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3810 remove support for teamware from webrev

@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Copyright 2008, 2010, Richard Lowe
 # Copyright 2012 Marcel Telka <>
+# Copyright 2014 Bart Coddens <>
 # This script takes a file list and a workspace and builds a set of html files
 # suitable for doing a code review of source changes via a web page.
 # Documentation is available via the manual page, webrev.1, or just

@@ -1430,59 +1431,10 @@
         html_quote | $AWK '{line += 1 ; printf "%4d %s\n", line, $0 }'
         print "</pre></body></html>"
-# comments_from_teamware {text|html} parent-file child-file
-# Find the first delta in the child that's not in the parent.  Get the
-# newest delta from the parent, get all deltas from the child starting
-# with that delta, and then get all info starting with the second oldest
-# delta in that list (the first delta unique to the child).
-# This code adapted from Bill Shannon's "spc" script
-        fmt=$1
-        pfile=$PWS/$2
-        cfile=$CWS/$3
-        if [[ ! -f $PWS/${2%/*}/SCCS/s.${2##*/} && -n $RWS ]]; then
-                pfile=$RWS/$2
-        fi
-        if [[ -f $pfile ]]; then
-                psid=$($SCCS prs -d:I: $pfile 2>/dev/null)
-        else
-                psid=1.1
-        fi
-        set -A sids $($SCCS prs -l -r$psid -d:I: $cfile 2>/dev/null)
-        N=${#sids[@]}
-        nawkprg='
-                /^COMMENTS:/    {p=1; continue}
-                /^D [0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ {printf "--- %s ---\n", $2; p=0; }
-                NF == 0u        { continue }
-                {if (p==0) continue; print $0 }'
-        if [[ $N -ge 2 ]]; then
-                sid1=${sids[$((N-2))]}  # Gets 2nd to last sid
-                if [[ $fmt == "text" ]]; then
-                        $SCCS prs -l -r$sid1 $cfile  2>/dev/null | \
-                            $AWK "$nawkprg"
-                        return
-                fi
-                $SCCS prs -l -r$sid1 $cfile  2>/dev/null | \
-                    html_quote | its2url | $AWK "$nawkprg"
-        fi
 # comments_from_wx {text|html} filepath
 # Given the pathname of a file, find its location in a "wx" active
 # file list and print the following comment.  Output is either text or
 # HTML; if the latter, embedded bugids (sequence of 5 or more digits)

@@ -1534,14 +1486,10 @@
         # Mercurial support uses a file list in wx format, so this
         # will be used there, too
         if [[ -n $wxfile ]]; then
                 comments_from_wx $fmt $p
-        else
-                if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ]]; then
-                        comments_from_teamware $fmt $pp $p
-                fi
 # printCI <total-changed> <inserted> <deleted> <modified> <unchanged>

@@ -1716,48 +1664,10 @@
         print " Done."
-# flist_from_teamware [ <args-to-putback-n> ]
-# Generate the file list by extracting file names from a putback -n.  Some
-# names may come from the "update/create" messages and others from the
-# "currently checked out" warning.  Renames are detected here too.  Extract
-# values for CODEMGR_WS and CODEMGR_PARENT from the output of the putback
-# -n as well, but remove them if they are already defined.
-function flist_from_teamware
-        if [[ -n $codemgr_parent && -z $parent_webrev ]]; then
-                if [[ ! -d $codemgr_parent/Codemgr_wsdata ]]; then
-                        print -u2 "parent $codemgr_parent doesn't look like a" \
-                            "valid teamware workspace"
-                        exit 1
-                fi
-                parent_args="-p $codemgr_parent"
-        fi
-        print " File list from: 'putback -n $parent_args $*' ... \c"
-        putback -n $parent_args $* 2>&1 |
-            $AWK '
-                /^update:|^create:/     {print $2}
-                /^Parent workspace:/    {printf("CODEMGR_PARENT=%s\n",$3)}
-                /^Child workspace:/     {printf("CODEMGR_WS=%s\n",$3)}
-                /^The following files are currently checked out/ {p = 1; continue}
-                NF == 0                 {p=0 ; continue}
-                /^rename/               {old=$3}
-                $1 == "to:"             {print $2, old}
-                /^"/                    {continue}
-                p == 1                  {print $1}' |
-            sort -r -k 1,1 -u | sort > $FLIST
-        print " Done."
 # Call hg-active to get the active list output in the wx active list format
 function hg_active_wxfile
         typeset child=$1

@@ -1914,11 +1824,11 @@
         typeset ppath
         typeset progname=$1
-        ppath=$ppath:/opt/teamware/bin:/opt/onbld/bin
+        ppath=$ppath:/opt/onbld/bin
         ppath=$ppath:/opt/onbld/bin/`uname -p`
         PATH=$ppath prog=`whence $progname`
         if [[ -n $prog ]]; then
                 print $prog

@@ -1936,82 +1846,10 @@
                         exit 1;
             ' $1
-function build_old_new_teamware
-        typeset olddir="$1"
-        typeset newdir="$2"
-        # If the child's version doesn't exist then
-        # get a readonly copy.
-        if [[ ! -f $CWS/$DIR/$F && -f $CWS/$DIR/SCCS/s.$F ]]; then
-                $SCCS get -s -p $CWS/$DIR/$F > $CWS/$DIR/$F
-        fi
-        # The following two sections propagate file permissions the
-        # same way SCCS does.  If the file is already under version
-        # control, always use permissions from the SCCS/s.file.  If
-        # the file is not under SCCS control, use permissions from the
-        # working copy.  In all cases, the file copied to the webrev
-        # is set to read only, and group/other permissions are set to
-        # match those of the file owner.  This way, even if the file
-        # is currently checked out, the webrev will display the final
-        # permissions that would result after check in.
-        #
-        # Snag new version of file.
-        #
-        rm -f $newdir/$DIR/$F
-        cp $CWS/$DIR/$F $newdir/$DIR/$F
-        if [[ -f $CWS/$DIR/SCCS/s.$F ]]; then
-                chmod `get_file_mode $CWS/$DIR/SCCS/s.$F` \
-                    $newdir/$DIR/$F
-        fi
-        chmod u-w,go=u $newdir/$DIR/$F
-        #
-        # Get the parent's version of the file. First see whether the
-        # child's version is checked out and get the parent's version
-        # with keywords expanded or unexpanded as appropriate.
-        #
-        if [[ -f $PWS/$PDIR/$PF && ! -f $PWS/$PDIR/SCCS/s.$PF && \
-            ! -f $PWS/$PDIR/SCCS/p.$PF ]]; then
-                # Parent is not a real workspace, but just a raw
-                # directory tree - use the file that's there as
-                # the old file.
-                rm -f $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-                cp $PWS/$PDIR/$PF $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-        else
-                if [[ -f $PWS/$PDIR/SCCS/s.$PF ]]; then
-                        real_parent=$PWS
-                else
-                        real_parent=$RWS
-                fi
-                rm -f $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-                if [[ -f $real_parent/$PDIR/$PF ]]; then
-                        if [ -f $CWS/$DIR/SCCS/p.$F ]; then
-                                $SCCS get -s -p -k $real_parent/$PDIR/$PF > \
-                                    $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-                        else
-                                $SCCS get -s -p    $real_parent/$PDIR/$PF > \
-                                    $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-                        fi
-                        chmod `get_file_mode $real_parent/$PDIR/SCCS/s.$PF` \
-                            $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-                fi
-        fi
-        if [[ -f $olddir/$PDIR/$PF ]]; then
-                chmod u-w,go=u $olddir/$PDIR/$PF
-        fi
 function build_old_new_mercurial
         typeset olddir="$1"
         typeset newdir="$2"
         typeset old_mode=

@@ -2198,13 +2036,11 @@
         typeset newdir="$WDIR/raw_files/new"
         mkdir -p $olddir/$PDIR
         mkdir -p $newdir/$DIR
-        if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ]]; then
-                build_old_new_teamware "$olddir" "$newdir"
-        elif [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
+        if [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
                 build_old_new_mercurial "$olddir" "$newdir"
         elif [[ $SCM_MODE == "git" ]]; then
                 build_old_new_git "$olddir" "$newdir"
         elif [[ $SCM_MODE == "subversion" ]]; then
                 build_old_new_subversion "$olddir" "$newdir"

@@ -2244,13 +2080,10 @@
         WDIR: Control the output directory.
         WEBREV_TRASH_DIR: Set directory for webrev delete.
-SCM Specific Options:
-        TeamWare: webrev [common-options] -l [arguments to 'putback']
 SCM Environment:
         CODEMGR_WS: Workspace location.
         CODEMGR_PARENT: Parent workspace location.

@@ -2413,26 +2246,11 @@
 # that the webrev exists in ${CWS}/webrev, but will upload it using the name
 # $(basename ${CWS}).  So we need to get CWS set before we skip any remaining
 # logic.
 $WHICH_SCM | read SCM_MODE junk || exit 1
-if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ]]; then
-        #
-        # Teamware priorities:
-        # 1. CODEMGR_WS from the environment
-        # 2. workspace name
-        #
-        [[ -z $codemgr_ws && -n $CODEMGR_WS ]] && codemgr_ws=$CODEMGR_WS
-        if [[ -n $codemgr_ws && ! -d $codemgr_ws ]]; then
-                print -u2 "$codemgr_ws: no such workspace"
-                exit 1
-        fi
-        [[ -z $codemgr_ws ]] && codemgr_ws=$(workspace name)
-        codemgr_ws=$(cd $codemgr_ws;print $PWD)
-        CODEMGR_WS=$codemgr_ws
-        CWS=$codemgr_ws
-elif [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
+if [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
         # Mercurial priorities:
         # 1. hg root from CODEMGR_WS environment variable
         # 1a. hg root from CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed if we're somewhere under
         #    usr/closed when we run webrev

@@ -2554,11 +2372,11 @@
 # Before we go on to further consider -l and -w, work out which SCM we think
 # is in use.
 case "$SCM_MODE" in
         if [[ $flist_mode == "auto" ]]; then
                 print -u2 "Unable to determine SCM in use and file list not specified"
                 print -u2 "See which_scm(1) for SCM detection information."

@@ -2573,26 +2391,11 @@
 print -u2 "   SCM detected: $SCM_MODE"
-if [[ -n $lflag ]]; then
-        #
-        # If the -l flag is given instead of the name of a file list,
-        # then generate the file list by extracting file names from a
-        # putback -n.
-        #
-        shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-        if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ]]; then
-                flist_from_teamware "$*"
-        else
-                print -u2 -- "Error: -l option only applies to TeamWare"
-                exit 1
-        fi
-        flist_done=1
-        shift $#
-elif [[ -n $wflag ]]; then
+if [[ -n $wflag ]]; then
         # If the -w is given then assume the file list is in Bonwick's "wx"
         # command format, i.e.  pathname lines alternating with SCCS comment
         # lines with blank lines as separators.  Use the SCCS comments later
         # in building the index.html file.

@@ -2631,81 +2434,11 @@
 # Before we entered the DO_EVERYTHING loop, we should have already set CWS
 # and CODEMGR_WS as needed.  Here, we set the parent workspace.
-if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ]]; then
-        #
-        # Teamware priorities:
-        #
-        #      1) via -p command line option
-        #      2) in the user environment
-        #      3) in the flist
-        #      4) automatically based on the workspace
-        #
-        #
-        # For 1, codemgr_parent will already be set.  Here's 2:
-        #
-        [[ -z $codemgr_parent && -n $CODEMGR_PARENT ]] && \
-            codemgr_parent=$CODEMGR_PARENT
-        if [[ -n $codemgr_parent && ! -d $codemgr_parent ]]; then
-                print -u2 "$codemgr_parent: no such directory"
-                exit 1
-        fi
-        #
-        # If we're in auto-detect mode and we haven't already gotten the file
-        # list, then see if we can get it by probing for wx.
-        #
-        if [[ -z $flist_done && $flist_mode == "auto" && -n $codemgr_ws ]]; then
-                if [[ ! -x $WX ]]; then
-                        print -u2 "WARNING: wx not found!"
-                fi
-                #
-                # We need to use wx list -w so that we get renamed files, etc.
-                # but only if a wx active file exists-- otherwise wx will
-                # hang asking us to initialize our wx information.
-                #
-                if [[ -x $WX && -f $codemgr_ws/wx/active ]]; then
-                        print -u2 " File list from: 'wx list -w' ... \c"
-                        $WX list -w > $FLIST
-                        $WX comments > /tmp/$$.wx_comments
-                        wxfile=/tmp/$$.wx_comments
-                        print -u2 "done"
-                        flist_done=1
-                fi
-        fi
-        #
-        # If by hook or by crook we've gotten a file list by now (perhaps
-        # from the command line), eval it to extract environment variables from
-        # it: This is method 3 for finding the parent.
-        #
-        if [[ -z $flist_done ]]; then
-                flist_from_teamware
-        fi
-        env_from_flist
-        #
-        # (4) If we still don't have a value for codemgr_parent, get it
-        # from workspace.
-        #
-        [[ -z $codemgr_parent ]] && codemgr_parent=`workspace parent`
-        if [[ ! -d $codemgr_parent ]]; then
-                print -u2 "$CODEMGR_PARENT: no such parent workspace"
-                exit 1
-        fi
-        PWS=$codemgr_parent
-        [[ -n $parent_webrev ]] && RWS=$(workspace parent $CWS)
-elif [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
+if [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ]]; then
         # Parent can either be specified with -p
         # Specified with CODEMGR_PARENT in the environment
         # or taken from hg's default path.

@@ -3681,12 +3414,11 @@
         if [[ -f $F.count ]]; then
             cat $F.count
             rm $F.count
-        if [[ $SCM_MODE == "teamware" ||
-            $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ||
+        if [[ $SCM_MODE == "mercurial" ||
             $SCM_MODE == "unknown" ]]; then
                 # Include warnings for important file mode situations:
                 # 1) New executable files
                 # 2) Permission changes of any kind