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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/beadm.1m
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/beadm.1m
   1    1  '\" te
   2    2  .\" Copyright 2012 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
   3    3  .TH BEADM 1M "Feb 26, 2011"
   4    4  .SH NAME
   5    5  beadm \- utility for managing zfs boot environments
   6    6  .SH SYNOPSIS
   7    7  .LP
   8    8  .nf
   9      -\fBbeadm\fR create [\fB-a\fR] [\fB-d\fR \fIdescription\fR]
        9 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR [\fB-a\fR] [\fB-d\fR \fIdescription\fR]
  10   10       [\fB-e\fR \fInon-activeBeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR]
  11      -     [\fB-o\fR \fIproperty=value\fR] ... [\fB-p\fR \fIzpool\FI] \fIbeName\fR
       11 +     [\fB-o\fR \fIproperty=value\fR] ... [\fB-p\fR \fIzpool\fR]
       12 +     [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR
  12   13  .fi
  13   14  
  14   15  .LP
  15   16  .nf
  16      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
       17 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
  17   18  .fi
  18   19  
  19   20  .LP
  20   21  .nf
  21      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBdestroy\fR [\fB-fFs\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
       22 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBdestroy\fR [\fB-fFsv\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
  22   23  .fi
  23   24  
  24   25  .LP
  25   26  .nf
  26      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBlist\fR [\fB-a\fR | \fB-ds\fR] [\fB-H\fR] [\fIbeName\fR]
       27 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBlist\fR [\fB-a\fR | \fB-ds\fR] [\fB-H\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fIbeName\fR]
  27   28  .fi
  28   29  
  29   30  .LP
  30   31  .nf
  31      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBmount\fR \fIbeName\fR \fImountpoint\fR
       32 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBmount\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fImountpoint\fR
  32   33  .fi
  33   34  
  34   35  .LP
  35   36  .nf
  36      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBunmount\fR [\fB-f\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fImountpoint\fR
       37 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBunmount\fR [\fB-fv\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fImountpoint\fR
  37   38  .fi
  38   39  
  39   40  .LP
  40   41  .nf
  41      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBrename\fR \fIbeName\fR \fInewBeName\fR
       42 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBrename\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fInewBeName\fR
  42   43  .fi
  43   44  
  44   45  .LP
  45   46  .nf
  46      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBactivate\fR \fIbeName\fR
       47 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBactivate\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR
  47   48  .fi
  48   49  
  49   50  .LP
  50   51  .nf
  51      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR \fIbeName\fR \fIsnapshot\fR
       52 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fIsnapshot\fR
  52   53  .fi
  53   54  
  54   55  .LP
  55   56  .nf
  56      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
       57 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
  57   58  .fi
  58   59  
  59   60  .SH DESCRIPTION
  60   61  The \fBbeadm\fR command is the user interface for managing zfs Boot
  61   62  Environments (BEs). This utility is intended to be used by System
  62   63  Administrators who want to manage multiple Solaris Instances on a single
  63   64  system.
  64   65  .sp
  65   66  The \fBbeadm\fR command supports the following operations:
  66   67  .RS +4
↓ open down ↓ 86 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 153  154  .ad
 154  155  .sp .6
 155  156  .RS 4n
 156  157  Displays command usage.
 157  158  .RE
 158  159  
 159  160  .sp
 160  161  .ne 2
 161  162  .na
 162  163  \fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR [\fB-a\fR] [\fB-d\fR \fIdescription\fR]
 163      -[\fB-e\fR \fInon-activeBeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR]
 164      -         [\fB-o\fR
 165      -\fIproperty=value\fR] ... [\fB-p\fR \fIzpool\fR] \fIbeName\fR
      164 +     [\fB-e\fR \fInon-activeBeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR]
      165 +     [\fB-o\fR \fIproperty=value\fR] ... [\fB-p\fR \fIzpool\fR]
      166 +     [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR
 166  167  
 167  168  .ad
 168  169  .sp .6
 169  170  .RS 4n
 170  171  Creates a new boot environment named \fIbeName\fR.  If the \fB-e\fR option is
 171  172  not
 172  173  provided, the new boot environment will be created as a clone of the
 173  174  currently
 174  175  running boot environment. If the \fB-d\fR option is provided then the
 175  176  description is
↓ open down ↓ 56 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 232  233  .ne 2
 233  234  .na
 234  235  \fB-p\fR \fIzpool\fR
 235  236  .ad
 236  237  .sp .6
 237  238  .RS 4n
 238  239  Create the new BE in the specified zpool.  If this is not provided, the
 239  240  default
 240  241  behavior is to create the new BE in the same pool as as the origin BE.
 241  242  .RE
      243 +.sp
      244 2
      246 +\fB-v\fR
      248 +.sp .6
      249 +.RS 4n
      250 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 242  251  .RE
      252 +.RE
 243  253  
 244  254  .sp
 245  255  .ne 2
 246  256  .na
 247      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
      257 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBcreate\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
 248  258  .ad
 249  259  .sp .6
 250  260  .RS 4n
 251  261  Creates a snapshot of the existing BE named beName.
      262 +.sp
      263 2
      265 +\fB-v\fR
      267 +.sp .6
      268 +.RS 4n
      269 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 252  270  .RE
      271 +.RE
 253  272  
 254  273  .sp
 255  274  .ne 2
 256  275  .na
 257      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBdestroy\fR [\fB-fFs\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
      276 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBdestroy\fR [\fB-fFsv\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
 258  277  .ad
 259  278  .sp .6
 260  279  .RS 4n
 261  280  Destroys the boot environment named \fIbeName\fR or destroys an existing
 262  281  snapshot of
 263  282  the boot environment named \fIbeName@snapshot\fR.  Destroying a
 264  283  boot environment
 265  284  will also destroy all snapshots of that boot environment.  Use
 266  285  this command
 267  286  with caution.
↓ open down ↓ 19 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 287  306  .sp
 288  307  .ne 2
 289  308  .na
 290  309  \fB-s\fR
 291  310  .ad
 292  311  .sp .6
 293  312  .RS 4n
 294  313  Destroy all snapshots of the boot
 295  314  environment.
 296  315  .RE
      316 +.sp
      317 2
      319 +\fB-v\fR
      321 +.sp .6
      322 +.RS 4n
      323 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 297  324  .RE
      325 +.RE
 298  326  
 299  327  .sp
 300  328  .ne 2
 301  329  .na
 302      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBlist\fR [\fB-a\fR | \fB-ds\fR] [\fB-H\fR] [\fIbeName\fR]
      330 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBlist\fR [\fB-a\fR | \fB-ds\fR] [\fB-H\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fIbeName\fR]
 303  331  .ad
 304  332  .sp .6
 305  333  .RS 4n
 306  334  Lists information about the existing boot environment named \fIbeName\fR, or
 307  335  lists
 308  336  information for all boot environments if \fIbeName\fR is not provided.
 309  337  The 'Active'
 310  338  field indicates whether the boot environment is active now,
 311  339  represented
 312  340  by 'N'; active on reboot, represented by 'R'; or both, represented
↓ open down ↓ 38 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 351  379  .sp
 352  380  .ne 2
 353  381  .na
 354  382  \fB-H\fR
 355  383  .ad
 356  384  .sp .6
 357  385  .RS 4n
 358  386  Do not list header information.  Each field in the list information is
 359  387  separated by a semicolon.
 360  388  .RE
      389 +.sp
      390 2
      392 +\fB-v\fR
      394 +.sp .6
      395 +.RS 4n
      396 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 361  397  .RE
      398 +.RE
 362  399  
 363  400  .sp
 364  401  .ne 2
 365  402  .na
 366      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBmount\fR \fIbeName\fR \fImountpoint\fR
      403 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBmount\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fImountpoint\fR
 367  404  .ad
 368  405  .sp .6
 369  406  .RS 4n
 370  407  Mounts a boot environment named beName at mountpoint.  mountpoint must be an
 371  408  already existing empty directory.
      409 +.sp
      410 2
      412 +\fB-v\fR
      414 +.sp .6
      415 +.RS 4n
      416 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 372  417  .RE
      418 +.RE
 373  419  
 374  420  .sp
 375  421  .ne 2
 376  422  .na
 377      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBunmount\fR [\fB-f\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fImountpoint\fR
      423 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBunmount\fR [\fB-fv\fR] \fIbeName\fR | \fImountpoint\fR
 378  424  .ad
 379  425  .sp .6
 380  426  .RS 4n
 381  427  Unmounts the boot environment named beName. The command can also be given a path to a
 382  428  beName mount point on the system.
 383  429  .sp
 384  430  .ne 2
 385  431  .na
 386  432  \fB-f\fR
 387  433  .ad
 388  434  .sp .6
 389  435  .RS 4n
 390  436  Forcefully unmount the boot environment even if its currently busy.
 391  437  .RE
      438 +.sp
      439 2
      441 +\fB-v\fR
      443 +.sp .6
      444 +.RS 4n
      445 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 392  446  .RE
      447 +.RE
 393  448  
 394  449  .sp
 395  450  .ne 2
 396  451  .na
 397      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBrename\fR \fIbeName\fR \fInewBeName\fR
      452 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBrename\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fInewBeName\fR
 398  453  .ad
 399  454  .sp .6
 400  455  .RS 4n
 401  456  Renames the boot environment named \fIbeName\fR to \fInewBeName\fR.
      457 +.sp
      458 2
      460 +\fB-v\fR
      462 +.sp .6
      463 +.RS 4n
      464 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 402  465  .RE
      466 +.RE
 403  467  
 404  468  .sp
 405  469  .ne 2
 406  470  .na
 407      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR \fIbeName\fR \fIsnapshot\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
      471 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBrollback\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR \fIsnapshot\fR | \fIbeName@snapshot\fR
 408  472  .ad
 409  473  .sp .6
 410  474  .RS 4n
 411  475  Roll back the boot environment named \fIbeName\fR to existing snapshot
 412  476  of the boot environment named \fIbeName@snapshot\fR.
      477 +.sp
      478 2
      480 +\fB-v\fR
      482 +.sp .6
      483 +.RS 4n
      484 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 413  485  .RE
      486 +.RE
 414  487  
 415  488  .sp
 416  489  .ne 2
 417  490  .na
 418      -\fBbeadm\fR \fBactivate\fR \fIbeName\fR
      491 +\fBbeadm\fR \fBactivate\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fIbeName\fR
 419  492  .ad
 420  493  .sp .6
 421  494  .RS 4n
 422  495  Makes beName the active BE on next reboot.
      496 +.sp
      497 2
      499 +\fB-v\fR
      501 +.sp .6
      502 +.RS 4n
      503 +Verbose mode. Displays verbose error messages from \fBbeadm\fR.
 423  504  .RE
      505 +.RE
 424  506  
 426  508  .LP
 427  509  The alternate BE location outside rpool/ROOT can be configured
 428  510  by modifying the BENAME_STARTS_WITH parameter in /etc/default/be.
 429  511  For example: BENAME_STARTS_WITH=rootfs
 430  512  
 431  513  .SH EXAMPLES
 432  514  .LP
 433  515  \fBExample 1\fR: Create a new BE named BE1, by cloning the current live BE.
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