1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  *
   4  * Common includes and defines for Sun::Solaris::Exacct.
   5  */
   7 #ifndef _EXACCT_COMMON_H
   8 #define _EXACCT_COMMON_H
  10 /* Exacct related includes. */
  11 #include <exacct.h>
  13 /*
  14  * On i386 Solaris defines SP, which conflicts with the perl definition of SP
  15  * We don't need the Solaris one, so get rid of it to avoid warnings.
  16  */
  17 #undef SP
  19 /* Perl XS includes. */
  20 #include "EXTERN.h"
  21 #include "perl.h"
  22 #include "XSUB.h"
  24 /* Root of the Exacct namespace. */
  25 #define PKGBASE "Sun::Solaris::Exacct"
  27 /* Debugging assertion macros. */
  28 #ifdef EXACCT_DEBUG
  29 #define PERL_ASSERT(EXPR) ((void)((EXPR) || \
  30         (croak("%s(%d) assertion failed: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #EXPR), 0), \
  31         0))
  32 #define PERL_ASSERTMSG(EXPR, MSG) ((void)((EXPR) || \
  33         (croak("%s(%d) %s", __FILE__ __LINE__, MSG), 0), 0))
  34 #else
  35 #define PERL_ASSERT(EXP)                ((void)0)
  36 #define PERL_ASSERTMSG(EXP, MSG)        ((void)0)
  37 #endif
  39 /*
  40  * Object stash pointers - caching these speeds up the creation and
  41  * typechecking of perl objects by removing the need to do a hash lookup.
  42  * The peculiar variable names are so that typemaps can generate the correct
  43  * package name using the typemap '$Package' variable as the root of the name.
  44  */
  45 extern HV *Sun_Solaris_Exacct_Catalog_stash;
  46 extern HV *Sun_Solaris_Exacct_File_stash;
  47 extern HV *Sun_Solaris_Exacct_Object_Item_stash;
  48 extern HV *Sun_Solaris_Exacct_Object_Group_stash;
  49 extern HV *Sun_Solaris_Exacct_Object__Array_stash;
  51 /* Populate the stash pointers, provided by Exacct.xs. */
  52 extern void init_stashes(void);
  54 /*
  55  * Pointer to part of the hash tree built by define_catalog_constants in
  56  * Catalog.xs.  This is used by catalog_id_str() in Exacct.xs when mapping
  57  * from a catalog to an id string.
  58  */
  59 extern HV *IdValueHash;
  60 extern char *catalog_id_str(ea_catalog_t catalog);
  62 /*
  63  * Structure for holding an ::Exacct::Object.  Different bits of this structure
  64  * will be populated depending on the type of Object (Item or Group), and on
  65  * how the Object was created (read from file or by the script).
  66  *
  67  * Simple Items
  68  * Only the ea_obj part is populated, and that points to an ea_object_t
  69  * that is used to hold the Item.
  70  *
  71  * Items containing embedded Objects
  72  * If an Item of this type has been read from file and has not been accessed,
  73  * just the ea_obj part will be populated.  If the object has been accessed, or
  74  * if it has been created from within the script, the perl_obj part will be
  75  * populated.
  76  *
  77  * Groups
  78  * If a Group has been read from file and has not been accessed, just the
  79  * ea_obj part will be populated.  If the object has been accessed, or if it has
  80  * been created from within the script, the perl_obj part will be populated.
  81  */
  82 typedef struct {
  83         ea_object_t     *ea_obj;        /* Underlying exacct object. */
  84         SV              *perl_obj;      /* Underlying perl object. */
  85         uchar_t         flags;          /* Object type and status. */
  86 } xs_ea_object_t;
  88 /* Macros for manipulating flag bits. */
  89 #define TYPE_MASK       0x03
  90 #define PLAIN_ITEM      0x00
  91 #define EMBED_ITEM      0x01
  92 #define GROUP           0x02
  94 #define GET_TYPE_BITS(X)        ((X)->flags & TYPE_MASK)
  95 #define SET_TYPE_BITS(X, Y)     ((X)->flags = (((X)->flags & ~TYPE_MASK) | Y)
  98 #define SET_GROUP(X)            (SET_TYPE_BITS(X, GROUP))
  99 #define IS_ITEM(X)              (GET_TYPE_BITS(X) < GROUP)
 100 #define IS_PLAIN_ITEM(X)        (GET_TYPE_BITS(X) == PLAIN_ITEM)
 101 #define IS_EMBED_ITEM(X)        (GET_TYPE_BITS(X) == EMBED_ITEM)
 102 #define IS_GROUP(X)             (GET_TYPE_BITS(X) == GROUP)
 104 #define INIT_PLAIN_ITEM_FLAGS(X)        ((X)->flags = PLAIN_ITEM)
 105 #define INIT_EMBED_ITEM_FLAGS(X)        ((X)->flags = EMBED_ITEM)
 106 #define INIT_GROUP_FLAGS(X)             ((X)->flags = GROUP)
 108 /* Fast way to make catalog objects, provided by Exacct.xs. */
 109 extern SV *new_catalog(ea_catalog_t cat);
 111 /* Return the integer catalog value from the passed object or SV. */
 112 extern ea_catalog_t catalog_value(SV *catalog);
 114 /* Fast way to make exacct objects, provided by Exacct.xs. */
 115 extern SV *new_xs_ea_object(ea_object_t *obj);
 117 /* Deflate an xs_ea_object, provided by Exacct.xs. */
 118 extern ea_object_t *deflate_xs_ea_object(SV *sv);
 120 /*
 121  * Structure and associated function for creating perl constants
 122  * and populating @_Constants, used for constant lookup by the modules.
 123  * See Exacct.xs for the definition of define_constants().
 124  */
 125 typedef enum { other = 0, type, catlg, id } consttype_t;
 126 typedef struct {
 127         const char              *name;
 128         const int               len;
 129         const consttype_t       consttype;
 130         const unsigned int      value;
 131 } constval_t;
 132 extern void define_constants(const char *pkg, constval_t *dvp);
 134 #endif  /* _EXACCT_COMMON_H */