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1681 support for BUILD64=# no longer works

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          --- old/usr/src/Makefile.master.64
          +++ new/usr/src/Makefile.master.64
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  13   13  # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14   14  # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  #
  22   22  # Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
       23 +# Copyright 2014 Andrew Stormont.
  23   24  #
  24   25  
  25   26  # rebind basic build macros to 64-bit versions
  26   27  
  27   28  CFLAGS=         $(CFLAGS64)
  28   29  CCFLAGS=        $(CCFLAGS64)
  29   30  COPTFLAG=       $(COPTFLAG64)
  30   31  CCOPTFLAG=      $(CCOPTFLAG64)
  31   32  COMPILE.c=      $(COMPILE64.c)
  32   33     $(
  33   34  COMPILE.s=      $(COMPILE64.s)
  34   35  COMPILE.d=      $(COMPILE64.d)
  35   36  COMPILE.b=      $(COMPILE64.b)
  36   37  LINK.c=         $(LINK64.c)
  37   38        $(
  38   39  LINT.c=         $(LINT64.c)
  39   40  
       41 +$(NOT_BUILD64)COMPILE.c=        /usr/bin/false
       42 +$(NOT_BUILD64)       /usr/bin/false
       43 +$(NOT_BUILD64)COMPILE.s=        /usr/bin/false
       44 +$(NOT_BUILD64)COMPILE.d=        /usr/bin/false
       45 +$(NOT_BUILD64)COMPILE.b=        /usr/bin/false
       46 +$(NOT_BUILD64)LINK.c=           /usr/bin/false
       47 +$(NOT_BUILD64)          /usr/bin/false
       48 +$(NOT_BUILD64)LINT.c=           /usr/bin/false
       49 +
  40   50  CTF_FLAGS=      $(CTF_FLAGS_64)
  41   51  
  43   53  
  44   54  #
  45   55  # Some library path hackery, to allow building of partial workspaces
  46   56  # and properly set the 64-bit library paths with 'ws'
  47   57  #
  48   58  LDLIBS1=        $(ENVLDLIBS1:%=%/$(MACH64))
  49   59  LDLIBS2=        $(ENVLDLIBS2:%=%/$(MACH64))
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  65   75  #
  66   76  # Override Makefile.master's settings of CC, CCC, AS and LINT
  67   77  #
  68   78  CC=             $($(MACH64)_CC)
  69   79  CCC=            $($(MACH64)_CCC)
  70   80  CPP=            $($(MACH64)_CPP)
  71   81  AS=             $($(MACH64)_AS)
  72   82  LD=             $($(MACH64)_LD)
  73   83  LINT=           $($(MACH64)_LINT)
  74   84  
       85 +$(NOT_BUILD64)CC=       /usr/bin/false
       86 +$(NOT_BUILD64)CCC=      /usr/bin/false
       87 +$(NOT_BUILD64)CPP=      /usr/bin/false
       88 +$(NOT_BUILD64)AS=       /usr/bin/false
       89 +$(NOT_BUILD64)LD=       /usr/bin/false
       90 +$(NOT_BUILD64)LINT=     /usr/bin/false
       91 +
  75   92  REAL_CC=        $(CW_CC_CMD:sh)
  76   93  REAL_CCC=       $(CW_CCC_CMD:sh)
  77   94  
  78   95  BUILD.SO=       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(GSHARED) $(DYNFLAGS) \
  79   96                  $(PICS) $(EXTPICS) -L $(ROOTLIBDIR64) $(LDLIBS)
  80   97  
  81   98  #
  82   99  # ld(1) requires the -64 option to create a 64-bit filter solely from a mapfile
  83  100  #
  84  101  MAPFILECLASS=   -64
  85  102  
  86  103  CCNEEDED =              -lCrun
  87  104  $(__GNUC64)CCNEEDED =   -L$(GCCLIBDIR) -lstdc++
  88  105  $(__GNUC64)CCNEEDED +=  -lgcc_s
  89  106  
  90  107  BUILDCCC.SO=    $(CCC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $(GSHARED) $(DYNFLAGS) \
  91  108                  $(PICS) $(EXTPICS) $(LDLIBS) $(CCNEEDED)
  92  109  MAPFILE.NGB =   $(MAPFILE.NGB_$(MACH64))