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XXX Remove nawk(1)

  28 file aware utility does not accept configuration or support files that are
  29 large files, it will cause no data loss or corruption upon encountering such
  30 files and will return an appropriate error.
  31 .sp
  32 .LP
  33 The following \fB/usr/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:
  34 .sp
  36 .sp
  37 .TS
  38 l l l l l
  39 l l l l l .
  40 \fBadb\fR       \fBaliasadm\fR  \fBawk\fR       \fBbdiff\fR     \fBcat\fR
  41 \fBchgrp\fR     \fBchmod\fR     \fBchown\fR     \fBcksum\fR     \fBcmp\fR
  42 \fBcompress\fR  \fBcp\fR        \fBcsh\fR       \fBcsplit\fR    \fBcut\fR
  43 \fBdd\fR        \fBdircmp\fR    \fBdu\fR        \fBegrep\fR     \fBfgrep\fR
  44 \fBfile\fR      \fBfind\fR      \fBftp\fR       \fBgetconf\fR   \fBgrep\fR
  45 \fBgzip\fR      \fBhead\fR      \fBjoin\fR      \fBjsh\fR       \fBksh\fR
  46 \fBksh93\fR     \fBln\fR        \fBls\fR        \fBmailcompat\fR        \fBmailstats\fR
  47 \fBmdb\fR       \fBmkdir\fR     \fBmkfifo\fR    \fBmore\fR      \fBmv\fR
  48 \fBnawk\fR      \fBpage\fR      \fBpaste\fR     \fBpathchck\fR  \fBpg\fR
  49 \fBpraliases\fR \fBrcp\fR       \fBremsh\fR     \fBrksh\fR      \fBrksh93\fR
  50 \fBrm\fR        \fBrmdir\fR     \fBrsh\fR       \fBsed\fR       \fBsh\fR
  51 \fBsort\fR      \fBsplit\fR     \fBsum\fR       \fBtail\fR      \fBtar\fR
  52 \fBtee\fR       \fBtest\fR      \fBtouch\fR     \fBtr\fR        \fBuncompress\fR
  53 \fBuudcode\fR   \fBuuencode\fR  \fBvacation\fR  \fBwc\fR        \fBzcat\fR
  54 .TE
  56 .sp
  57 .LP
  58 The following \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:
  59 .sp
  61 .sp
  62 .TS
  63 l l l l l
  64 l l l l l .
  65 \fBawk\fR       \fBcp\fR        \fBchgrp\fR     \fBchown\fR     \fBdu\fR
  66 \fBegrep\fR     \fBfgrep\fR     \fBfile\fR      \fBgrep\fR      \fBln\fR
  67 \fBls\fR        \fBmore\fR      \fBmv\fR        \fBrm\fR        \fBsed\fR
  68 \fBsh\fR        sort    tail    tr      

  28 file aware utility does not accept configuration or support files that are
  29 large files, it will cause no data loss or corruption upon encountering such
  30 files and will return an appropriate error.
  31 .sp
  32 .LP
  33 The following \fB/usr/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:
  34 .sp
  36 .sp
  37 .TS
  38 l l l l l
  39 l l l l l .
  40 \fBadb\fR       \fBaliasadm\fR  \fBawk\fR       \fBbdiff\fR     \fBcat\fR
  41 \fBchgrp\fR     \fBchmod\fR     \fBchown\fR     \fBcksum\fR     \fBcmp\fR
  42 \fBcompress\fR  \fBcp\fR        \fBcsh\fR       \fBcsplit\fR    \fBcut\fR
  43 \fBdd\fR        \fBdircmp\fR    \fBdu\fR        \fBegrep\fR     \fBfgrep\fR
  44 \fBfile\fR      \fBfind\fR      \fBftp\fR       \fBgetconf\fR   \fBgrep\fR
  45 \fBgzip\fR      \fBhead\fR      \fBjoin\fR      \fBjsh\fR       \fBksh\fR
  46 \fBksh93\fR     \fBln\fR        \fBls\fR        \fBmailcompat\fR        \fBmailstats\fR
  47 \fBmdb\fR       \fBmkdir\fR     \fBmkfifo\fR    \fBmore\fR      \fBmv\fR
  48 \fBpage\fR      \fBpaste\fR     \fBpathchck\fR  \fBpg\fR
  49 \fBpraliases\fR \fBrcp\fR       \fBremsh\fR     \fBrksh\fR      \fBrksh93\fR
  50 \fBrm\fR        \fBrmdir\fR     \fBrsh\fR       \fBsed\fR       \fBsh\fR
  51 \fBsort\fR      \fBsplit\fR     \fBsum\fR       \fBtail\fR      \fBtar\fR
  52 \fBtee\fR       \fBtest\fR      \fBtouch\fR     \fBtr\fR        \fBuncompress\fR
  53 \fBuudcode\fR   \fBuuencode\fR  \fBvacation\fR  \fBwc\fR        \fBzcat\fR
  54 .TE
  56 .sp
  57 .LP
  58 The following \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:
  59 .sp
  61 .sp
  62 .TS
  63 l l l l l
  64 l l l l l .
  65 \fBawk\fR       \fBcp\fR        \fBchgrp\fR     \fBchown\fR     \fBdu\fR
  66 \fBegrep\fR     \fBfgrep\fR     \fBfile\fR      \fBgrep\fR      \fBln\fR
  67 \fBls\fR        \fBmore\fR      \fBmv\fR        \fBrm\fR        \fBsed\fR
  68 \fBsh\fR        sort    tail    tr