1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright (C) 2008, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   3 .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T.
   4 .\" Portions Copyright (c) 1992, X/Open Company Limited. All Rights Reserved
   5 .\" Sun Microsystems, Inc. gratefully acknowledges The Open Group for permission to reproduce portions of its copyrighted documentation. Original documentation from The Open Group can be obtained online at
   6 .\" http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/.
   7 .\" The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open Group, have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation. In the following statement, the phrase "this text" refers to portions of the system documentation. Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form in the Sun OS Reference Manual, from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between these versions and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html.
   8 .\"  This notice shall appear on any product containing this material.
   9 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  10 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  11 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  12 .TH GETHOSTBYNAME 3NSL "Aug 24, 2007"
  13 .SH NAME
  14 gethostbyname, gethostbyname_r, gethostbyaddr, gethostbyaddr_r, gethostent,
  15 gethostent_r, sethostent, endhostent \- get network host entry
  17 .LP
  18 .nf
  19 \fBcc\fR [ \fIflag\fR... ] \fIfile\fR... \fB-lnsl\fR [ \fIlibrary\fR... ]
  20 #include <netdb.h>
  22 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostbyname\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIname\fR);
  23 .fi
  25 .LP
  26 .nf
  27 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostbyname_r\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIname\fR,
  28      \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fIresult\fR, \fBchar *\fR\fIbuffer\fR, \fBint\fR \fIbuflen\fR,
  29      \fBint *\fR\fIh_errnop\fR);
  30 .fi
  32 .LP
  33 .nf
  34 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostbyaddr\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIaddr\fR, \fBint\fR \fIlen\fR,
  35      \fBint\fR \fItype\fR);
  36 .fi
  38 .LP
  39 .nf
  40 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostbyaddr_r\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIaddr\fR, \fBint\fR \fIlength\fR,
  41      \fBint\fR \fItype\fR, \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fIresult\fR, \fBchar *\fR\fIbuffer\fR,
  42      \fBint\fR \fIbuflen\fR, \fBint *\fR\fIh_errnop\fR);
  43 .fi
  45 .LP
  46 .nf
  47 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostent\fR(\fBvoid\fR);
  48 .fi
  50 .LP
  51 .nf
  52 \fBstruct hostent *\fR\fBgethostent_r\fR(\fBstruct hostent *\fR\fIresult\fR,
  53      \fBchar *\fR\fIbuffer\fR, \fBint\fR \fIbuflen\fR, \fBint *\fR\fIh_errnop\fR);
  54 .fi
  56 .LP
  57 .nf
  58 \fBint\fR \fBsethostent\fR(\fBint\fR \fIstayopen\fR);
  59 .fi
  61 .LP
  62 .nf
  63 \fBint\fR \fBendhostent\fR(\fBvoid\fR);
  64 .fi
  67 .sp
  68 .LP
  69 These functions are used to obtain entries describing hosts. An entry can come
  70 from any of the sources for \fBhosts\fR specified in the
  71 \fB/etc/nsswitch.conf\fR file. See \fBnsswitch.conf\fR(4). These functions have
  72 been superseded by \fBgetipnodebyname\fR(3SOCKET),
  73 \fBgetipnodebyaddr\fR(3SOCKET), and \fBgetaddrinfo\fR(3SOCKET), which provide
  74 greater portability to applications when multithreading is performed or
  75 technologies such as IPv6 are used. For example, the functions described in the
  76 following cannot be used with applications targeted to work with IPv6.
  77 .sp
  78 .LP
  79 The \fBgethostbyname()\fR function searches for information for a host with the
  80 hostname specified by the character-string parameter \fIname\fR.
  81 .sp
  82 .LP
  83 The \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR function searches for information for a host with a
  84 given host address. The parameter \fBtype\fR specifies the family of the
  85 address. This should be one of the address families defined in
  86 \fB<sys/socket.h>\fR\&. See the \fBNOTES\fR section for more information. Also
  87 see the \fBEXAMPLES\fR section for information on how to convert an Internet
  88 \fBIP\fR address notation that is separated by periods (.) into an \fIaddr\fR
  89 parameter. The parameter \fIlen\fR specifies the length of the buffer indicated
  90 by \fIaddr\fR.
  91 .sp
  92 .LP
  93 All addresses are returned in network order. In order to interpret the
  94 addresses, \fBbyteorder\fR(3SOCKET) must be used for byte order conversion.
  95 .sp
  96 .LP
  97 The \fBsethostent()\fR, \fBgethostent()\fR, and \fBendhostent()\fR functions
  98 are used to enumerate host entries from the database.
  99 .sp
 100 .LP
 101 The \fBsethostent()\fR function sets or resets the enumeration to the beginning
 102 of the set of host entries. This function should be called before the first
 103 call to \fBgethostent()\fR. Calls to \fBgethostbyname()\fR and
 104 \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR leave the enumeration position in an indeterminate state.
 105 If the \fIstayopen\fR flag is non-zero, the system can keep allocated resources
 106 such as open file descriptors until a subsequent call to \fBendhostent()\fR.
 107 .sp
 108 .LP
 109 Successive calls to the \fBgethostent()\fR function return either successive
 110 entries or \fINULL,\fR indicating the end of the enumeration.
 111 .sp
 112 .LP
 113 The \fBendhostent()\fR function can be called to indicate that the caller
 114 expects to do no further host entry retrieval operations; the system can then
 115 deallocate resources it was using. It is still allowed, but possibly less
 116 efficient, for the process to call more host retrieval functions after calling
 117 \fBendhostent()\fR.
 118 .SS "Reentrant Interfaces"
 119 .sp
 120 .LP
 121 The \fBgethostbyname()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR, and \fBgethostent()\fR
 122 functions use static storage that is reused in each call, making these
 123 functions unsafe for use in multithreaded applications.
 124 .sp
 125 .LP
 126 The \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR, and \fBgethostent_r()\fR
 127 functions provide reentrant interfaces for these operations.
 128 .sp
 129 .LP
 130 Each reentrant interface performs the same operation as its non-reentrant
 131 counterpart, named by removing the \fB_r\fR suffix. The reentrant interfaces,
 132 however, use buffers supplied by the caller to store returned results and the
 133 interfaces are safe for use in both single-threaded and multithreaded
 134 applications.
 135 .sp
 136 .LP
 137 Each reentrant interface takes the same parameters as its non-reentrant
 138 counterpart, as well as the following additional parameters. The parameter
 139 \fIresult\fR must be a pointer to a \fBstruct hostent\fR structure allocated by
 140 the caller. On successful completion, the function returns the host entry in
 141 this structure. The parameter \fIbuffer\fR must be a pointer to a buffer
 142 supplied by the caller. This buffer is used as storage space for the host data.
 143 All of the pointers within the returned \fBstruct hostent\fR \fIresult\fR point
 144 to data stored within this buffer. See the \fBRETURN VALUES\fR section for more
 145 information. The buffer must be large enough to hold all of the data associated
 146 with the host entry. The parameter \fIbuflen\fR should give the size in bytes
 147 of the buffer indicated by \fIbuffer\fR. The parameter \fIh_errnop\fR should be
 148 a pointer to an integer. An integer error status value is stored there on
 149 certain error conditions. See the \fBERRORS\fR section for more information.
 150 .sp
 151 .LP
 152 For enumeration in multithreaded applications, the position within the
 153 enumeration is a process-wide property shared by all threads. The
 154 \fBsethostent()\fR function can be used in a multithreaded application but
 155 resets the enumeration position for all threads. If multiple threads interleave
 156 calls to \fBgethostent_r()\fR, the threads will enumerate disjoint subsets of
 157 the host database.
 158 .sp
 159 .LP
 160 Like their non-reentrant counterparts, \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR and
 161 \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR leave the enumeration position in an indeterminate
 162 state.
 164 .sp
 165 .LP
 166 Host entries are represented by the \fBstruct hostent\fR structure defined in
 167 \fB<netdb.h>\fR:
 168 .sp
 169 .in +2
 170 .nf
 171 struct hostent {
 172     char    *h_name;         /* canonical name of host */
 173     char    **h_aliases;     /* alias list */
 174     int     h_addrtype;      /* host address type */
 175     int     h_length;        /* length of address */
 176     char    **h_addr_list;   /* list of addresses */
 177 };
 178 .fi
 179 .in -2
 181 .sp
 182 .LP
 183 See the \fBEXAMPLES\fR section for information about how to retrieve a ``.''
 184 separated Internet \fBIP\fR address string from the \fIh_addr_list\fR field of
 185 \fBstruct hostent\fR.
 186 .sp
 187 .LP
 188 The \fBgethostbyname()\fR, \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR, and
 189 \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR functions each return a pointer to a \fBstruct
 190 hostent\fR if they successfully locate the requested entry; otherwise they
 191 return \fINULL\fR.
 192 .sp
 193 .LP
 194 The \fBgethostent()\fR and \fBgethostent_r()\fR functions each return a pointer
 195 to a \fBstruct hostent\fR if they successfully enumerate an entry; otherwise
 196 they return \fINULL\fR, indicating the end of the enumeration.
 197 .sp
 198 .LP
 199 The \fBgethostbyname()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR, and \fBgethostent()\fR
 200 functions use static storage, so returned data must be copied before a
 201 subsequent call to any of these functions if the data is to be saved.
 202 .sp
 203 .LP
 204 When the pointer returned by the reentrant functions \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR,
 205 \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR, and \fBgethostent_r()\fR is not \fINULL\fR, it is
 206 always equal to the \fIresult\fR pointer that was supplied by the caller.
 207 .sp
 208 .LP
 209 The \fBsethostent()\fR and \fBendhostent()\fR functions return \fB0\fR on
 210 success.
 212 .sp
 213 .LP
 214 The reentrant functions \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR, and
 215 \fBgethostent_r()\fR will return \fINULL\fR and set \fIerrno\fR to \fBERANGE\fR
 216 if the length of the buffer supplied by caller is not large enough to store the
 217 result. See \fBIntro\fR(2) for the proper usage and interpretation of
 218 \fBerrno\fR in multithreaded applications.
 219 .sp
 220 .LP
 221 The reentrant functions \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR and \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR set
 222 the integer pointed to by \fIh_errnop\fR to one of these values in case of
 223 error.
 224 .sp
 225 .LP
 226 On failures, the non-reentrant functions \fBgethostbyname()\fR and
 227 \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR set a global integer \fIh_errno\fR to indicate one of
 228 these error codes (defined in \fB<netdb.h>\fR): \fBHOST_NOT_FOUND\fR,
 230 .sp
 231 .LP
 232 If a resolver is provided with a malformed address, or if any other error
 233 occurs before \fBgethostbyname()\fR is resolved, then \fBgethostbyname()\fR
 234 returns an internal error with a value of \(mi1.
 235 .sp
 236 .LP
 237 The \fBgethostbyname()\fR function will set \fIh_errno\fR to
 238 \fBNETDB_INTERNAL\fR when it returns a \fINULL\fR value.
 240 .LP
 241 \fBExample 1 \fRUsing \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR
 242 .sp
 243 .LP
 244 Here is a sample program that gets the canonical name, aliases, and ``.''
 245 separated Internet \fBIP\fR addresses for a given ``.'' separated \fBIP\fR
 246 address:
 248 .sp
 249 .in +2
 250 .nf
 251 #include <stdio.h>
 252 #include <stdlib.h
 253 #include <string.h>
 254 #include <sys/types.h>
 255 #include <sys/socket.h>
 256 #include <netinet/in.h>
 257 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 258 #include <netdb.h>
 259 int main(int argc, const char **argv)
 260 {
 261         in_addr_t addr;
 262         struct hostent *hp;
 263         char **p;
 264         if (argc != 2) {
 265             (void) printf("usage: %s IP-address\en", argv[0]);
 266             exit (1);
 267         }
 268         if ((int)(addr = inet_addr(argv[1])) == -1) {
 269             (void) printf("IP-address must be of the form a.b.c.d\en");
 270             exit (2);
 271         }
 272         hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&addr, 4, AF_INET);
 273         if (hp == NULL) {
 274             (void) printf("host information for %s not found\en", argv[1]);
 275             exit (3);
 276         }
 277         for (p = hp->h_addr_list; *p != 0; p++) {
 278             struct in_addr in;
 279             char **q;
 280             (void) memcpy(&in.s_addr, *p, sizeof (in.s_addr));
 281          (void) printf("%s\t%s", inet_ntoa(in), hp\(mi>h_name);
 282             for (q = hp->h_aliases; *q != 0; q++)
 283                 (void) printf(" %s", *q);
 284             (void) putchar('\n');
 285         }
 286         exit (0);
 287 }
 288 .fi
 289 .in -2
 291 .sp
 292 .LP
 293 Note that the preceding sample program is unsafe for use in multithreaded
 294 applications.
 296 .SH FILES
 297 .sp
 298 .ne 2
 299 .na
 300 \fB\fB/etc/hosts\fR\fR
 301 .ad
 302 .RS 22n
 303 hosts file that associates the names of hosts with their Internet Protocol (IP)
 304 addresses
 305 .RE
 307 .sp
 308 .ne 2
 309 .na
 310 \fB\fB/etc/netconfig\fR\fR
 311 .ad
 312 .RS 22n
 313 network configuration database
 314 .RE
 316 .sp
 317 .ne 2
 318 .na
 319 \fB\fB/etc/nsswitch.conf\fR\fR
 320 .ad
 321 .RS 22n
 322 configuration file for the name service switch
 323 .RE
 326 .sp
 327 .LP
 328 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 329 .sp
 331 .sp
 332 .TS
 333 box;
 334 c | c
 335 l | l .
 337 _
 338 MT-Level        T{
 339 See \fBReentrant Interfaces\fR in the \fBDESCRIPTION\fR section.
 340 T}
 341 .TE
 344 .sp
 345 .LP
 346 \fBIntro\fR(2), \fBIntro\fR(3), \fBbyteorder\fR(3SOCKET), \fBinet\fR(3SOCKET),
 347 \fBnetdb.h\fR(3HEAD), \fBnetdir\fR(3NSL), \fBhosts\fR(4), \fBnetconfig\fR(4),
 348 \fBnss\fR(4), \fBnsswitch.conf\fR(4), \fBattributes\fR(5)
 350 .sp
 351 .LP
 352 The reentrant interfaces \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR, and
 353 \fBgethostent_r()\fR are included in this release on an uncommitted basis only
 354 and are subject to change or removal in future minor releases.
 355 .SH NOTES
 356 .sp
 357 .LP
 358 To ensure that they all return consistent results, \fBgethostbyname()\fR,
 359 \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, and \fBnetdir_getbyname()\fR are implemented in terms
 360 of the same internal library function. This function obtains the system-wide
 361 source lookup policy based on the \fBinet\fR family entries in
 362 \fBnetconfig\fR(4) and the \fBhosts:\fR entry in \fBnsswitch.conf\fR(4).
 363 Similarly, \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR, and
 364 \fBnetdir_getbyaddr()\fR are implemented in terms of the same internal library
 365 function. If the \fBinet\fR family entries in \fBnetconfig\fR(4) have a ``-''
 366 in the last column for \fBnametoaddr\fR libraries, then the entry for
 367 \fBhosts\fR in \fBnsswitch.conf\fR will be used; \fBnametoaddr\fR libraries in
 368 that column will be used, and \fBnsswitch.conf\fR will not be consulted.
 369 .sp
 370 .LP
 371 There is no analogue of \fBgethostent()\fR and \fBgethostent_r()\fR in the
 372 netdir functions, so these enumeration functions go straight to the \fBhosts\fR
 373 entry in \fBnsswitch.conf\fR. Thus enumeration can return results from a
 374 different source than that used by \fBgethostbyname()\fR,
 375 \fBgethostbyname_r()\fR, \fBgethostbyaddr()\fR, and \fBgethostbyaddr_r()\fR.
 376 .sp
 377 .LP
 378 All the functions that return a \fBstruct hostent\fR must always return the
 379 \fIcanonical name\fR in the \fIh_name\fR field. This name, by definition, is
 380 the well-known and official hostname shared between all aliases and all
 381 addresses. The underlying source that satisfies the request determines the
 382 mapping of the input name or address into the set of names and addresses in
 383 \fBhostent\fR. Different sources might do that in different ways. If there is
 384 more than one alias and more than one address in \fBhostent\fR, no pairing is
 385 implied between them.
 386 .sp
 387 .LP
 388 The system attempts to put those addresses that are on the same subnet as the
 389 caller before addresses that are on different subnets. However, if address
 390 sorting is disabled by setting \fBSORT_ADDRS\fR to FALSE in the
 391 \fB/etc/default/nss\fR file, the system does not put the local subnet addresses
 392 first. See \fBnss\fR(4) for more information.
 393 .sp
 394 .LP
 395 When compiling multithreaded applications, see \fBIntro\fR(3), \fBMULTITHREADED
 396 APPLICATIONS\fR, for information about the use of the \fB_REENTRANT\fR flag.
 397 .sp
 398 .LP
 399 Use of the enumeration interfaces \fBgethostent()\fR and \fBgethostent_r()\fR
 400 is discouraged; enumeration might not be supported for all database sources.
 401 The semantics of enumeration are discussed further in \fBnsswitch.conf\fR(4).
 402 .sp
 403 .LP
 404 The current implementations of these functions only return or accept addresses
 405 for the Internet address family (type \fBAF_INET\fR).
 406 .sp
 407 .LP
 408 The form for an address of type \fBAF_INET\fR is a \fBstruct in_addr\fR defined
 409 in <\fBnetinet/in.h\fR>. The functions described in \fBinet\fR(3SOCKET), and
 410 illustrated in the \fBEXAMPLES\fR section, are helpful in constructing and
 411 manipulating addresses in this form.