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8115 parallel zfs mount

@@ -21,27 +21,24 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
  * Copyright (c) 2012, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2017 RackTop Systems.
 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-#define _SYS_MUTEX_H
-#define _SYS_RWLOCK_H
-#define _SYS_CONDVAR_H
-#define _SYS_SYSTM_H
-#define _SYS_T_LOCK_H
+#define _SYNCH_H
 #define _SYS_VNODE_H
 #define _SYS_VFS_H
-#define _SYS_SUNDDI_H
 #define _SYS_CALLB_H
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stddef.h>

@@ -49,11 +46,10 @@
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <strings.h>
-#include <synch.h>
 #include <thread.h>
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <alloca.h>
 #include <umem.h>
 #include <limits.h>

@@ -78,45 +74,39 @@
 #include <sys/sdt.h>
 #include <sys/kstat.h>
 #include <sys/u8_textprep.h>
 #include <sys/sysevent/eventdefs.h>
 #include <sys/sysevent/dev.h>
-#include <sys/sunddi.h>
 #include <sys/debug.h>
+#include <sys/taskq.h>
+#include <sys/taskq_impl.h>
+#include <sys/mutex.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/condvar.h>
+#include <sys/cmn_err.h>
+#include <sys/kmem.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/random.h>
+#include <sys/buf.h>
+#include <sys/sid.h>
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+#include <sys/bitmap.h>
+#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
+#include <sys/cpuvar.h>
+#include <sys/pset.h>
+#include <sys/kobj.h>
+#include <sys/fm/util.h>
 #include "zfs.h"
- * Debugging
- */
- * Note that we are not using the debugging levels.
- */
-#define CE_CONT         0       /* continuation         */
-#define CE_NOTE         1       /* notice               */
-#define CE_WARN         2       /* warning              */
-#define CE_PANIC        3       /* panic                */
-#define CE_IGNORE       4       /* print nothing        */
  * ZFS debugging
 #ifdef ZFS_DEBUG
 extern void dprintf_setup(int *argc, char **argv);
 #endif /* ZFS_DEBUG */
-extern void cmn_err(int, const char *, ...);
-extern void vcmn_err(int, const char *, __va_list);
-extern void panic(const char *, ...)  __NORETURN;
-extern void vpanic(const char *, __va_list)  __NORETURN;
-#define fm_panic        panic
-extern int aok;
  * DTrace SDT probes have different signatures in userland than they do in
  * the kernel.  If they're being used in kernel code, re-define them out of
  * existence for their counterparts in libzpool.

@@ -172,238 +162,19 @@
 #define SET_ERROR(err) (ZFS_SET_ERROR(err), err)
  * Threads
-#define curthread       ((void *)(uintptr_t)thr_self())
 #define kpreempt(x)     yield()
-typedef struct kthread kthread_t;
-#define thread_create(stk, stksize, func, arg, len, pp, state, pri)     \
-        zk_thread_create(func, arg, len)
-#define thread_exit() thr_exit(NULL)
-#define thread_join(t)  panic("libzpool cannot join threads")
 #define newproc(f, a, cid, pri, ctp, pid)       (ENOSYS)
-/* in libzpool, p0 exists only to have its address taken */
-struct proc {
-        uintptr_t       this_is_never_used_dont_dereference_it;
-extern struct proc p0;
-#define curproc         (&p0)
-#define PS_NONE         -1
-extern kthread_t *zk_thread_create(void (*func)(void*), void *arg,
-    uint64_t len);
-#define issig(why)      (FALSE)
-#define ISSIG(thr, why) (FALSE)
- * Mutexes
+ * vnodes
-typedef struct kmutex {
-        void            *m_owner;
-        boolean_t       initialized;
-        mutex_t         m_lock;
-} kmutex_t;
-#undef  MUTEX_HELD
-#define MUTEX_HELD(m) _mutex_held(&(m)->m_lock)
-#define MUTEX_NOT_HELD(m) (!MUTEX_HELD(m))
- * Argh -- we have to get cheesy here because the kernel and userland
- * have different signatures for the same routine.
- */
-extern int _mutex_init(mutex_t *mp, int type, void *arg);
-extern int _mutex_destroy(mutex_t *mp);
-#define mutex_init(mp, b, c, d)         zmutex_init((kmutex_t *)(mp))
-#define mutex_destroy(mp)               zmutex_destroy((kmutex_t *)(mp))
-#define mutex_enter(mp)                 zmutex_enter(mp)
-#define mutex_exit(mp)                  zmutex_exit(mp)
-extern void zmutex_init(kmutex_t *mp);
-extern void zmutex_destroy(kmutex_t *mp);
-extern void zmutex_enter(kmutex_t *mp);
-extern void zmutex_exit(kmutex_t *mp);
-extern int mutex_tryenter(kmutex_t *mp);
-extern void *mutex_owner(kmutex_t *mp);
- * RW locks
- */
-typedef struct krwlock {
-        void            *rw_owner;
-        boolean_t       initialized;
-        rwlock_t        rw_lock;
-} krwlock_t;
-typedef int krw_t;
-#define RW_READER       0
-#define RW_WRITER       1
-#undef RW_READ_HELD
-#define RW_READ_HELD(x)         _rw_read_held(&(x)->rw_lock)
-#define RW_WRITE_HELD(x)        _rw_write_held(&(x)->rw_lock)
-#undef RW_LOCK_HELD
-#define RW_LOCK_HELD(x)         (RW_READ_HELD(x) || RW_WRITE_HELD(x))
-extern void rw_init(krwlock_t *rwlp, char *name, int type, void *arg);
-extern void rw_destroy(krwlock_t *rwlp);
-extern void rw_enter(krwlock_t *rwlp, krw_t rw);
-extern int rw_tryenter(krwlock_t *rwlp, krw_t rw);
-extern int rw_tryupgrade(krwlock_t *rwlp);
-extern void rw_exit(krwlock_t *rwlp);
-#define rw_downgrade(rwlp) do { } while (0)
-extern uid_t crgetuid(cred_t *cr);
-extern uid_t crgetruid(cred_t *cr);
-extern gid_t crgetgid(cred_t *cr);
-extern int crgetngroups(cred_t *cr);
-extern gid_t *crgetgroups(cred_t *cr);
- * Condition variables
- */
-typedef cond_t kcondvar_t;
-extern void cv_init(kcondvar_t *cv, char *name, int type, void *arg);
-extern void cv_destroy(kcondvar_t *cv);
-extern void cv_wait(kcondvar_t *cv, kmutex_t *mp);
-extern clock_t cv_timedwait(kcondvar_t *cv, kmutex_t *mp, clock_t abstime);
-extern clock_t cv_timedwait_hires(kcondvar_t *cvp, kmutex_t *mp, hrtime_t tim,
-    hrtime_t res, int flag);
-extern void cv_signal(kcondvar_t *cv);
-extern void cv_broadcast(kcondvar_t *cv);
- * Thread-specific data
- */
-#define tsd_get(k) pthread_getspecific(k)
-#define tsd_set(k, v) pthread_setspecific(k, v)
-#define tsd_create(kp, d) pthread_key_create(kp, d)
-#define tsd_destroy(kp) /* nothing */
- * kstat creation, installation and deletion
- */
-extern kstat_t *kstat_create(const char *, int,
-    const char *, const char *, uchar_t, ulong_t, uchar_t);
-extern void kstat_named_init(kstat_named_t *, const char *, uchar_t);
-extern void kstat_install(kstat_t *);
-extern void kstat_delete(kstat_t *);
-extern void kstat_waitq_enter(kstat_io_t *);
-extern void kstat_waitq_exit(kstat_io_t *);
-extern void kstat_runq_enter(kstat_io_t *);
-extern void kstat_runq_exit(kstat_io_t *);
-extern void kstat_waitq_to_runq(kstat_io_t *);
-extern void kstat_runq_back_to_waitq(kstat_io_t *);
- * Kernel memory
- */
-#define KM_SLEEP                UMEM_NOFAIL
-#define KM_PUSHPAGE             KM_SLEEP
-#define KM_NOSLEEP              UMEM_DEFAULT
-#define KM_NORMALPRI            0       /* not needed with UMEM_DEFAULT */
-#define KMC_NODEBUG             UMC_NODEBUG
-#define KMC_NOTOUCH             0       /* not needed for userland caches */
-#define kmem_alloc(_s, _f)      umem_alloc(_s, _f)
-#define kmem_zalloc(_s, _f)     umem_zalloc(_s, _f)
-#define kmem_free(_b, _s)       umem_free(_b, _s)
-#define kmem_cache_create(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i) \
-        umem_cache_create(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i)
-#define kmem_cache_destroy(_c)  umem_cache_destroy(_c)
-#define kmem_cache_alloc(_c, _f) umem_cache_alloc(_c, _f)
-#define kmem_cache_free(_c, _b) umem_cache_free(_c, _b)
-#define kmem_debugging()        0
-#define kmem_cache_reap_now(_c)         /* nothing */
-#define kmem_cache_set_move(_c, _cb)    /* nothing */
-#define vmem_qcache_reap(_v)            /* nothing */
-#define POINTER_INVALIDATE(_pp)         /* nothing */
-#define POINTER_IS_VALID(_p)    0
-extern vmem_t *zio_arena;
-typedef umem_cache_t kmem_cache_t;
-typedef enum kmem_cbrc {
-        KMEM_CBRC_YES,
-        KMEM_CBRC_NO,
-} kmem_cbrc_t;
- * Task queues
- */
-typedef struct taskq taskq_t;
-typedef uintptr_t taskqid_t;
-typedef void (task_func_t)(void *);
-typedef struct taskq_ent {
-        struct taskq_ent        *tqent_next;
-        struct taskq_ent        *tqent_prev;
-        task_func_t             *tqent_func;
-        void                    *tqent_arg;
-        uintptr_t               tqent_flags;
-} taskq_ent_t;
-#define TQENT_FLAG_PREALLOC     0x1     /* taskq_dispatch_ent used */
-#define TASKQ_PREPOPULATE       0x0001
-#define TASKQ_CPR_SAFE          0x0002  /* Use CPR safe protocol */
-#define TASKQ_DYNAMIC           0x0004  /* Use dynamic thread scheduling */
-#define TASKQ_THREADS_CPU_PCT   0x0008  /* Scale # threads by # cpus */
-#define TASKQ_DC_BATCH          0x0010  /* Mark threads as batch */
-#define TQ_SLEEP        KM_SLEEP        /* Can block for memory */
-#define TQ_NOSLEEP      KM_NOSLEEP      /* cannot block for memory; may fail */
-#define TQ_NOQUEUE      0x02            /* Do not enqueue if can't dispatch */
-#define TQ_FRONT        0x08            /* Queue in front */
-extern taskq_t *system_taskq;
-extern taskq_t  *taskq_create(const char *, int, pri_t, int, int, uint_t);
-#define taskq_create_proc(a, b, c, d, e, p, f) \
-            (taskq_create(a, b, c, d, e, f))
-#define taskq_create_sysdc(a, b, d, e, p, dc, f) \
-            (taskq_create(a, b, maxclsyspri, d, e, f))
-extern taskqid_t taskq_dispatch(taskq_t *, task_func_t, void *, uint_t);
-extern void     taskq_dispatch_ent(taskq_t *, task_func_t, void *, uint_t,
-    taskq_ent_t *);
-extern void     taskq_destroy(taskq_t *);
-extern void     taskq_wait(taskq_t *);
-extern int      taskq_member(taskq_t *, void *);
-extern void     system_taskq_init(void);
-extern void     system_taskq_fini(void);
 #define XVA_MAPSIZE     3
 #define XVA_MAGIC       0x78766174
- * vnodes
- */
 typedef struct vnode {
         uint64_t        v_size;
         int             v_fd;
         char            *v_path;
         int             v_dump_fd;

@@ -499,54 +270,29 @@
 #define vn_is_readonly(vp)              B_FALSE
 extern vnode_t *rootdir;
 #include <sys/file.h>           /* for FREAD, FWRITE, etc */
+#include <sys/sunddi.h>         /* for ddi_strtoul, ddi_strtoull, etc */
+#include <sys/cyclic.h>         /* for cyclic_add, cyclic remove, etc */
+#include <vm/seg_kmem.h>        /* for zio_arena */
  * Random stuff
-#define ddi_get_lbolt()         (gethrtime() >> 23)
-#define ddi_get_lbolt64()       (gethrtime() >> 23)
-#define hz      119     /* frequency when using gethrtime() >> 23 for lbolt */
-extern void delay(clock_t ticks);
-#define SEC_TO_TICK(sec)        ((sec) * hz)
-#define NSEC_TO_TICK(usec)      ((usec) / (NANOSEC / hz))
-#define gethrestime_sec() time(NULL)
-#define gethrestime(t) \
-        do {\
-                (t)->tv_sec = gethrestime_sec();\
-                (t)->tv_nsec = 0;\
-        } while (0);
 #define max_ncpus       64
 #define boot_ncpus      (sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN))
 #define minclsyspri     60
 #define maxclsyspri     99
 #define CPU_SEQID       (thr_self() & (max_ncpus - 1))
-#define kcred           NULL
-#define CRED()          NULL
-#define ptob(x)         ((x) * PAGESIZE)
-extern uint64_t physmem;
-extern int highbit64(uint64_t i);
-extern int random_get_bytes(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len);
-extern int random_get_pseudo_bytes(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len);
 extern void kernel_init(int);
 extern void kernel_fini(void);
 struct spa;
-extern void nicenum(uint64_t num, char *buf, size_t);
 extern void show_pool_stats(struct spa *);
 extern int set_global_var(char *arg);
 typedef struct callb_cpr {
         kmutex_t        *cc_lockp;

@@ -570,131 +316,18 @@
 #define zone_dataset_visible(x, y)      (1)
 #define INGLOBALZONE(z)                 (1)
-extern char *kmem_asprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
-#define strfree(str) kmem_free((str), strlen(str) + 1)
- * Hostname information
- */
-extern char hw_serial[];        /* for userland-emulated hostid access */
-extern int ddi_strtoul(const char *str, char **nptr, int base,
-    unsigned long *result);
-extern int ddi_strtoull(const char *str, char **nptr, int base,
-    u_longlong_t *result);
-/* ZFS Boot Related stuff. */
-struct _buf {
-        intptr_t        _fd;
-struct bootstat {
-        uint64_t st_size;
-typedef struct ace_object {
-        uid_t           a_who;
-        uint32_t        a_access_mask;
-        uint16_t        a_flags;
-        uint16_t        a_type;
-        uint8_t         a_obj_type[16];
-        uint8_t         a_inherit_obj_type[16];
-} ace_object_t;
-extern struct _buf *kobj_open_file(char *name);
-extern int kobj_read_file(struct _buf *file, char *buf, unsigned size,
-    unsigned off);
-extern void kobj_close_file(struct _buf *file);
-extern int kobj_get_filesize(struct _buf *file, uint64_t *size);
 extern int zfs_secpolicy_snapshot_perms(const char *name, cred_t *cr);
 extern int zfs_secpolicy_rename_perms(const char *from, const char *to,
     cred_t *cr);
 extern int zfs_secpolicy_destroy_perms(const char *name, cred_t *cr);
-extern zoneid_t getzoneid(void);
-/* SID stuff */
-typedef struct ksiddomain {
-        uint_t  kd_ref;
-        uint_t  kd_len;
-        char    *kd_name;
-} ksiddomain_t;
-ksiddomain_t *ksid_lookupdomain(const char *);
-void ksiddomain_rele(ksiddomain_t *);
-#define DDI_SLEEP       KM_SLEEP
 #define ddi_log_sysevent(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g) \
         sysevent_post_event(_c, _d, _b, "libzpool", _e, _f)
- * Cyclic information
- */
-extern kmutex_t cpu_lock;
-typedef uintptr_t cyclic_id_t;
-typedef uint16_t cyc_level_t;
-typedef void (*cyc_func_t)(void *);
-#define CY_LOW_LEVEL    0
-#define CY_INFINITY     INT64_MAX
-#define CYCLIC_NONE     ((cyclic_id_t)0)
-typedef struct cyc_time {
-        hrtime_t cyt_when;
-        hrtime_t cyt_interval;
-} cyc_time_t;
-typedef struct cyc_handler {
-        cyc_func_t cyh_func;
-        void *cyh_arg;
-        cyc_level_t cyh_level;
-} cyc_handler_t;
-extern cyclic_id_t cyclic_add(cyc_handler_t *, cyc_time_t *);
-extern void cyclic_remove(cyclic_id_t);
-extern int cyclic_reprogram(cyclic_id_t, hrtime_t);
- * Buf structure
- */
-#define B_BUSY          0x0001
-#define B_DONE          0x0002
-#define B_ERROR         0x0004
-#define B_READ          0x0040  /* read when I/O occurs */
-#define B_WRITE         0x0100  /* non-read pseudo-flag */
-typedef struct buf {
-        int     b_flags;
-        size_t b_bcount;
-        union {
-                caddr_t b_addr;
-        } b_un;
-        lldaddr_t       _b_blkno;
-#define b_lblkno        _b_blkno._f
-        size_t  b_resid;
-        size_t  b_bufsize;
-        int     (*b_iodone)(struct buf *);
-        int     b_error;
-        void    *b_private;
-} buf_t;
-extern void bioinit(buf_t *);
-extern void biodone(buf_t *);
-extern void bioerror(buf_t *, int);
-extern int geterror(buf_t *);
 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 #endif  /* _SYS_ZFS_CONTEXT_H */