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          --- old/usr/src/uts/common/sys/fm/util.h
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/common/sys/fm/util.h
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  14   14   * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15   15   * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16   * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17   * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18   *
  19   19   * CDDL HEADER END
  20   20   */
  21   21  
  22   22  /*
  23   23   * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
       24 + * Copyright 2017 RackTop Systems.
  24   25   */
  25   26  
  26   27  #ifndef _SYS_FM_UTIL_H
  27   28  #define _SYS_FM_UTIL_H
  28   29  
  29   30  #ifdef  __cplusplus
  30   31  extern "C" {
  31   32  #endif
  32   33  
  33   34  #include <sys/nvpair.h>
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  63   64          uint32_t ed_size;       /* ereport (nvl) fixed buf size */
  64   65          uint32_t ed_pad;        /* reserved for future use */
  65   66          hrtime_t ed_hrt_nsec;   /* hrtime of this ereport */
  66   67          hrtime_t ed_hrt_base;   /* hrtime sample corresponding to ed_tod_base */
  67   68          struct {
  68   69                  uint64_t sec;   /* seconds since gettimeofday() Epoch */
  69   70                  uint64_t nsec;  /* nanoseconds past ed_tod_base.sec */
  70   71          } ed_tod_base;
  71   72  } erpt_dump_t;
  72   73  
  73      -#ifdef _KERNEL
       74 +#if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_FAKE_KERNEL)
  74   75  #include <sys/systm.h>
  75   76  
  76   77  #define FM_STK_DEPTH    20      /* maximum stack depth */
  77   78  #define FM_SYM_SZ       64      /* maximum symbol size */
  78   79  #define FM_ERR_PIL      2       /* PIL for ereport_errorq drain processing */
  79   80  
  80   81  #define FM_EREPORT_PAYLOAD_NAME_STACK           "stack"
  81   82  
  82   83  extern errorq_t *ereport_errorq;
  83   84  extern void *ereport_dumpbuf;
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  87   88  extern void fm_nvprint(nvlist_t *);
  88   89  extern void fm_panic(const char *, ...);
  89   90  extern void fm_banner(void);
  90   91  
  91   92  extern void fm_ereport_dump(void);
  92   93  extern void fm_ereport_post(nvlist_t *, int);
  93   94  
  94   95  extern void fm_payload_stack_add(nvlist_t *, const pc_t *, int);
  95   96  
  96   97  extern int is_fm_panic();
  97      -#endif  /* _KERNEL */
       98 +#endif  /* _KERNEL || _FAKE_KERNEL */
  98   99  
  99  100  #ifdef  __cplusplus
 100  101  }
 101  102  #endif
 102  103  
 103  104  #endif /* _SYS_FM_UTIL_H */