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5819 want dumpadm(1m) option to print estimated dump size
*** 4,14 ****
dumpadm - configure operating system crash dump
! /usr/sbin/dumpadm [-nuy] [-c content-type] [-d dump-device]
[-m mink | minm | min%] [-s savecore-dir]
[-r root-dir] [-z on | off]
--- 4,14 ----
dumpadm - configure operating system crash dump
! /usr/sbin/dumpadm [-enuy] [-c content-type] [-d dump-device]
[-m mink | minm | min%] [-s savecore-dir]
[-r root-dir] [-z on | off]
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If the special token none is specified, the active dump device
is removed and crash dumps are disabled.
+ -e
+ Estimates the size of the dump for the current running system.
-m mink | minm | min%
Create a minfree file in the current savecore directory indicating
that savecore should maintain at least the specified amount of free
space in the file system where the savecore directory is located.
The min argument can be one of the following:
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similar permissions, as the operating system crash dump files
themselves may contain secure information.
! February 15, 2013 DUMPADM(1M)
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similar permissions, as the operating system crash dump files
themselves may contain secure information.
! April 9, 2015 DUMPADM(1M)