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4853 illumos-gate is not lint-clean when built with openssl 1.0 (fix openssl 0.9.8 lint)

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libkmf/plugins/kmf_openssl/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libkmf/plugins/kmf_openssl/
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  36   36  
  37   37  BERLIB=         -lkmf -lkmfberder
  38   38  BERLIB64=       $(BERLIB)
  39   39  
  40   40  OPENSSLLIBS=    $(BERLIB) -lcrypto -lcryptoutil -lc
  41   41  OPENSSLLIBS64=  $(BERLIB64) -lcrypto -lcryptoutil -lc
  42   42  
  43   43  LINTSSLLIBS     = $(BERLIB) -lcryptoutil -lc
  44   44  LINTSSLLIBS64   = $(BERLIB64) -lcryptoutil -lc
  45   45  
       46 +# OpenSSL 1.0 and 0.9.8 produce different lint warnings
       49 +
  46   50  SRCDIR=         ../common
  47   51  INCDIR=         ../../include
  48   52  
  49   53  CFLAGS          +=      $(CCVERBOSE) 
  50   54  CPPFLAGS        +=      -D_REENTRANT $(KMFINC) \
  51   55                          -I$(INCDIR) -I$(ADJUNCT_PROTO)/usr/include/libxml2
  52   56  
  53   57  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-unused-label
  54   58  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-unused-value
  55   59  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
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