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8649 SD_RESET_THROTTLE_TIMEOUT is defined twice
Reviewed by: Yuri Pankov <>
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>

1729  * 100 msec. is what we'll wait for restarted commands.
1730  */
1731 #define SD_RESTART_TIMEOUT              (drv_usectohz((clock_t)100000))
1733 /*
1734  * 10s misaligned I/O warning message interval
1735  */
1736 #define SD_RMW_MSG_PRINT_TIMEOUT        (drv_usectohz((clock_t)10000000))
1738 /*
1739  * 100 msec. is what we'll wait for certain retries for fibre channel
1740  * targets, 0 msec for parallel SCSI.
1741  */
1742 #if defined(__fibre)
1743 #define SD_RETRY_DELAY                  (drv_usectohz(100000))
1744 #else
1745 #define SD_RETRY_DELAY                  ((clock_t)0)
1746 #endif
1748 /*
1749  * 60 seconds is what we will wait for to reset the
1750  * throttle back to it SD_MAX_THROTTLE.
1751  */
1752 #define SD_RESET_THROTTLE_TIMEOUT       60
1754 /*
1755  * Number of times we'll retry a normal operation.
1756  *
1757  * This includes retries due to transport failure
1758  * (need to distinguish between Target and Transport failure)
1759  *
1760  */
1761 #if defined(__fibre)
1762 #define SD_RETRY_COUNT                  3
1763 #else
1764 #define SD_RETRY_COUNT                  5
1765 #endif
1767 /*
1768  * Number of times we will retry for unit attention.
1769  */
1770 #define SD_UA_RETRY_COUNT               600
1772 #define SD_VICTIM_RETRY_COUNT(un)       (un->un_victim_retry_count)
1773 #define CD_NOT_READY_RETRY_COUNT(un)    (un->un_retry_count * 2)
1774 #define DISK_NOT_READY_RETRY_COUNT(un)  (un->un_retry_count / 2)

1729  * 100 msec. is what we'll wait for restarted commands.
1730  */
1731 #define SD_RESTART_TIMEOUT              (drv_usectohz((clock_t)100000))
1733 /*
1734  * 10s misaligned I/O warning message interval
1735  */
1736 #define SD_RMW_MSG_PRINT_TIMEOUT        (drv_usectohz((clock_t)10000000))
1738 /*
1739  * 100 msec. is what we'll wait for certain retries for fibre channel
1740  * targets, 0 msec for parallel SCSI.
1741  */
1742 #if defined(__fibre)
1743 #define SD_RETRY_DELAY                  (drv_usectohz(100000))
1744 #else
1745 #define SD_RETRY_DELAY                  ((clock_t)0)
1746 #endif
1748 /*

1749  * Number of times we'll retry a normal operation.
1750  *
1751  * This includes retries due to transport failure
1752  * (need to distinguish between Target and Transport failure)
1753  *
1754  */
1755 #if defined(__fibre)
1756 #define SD_RETRY_COUNT                  3
1757 #else
1758 #define SD_RETRY_COUNT                  5
1759 #endif
1761 /*
1762  * Number of times we will retry for unit attention.
1763  */
1764 #define SD_UA_RETRY_COUNT               600
1766 #define SD_VICTIM_RETRY_COUNT(un)       (un->un_victim_retry_count)
1767 #define CD_NOT_READY_RETRY_COUNT(un)    (un->un_retry_count * 2)
1768 #define DISK_NOT_READY_RETRY_COUNT(un)  (un->un_retry_count / 2)