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4853 illumos-gate is not lint-clean when built with openssl 1.0
Reviewed by Keith Wesolowski <>
Reviewed by Alexander Eremin <>

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libwanboot/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libwanboot/
↓ open down ↓ 52 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  53   53  DHCP_DIR =      $(SRC)/common/net/dhcp
  54   54  DHCP_OBJS =     dhcpinfo.o
  55   55  DHCP_SRCS =     $(DHCP_OBJS:%.o=$(DHCP_DIR)/%.c)
  56   56  
  57   57  OBJECTS =       $(LOC_OBJS) $(COM_OBJS) $(DHCP_OBJS)
  58   58  
  59   59  include ../../Makefile.lib
  60   60  
  61   61  LIBS +=         $(LINTLIB)
  62   62  LDLIBS +=       -lnvpair -lresolv -lnsl -lsocket -ldevinfo -ldhcputil \
  63      -                -linetutil -lc -lcrypto -lssl
       63 +                -linetutil -lc
       64 +
       65 +# libcrypto and libssl have no lint library, so we can only use it when
       66 +# building
       67 +$(DYNLIB) := LDLIBS += -lcrypto -lssl
       68 +
  64   69  CPPFLAGS =      -I$(SRC)/common/net/wanboot/crypt $(CPPFLAGS.master)
  65   70  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-switch
  66   71  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  67   72  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-value
  68   73  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  69   74  
  70   75  # Must override SRCS from Makefile.lib since sources have
  71   76  # multiple source directories.
  72   77  SRCS =          $(LOC_SRCS) $(COM_SRCS) $(DHCP_SRCS)
  73   78  
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