
 528 delete_networks_progress=Deleting network:
 530 #
 531 # Unconfigure dialog
 532 #
 533 unconfigure_service_item=&Unconfigure
 534 unconfigure_title=Unconfigure Service
 535 unconfigure_dhcp=Are you sure it is OK to unconfigure the DHCP service?  If you are using a shared data store, removing the dhcptab and network tables may affect other DHCP servers.
 536 unconfigure_bootp=Are you sure it is OK to unconfigure the BOOTP relay service?  This may cause clients to be unable to access the network.
 537 unconfigure_shutdown=DHCP Manager will exit once the service has been unconfigured.
 538 unconfigure_delete_tables=Remove the dhcptab and all DHCP network tables
 540 unconfigure_progress=Unconfiguring the service
 541 unconfigure_error_heading=Operation
 542 unconfigure_error_messages=The following errors occurred while performing\nthe operations necessary to unconfigure the service
 544 unconfigure_error_shutdown=Shutdown
 545 unconfigure_server_shutdown=Shutdown the service
 547 unconfigure_error_defaults=Removing defaults file
 548 unconfigure_defaults_deleted=Defaults file removed
 550 unconfigure_error_macro=Removing server macro
 551 unconfigure_macro_deleted=Server macro removed
 553 unconfigure_error_dhcptab=Removing dhcptab
 554 unconfigure_dhcptab_deleted=Removed dhcptab
 556 unconfigure_error_network=Removing network {0}
 557 unconfigure_network_progress=Removed network {0}
 559 #
 560 # Transition dialog from config wizard to address wizard
 561 #
 562 start_address_wizard_title=Start Address Wizard?
 563 start_address_wizard=The DHCP server cannot provide addresses to clients\nuntil you configure it with a list of addresses it may use.\nWould you like to run the Address Wizard\nto configure addresses for the server?
 565 #
 566 # Transition dialog from config wizard to conversion wizard
 567 #
 568 start_cvt_wizard_title=Start Conversion Wizard?
 569 start_cvt_wizard=A version mismatch exists between the DHCP\nmanagement software and the DHCP data stores\nconfigured for the server. Neither the dhcpmgr nor\n the DHCP server can function properly until the\n data stores are converted to the current version.\n Do you wish to convert the data stores now?
 571 #
 572 # Dialog to view a macro while in the address wizard
 573 #
 574 view_macro_title=View Macro
 575 ok=&OK
 577 #
 578 # Dialog to select an option while editing/creating a macro
 579 #
 580 select_option_title=Select Option
 581 description_column=Description
 583 #
 584 # Relay view
 585 #
 586 relay_view_name=BOOTP Relay
 587 relay_view_text=This server is configured as a BOOTP relay.  You may manage the relay service status and configuration through the Service menu.
 589 #
 590 # Export wizard resources
 591 #
 592 export_wiz_title=Export Data
 593 exp_wiz_dont_export=Do Not Export
 594 exp_wiz_export=Export
 596 exp_wiz_net_desc=Select networks
 597 exp_wiz_net_explain=This wizard helps you export some or all of the DHCP data configured on this server to a file that can then be imported into another Solaris DHCP server's configuration.\n\nSelect networks to export from this server's configuration and move them to the Export column.
 599 exp_wiz_macro_desc=Select macros
 600 exp_wiz_macros_explain=Select the macros to export and move them to the Export column.
 602 exp_wiz_option_desc=Select options
 603 exp_wiz_options_explain=Select the options to export and move them to the Export column.
 605 exp_wiz_file_desc=Specify export file location
 606 exp_wiz_file_explain=Type the full path name of the file to which the configuration data should be exported.
 607 exp_wiz_delete_explain=Do you want to automatically delete the exported data from this server after the export is completed?
 608 exp_wiz_file_label=&Export file:
 609 exp_wiz_delete_exported=Delete exported data
 611 exp_wiz_review_desc=Review
 612 exp_wiz_review_explain=Review your selections below.  If you wish to make any changes, go back to the corresponding step and make the necessary corrections.
 613 exp_wiz_review_nets=&Networks:
 614 exp_wiz_review_macros=&Macros:
 615 exp_wiz_review_options=&Options:
 616 exp_wiz_delete_label=Delete Exported Data:
 618 exp_progress_title=Export Progress
 620 exp_error_occurred=The following error occurred while exporting:
 621 exp_overwrite=The export file exists; OK to overwrite?
 622 exp_overwrite_title=Overwrite File
 624 #
 625 # Import wizard resources
 626 #
 627 import_wiz_title=Import Data
 628 imp_progress_title=Import Progress
 630 imp_wiz_file_desc=Specify import file location
 631 imp_wiz_location_explain=This wizard helps you import DHCP configuration data previously exported from a Solaris DHCP server.\n\nType the full pathname to the file of exported data, which you want to import to this server.
 632 imp_wiz_file_label=&Import file:
 633 imp_wiz_override_explain=Do you want to overwrite existing data on this server that conflicts with the data being imported?
 634 imp_wiz_override_data=Overwrite existing data
 636 imp_wiz_review_explain=Review your selections below.  If you wish to make any changes, go back to the corresponding step and make the necessary corrections.
 637 imp_wiz_review_info=File {0} was exported
 638 imp_wiz_review_src=From system:
 639 imp_wiz_review_user=By user:
 640 imp_wiz_review_date=On:
 641 imp_wiz_review_override=Overwrite data:
 642 imp_wiz_review_desc=Review
 644 imp_error=Import Error
 645 imp_err_file_not_found=The import file could not be opened.
 646 imp_err_reading_header=The import file header could not be read; the error message was:\n{0}
 649 # Mnemonics added for accessibility conformance. These mnemonics are for
 650 # labels that are associated with textfields, checkboxes, comboboxes etc.
 651 # NB: We must take take to make sure that each mnemonic is unique within
 652 # the dialog eg: OK, Cancel, Reset & help (O, C, R & H) should be avoided
 653 # as mnemonics for other components in the dialog. Also NB, this is not the
 654 # complete list of all Mnemonics but a list of additional ones, the original
 655 # resource strings have been updated to support mnemonics where possible 
 656 # first i.e. `&` added to the string.
 657 #
 658 # Create Macro Dialog
 659 #
 660 md_name_label=&Name:
 661 md_option_name=O&ption Name:
 662 md_option_value=Option &Value:
 664 # Create Option Properties Dialog
 665 #
 666 op_name=&Name: