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3795 find does not support -path or -ipath

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1/find.1
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1/find.1
   1    1  '\" te
   2    2  .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T
   3    3  .\" Copyright (c) 2008, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
   4    4  .\" Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
        5 +.\" Copyright (c) 2013 Andrew Stormont.  All rights reserved.
   5    6  .\" Portions Copyright (c) 1992, X/Open Company Limited All Rights Reserved
   6    7  .\"
   7    8  .\" Sun Microsystems, Inc. gratefully acknowledges The Open Group for
   8    9  .\" permission to reproduce portions of its copyrighted documentation.
   9   10  .\" Original documentation from The Open Group can be obtained online at
  10   11  .\"
  11   12  .\" The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open Group,
  12   13  .\" have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation.
  13   14  .\" In the following statement, the phrase "this text" refers to portions of
  14   15  .\" the system documentation. Portions of this text are reprinted and
↓ open down ↓ 290 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 305  306  .na
 306  307  \fB\fB-inum\fR \fIn\fR\fR
 307  308  .ad
 308  309  .RS 17n
 309  310  True if the file has inode number \fIn\fR.
 310  311  .RE
 311  312  
 312  313  .sp
 313  314  .ne 2
 314  315  .na
      316 +\fB\fB-ipath\fR \fIpattern\fR\fR
      318 +.RS 17n
      319 +Like \fB-path\fR, but the match is case insensitive.
      320 +.RE
      321 +
      322 +.sp
      323 2
 315  325  \fB\fB-iregex\fR \fIpattern\fR\fR
 316  326  .ad
 317  327  .RS 17n
 318  328  Like \fB-regex\fR, but the match is case insensitive.
 319  329  .RE
 320  330  
 321  331  .sp
 322  332  .ne 2
 323  333  .na
 324  334  \fB\fB-links\fR \fIn\fR\fR
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 521  531  \fB\fB-ok\fR \fIcommand\fR\fR
 522  532  .ad
 523  533  .RS 17n
 524  534  Like \fB-exec\fR, except that the generated command line is printed with a
 525  535  question mark first, and is executed only if the response is affirmative.
 526  536  .RE
 527  537  
 528  538  .sp
 529  539  .ne 2
 530  540  .na
      541 +\fB\fB-path\fR\fR
      543 +.RS 17n
      544 +Like \fB-name\fR, but matches the entire file path and not just basename.
      545 +.RE
      546 +
      547 +.sp
      548 2
 531  550  \fB\fB-perm\fR [\fB-\fR]\fImode\fR\fR
 532  551  .ad
 533  552  .RS 17n
 534  553  The \fImode\fR argument is used to represent file mode bits. It is identical in
 535  554  format to the symbolic mode operand, \fIsymbolic_mode_list\fR, described in
 536  555  \fBchmod\fR(1), and is interpreted as follows. To start, a template is assumed
 537  556  with all file mode bits cleared. An \fIop\fR symbol of:
 538  557  .sp
 539  558  .ne 2
 540  559  .na
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