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XXX Remove nawk(1)

*** 52,62 **** typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $obj | $NAWK '(NR != 1) {print $0}' } # # Get the given file/directory ACL # --- 52,62 ---- typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $obj | $AWK '(NR != 1) {print $0}' } # # Get the given file/directory ACL #
*** 67,77 **** typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -Vd $obj | $NAWK '(NR != 1) {print $0}' } # # Check the given two files/directories have the same ACLs # --- 67,77 ---- typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -Vd $obj | $AWK '(NR != 1) {print $0}' } # # Check the given two files/directories have the same ACLs #
*** 196,206 **** typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $obj | $NAWK '(NR == 1) {print $1}' | $GREP "+\>" > /dev/null return $? } # --- 196,206 ---- typeset obj=$1 if (( ${#obj} == 0 )); then return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $obj | $AWK '(NR == 1) {print $1}' | $GREP "+\>" > /dev/null return $? } #
*** 246,256 **** if [[ ! -e $1 ]]; then log_note "Need input file or directroy name." return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $1 | $NAWK 'BEGIN {count=0} (NR != 1)&&(/[0-9]:/) {count++} END {print count}' return 0 } --- 246,256 ---- if [[ ! -e $1 ]]; then log_note "Need input file or directroy name." return 1 fi ! $LS -vd $1 | $AWK 'BEGIN {count=0} (NR != 1)&&(/[0-9]:/) {count++} END {print count}' return 0 }