8660 mpi code checks return value of void function

   1 /*
   2  *  mpi-priv.h  - Private header file for MPI 
   3  *  Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
   4  *
   5  *  NOTE WELL: the content of this header file is NOT part of the "public"
   6  *  API for the MPI library, and may change at any time.  
   7  *  Application programs that use libmpi should NOT include this header file.
   8  *
   9  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
  10  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
  11  *
  12  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
  13  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  14  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  15  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  16  *
  17  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
  18  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  19  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
  20  * License.
  21  *
  22  * The Original Code is the MPI Arbitrary Precision Integer Arithmetic library.
  23  *
  24  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
  25  * Michael J. Fromberger.
  26  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
  27  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
  28  *
  29  * Contributor(s):
  30  *   Netscape Communications Corporation
  31  *
  32  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
  33  * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
  34  * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
  35  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
  36  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
  37  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
  38  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
  39  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
  40  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
  41  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
  42  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
  43  *
  44  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
  45 /*
  46  * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  47  * Use is subject to license terms.
  48  *

  49  * Sun elects to use this software under the MPL license.
  50  */
  52 #ifndef _MPI_PRIV_H
  53 #define _MPI_PRIV_H
  55 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  57 /* $Id: mpi-priv.h,v 1.20 2005/11/22 07:16:43 relyea%netscape.com Exp $ */
  59 #include "mpi.h"
  60 #ifndef _KERNEL
  61 #include <stdlib.h>
  62 #include <string.h>
  63 #include <ctype.h>
  64 #endif /* _KERNEL */
  66 #if MP_DEBUG
  67 #include <stdio.h>
  69 #define DIAG(T,V) {fprintf(stderr,T);mp_print(V,stderr);fputc('\n',stderr);}
  70 #else
  71 #define DIAG(T,V)
  72 #endif
  74 /* If we aren't using a wired-in logarithm table, we need to include
  75    the math library to get the log() function
  76  */
  78 /* {{{ s_logv_2[] - log table for 2 in various bases */
  80 #if MP_LOGTAB
  81 /*
  82   A table of the logs of 2 for various bases (the 0 and 1 entries of
  83   this table are meaningless and should not be referenced).  
  85   This table is used to compute output lengths for the mp_toradix()
  86   function.  Since a number n in radix r takes up about log_r(n)
  87   digits, we estimate the output size by taking the least integer
  88   greater than log_r(n), where:
  90   log_r(n) = log_2(n) * log_r(2)
  92   This table, therefore, is a table of log_r(2) for 2 <= r <= 36,
  93   which are the output bases supported.  
  94  */
  96 extern const float s_logv_2[];
  97 #define LOG_V_2(R)  s_logv_2[(R)]
  99 #else
 101 /* 
 102    If MP_LOGTAB is not defined, use the math library to compute the
 103    logarithms on the fly.  Otherwise, use the table.
 104    Pick which works best for your system.
 105  */
 107 #include <math.h>
 108 #define LOG_V_2(R)  (log(2.0)/log(R))
 110 #endif /* if MP_LOGTAB */
 112 /* }}} */
 114 /* {{{ Digit arithmetic macros */
 116 /*
 117   When adding and multiplying digits, the results can be larger than
 118   can be contained in an mp_digit.  Thus, an mp_word is used.  These
 119   macros mask off the upper and lower digits of the mp_word (the
 120   mp_word may be more than 2 mp_digits wide, but we only concern
 121   ourselves with the low-order 2 mp_digits)
 122  */
 124 #define  CARRYOUT(W)  (mp_digit)((W)>>DIGIT_BIT)
 125 #define  ACCUM(W)     (mp_digit)(W)
 127 #define MP_MIN(a,b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
 128 #define MP_MAX(a,b)   (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
 129 #define MP_HOWMANY(a,b) (((a) + (b) - 1)/(b))
 130 #define MP_ROUNDUP(a,b) (MP_HOWMANY(a,b) * (b))
 132 /* }}} */
 134 /* {{{ Comparison constants */
 136 #define  MP_LT       -1
 137 #define  MP_EQ        0
 138 #define  MP_GT        1
 140 /* }}} */
 142 /* {{{ private function declarations */
 144 /* 
 145    If MP_MACRO is false, these will be defined as actual functions;
 146    otherwise, suitable macro definitions will be used.  This works
 147    around the fact that ANSI C89 doesn't support an 'inline' keyword
 148    (although I hear C9x will ... about bloody time).  At present, the
 149    macro definitions are identical to the function bodies, but they'll
 150    expand in place, instead of generating a function call.
 152    I chose these particular functions to be made into macros because
 153    some profiling showed they are called a lot on a typical workload,
 154    and yet they are primarily housekeeping.
 155  */
 156 #if MP_MACRO == 0
 157  void     s_mp_setz(mp_digit *dp, mp_size count); /* zero digits           */
 158  void     s_mp_copy(const mp_digit *sp, mp_digit *dp, mp_size count); /* copy */
 159  void    *s_mp_alloc(size_t nb, size_t ni, int flag); /* general allocator    */
 160  void     s_mp_free(void *ptr, mp_size);          /* general free function */
 161 extern unsigned long mp_allocs;
 162 extern unsigned long mp_frees;
 163 extern unsigned long mp_copies;
 164 #else
 166  /* Even if these are defined as macros, we need to respect the settings
 167     of the MP_MEMSET and MP_MEMCPY configuration options...
 168   */
 169  #if MP_MEMSET == 0
 170   #define  s_mp_setz(dp, count) \
 171        {int ix;for(ix=0;ix<(count);ix++)(dp)[ix]=0;}
 172  #else
 173   #define  s_mp_setz(dp, count) memset(dp, 0, (count) * sizeof(mp_digit))
 174  #endif /* MP_MEMSET */
 176  #if MP_MEMCPY == 0
 177   #define  s_mp_copy(sp, dp, count) \
 178        {int ix;for(ix=0;ix<(count);ix++)(dp)[ix]=(sp)[ix];}
 179  #else
 180   #define  s_mp_copy(sp, dp, count) memcpy(dp, sp, (count) * sizeof(mp_digit))
 181  #endif /* MP_MEMCPY */
 183  #define  s_mp_alloc(nb, ni)  calloc(nb, ni)
 184  #define  s_mp_free(ptr) {if(ptr) free(ptr);}
 185 #endif /* MP_MACRO */
 187 mp_err   s_mp_grow(mp_int *mp, mp_size min);   /* increase allocated size */
 188 mp_err   s_mp_pad(mp_int *mp, mp_size min);    /* left pad with zeroes    */
 190 #if MP_MACRO == 0
 191  void     s_mp_clamp(mp_int *mp);               /* clip leading zeroes     */
 192 #else
 193  #define  s_mp_clamp(mp)\
 194   { mp_size used = MP_USED(mp); \
 195     while (used > 1 && DIGIT(mp, used - 1) == 0) --used; \
 196     MP_USED(mp) = used; \
 197   } 
 198 #endif /* MP_MACRO */
 200 void     s_mp_exch(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);      /* swap a and b in place   */
 202 mp_err   s_mp_lshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p);     /* left-shift by p digits  */
 203 void     s_mp_rshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p);     /* right-shift by p digits */
 204 mp_err   s_mp_mul_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* multiply by 2^d in place */
 205 void     s_mp_div_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* divide by 2^d in place  */
 206 void     s_mp_mod_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* modulo 2^d in place     */
 207 void     s_mp_div_2(mp_int *mp);               /* divide by 2 in place    */
 208 mp_err   s_mp_mul_2(mp_int *mp);               /* multiply by 2 in place  */
 209 mp_err   s_mp_norm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit *pd); 
 210                                                /* normalize for division  */
 211 mp_err   s_mp_add_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit addition */
 212 mp_err   s_mp_sub_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit subtract */
 213 mp_err   s_mp_mul_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit multiply */
 214 mp_err   s_mp_div_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d, mp_digit *r);
 215                                                /* unsigned digit divide   */
 216 mp_err   s_mp_reduce(mp_int *x, const mp_int *m, const mp_int *mu);
 217                                                /* Barrett reduction       */
 218 mp_err   s_mp_add(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude addition      */
 219 mp_err   s_mp_add_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
 220 mp_err   s_mp_sub(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude subtract      */
 221 mp_err   s_mp_sub_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
 222 mp_err   s_mp_add_offset(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_size offset);
 223                                                /* a += b * RADIX^offset   */
 224 mp_err   s_mp_mul(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude multiply      */
 225 #if MP_SQUARE
 226 mp_err   s_mp_sqr(mp_int *a);                  /* magnitude square        */
 227 #else
 228 #define  s_mp_sqr(a) s_mp_mul(a, a)
 229 #endif
 230 mp_err   s_mp_div(mp_int *rem, mp_int *div, mp_int *quot); /* magnitude div */
 231 mp_err   s_mp_exptmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
 232 mp_err   s_mp_2expt(mp_int *a, mp_digit k);    /* a = 2^k                 */
 233 int      s_mp_cmp(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude comparison */
 234 int      s_mp_cmp_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d); /* magnitude digit compare */
 235 int      s_mp_ispow2(const mp_int *v);         /* is v a power of 2?      */
 236 int      s_mp_ispow2d(mp_digit d);             /* is d a power of 2?      */
 238 int      s_mp_tovalue(char ch, int r);          /* convert ch to value    */
 239 char     s_mp_todigit(mp_digit val, int r, int low); /* convert val to digit */
 240 int      s_mp_outlen(int bits, int r);          /* output length in bytes */
 241 mp_digit s_mp_invmod_radix(mp_digit P);   /* returns (P ** -1) mod RADIX */
 242 mp_err   s_mp_invmod_odd_m( const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
 243 mp_err   s_mp_invmod_2d(    const mp_int *a, mp_size k,       mp_int *c);
 244 mp_err   s_mp_invmod_even_m(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
 246 #ifdef NSS_USE_COMBA
 248 #define IS_POWER_OF_2(a) ((a) && !((a) & ((a)-1)))
 250 void s_mp_mul_comba_4(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
 251 void s_mp_mul_comba_8(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
 252 void s_mp_mul_comba_16(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
 253 void s_mp_mul_comba_32(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
 255 void s_mp_sqr_comba_4(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
 256 void s_mp_sqr_comba_8(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
 257 void s_mp_sqr_comba_16(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
 258 void s_mp_sqr_comba_32(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
 260 #endif /* end NSS_USE_COMBA */
 262 /* ------ mpv functions, operate on arrays of digits, not on mp_int's ------ */
 263 #if defined (__OS2__) && defined (__IBMC__)
 264 #define MPI_ASM_DECL __cdecl
 265 #else
 266 #define MPI_ASM_DECL
 267 #endif
 269 #ifdef MPI_AMD64
 271 mp_digit MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_set_vec64(mp_digit*, mp_digit *, mp_size, mp_digit);
 272 mp_digit MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_add_vec64(mp_digit*, const mp_digit*, mp_size, mp_digit);
 274 /* c = a * b */
 275 #define s_mpv_mul_d(a, a_len, b, c) \
 276         ((unsigned long*)c)[a_len] = s_mpv_mul_set_vec64(c, a, a_len, b)
 278 /* c += a * b */
 279 #define s_mpv_mul_d_add(a, a_len, b, c) \
 280         ((unsigned long*)c)[a_len] = s_mpv_mul_add_vec64(c, a, a_len, b)
 282 #else
 284 void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len,
 285                                         mp_digit b, mp_digit *c);
 286 void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len,
 287                                             mp_digit b, mp_digit *c);
 289 #endif
 291 void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a,
 292                                                 mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, 
 293                                                 mp_digit *c);
 294 void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(const mp_digit *a,
 295                                                 mp_size a_len,
 296                                                 mp_digit *sqrs);
 298 mp_err   MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_div_2dx1d(mp_digit Nhi, mp_digit Nlo,
 299                             mp_digit divisor, mp_digit *quot, mp_digit *rem);
 301 /* c += a * b * (MP_RADIX ** offset);  */
 302 #define s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(a, b, c, off) \
 303 (s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(MP_DIGITS(a), MP_USED(a), b, MP_DIGITS(c) + off), MP_OKAY)
 305 typedef struct {
 306   mp_int       N;       /* modulus N */
 307   mp_digit     n0prime; /* n0' = - (n0 ** -1) mod MP_RADIX */
 308   mp_size      b;       /* R == 2 ** b,  also b = # significant bits in N */
 309 } mp_mont_modulus;
 311 mp_err s_mp_mul_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c, 
 312                        mp_mont_modulus *mmm);
 313 mp_err s_mp_redc(mp_int *T, mp_mont_modulus *mmm);
 315 /*
 316  * s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize() returns the size in bytes of the cache line
 317  * if a cache exists, or zero if there is no cache. If more than one
 318  * cache line exists, it should return the smallest line size (which is
 319  * usually the L1 cache).
 320  *
 321  * mp_modexp uses this information to make sure that private key information
 322  * isn't being leaked through the cache.
 323  *
 324  * see mpcpucache.c for the implementation.
 325  */
 326 unsigned long s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize();
 328 /* }}} */
 329 #endif /* _MPI_PRIV_H */
--- EOF ---