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4853 illumos-gate is not lint-clean when built with openssl 1.0

@@ -160,29 +160,29 @@
    * what we need here...
    *                                    <>
 #  if defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__)
 #   define ROTATE(a,n)  ({ register unsigned int ret;   \
-                                asm (                   \
+                                __asm__ (                       \
                                 "roll %1,%0"            \
                                 : "=r"(ret)             \
                                 : "I"(n), "0"((unsigned int)(a))        \
                                 : "cc");                \
                            ret;                         \
 #  elif defined(_ARCH_PPC) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || \
         defined(__powerpc) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
 #   define ROTATE(a,n)  ({ register unsigned int ret;   \
-                                asm (                   \
+                                __asm__ (                       \
                                 "rlwinm %0,%1,%2,0,31"  \
                                 : "=r"(ret)             \
                                 : "r"(a), "I"(n));      \
                            ret;                         \
 #  elif defined(__s390x__)
 #   define ROTATE(a,n) ({ register unsigned int ret;    \
-                                asm ("rll %0,%1,%2"     \
+                                __asm__ ("rll %0,%1,%2" \
                                 : "=r"(ret)             \
                                 : "r"(a), "I"(n));      \
                           ret;                          \
 #  endif

@@ -205,14 +205,14 @@
      * with gcc [on P4]. Well, first macro to be frank. We can pull
      * this trick on x86* platforms only, because these CPUs can fetch
      * unaligned data without raising an exception.
 #   define HOST_c2l(c,l)        ({ unsigned int r=*((const unsigned int *)(c)); \
-                                   asm ("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r));    \
+                                   __asm__ ("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r));        \
                                    (c)+=4; (l)=r;                       })
 #   define HOST_l2c(l,c)        ({ unsigned int r=(l);                  \
-                                   asm ("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r));    \
+                                   __asm__ ("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r));        \
                                    *((unsigned int *)(c))=r; (c)+=4; r; })
 #   endif
 #  endif
 # endif

@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@
 #ifndef PEDANTIC
 # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2 && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_INLINE_ASM)
 #  if defined(__s390x__)
-#   define HOST_c2l(c,l)        ({ asm ("lrv    %0,%1"                  \
+#   define HOST_c2l(c,l)        ({ __asm__ ("lrv        %0,%1"                  \
                                    :"=d"(l) :"m"(*(const unsigned int *)(c)));\
                                    (c)+=4; (l);                         })
-#   define HOST_l2c(l,c)        ({ asm ("strv   %1,%0"                  \
+#   define HOST_l2c(l,c)        ({ __asm__ ("strv       %1,%0"                  \
                                    :"=m"(*(unsigned int *)(c)) :"d"(l));\
                                    (c)+=4; (l);                         })
 #  endif
 # endif