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7612 SGSPROTO lacks structure
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Richard Lowe <>

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/
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  77   77  
  78   78  SGSHOME =       $(SRC)/cmd/sgs
  79   79  SGSPROTO =      $(SGSHOME)/proto/$(MACH)
  80   80  SGSTOOLS =      $(SGSHOME)/tools
  81   81  SGSMSGID =      $(SGSHOME)/messages
  82   82  SGSMSGDIR =     $(SGSHOME)/messages/$(MACH)
  83   83  SGSONLD =       $(ROOT)/opt/SUNWonld
  84   84  SGSRPATH =      /usr/lib
  85   85  SGSRPATH64 =    $(SGSRPATH)/$(MACH64)
  86   86  
       87 +# Mimic the structure of an installed system.
       88 +
       89 +SGSLIBDIR =     $(SGSPROTO)/lib
       90 +SGSPREFIX =     $(SGSPROTO)/usr
       91 +SGSBINDIR =     $(SGSPREFIX)/bin
       92 +
  87   93  #
  88   94  # Macros to be used to include link against libconv and include vernote.o
  89   95  #
  90   96  VERSREF =       -ulink_ver_string
  91   97  
  92   98  LDLIBDIR =      -L$(SGSHOME)/libld/$(MACH)
  93   99  LDLIBDIR64 =    -L$(SGSHOME)/libld/$(MACH64)
  94  100  
  95  101  CONVLIBDIR =    -L$(SGSHOME)/libconv/$(MACH)
  96  102  CONVLIBDIR64 =  -L$(SGSHOME)/libconv/$(MACH64)
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 114  120  SGSMSG_PIGLATIN_NL =    perl $(SGSTOOLS)/common/
 115  121  CHKMSG =                $(SGSTOOLS)/
 116  122  
 117  123  SGSMSGVFLAG =
 118  124  SGSMSGFLAGS =   $(SGSMSGVFLAG) -i $(SGSMSGID)/sgs.ident
 119  125  CHKMSGFLAGS =   $(SGSMSGTARG:%=-m %) $(SGSMSGCHK:%=-m %)
 120  126  
 121  127  # Native targets should use the minimum of ld(1) flags to allow building on
 122  128  # previous releases.  We use mapfiles to scope, but don't bother versioning.
 123  129  
 124      -native :=       DYNFLAGS = -R$(SGSPROTO) -L$(SGSPROTO) $(ZNOVERSION) $(HSONAME)
      130 +native :=       DYNFLAGS = -R$(SGSLIBDIR) -L$(SGSLIBDIR) $(ZNOVERSION) \
      131 +                        $(HSONAME)
 125  132  
 126  133  # Comment out the following two lines to have the sgs built from the system
 127  134  # link-editor, rather than the local proto link-editor.
 128      -CC_USE_PROTO =  -Yl,$(SGSPROTO)
 129      -LD_USE_PROTO =  $(SGSPROTO)/
      135 +CC_USE_PROTO =  -Yl,$(SGSBINDIR)
      136 +LD_USE_PROTO =  $(SGSBINDIR)/
 130  137  
 131  138  #
 132  139  # lint-related stuff
 133  140  #
 134  141  LIBNAME32 =     $(LIBNAME:%=%32)
 135  142  LIBNAME64 =     $(LIBNAME:%=%64)
 136  143  LIBNAMES =      $(LIBNAME32) $(LIBNAME64)
 137  144  
 138  145  SGSLINTOUT =    lint.out
 139  146  LINTOUT1 =      lint.out.1
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