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5166 sendmail package should be replaceable

 603          * the host mailer.
 604          */
 606         extra = 2;
 608         if (rflag != NOSTR)
 609                 extra += 2;
 610 #ifdef SENDMAIL
 611         extra++;
 612         metoo = value("metoo") != NOSTR;
 613         if (metoo)
 614                 extra++;
 615         verbose = value("verbose") != NOSTR;
 616         if (verbose)
 617                 extra++;
 618         if (hflag)
 619                 extra += 2;
 620 #endif /* SENDMAIL */
 621         top = (char **) salloc((t + extra) * sizeof (char *));
 622         ap = top;
 623         *ap++ = "mail";
 624         if (rflag != NOSTR) {
 625                 *ap++ = "-r";
 626                 *ap++ = rflag;
 627         }
 628 #ifdef SENDMAIL
 629         *ap++ = "-i";
 630         if (metoo)
 631                 *ap++ = "-m";
 632         if (verbose)
 633                 *ap++ = "-v";
 634         if (hflag) {
 635                 *ap++ = "-h";
 636                 snprintf(hbuf, sizeof (hbuf), "%d", hflag);
 637                 *ap++ = savestr(hbuf);
 638         }
 639 #endif /* SENDMAIL */
 640         while (n != NIL) {
 641                 if (n->n_type & GDEL) {
 642                         n = n->n_flink;
 643                         continue;

 603          * the host mailer.
 604          */
 606         extra = 2;
 608         if (rflag != NOSTR)
 609                 extra += 2;
 610 #ifdef SENDMAIL
 611         extra++;
 612         metoo = value("metoo") != NOSTR;
 613         if (metoo)
 614                 extra++;
 615         verbose = value("verbose") != NOSTR;
 616         if (verbose)
 617                 extra++;
 618         if (hflag)
 619                 extra += 2;
 620 #endif /* SENDMAIL */
 621         top = (char **) salloc((t + extra) * sizeof (char *));
 622         ap = top;
 623         *ap++ = "sendmail";
 624         if (rflag != NOSTR) {
 625                 *ap++ = "-r";
 626                 *ap++ = rflag;
 627         }
 628 #ifdef SENDMAIL
 629         *ap++ = "-i";
 630         if (metoo)
 631                 *ap++ = "-m";
 632         if (verbose)
 633                 *ap++ = "-v";
 634         if (hflag) {
 635                 *ap++ = "-h";
 636                 snprintf(hbuf, sizeof (hbuf), "%d", hflag);
 637                 *ap++ = savestr(hbuf);
 638         }
 639 #endif /* SENDMAIL */
 640         while (n != NIL) {
 641                 if (n->n_type & GDEL) {
 642                         n = n->n_flink;
 643                         continue;