1 {
   2         #
   3         # Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
   4         # Use is subject to license terms.
   5         #
   6         # CDDL HEADER START
   7         #
   8         # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   9         # Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
  10         # (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
  11         # with the License.
  12         #
  13         # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  14         # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  15         # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  16         # and limitations under the License.
  17         #
  18         # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  19         # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  20         # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  21         # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  22         # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  23         #
  24         # CDDL HEADER END
  25         #
  26         #ident  "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  28         if (first_time == 0 && ($1 == "probe" || match($1, "---")))
  29                 next;
  30         else
  31                 first_time = 1;
  33         time = $1;
  34         thread = $5;
  35         type = $7;
  36         val = pval = "";
  37         for (i = 8; i <= NF; i++) {
  38                 if (pval == "cip:")
  39                         val = val " " sprintf("%x", $i);
  40                 else
  41                         val = val " " $i;
  42                 pval=$i
  43         }
  45         if (match(type, "_end")) {
  46                 type = substr(type, 1, match(type, "_end") - 1);
  48                 if (int(start[thread "" type]) == 0) {
  49                         printf("Warning: missing match line %d: %s\n", NR, $0);
  50                         next;
  51                 }
  53                 total[type]++;
  54                 alltotal++;
  56                 elapsed = time - start[thread "" type];
  57                 vchar = "";
  58                 if (longest[type] < elapsed) {
  59                         longest[type] = elapsed;
  60                         vchar = "*";
  61                 }
  62                 if (verbose) {
  63                         printf("\t\top: %s thread: %d elapsed %f%s%s\n",
  64                                 type, thread, elapsed, val, vchar);
  65                 }
  66                 average[type] = (average[type] + elapsed)/total[type];
  67                 averagedepth[type] = (averagedepth[type] + depth[type])/total[type];
  69                 allaverage= (allaverage + alldepth)/alltotal;
  71                 depth[type]--;
  72                 alldepth--;
  73                 start[thread "" type] = 0;
  75         } else {
  76                 if (match(type, "_start")) {
  77                         type = substr(type, 1, match(type, "_start") - 1);
  78                 }
  79                 start[thread "" type] = time;
  80                 depth[type]++;
  81                 if (maxdepth[type] < depth[type])
  82                         maxdepth[type] = depth[type];
  84                 alldepth++;
  85                 if (allmaxdepth < alldepth)
  86                         allmaxdepth = alldepth;
  87         }
  88 }
  90 END {
  91         printf("\n");
  92         for (types in total) {
  93                 printf("op: %d %s: avg: %8.8f worst: %8.8f\n",
  94                         total[types], types, average[types], longest[types]);
  95                 printf("        avg concurrency: %8.8f greatest concurrency %8.8f\n\n",
  96                         averagedepth[types], maxdepth[types]);
  97         }
  98         printf("Totals: avg concurrency: %8.8f greatest concurrency %8.8f\n",
  99                 allaverage, allmaxdepth);
 100 }