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2837 - remove print/lp* from gate and use CUPS from userland

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          --- old/exception_lists/check_rtime
          +++ new/exception_lists/check_rtime
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  40   40  
  41   41  
  42   42  # Directory hierarchies to skip completely
  43   43  SKIP            ^usr/lib/libc/                  # optimized libc
  44   44  SKIP            ^usr/lib/rcm/                   # 4426119
  45   45  SKIP            ^usr/perl5/                     # alan's taking care of these :-)
  46   46  SKIP            ^usr/src/                       # no objects in source code
  47   47  
  48   48  # Individual files that we don't examine
  49   49  SKIP            ^boot/grub/bin/grub$
  50      -SKIP            ^usr/apache/libexec/$ # Apache loadable module
       50 +SKIP            ^usr/apache2/2.2/libexec/$    # Apache loadable module
  51   51  # USIII specific extns. cause ldd noise on USII bld. m/c
  52   52  SKIP            ^usr/lib/fps/sun4u/UltraSPARC.*/fptest$
  53   53  SKIP            ^usr/MACH(lib)/lddstub$         # lddstub has no dependencies
  54   54  SKIP            ^usr/MACH(lib)/libssagent\.so\.1$       # 4328854
  55   55  SKIP            ^usr/lib/MACH(iconv)/$    # 4384329
  56   56  
  57   57  # picl file exclusions (4385799)
  58   58  SKIP            ^usr/platform/.*/libpsvcplugin_psr\.so\.1
  59   59  SKIP            ^usr/platform/.*/libpsvcpolicy_psr\.so\.1
  60   60  SKIP            ^usr/platform/.*/libpsvcpolicy\.so\.1
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